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29 points
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11 points
Team LEISURE (Pro division) is looking for an experienced defenseman, preferable LD. Currently you will be serving as a backup for ECL, but might get some playing time if doing good in normal EASHL games. PM if interested.9 points
Liebe DACH-Community, die Hauptrunde der GCL7 ist nun Geschichte und Woche 5 brachte mal wieder einige Höhepunkte mit sich. Eine der engsten Regular Seasons der vergangenen Jahre nimmt ein Ende und hat mit dem ZSC Esports erstmalig nicht Team Leisure (ehemals BRAYCE bzw. Deadly Phantoms) an der Tabellenspitze. Wir sahen viele Tore, Big Hits und Saves, Überraschungen und auch erwartet dominantes Auftreten der Top Teams der Liga. Leider konnten wir in all der Zeit nicht alle individuellen Leistungen gebührend küren. Aber im Folgenden wollen wir euch ein letztes Mal die Players of the Week und dieses Schmankerl von @Timasy präsentieren! Goalie: @RPH_31(Team LEISURE) Das Urgestein der DACH-Community ist zum Abschluss der Hauptrunde unser Goalie der Woche. Patrick "Raphi" Braun trug sein Team mit einem Gegentorschnitt von 1,33 durch die letzten drei Matchups der Regular Season. Dabei gelang dem Österreicher ein Shutout gegen Thunder United und auch gegen den ECDC Memmingen Esports und The Black Jacks musste die Nummer 31 maximal zweimal hinter sich greifen. Nach dieser starken Woche beförderte er sich mit seiner Fangquote von knapp 86% an die Spitze der ligaweiten Goalie-Stats (von Torhütern die mindestens die Hälfte der Ligaspiele absolvierten) und bestätigt seine starken Leistungen der Vergangenheit. Pünktlich zum Playoffstart läuft Braun in seiner gewohnten Topform auf und supported seine Kollegen mit all seiner Ruhe und Routine. Bei einem erwartet langen Playoffrun kann sich Team LEISURE blind auf seinen Schlussmann verlassen! Defender: @GERxVillain (noRex Gaming) Christian Ungeheuer mauserte sich in den vergangenen 12 Monaten zu einem der spielstärksten Verteidiger der Community. Der Assistant-Captain von noRex Gaming besticht durch kluge Pässe und einer exzellenten Shot Selection. Der Linksverteidiger assistierte in der vergangenen Woche gleich 5 Tore - sehr auffällig ist hier, dass GERxVillain außergewöhnlich viele Primary Assists erzielt und damit seine Sturmkollegen ideal in Szene setzen kann. Seine 5 Takeaways beim 6:1 Erfolg über Hyperion unterstreichen gutes defensives Positioning, welches von cleveren offensiven Nadelstichen abgerundet wird. Gemeinsam mit @Paddyy1903bildet er ein eingespieltes Duo und sucht mit One Timern und Schlenzern an den langen Pfosten immer wieder den Weg zum Tor. Ungeheuer ist Denker und Lenker auf dem virtuellen Eis und unser Verteidiger der Woche. Forward: @Original-SnuS (ZSC Esports) Der Topscorer der Liga wird in Woche 5 der GCL7 unser Angreifer der Woche. Der Captain der Zürcher Löwen spielt eine seiner punktbesten Saisons und packte zum Ende der regulären Spielzeit noch einmal überragende 18 Punkte in 6 Spielen aus. Sei es als Torschütze oder Assistgeber - Sven Julmi profitiert von einer gutem Teamchemie und stark aufspielenden Teamkollegen und hat auch am Bullykreis im jeden Spiel der vergangenen Woche die Oberhand behalten. So assistierte er beim 3:0 Hinspielsieg über noRex Gaming alle Tore und steuerte beim Sieg über Thunder United gleich 5 von 7 möglichen Torbeteiligungen bei. OriginaL-SnuS entwickelt sich im Zürcher Spiel zum perfekten Bindeglied zwischen Defensive und Offensive und scheint in der Form seines Lebens zu sein. Setzt er diesen Trend fort winkt dem ZSC Esports der womöglich erste GCL-Titel. Performance of the Week: @Jaks_10 (iNSANiTY) Jani Sallila, Leihspieler des Aufsteigers iNSANiTY, absolvierte beim 7:2 Sieg über die Herforder Ice Dragons unsere Performance der Woche. Der Finne zauberte 2 Tore und 4 Assists auf das Parkett und entschied so das Abstiegsendspiel zwischen Tabellenplatz 13 und 14 zu seinen Gunsten. Mit dem Sieg vermied iNSANiTY den direkten Abstieg und schoss die Esportler des HEV in die zweite Division der deutschsprachigen Meisterschaft. Ein satter Schuss ins lange Eck brachte die so wichtige 1:0 Führung, ehe die Eidgenossen die Führung auf 3:0 ausbauen konnte. Jaks_10 lief im letzten Abschnitt zur Hochform auf und baute die Führung mit 3 Vorlagen aus und schob zum 7:2 Endstand ein. Der Lizenzspieler hält den Traum vom Klassenerhalt am Leben! Die Power Rankings ergeben sich durch die Spiele, welche im Zeitraum vom 14.03. bis 18.03.2021 gespielt wurden. erstellt von @Franky__2768 Das Ranking wird auf der Basis erstellt indem man die Ergebnisse gegen die Stärke der Gegner gewichtet. Zum Beispiel ein Team, welches 4-0-0 gegen Teams aus dem unteren Ende der Division gespielt hat wird eventuell unter einem Team platziert, welches diese Woche 0-4-0 gegen die Besten der Division gespielt hat. 1. ZSC Esports (6-0-0) 2. Team LEISURE (6-0-0) 3. Central Hockey Canucks (4-2-1) 4. ECDC Memmingen eSports (2-3-3) 5. Hyperion (3-1-0) 6. The Black Jacks (1-1-4) 7. Inter Iceland (4-0-0) 8. noRex Gaming (1-4-1) 9. EISFORCE Hockey (7-0-1) 10. UKnighted HC (5-4-1) 11. Thunder United (2-6-0) 12. DEG eSports (1-4-1) 13. iNSANiTY (4-2-3) 14. Herforder Ice Dragons (1-4-1)8 points
5 points
KAJAK Esports (Lite) is looking for Finnish speaking: Starting LD Contact me on PSN or here: Jaks_105 points
Free Rd, Maby rw/c any level.. G - pro (elite) ((top lite)) 😊 Msg psn: eissi83 Discord: eissi83 #47604 points
Hello. Free G or F. I’m looking for ECL team (core and higher). Write here or psn: McLaren8_3 points
Saucer Hockey is looking for a right defenseman and a backup goalie. We're going to qualify for Lite, we've spent previous seasons in Lite as well. We do have few requirements that you have to pass if you're interested to join the team. You have to be over 20,5 years old (exceptions can be made, rarely.) You have to own a working microphone and you have to talk during games. If you're shy, we are not the team for you. You have to have WhatsApp on your mobile deviceand use it on a daily basis. If you are a fan of Tappara, you are already in a disadvantage. That's all, I thought that the list would be a lot longer. - Bantubox3 points
3 points
Hello NHLGamers, This article will be a bit detail-heavy and if you're new to the ECL this article will most likely not answer all of your questions. The intention of this article is to bring clarity to the upcoming ECL 12 season; When will it be played? When can I sign up? Who is qualified for what level? Due to the introduction of our new Core division and the restructuring of other divisions coming with that this season, we are now launching signups exceptionally early in order to ensure proper time for qualifiers that need to take place before the regular season starts. That is also why the signups will be concluded in two various groups, as instructed below: Sign-up period 1: 23.3-7.4, applies to ECL Elite ECL Pro ECL Lite ECL Pro Qualifier ECL Lite Qualifier Sign-up period 2: 23.3-19.4, applies to ECL Core ECL Neo When the signup window for ECL Elite, Pro, Lite and the Qualifiers has shut, we will be ready to start the preseason qualifiers in order to determine who will land at which level and to ensure the maximum competitiveness of each division. Here's a layout of the season schedule starting with the Qualifiers: ECL Pro & ECL Lite Qualifiers 14.4-29.4 Regular Season Kick-Off Dates: ECL Neo 25.4 ECL Core 2.5 ECL Lite 9.5 ECL Pro 20.5 ECL Elite 24.5 Playoff Dates: ECL Neo 30.5-4.7. ECL Core 6.6-16.7 ECL Lite 13.6-18.7 ECL Pro 28.6-28.7 ECL Elite 5.7-31.7. All dates are preliminary, but according to current plans. We realize that a lot of the season will be played during the beautiful summer months, so we ask that teams take this into account and make sure there are enough players on the roster to complete the season successfully. There will be a midsummer break from June 24th to the 27th during which no games will be scheduled. In ECL 12, Neo will continue acting as the entry level into competitive virtual hockey and with that, will continue at the pace of two gamedays each week. Our other divisions will run at the pace of three weekly gamedays with Elite also hosting three broadcasts weekly. Gamedays: ECL Neo Wednesday Sunday ECL Core Tuesday Thursday Sunday ECL Lite Tuesday Wednesday Sunday ECL Pro Monday Tuesday Thursday ECL Elite Monday Wednesday Thursday ECL 12 divisions framework: ECL Elite: 16 teams Sign up: ECL Elite eligible teams Regular season: One group Playoffs: 8 teams Best-of-7 Gamedays: Monday Wednesday Thursday Prize pool: TBA ECL Pro: 32 teams Sign up: ECL Pro eligible teams Open spots will be decided based on Qualifiers Regular season: Two groups Playoffs: 16 teams Best-of-7 Gamedays: Monday Tuesday Thursday ECL Lite: 64 teams Sign up: ECL Lite eligible teams Open spots will be decided based on the Qualifiers Regular season: 4 Groups of 16 teams Playoffs: 32 teams Best-of-7 Gamedays: Tuesday Wednesday Sunday ECL Core: 128 teams Sign up: Without restrictions (but capped at 128) Regular season: 8 groups of 16 Playoffs: TBD Best-of-7 Gamedays: Tuesday Thursday Sunday ECL Neo: 32+ teams Sign up: Without restrictions Regular season: TBD Playoffs: TBD Best-of-5 Gamedays: Wednesday Sunday Then, the information you've all been eagerly waiting for - here are the teams that will be eligible for the ECL 12 Pro and Lite Qualifiers: Pro Qualifier teams: Lite Qualifier teams: Note about the ECL 12 Lite Qualification Tournament: During the preparation of the new ECL 12 season, we noticed that the transition qualifier that we previously introduced for the ECL 12 Lite season had a small error. We failed to take the Wildcard teams into consideration in our math for the qualifiers which would have lead to an 68 team Lite division. We will still use the previously announced system we mentioned in our structure article, but we will be making a small adjustment: The playoff line will be moved from above the 7th seed to above the 6th seed. This means that the top 5 teams out of each qualifying group has a chance to continue to play for the ECL Lite promotion, while the 6th-8th ranked teams in each group will solidify their spot in the Core division. We apologize for the miscalculation while creating the new system, but we still believe that having a chance to fight for the ECL Lite promotion as a 5th ranked team in your individual group still gives you a very fair chance to make it. Below you'll find an updated image of the ECL 12 Lite Qualification tournament. We have also updated the original news story with the corrected information. Gauging interest for an ECL Warm-up tournament Due to the combination of sign-ups, qualifiers and the staggered start of the different divisions, some teams might find themselves waiting for the season start longer than they would want. This is why we are gauging the interest towards a short ECL Warm-up tournament where teams get their chance to get some games in as they prepare for the upcoming season. If you think this would be something your team would be interested in - please leave a comment below! Edit: Due to technical reasons, the sign-up start has been moved to March 23rd. Edit 2: The order of the Pro Qualifier teams has been fixed for clarity on the seeding order, as per the original Division and Promotion Structure documentation.2 points
Today the final games of our tournament were played and we are congratulating our winner - Russian Lightning! During two weeks we played 12 matches in a group stage and 7 matches in a playoff. For us as a new team was really good experience to try ourself in a more challenging games and also watch other teams playing. Unfortunately for us tournament ended already in a 1/4 where we lost to the future champion in a thrilling overtime of a third game in best of 3 series, but we got positive emotions even from that loss. Another tough clash we watched in a 1/2 where Kateismaksu, who was unbeatable in a Group 2, lost 1:2 to HC SHH, the second in Group 1. Thanks for everyone involved, good luck in future tournaments and see you again! These are the results of our games: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xsVSp0G0xiGTMLSN0FjINhk2QMINaI86DAv7nRxCDgE/edit?usp=sharing2 points
PRO SOPPAJENGI (former rpeat) is now looking for 50/50 or backup players for every position because of summer ecl. We prefer finnish players. Msg me here or @Kozek77on psn2 points
Barys Esports looking for Forward (C/RW) for ECL 12 Pro/Lite and RCL 8 Pro. Our lineup consists of Russians/Finns from Pro and Lite with high ambitions for both the ECL and RCL. Having at least "Pro starter" status (16+games in ECL 11 Pro or 20+ games in ECL 10 Pro) is required, as we will try to qualify as a wildcard team for the Pro qualifiers. You should be able to communicate in either English, Russian or Finnish. Contact either me or @MAYZIIX2 points
As @J-Foppa says above, there are lots of factors at play when deciding on the timelines of leagues and tournaments. ECL is the biggest NHL esports league in the world and we do our best to give players of all levels an enjoyable experience. This is why we've put an enormous effort into the divisional system, rulebook and broadcasting. The audience and players (ideally) only see the success of our work we put in and not the hundreds or thousands of hours that perhaps could have resulted in something amazing, but didn't bear fruit. We've been asked for communication on leagues and tournaments earlier ahead of time and this is feedback that we take seriously and something that also makes our own lives easier. Our original plan was to run the FCL and SCL in the gap that all Finns and Swedes have been experiencing after the ECL 11 season, simultaneously with the GCL, WECL etc. Unfortunately that plan didn't pan out. We were unable to guarantee the FCL and SCL at the capacity that the players have come to expect, so we made the decision together with our prospective partners to aim for the end of the NHL 21 lifecycle with regard to the Finnish and Swedish Championships, in other words after ECL 12. Our goal for NHL 22 is to change this order into ECL 13 - FCL/GCL/SCL - ECL 14. While it on the surface level can look like very little has happened since the end of the ECL 11 season, a lot of time has gone into reflecting on the previous seasons, improving our routines, introducing new policies, planning ahead and working on securing long-term partnerships that enable us to plan a year ahead rather than 3 months. Honestly, in my opinion that's the only way we can keep developing our ecosystem and creating the best leagues and tournaments in the world. Your feedback is welcome, as always - I just ask you to try to keep in mind that the planning of these leagues and tournaments nowadays is slightly more complicated than drawing a rectangle into the calendar. The demand for high prize pools, more broadcasts and high quality content is always rising and in this case that has meant more preparation than ever.2 points
Wanna join wolfpack? 🐺 Sulkavan Sudet (PRO) We are still looking for backup C/RW! Playing time guaranteed. If u heard howls, contact me here or PSN: Jusa-Masa and our alpha @Oxdoggi2 points
Free RD. Lite/Pro. Looking for motivated team. I have only one year experience from ECL, but otherwise lot in NHL. 23 yo, from Finland. PSN: imppu11 point
Free rd , ecl lite. I play everyday. Rdy for tryouts. Contact me psn: Janucek1 point
Moro! HC GOLDEN WARRIORS Etsii joukkueeseen Vp/Op joka pystyisi pelaamaan n 4krt viikkoon ainaskin! Joukkueessamme on hyvä ilmapiiri ja joukkueemme ikähaarukka on 16-47 Ja neoon mennää ja yhdessä noustaa Psn: Verokarhu711 point
Update : Need goalie for upcoming tournaments!1 point
🔥REIGN🔥 The first team is looking for a Goalie to share the goalie duties 50/50, we will be applying for Lite qualifiers and a few tournaments before that. We play almost all days of the week, except for "kaljapäivät"(eg. Friday and Saturday). What we expect of you: - To have some experience from ECL/FCL - Have a mic and be able to communicate - To be available 2-3 days a week - To speak finnish What we offer you: - A relaxed group with great teamwork - Quality games and even better jokes - End of the year drinks, at our crazy end of the season party If you're interested, send us a PM on twitter: ReignEASHL OR psn: hifk_FANI, messages here will be deleted.1 point
Up! Atm we dont have a goalie at all, so atleast one or maybe two goalies will get in. You have a chance to be a starter in Elite. We expect you to have atleast some good old Pro-experience. You can contact Terodee on PSN or Discord terodee#4380 and lets see what happens! 🐸1 point
SOPPAJENGI IN: @Kozek77 @Mehiiss @egoapina @ssampee37 @Jonitski 🍻🍹🍾1 point
Free G Elite/Top pro Previous team Sjgaming/Poggers Time to find something new! Contact psn Hiatala_1 point
Tic tac toes (lite) Lookin for goalie. Contact psn (l4nnisto) or (Artuzio) for more info.1 point
Free LW RW both hands but prefer RW Looking for team to play in ECL Division doesn't matter backup is ok too if i have playtime Have experiences from Pro Lite Neo I m very active can play almost everiday For or more Info contact me here or PSN i_Lykke_i1 point
Dark Zone ( core ) is looking for couple more players for ECL and club games. We usually play at 20-23 cet clock. We need LW/RW with the ability to move the puck and wisely playing RD ( big + if you can play LD too ) Contact me / Bloodymess_666 / TontooFin or someone else1 point
Free G Psn:esko-etikka https://nhlgamer.com/players/34951 point
German eSports Club is looking for a Goalie. We play the qualification for the ECL Lite, we are looking for a second goalie besides our goalie, but he will get as many assignments. The games will be split 50/50. If you are interested please send us a short private message. Greetings Herford Ice Dragons eSports1 point
HC Golden Warrios: Etsii 1OL ja varahyökkääjiä1 point
TuTo Esports We are still looking for: LW/C (right handed stick) u are our fourth forward, still ecl time guaranteed. And one back up defenceman LD/RD Contact @Samzoni or PSN: Samzoni1 point
YMCA Esports (ELITE) Looking for GOALIES. We hope that u have competive mindset and ready to fight for starting position. U need to have PRO OR ELITE EXPERIENCE. Also looking for STARTING LD . On D we prefer player who would have ELITE OR TOP PRO EXPERIENCE. If ur interested pm me on Discord: Jm98II#9453 Twitter: Jm98II or here1 point
1 point
UPPIA ISOSTI! Lutunilkat etsii edelleen toista maalivahtia Myllyksen aisapariksi. Tarjoamme sinulle erinomaisen alustan kehittyä pelaajana, sekä ollaan oikeesti ihan hyviä tyyppejä. Peliaika taattu turnauksissa ja harjoituspeleissä. Toivomme, että luet ylläolevan lainatun tekstin ennen kuin laitat hakemusta meille. Discordissa Nikke#2083 tai PSN-ID lutuniemi. Kerrothan hakemuksessa hieman itsestäsi, ikäsi, mahdollisen ECL-historiastasi, joku hyvä vitsi ja lempi NHL-joukkueesi.1 point
Hello everyone! I am back ❤️👋🏻 Free g/d for Pro or Elite pm me here or psn: kogen_fake1 point
Hello dear NHLGamer Community. We at HEV eSports are starting a fundraising campaign for the German organisation "Hockey is Diversity", which campaigns against racism and discrimination in ice hockey. We have called on all German ice hockey clubs from the 3 professional leagues to donate a jersey with signatures, which will then be auctioned off and 100% of the proceeds from this auction will be donated. The reaction of the teams is mostly very positive and we get good feedback, now we had the idea to reach the teams from the rest of Europe via the NHLGamer community and to offer even more diversity to the campaign. Therefore, we ask you to send your club a short email with a short overview of the promotion, if they have further questions about it or are interested, they are welcome to write to [email protected] and get all the details of the promotion from us. If it is too inconvenient for you, you can also simply link your club in our Instagram post https://www.instagram.com/p/CMKW_dtlt34/ and we will write to them personally. If you want to donate a little something, here is the donation link: https://www.paypal.me/pools/c/8xxZ8IX7OR Greetings Hohner Tobias Herford Ice Dragons eSports1 point
I think racism and discrimination is a very important issue. Since this is about banning these abhorrent things from hockey, I don't see it as a political call.1 point
Ringette HC is looking for starter RW/RD. We are going to participate in Pro qualifiers for ECL 12. contact me here or psn: santtu33331 point
As an action towards the instances of improper and unacceptable behavior in our community, we will be updating our rulebook(s) and community guidelines to set clear expectations and a code of conduct that is to be followed in all interactions around our community. A clear-cut guideline on what type of behavior will not be tolerated and what might be the repercussions of such actions. At NHLGamer, we want to ensure a fair, safe, and inclusive environment for gamers of all ages, genders, and backgrounds. We are tremendously proud of the community that we all have built together so far but know that we can do even better by being even better towards each other. In the process of working to enable this type of environment, we need to have rules in place and will occasionally have to give out suspensions to our users. This is not something we enjoy doing but is necessary to preserve the integrity of the rulebook and the game. Our ideology has always been and will continue to be, that when someone crosses the line – our main priority is to put a stop to it and then educate the team/individual and everyone else in the community about why the action in question is wrong and unacceptable. The purpose of punishment is to drive the point home, to ensure actions have consequences, and to discourage teams/individuals from repeating their offense(s). In short, rules are there for a reason, and should you break them you will be punished. And, hopefully, learn from it. While different cultural and educational backgrounds do not make inappropriate behavior acceptable, it can sometimes create gaps in how different people interpret a situation. Like we mentioned above, two of the integral goals of our community are inclusion and education. That means we will also do our best to understand the reasoning for the behavior of a person who breaks our rules, to make sure we give them the best opportunity to learn from their mistake and not repeat it - not just because of the fear of punishment, but to make them understand why it is not acceptable. If the user does not learn from their mistake, though - we do reserve the right to more severe punishment. It is an instinctual reaction in many of us to want to punish someone who breaks the rules we as a society – or, in this case, community – set out for ourselves. It can even be tempting to, if the rule transgression is egregious enough, banish the rule-breaker in question forever and purge him or her from sight and mind. But is that the thing that puts the individual on a path to fixing their actions? To making things right? While the most extreme of cases might call for such a decision, it should not be a quick-trigger action. At the same time, a rulebook cannot – and should not – be written under the assumption that a perceived softness in punishment will not be abused. So, how do we find the medium between these two ‘extremes’, as it were? In order to make this process as transparent and fair as possible, we are working to set a standard on how these cases will be determined. Here is an example of how it could look*: First offense, 2 weeks - 3 months Second offense, 6 months to 1+ year Third offense will cause a minimum of 3 years and up to a permanent community and league participation ban *Note: This is a work-in-process example. This will only be used on serious matters. We reserve the right to go higher depending on intent. We will also be adding rules about apparel on broadcasts and socials: No tobacco, alcohol, drugs, nudity, hateful or otherwise inappropriate text, logos, or images No discrimination No brands that compete with our partners** **Exceptions can be made in the case of team partners On a more general level, we are not satisfied with the efficiency that we were able to handle support tickets, especially on the League Administrative side during ECL 11 and the goal of our work in preparing for the next season is to mitigate the bottlenecks that lead to this situation. The reasons behind the long turn-around time on some of the tickets were e.g. A large number of tickets compared to the size of available support staff Partially insufficient tools at the disposal of some of the support staff A need for better-defined rules in some cases that would have helped resolve cases more efficiently and perhaps avoided a support ticket in the first place Please do not misinterpret this as distrust towards our rulebook. We are proud of our rulebook, but like any rulebook, it requires updates, further specifications, and re-evaluating certain aspects due to changes to the game, changes to public opinion, and the growth and needs of our community. Finally, while we have no intention of becoming the internet police, we do take our role as one of the leading entities in this community seriously. We do want to educate when and where we can and continue to make this space a safe and welcoming one for people from all walks of life. Therefore, we will be looking to partner with different types of third-party organizations in the future to help give our members access to useful, well-researched information from people that are actual experts on subjects like racism, sexism, depression, and addiction. This will require time and research as we do not intend to simply stamp a logo on something, believing that solves the issue at hand. In the end, we will always be open to continued feedback, criticisms, and suggestions. We are not perfect, nor will we ever be. But we can always try to do better. And we will.1 point
NHLGamers, The ECL 11 Elite season was an exceptional run of virtual hockey in more ways than one. Not only are we living in a time of the world where many of us are confined to staying home in an attempt to keep ourselves and the ones around us safe, but we might also me finding new interests or time to put into our existing ones. Despite COVID-19 torturing the world for an extended period of time already, it has alongside the challenges posed, opened up a great amount of opportunities for our scene and has potentially served as a growth catalyst. Not only the times are exceptional, but so are the individuals at the ECL Elite level too. ECL 11 Elite was a record-breaking parade for eventual champion FILADELPHIA, who set a new regular season wins & point total record while also setting a new regular season shutout record (@ICappeI) in the process. There's no denying how supreme the black and orange currently reign and with this season recap, as customary, we'll be taking a look back at the good, the bad and the ugly of the ECL 11 Elite season. In order to serve as a baseline, here is how the teams ranked to end the season, with our season preview ranking for reference: 1. FILADELPHIA (2nd) 2. hREDS (1st) 3. HAVU Gaming (3rd) 4. JYP Jyvaskyla (5th) 5. Farjestad BK (8th) 6. Northern Ascendancy (9th) 7. Vesa Pompa (11th) 8. Roots (4th) 9. SJ Gaming (13th) 10. KOVA Esports (7th) 11. SAWO Esports (14th) 12. YMCA Esports (6th) 13. Gotham Knights (10th) 14. Team Leisure (12th) 15. Conquer Gaming (16th) 16. Dark Horse (15th) *Final ECL 11 Elite position, playoff teams ranked by playoff wins Some quite bold predictions were made, but except for a few major anomalies, the general outlook of the predictions are quite close in comparison to the final results. Now when assessing a teams performance, obviously the bottom line is the finishing position, but we need to remember that in a division like ECL 11 Elite with the 16 top teams of Europe, if not the world, the margins are incredibly slim from time to time. The topics that were discussed when it comes to the cream of the crop - namely HAVU Gaming and hREDS - prior to the season were mainly whether HAVU could keep their level of performance after making a roster change for the first time since ECL 8 and if hREDS would finally fulfill their full potential. What goes for FILADELPHIA, we knew that we'd be getting their usual solid and stable effort that seems to have reached an all time high this season. Then, when it comes to the rest of the playoff teams, there are a lot of opinions but I suppose most people have a general idea of the few "segments" in the Elite division and while we'd be beating a dead horse by continuing the discussion on that note, we'll be focusing on the trends over the course of the season. POWER RANKINGS - SEASON TRENDS The above graph describing how teams have fared in the power rankings over the course of the season gives a decent idea of the form each team managed to keep up from week to week. Keep in mind that each week is evaluated as a completely individual entity, not only amount of collected points matter, but also perceived difficulty of schedule. Regular season The first week of the regular season served as a great taste of what was to come throughout the season and it was surely good to see an unprecedented amount of talent in the booth with all of Cody @Tougie24 Tougas, Paul @Cyn Anderson, Nick @f5penguin DiMeo, Drew Golfdarb, Arttu @OLVARI Hämäläinen and Julius Sorjonen stepping up to provide their insight along with highlight reel calls throughout the season. Our very first featured matchup of the season unbeknownst to anyone at that point served as a preview for the finals with FILADELPHIA and hREDS going head-to-head and eventually splitting victories to kick it all off. On top of that, JYP Jyvaskyla and Farjestad BK showcased a long awaited rematch of last seasons upset rivalry, also splitting the wins, showing just how tough the battle ahead would be for all sixteen teams involved. Later on in the week, Joona @jm98II Muona scored a goal-of-the-season candidate against hREDS and Oskari @SibeIius Grönroos got his first goal of the season simultaneously being the first 6th skater goal of the campaign. FILADELPHIA, hREDS and HAVU Gaming started their seasons strong with YMCA Esports and SJ Gaming trailing close behind after an equally successful first week. All in all, a first week full of surprises led to SJ Gaming and Vesa Pompa somewhat surprisingly topping the tables. As we've seen over and over again in this division - nothing lasts forever, because HAVU Gaming or FILADELPHIA will take it away, which is exactly what happened causing the celebration of SJ Gaming and Vesa Pompa to be rather short-lived. Some highlights at this point of the season were definitely the clash between Swedish rivals Vesa Pompa and Farjestad BK that ended up being a split in a low-scoring matchup. At the top of the table, HAVU had managed to stay undefeated for eight games straight, whereas FILADELPHIA duo Erik @Eki Tammenpää and Paul @PleeMaker Arontie hovered at an impressive pace of 3 points per games and topping the stats after their first ten outings of the season. Notably, FILADELPHIA suffered their only regulation loss of the season at the hands of SJ Gaming at this point, in their fourth matchup of the campaign. Heading into the third week of the regular season, we knew that the midway point was nearing and with that also a holiday break that could do some good for some struggling teams. It was the week of goaltenders and former ones, as we broadcasted the third matchup of the season for Roots rookie netminder Kasper @Kaz_zu Ramstedt when his team went up against YMCA Esports and the youngster did not disappoint, securing a double shutout and some crucial points for his squad. Elsewhere, it was also becoming apparent that another rookie, Vesa Pompa signing Filip @Faze91- Azri had shown up to play and stay at the top, punching his ticket for the goalie of the season race. Remember that notion about former goalies? Well, Hannes @Hansulinho Kettunen topped the scoring tables - take that, doubters. Coming back from a well deserved holiday break, it was apparent that Farjestad BK were going hard for the playoffs, a big week for the Swedes skyrocketed their position in the standings and despite matching up against some lower ranked teams, they surely did their due diligence by securing the points up for grabs. At this stage, Gotham Knights also had their little rays of light in an otherwise rather forgettable season, coming off an already good third week, they managed to steal a point from FILADELPHIA and got to see their defenseman Timi @Rimpe Rimpeläinen top the points by defensemen-table for a while, however with Roots' Väinö @vSilenttio Pietilä in hot pursuit. Rolling into the last two weeks of the season, we had a general idea of a few teams being ready for the playoffs, whereas some others were struggling mightily and were perhaps already preparing for eventual relegation battles. One of the struggling teams were SAWO ESPORTS, who hadn't been able to find their game throughout the season, but got some wind under their wings with big performances by long-time goaltender Juuso @Juizki Nikkinen, who managed to keep up a 249 minute and 17 second shutout streak, which might me an ECL Elite record. The battle for those last playoff spots was raging hard as ever and going into the last week, it was looking like Northern Ascendancy and Roots would manage to edge out the competition, being mainly SJ Gaming and KOVA Esports. As it all was said and done, no major changes in the standings occurred over the last few gamedays and we finished the season with as usual - the eight best teams going into the playoffs. Playoffs The ECL 11 Elite quarterfinals kicked off hot with a few very interesting matchups, with the one stealing most of the spotlight being the rematch between JYP Jyvaskyla (4th) and Farjestad BK (5th). The ECL 10 upset, where FBK rocked the division by eliminating #1 seed JYP was truly fresh in our memories and we were anxious to find out how the story would continue. Make no mistake - some tension was evident at the start of the series, but it was quickly made clear that this time, the story would be different and to no surprise, JYP Jyvaskyla managed to redeem themselves advancing to a semifinal matchup against none other than FILADELPHIA, who had made easy work of Northern Ascendancy (as they should have) in their quarterfinal bout. After a worrying colder run to finish off the last week of the regular season, HAVU Gaming was seen going up against Roots in the quarterfinals in the black and green battle, making quick work of the for now weaker Roots squad. The fourth and final quarterfinal matchup was also a rather one-sided show, between hREDS and Vesa Pompa, who really managed to prove us wrong this season by clawing their way into the playoffs. The semifinals were exciting all around, but the thunder was surely stolen by HAVU Gaming - hREDS, which ended up being the headline matchup. Despite their struggles, HAVU didn't look out of place at this stage of the season and had all the tools even to hoist the cup eventually, but hREDS were even better with their overpowering offensive strength and stellar play in net by experienced Mika @FinKonna Paasikontu. JYP Jyvaskyla were in over their heads trying to challenge the record-breaking FILADELPHIA squad but were after all able to keep every game close, coming just short in each battle. Eventually, two strong contenders entered the finals and if the season had been exceptional up to this point, this matchup stayed on that path. We're so used to seeing the two juggernauts FILADELPHIA and HAVU battle it out that hREDS were a very welcome breath of fresh air. The games were entertaining as they tend to be when the two most skilled teams clash, but unfortunately for the audience, the series was short lived. Whereas hREDS had been named the most skilled team in the league, FILADELPHIA is the strongest unit and there's no denying that. The time spent together with that group has gelled them into a true ECL dynasty, which is what pushed them to a clear ECL 11 Elite Championship. If you missed the finals, here's the broadcast of game 4 and all the celebration that ensued: AWARDS 🏆 Top 6 of ECL 11 Elite Joakim @Joukki Nyholm - Joonas @Patzlaf Paatiala - Erik @Eki Tammenpää Tuukka @Tuukka.R Röpelinen - Aleksi @loimmu Loimuvirta Casper @ICappeI Lundgren Most Points: Joakim @Joukki Nyholm, hREDS, 46 Goals, 55 Assists, 101 Points in 44 games Most Goals: Joakim @Joukki Nyholm, hREDS, 46 Goals, 55 Assists, 101 Points in 44 games Most Assists: Perttu @Beniittto Kemppainen, hREDS, 27 Goals, 70 Assists, 97 Points in 44 games Most Hits by a Forward: Christoffer @I-Maise-I Berntsson, Farjestad BK, 183 Hits in 36 games Best +/-: Aleksi @loimmu Loimuvirta, FILADELPHIA, +64 in 43 games Most Points by a Defenseman: Tuukka @Tuukka.R Röpelinen, hREDS, 18 Goals, 30 Assists, 48 Points in 44 games Most Goals by a Defenseman: Tuukka @Tuukka.R Röpelinen, hREDS, 18 Goals, 30 Assists, 48 Points in 44 games Most Assists by a Defenseman: Teemu @Xteemuz Polttila, hREDS, 8 Goals, 33 Assists, 41 Points in 44 games Most Hits by a Defenseman: Ari @FakiiR1 Palviainen, KOVA Esports, 200 Hits in 30 games Best goaltender (SV%): Johan @McSavid Rundqvist, Farjestad BK, 326 saves on 397 shots, SV% 82,12 in 36 games1 point
Hotbox IN: @Sluibaaja_88 from Oulunsalo Ht @XtraFat from FA @Tykylevits from Night Shift Hockey Welcome to Smoketown guys! OUT: @kemppainen39 to Sticklifters @valta15 to Nordic Blizzard @Randomjanne to ? thx for everything guys1 point
Kiekko-Espoo Esports In: @kikiukko from Nordic stars @Timez from Kaupallinen yhteistyö Out: @AcePain_Maker @Borjendahlen1 point
Rookie Mistakes In: Kanelipena from kaupallinen yhteistyö Out: Patsberg_ -> KOVA Esports1 point
0 points
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0 points