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NHLGamers, What a showdown the two most prevalent ECL dynasties HAVU Gaming and Linköping HC put up for us over the course of these two nights! Based on the ECL 9 finals, we were expecting close games and the teams delivered. All seven games of the ECL 10 Elite finals were decided with a margin of one goal and four games required overtime to sort out a winner. Friday was all about HAVU Gaming as we witnessed three straight games ending 2-1 in favour of the green squad, when in turn Saturday was all about flashbacks galore when Linköping managed to clutch three games and push it to a seventh. Memories from the wild comeback in ECL 9 flashed through our minds, but ultimately - HAVU Gaming prevailed! HAVU Gaming 🏆 Group stage record: 26-3-1 (3rd) Quarterfinals: vs BRAYCE Phantoms (6th) 4-0 Semifinals: vs hREDS (4) 4-1 Finals: vs Linköping HC (2) 4-3 GOALIES #88 H. Kettunen @Hansulinho DEFENSEMEN #28 E. Koski @Eemil #43 W. Juntunen @willekunq #78 K. Katajisto @Nassustelija FORWARDS #6 I. Lehkonen @Buantso #13 R. Järvi @Dominointi #87 T. Keränen @topikeranen # 91 T. Kuha @FlyerKungen Conclusively, it's been one wild ride throughout this season. 16 teams went into battle with the same ambition - some more set on the final objective than others. We were expecting a tighter season than ever before and through some surprising turns of events along the road to the finals, we saw a three-peat of the HAVU & LHC duo in the last series of the season. On behalf of the NHLGamer staff congratulations to our champions HAVU Gaming! We also extend a warm thank you ta everyone who tuned in to the streams over the weekend, if you happened to miss some of the action, the streams are archived on our Twitch-channel. Please find yesterdays broadcast here:27 points
Old Farts is looking for one forward who can play multiple positions(winger¢er) to full fill roster. Contact me here or psn:ankkalasvegas Looking only finnish guy and 20++ age!8 points
Black Horse (Elite) Looking for starting C next ecl & upcoming tournaments Contact me here or psn Wirtsuuu/Miiqu81- Edit. Center has been found, no need for more contacs. Thank you7 points
You deserve the biggest words👏👏👏With a victory, HAVU🏆🏆🏆 Thank you Linköping for the series, nice comeback with 0-3. Both teams are the best in ECL, which dominate everyone. Thanks for this series, I think we watched the coolest final in ECL history! Respect👍4 points
Rpeat esports (PRO) Is looking for 2 forwards & one D Contact me or @Prom99 here or by psn: Kozeehh3 points
Looking for team for GCL Post: LW,RW Country: Czech Republic Experience: ECL Pro,Lite Playing ECL Pro with Blackdawgs3 points
3 points
Hallo liebe GCLGamer, die Anmeldungen für die GCL 6 ist seit gestern Abend geschlossen und wir dürfen uns über 37 Teams freuen! Erst einmal einen herzlichen Dank dafür. Wie auch letzte Saison gehen wir mit zwei Divisionen an den Start. In der Division 1 treten 12 Mannschaften an, wovon sich die Top 8 für die Playoffs qualifizieren. Die Plätze 9-10 halten die Klasse, während die Plätze 11 und 12 direkt in die Division 2 absteigen. Die Division 2 mit insgesamt 25 Mannschaften teilen wir in 2 Gruppen auf. Die Top 8 aus jeder Gruppe qualifizieren sich für die Playoffs, wobei in der ersten Runde die Paarungen überkreuz gespielt werden (Bsp.: Platz 1 aus Gruppe 1 spielt gegen Platz 8 aus Gruppe 2, usw.). Die Auslosung fand live auf unserem neuen Twitch-Kanal statt und hat folgende Gruppen ergeben: Gruppe 1: Flying Hirsche Swiss Seniors Eisvandalen Since 2020 IHL RAMS Bukkatierende Rackelmolche Mighty Hornets HC Black Wings HC Monkey Brotherhood HC The Swissblacklist Wolfsrudel HC Hockey O Clock EV Duisburg Red Light Jokers Gruppe 2: Old Helvetics EHC Icebreakers The Black Pirates HC Flying Pucks Black Red Mafia Pinguine 1936 Thunder United Bauer Rangers GmbH BurritoBrothers NHL4you Gaming II KSE Teutons HC Berlin Eagles Die reguläre Saison soll bis einschließlich 13.07.2020 um 23:59 Uhr abgeschlossen sein. Dies gilt für beide Divisionen. Des Weiteren führen wir zu dieser Saison einen GCL Pokal ein, der divisionsübergreifend ist. Der Sieger des Pokals erhält ein automatisches Startrecht in der Division 1 für die folgende Saison. Sollte der Fall eintreten, dass sonst alle Plätze in der Division 1 belegt sind, wird die Division für den Pokalsieger auf einen 13. Platz erweitert. Die Runden bzw. Paarungen werden für jede Runde neu live ausgelost. Wir werden versuchen einen Broadcast-Tag für den Pokal zu ermöglichen. Dieser soll jeden Mittwoch stattfinden, an dem wir versuchen werden so viele Spiele wie möglich zu übertragen. Wir bitten daher die teilnehmenden Teams sich mit mir und @domii_ecn in Verbindung zu treten um das jeweils gemeinsam zu besprechen. Generell habt ihr jeweils von Montag bis Mittwoch Zeit die Pokalspiele zu erledigen. Der Modus des Pokals ist best-of-1, bei dem das zuerst gezogene Team Heimrecht genießt. Sollte es jedoch zum Aufeinandertreffen zwischen Teams aus zwei Divisionen kommen, erhält das Team aus der niedrigeren Division automatisch das Heimrecht. Des Weiteren fixieren wir hiermit die Regel, dass die Kader innerhalb der Liga und des Pokals zu jeder Zeit identisch sein müssen. Es ist nicht erlaubt für ein anderes Team im Pokal zu spielen, welches man nicht in der Liga vertritt. Zusätzlich gibt es hier noch die Information, dass Spieler, welche innerhalb der Qualifikation für die Division 1 bereits Spiele für zwei verschiedene Mannschaften bestritten haben, hierbei ihren einmaligen Saisonwechsel aufgebraucht haben. Hier auch nochmals die Erinnerung, dass immer mindestens 8 Spieler in beiden Wettbewerben im Kader sein müssen, wovon maximal zwei Lizenzspieler (Wohnhaft außerhalb der DACH-Region) sein dürfen. Von diesen Lizenzspielern darf jeweils nur ein Spieler auf dem Eis stehen. Wir bitten ebenfalls darum, die Spielerkarten (die Namen der Spieler, NICHT die PSN ID) der Lizenzspieler mit einem (L) hinter dem Namen zu versehen, welches zur Übersichtlichkeit beitragen soll. Hierfür nehmen wir ebenfalls die Kapitäne in die Pflicht. Die Trade-Deadline ist für beide Wettbewerbe am Sonntag, den 28.06.2020. Die Auslosung für die 1. Runde des Pokals ergab folgende Partien: BurritoBrothers vs Bauer Rangers GmbH EV Duisburg vs The Swissblacklist IHL RAMS vs Central Hockey Canucks Swiss Seniors vs Hockey O Clock Flying Pucks vs ECDC Memmingen eSports Wir wünschen allen Teams und Spielern viel Erfolg!3 points
Black Horse In: MuKiMaisteri Ollizhki Out: Makkeez223 points
🍍Reality Check🍍 In: apetttaja from Nordic Stars Out: jorma2001 💔3 points
Nordic Stars (Pro) Looking for a starting LW Contact vire30, jerax13 or xBenuu on psn if interested3 points
Gratulations HAVU Gaming !!! 🏒🏆 Greetings @CzE Toni MightyWolves NHLGamer Staff2 points
2 points
2 points
Free LW looking for elite/top tier pro club After 4 full seasons in PRO (latest one being a deep but hearthbreaking playoff push💔) it's time for a new chapter in my career. We made an mutual agreement with Reality Check that it's the best for the both parties to go seperate ways after we didn't manage to reach our main goal. I wish all the best for Reality Check in the future🖤💛 Anyway, I'm hungry to proof that I have the ability to compete in the elite division. Also taking top tier pro teams into consideration. Contact me here or at psn2 points
Hello people! 👋 The swedish and recently started club Bask Nation (looking to start in Lite) are looking for players of top lite/pro caliber. What we are looking for: - Starting defensmen - Starting skater (we can adapt to where you fit the best) - 2nd Goaltender who will split/fight for the starting position - Couple of backup skaters who can play at multiple positions We expect you to be able to communicate in swedish or english and to be able to play 3-5 times per week between 20.00-23.00(CEST). Our goal: Our goal is to make a run in the playoff and advance to the pro division at the end of next ecl, which we see as fully possible. If it will be possible, we are looking to compete in Scl, Spring League etc. If you are interested and fit the profile contact me or Sparkaronnberg here or on Psn(Jarvinder_/Sparkaronnberg).2 points
1 point
NHLGamers, The first championship of the ECL 10 season was crowned on Wednesday when the two ECL Pro title contenders Enigma and Black Horse clashed for games 4-7 of their final series. Going into the games, Enigma had a 2-1 series lead, but Black Horse came in strong and managed to turn the series around as they managed to win games 4 and 5, going into game 6 in a 2-3 lead. Enigma force a game 7 and teams went scoreless into the third period. With just 6 minutes remaining in the 3rd, Enigma received a somewhat questionable penalty shot. As @PCJP managed to make the save, the viewers were blessed with the most exciting thing a hockey fan could witness: game 7 overtime action! The digitals stopped at 77:01 as Wirtsuuu (@Tapparafan) managed to get the only goal of the game, securing Black Horse the ECL 10 Pro Championship and a place in ECL Elite for next season! Black Horse 🏆 Group stage record: 23-5-2 (1st) Round 1: vs Kaupallinen Yhteistyö (16) 4-3 Quarterfinals: vs Children of Ice (15) 4-0 Semifinals: vs Hanaa HC (14) 4-0 Finals: vs Enigma (10) 4-3 GOALIES #92 P. Pelkonen @PCJP DEFENSEMEN #4 R. Reijonen @bot_dole #24 Originaljets29 @Mika #81 M. Laitinen @Miika (MiiQu81-) FORWARDS #19 M. Virtanen @Tapparafan (Wirtsuuu) #22 M. Vanhala @Pasi Modry (Makkeez22) #64 A. Laitinen @laitineen64 All in all, the Pro season once again provided some very exciting action and surely showed the amount of skill that runs deep throughout the divisions framework. As mentioned above, as a reward for their ECL Pro Championship, Black Horse will be directly promoted to ECL Elite. Enigma will continue their season for one more series, as they meet Gotham Knights in a best-of-seven series to determine which of these two teams will play in ECL Elite next season. The decisive games of the finals were broadcast at the NHLGamer Twitch channel. @Tougie24 and @Cyn once again blessed us with their presence and put forth a great effort in the commentator booth. If you missed that action, you can watch it again below:1 point
Last night we witnessed what was the start to the Elite Finals of the 10th ECL iteration. Giants HAVU Gaming and Linköping HC clashed in three expectedly tight games where the heart rates of both players and viewers skyrocketed from time to time. The teams are battling for a record-setting prize pool of 15 000 €, where the winner takes the biggest slice of cash, this being a hefty amount of 10 000 €. Action resumes tonight at 20:00 CEST as HAVU has a 3-0 chokehold of the series. Will LHC bounce back once again? In case you didn't read our preview yet, you can do so here. (3) HAVU Gaming vs Linkoping HC (2) SCORES SO FAR Game 1: HAVU Gaming - Linköping HC 2-1 OT Game 2: Linköping HC - HAVU Gaming 1-2 OT Game 3: HAVU Gaming - Linköping HC 2-1 How to watch? The last day of the ECL 10 Elite Finals will be played tonight, Saturday, 6th of June with a broadcast on our Twitch-channel. The broadcast is also available on Ruutu.fi & ISTV. Saturday, June 6th 20:00 CEST Games 4-7 (puck drop around 20:25) HAVU Gaming vs Linkoping HC Don't miss the afterparty! NHLGamer proudly presents the ELC 10 Elite Finals official afterparty! We'll be treated to a special one-hour B2B set by Luxonia, featuring artists NickyB & Samlight. The party will kick off on our Twitch channel right after the Finals!1 point
ECL experienced Goalie is looking for a Team. Contact me here or PSN sternchen_3_111 point
Free F/D. I'm ready to experiment on different positions as this might help me find the team I'm looking for. Prefer a team from PRO since I've spent most of my ECL career there but I'm open for offers from other divisions also. I'm very easy going and can adapt to different playstyles. also finally getting fiber connection Contact me here on NHLGamer if you are interested. 🤙1 point
Hello, I've had long break from NHL and everything about ps4, but now I feel that I would do comeback seriously if someone show me some interest. 25yr old, prefer LW/RW, but C is pretty good tho DM here, bye https://nhlgamer.com/players/6681 point
Not really sure anymore do i want to grind to ELITE with PRO team... so ELITE teams...call me! ... but if some brave manager of a noob team wants to try his luck, go ahead.... i may read your message.1 point
Grenoble BDL Esport is looking for one starter LD/RD( we have a preference for someone from Central Europe, only cause of connection issues) No matter where you were playing before as long as you are able to make a good first pass and get a good hockey IQ. Feel free to contact here on nhlgamer or on psn: tromi131 point
1 point
Free Rw /C(Rd) - experience Elite,Pro,Lite,Neo - language Finnish /rally english - age 20 ++ Contact here or psn epelis1 point
New team Red Stars is looking for Finnish speaking (except maybe goalie) players for upcoming tournaments and ECL11. * Looking for starting C and starting or back up defender * Our goal is to build a long term team and play with same roster as much as possible so playing time is guaranteed if you are active * Plan is to start our games 20 Finnish time and play as much as possible For more information message @Niksu21 here, PSN (Niksu2121), Discord Niksu21#8511 or Fin_torspo on PSN1 point
Exen esports (PRO) We are making big roster changes, after our veterans make decisions to end with eHockey career😢 Looking for C, RW, G. Contact me here or on PSN: MAYZIIX for more information.1 point
1 point
Looking for Finnish Elite team for the next Ecl Position; Forward Psn: I_Kauppinen_I1 point
Rebuild (PRO/ Rpeat esports in ecl 10) After first but quite high expectations and "all-in" themed season with rpeat, some of our more experienced players decided to check their value on fa market and we wish them the best. For me this will not be an option as i dont see myself yet playing full season at any higher level than pro. Also with some good new friendships made, it would be stupid to throw everything away just because we didnt go to elite on our first season. That still remains to be a goal somewhere in the future. For that reason, me and few guys from last season will start rebuild. I have now seen my lvl in winger position and will continue evolving as Center only. Every other position will be open at this time, because of some players military service and some acceptable fa value checking. We will aim to be a longterm team with fun but competitive atmosphere. What we are looking for -LD, RD, G, LW, RW, any spots except C. We aim to play with same lineup whole season in the future. -Very active players who can play almost every night(except weekends) 20-22Fin -We will be active in the summer also, 3days/week atleast. -Possibly new talents(Pro experience not needed but eashl exp is must, we can consider players who have only played 3s before but are very potential) -we can accept packade deals, so if you are for example a d-pair or lw and rw, its a plus because there is some chemistry already. -You need to be able to voicechat also every night -Our goal for next season will be making the playoffs -when applying, if we dont know you from somewhere, please add as much info as possible -Age doesnt matter but be an adult, we dont need any more jonnes At this time we will probably run tryouts bit longer than normal, so you dont have to be sure about anything until ECL 10 is fully played. -we are only looking for finnish players Contact me or @Timez here or by psn: Kozeehh / Timoccio1 point
1 point