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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/08/21 in all areas

  1. Suomalainen seura hakusessa tuleviin koitoksiin. Kolme tärkeintä kriteeriä joukkueelle on: -lite/pro sarjataso -tavoitteellisuus - peliaika Pelipaikka on vielä itsellekin mysteeri, mutta tavoitteena olisi ottaa hyökkääjän (kh/ol) paikka. Olen avoin myös op tontille, mikäli mukava sakki hyvine kemioineen löytyy. Pelaajahistorian näkee profiilin kautta, niin en rupea kertomaan sen enempää siitä. Ikää löytyy 23 ja peliaika 21-00 melkein joka päivä.
    7 points
  2. Free G for offseason and future tournaments. https://nhlgamer.com/players/915 Contact here or psn.
    6 points
  3. UP. I'm grateful for several contacts! 🙏🏿 I don’t want to make solutions too fast despite some quite interesting contacts! So I'm still here to hear more and other options! 😊 Please PM here or psn: jalitmane10 Br, Jalitmane10 / Litti
    4 points
  4. C/RW/RD looking for a team for a next ecl. Can play almost every night. Contact me on psn: DrippiMehu93
    4 points
  5. Helter Skelter Looking for starting LD and backup G Contact Here or PSN : koomalaine
    2 points
  6. Anyway, it should be secured that players are not allowed to play solely a qualification tournament for one team and then go back to their origin team. In my opinion the current roster rules definitely need some adjustments to prevent player rentals from teams that don’t have to participate in any qualification cups.
    2 points
  7. I am tempted to disagree with the second point because one could get promotion to Pro with their ECL11 team but then attend ECL12 Pro with totally different team which could or could not be good enough for Pro. Of course those roster lock rules could prevent teams from changing players too much. I don't have like super strong opinion on this as I can understand the pros and cons of both options but I do feel that the qualification tournament should take place prior to the next ECL.
    1 point
  8. Bonusambers (Core) is looking for G and RD. Requirements: Finnish language, age +20 years and bad humor. Welcome to the tryouts this Saturday! Contact me here or on psn: ruttopottu
    1 point
  9. In my opinion the qualifiers should be played with the same line-up as the team played in ecl11 (Rules about wildcard teams are okay), there is no need for those "Sauna contracts". Qualifiers should be played asap and then teams can start making changes to their rosters for the ecl12. But if we are going with that "soft roster lock" rule, i think 2 weeks division lock for the former pro players is not enough, that should be the same 4 weeks like former elite players. Or then players who are participating qualifiers (=join the team just before the qualifiers starts) are forced to play whole season in that team in ecl12 (best solution imo)
    1 point
  10. Russian goalie from St. Petersburg is looking for a club for constant training and participation in tournaments. The team playing on a northern european server is preferable, because it is on this server that my ping 15-18. pm me. psn: Zolotaya_Chasha
    1 point
  11. Hello Everyone! Malmö Motherfreakerz(Neo) is looking for 3 players from europe to add to our roster and get ready for next ECL season. We have a solid core but we feel we need to add to this. Ice time is guaranteed because most of us have jobs and kids and stuff, so no one on the roster will be considered a reserve or a bench player. What we need: 1. A versatile fwd who can play on the wings, doesn't matter which side is strongest, a bonus if this player knows how to play center and is strong on the defensive side of the puck. 2. A D-man who can play both sides. 3. A starting Goalie who can play goalie! Please reach out to me here on PSN: djadidai Peace out!
    1 point
  12. Hei kaikki ! Etsin joukkuetta joka pelaa neo/pro tasoa . Mielellään ykkös divisioona:) olen pelannut monesti myöhäisiltojen alanmies kutosissa ! And All so english i want play team neo pro level . And division 1 important. Upee nähä ! Jos olet kiinnostunu niin P SN: Esa1_
    1 point
  13. Knukles_30 I am looking team wher i can play ecl Neo series. I have play Ld and Lw and G.
    1 point
  14. Gladiaattorit HC. TARVITAAN KH tai VP Hakusessa KH ja VP gladiaattoreihin! Uusi clubi jossa pyritään saamaan tulosta mutta ei vakavasti. Tavoitteena jossain vaiheessa ECL mikäli jengi jo ymmärtää toisia tarpeeksi hyvin
    1 point
  15. Armada Hockey is looking for: Starting G Backup G (if needed) We are looking players for long-term team development. Our team mostly consists of adults over 30 years old. We have responsibilities for family and work so we hope players understand that we can't play every night. On weekdays we usually play 20-23 (EET), on weekends later. Contact me here or PSN: Meiha
    1 point
  16. Up, still looking for a tryout. To be clear i'm only looking for PRO or ELITE teams. I already have a team if i play in Lite next ECL.
    1 point
  17. KSE TEUTONS are looking for the upcoming GCL, a "strong" Defender for 1 Spot outside German Region. you are welcome temprorary or long-therm, doesn't matter. good mood are welcome get in touch if you want to join us
    1 point
  18. Up! Still looking for a backup goalie and a defender.
    1 point
  19. Well done ignoring my points and writing in Swedish. 👍🏼 Doesn't mute your points, but doesn't make for much of a conversation. Please write in English or we'll have to remove the messages. Edit: As you continue arguing and provoking in Swedish, I have hidden the messages, as promised. The (first) original message can be read in the quote above. In his response (hidden, due to continuing in Swedish) he claims I'm escaping his questions rather than answering and that I'm being a "big leader who gets things to look good by deleting messages". Additionally, he expects every page to separately say "English only", despite that being our policy for the 5+ years he's been a member. I'm always interested having a proper discussion about these things, evaluate different options and get different views. I have my opinions and I do my best to explain why I see things in a certain way and what the problem areas of another approach might be from my point of view. From my point of view you ignored what I wrote, continue writing in a language that most people here don't understand (I do, but this is a public discussion) and top it off by acting disrespectfully. I think it's ridiculous that you keep brining up a claim that ECL has the same structure as EHL/EC 2010-2015. Yes, ECL runs twice a year and has a hockey-esque regular season + playoffs, but if you don't acknowledge all of the other development that has happened from those days - then I'm afraid we just see things very differently. You say I used "we don't have time" as the argument for not running more ECL's in a year and yet succeeded in "running a Spring League, SCL, Summer Cup and Finnish Championships after the fact". If your view of NHL esports is to play ECL, then ECL, then ECL, then ECL, then ECL and then some more ECL, then yeah, sure - we should probably scrap all of that. From my point of view, the different tournaments and leagues are things that keep it fresh and make winning the "biggies" exciting. I love the ECL. I love the World Championships. I love the Olympics. I love the NHL. Yet I wouldn't want to watch any of these four all year and the competitors wouldn't have time to participate in all of these. That is my main point - keeping it interesting. Making titles mean something. Letting champions celebrate their championships. Am I 100% satisfied with everything we do? Are we making the right call every time? Are we spending every minute efficiently? Of course not. Are we creating something incredibly nice and keep pushing the envelope in NHL esports - I believe so. Constructive feedback will continue to push us to greater things. However you package your feedback, we will receive it and consider it, but it makes no sense for me to take the time and effort to respond if you're just going to ignore my points and continue being offensive.
    1 point
  20. NHLGamers, Despite his young age, 21-year-old Oskari @SibeIius Grönroos has played a very long career in virtual hockey. The young man has represented several top clubs, including FILADELPHIA, JYP and Butterfly Effect during these playing years. In early 2020, we conducted an interview with him in our "Player Spotlight"-series that you can read here: Player Spotlight: Oskari "Sibelius" Grönroos. He started his NHL playing career with 1v1 - a game mode he adopted back in NHL 15. It wasn't until a couple of years later that the young man switched over to the 6v6 side of things. SibeIius says that he has also participated in several versus tournaments, but the mode itself is not as pleasant and interesting as 6v6 action. Since moving to the 6v6 game format, SibeIius has made a rather quick ascent to the group of top players in the Finnish virtual hockey scene and holds a high standard internationally too. "I started playing NHL 15 games casually in the 1v1 format, and 6v6 I didn't start until NHL 17. That's also when I started transitioning towards competitive play more and ultimately it's led me to the point I'm at today." Transfer to HAVU For this season SibeIius moved to represent HAVU Gaming, which is definitely one of the top teams in virtual hockey. In the previous ECL 10 season, SibeIius represented JYP Jyvaskyla, a team that dominated the top of the regular season and was en route towards a successful run. However, in the playoffs, the team did not play as hoped and fell out of the quarterfinals against Swedish Farjestad BK in one of the biggest upsets in a long time. "I was very excited about the opportunity to represent HAVU. The group is full of good guys who I've known also off the ice for a long time. I would argue that HAVU's playing as a unit and consistency during the season will be the biggest differences when compared to JYP." Studies alongside gaming Although SibeIius represents one of Finland's top clubs, there is also time to study. He also says that leisure time is a good counterbalance to gaming and tough university studies. "I study at the Faculty of Law at the University of Helsinki, so when not training or playing otherwise, I'm catching up on some reading or doing other assignments for school. But if there's free time, I usually go out and have dinner with friends or talk to them in party chat and maybe play some 1v1 at the same time or watch some TV show or stream on the computer." When asked about his best memory in virtual hockey, the young man mentions winning the IS Cup 3 (NHL19 6vs6) Finnish Championship representing FILADELPHIA at a GameXpo event in the autumn of 2018. FILADELPHIA defeated Written In The Stars 2-1 in a BO3 final of the tournament. The IS Cup 3 event at GameXpo was a huge stepping stone for the development of the 6's community and the final series is still remembered as one of the most intense clashes of the sport. He says that the biggest reason why they won the tournament with FILADELPHIA was the team's seamless team spirit. "Team spirit was our key to success. I don't think any of the teams had a similar spirit compared to us and of course, we had a team considered one of the best in Europe as FILA still is, but I bet that the decisive factor was how relaxed and happy we were to just play." Strengths & weaknesses - European top 6 Each player has their own strengths and weaknesses, it's good to be aware of them and be able to develop them to be even better at any point. The young man feels that his clear strengths are on the mental side. "As a player, I feel like I have a relatively good pressure tolerance that's probably developed since I've played a lot of tough and tight games in the playoffs, off the field I feel like the kind of relaxed guy who likes to joke around and I think I get along pretty well with people." When asked about an ability of his choice that he could steal from one of his teammates, SibeIius starts pondering about a career on offense - hands like Tuukka @FlyerKungen Kuha or Ilmari @Buantso Lehkonen would be beneficial on that front. Anyone who plays even a little virtual hockey sometimes wonders what his or her dream unit would be like. We asked SibeIius to form a dream roster of his own, and there were some very familiar men among his selections. "There has been a lot of thought and reflection on these through different perspectives. My selection would be based on achieving the best possible performances on the ice through skill, but also chemistry. Outside of HAVU players I'd pick LW Paul @PleeMaker Arontie C Perttu @Beniittto Kemppainen RW Erik @Eki Tammenpää LD Aaro @xDoumi Ruuhinen RD Aleksi @loimmu Loimuvirta G Filip @Faze91- Azri." Future outlook Having played virtual hockey for such a long time, SibeIius states that he's also interested in other games, such as CS:GO. However, he notes that it would not necessarily be played at the competitive level. His long career in in NHL has also spurred some opinions on how the Finnish NHL scene should be developed in the future. "It's hard to say. Of course, more tournaments and more prize money would always be nice to get, but I'd say that @Kenu and the staff and partners are doing everything in their power to make this grow all the time. It would be cool if the NHL itself ever got involved, but I have no idea how excited the big gentlemen are across the pond. I think things are rolling quite well at the moment, given the circumstances." As he stated, besides playing a lot of his free time is taking up by his studies and he hopes that in the next five years he would be able to find work in the profession. However, he does not completely rule out some kind of career path along virtual hockey at some point. "Of course I'll be part of the scene for years to come but unless some big steps are taken in the next five years, I feel like my career might take me in another direction. Of course you never know, maybe I could handle some of the juridical duties at NHLGamer if things take a turn that way. I definitely hope that the friendships will last beyond our playing careers but overall the future isn't something I've offered much thought to due to my young age."
    1 point
  21. Morjens, mulla ois joukkue hakusessa ensi ecl kautta varten. Pari kautta oon neossa paukutellut ihan hyvällä meiningillä . Nyt olis tavotteena löytää jengi jonka kanssa menisi Liteen/Coreen kokeilemaan mutta ei neo ole pois suljettu. Pelipaikkana on LW mut pystyn myös paikkaamaan LD. Ikää löytyy 28v ja peleillä lähes joka ilta jos tarve. Tryouteille tulen mielelläni Yhteydenotot joko täällä tai psn : RaikkuJokuvaa Tässä kausien tiedot : https://nhlgamer.com/index.php/players/5046
    1 point
  22. Lets goo..... Finnish snipers has been revived. We are team with LOT of experience through division lite and pro.We looking solid players with exp in neo/lite/pro/elite. This team is starting from almost beginning again and we are looking for mostly LD RD G If u want to play to play with mature experienced guys contact us. if u guessing whos starting this team its me thimbaa and enerfity Psn: Thimbaahttps://nhlgamer.com/players/1224 and Enerfity_ https://nhlgamer.com/players/1921 Contact me if u want a tryout!
    1 point
  23. Alliance HT looking for starter LD in ECL PRO. Today is the last day for transfers😅 (our ld have big internet problems, and can’t fix them)
    1 point
  24. Since making the starting rd from one of our old players, we are now looking for a backup-defender AND backup-forward for Elite. For the forward playing time might be available later on the season.
    1 point
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