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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/28/19 in all areas

  1. Free forward/D looking for team for upcoming ECL etc. Played last ECL in Reality Check in pro. Contact me here or psn. 🙂
    6 points
  2. 33yo Finnish Dude ( RW / rd ) looking for team Pro/Lite... back-up role may be fine too. Maybe can try LW too... I am not that chatty in English parties, but i can communicate in English so English speaking teams are ok. For tryouts send PM here or PSN ahonaattori
    5 points
  3. 3 points
  4. 3 points
  5. Free goalie looking for a team for next ecl pro or elite and other tournaments. Contact me here or in psn:Randomjanne
    2 points
  6. 1. Is it possible to implement the number of teams who are currently searching on the different servers instead of this buggy "low, medium and high" garbage which basically is irrelevant? 2. Was it 4 or 5 years ago that the community wants to have the goalie as a 6 manually played player on the ice if he leaves for the extra player? Why it's not implemented, what's the problem and when do you think it's not completely impossible to fulfill this "dream"? 3. Can we please be displayed on our correct positions? It really makes me wondering why we are all centers since DAY ONE OF NHL 19?! 4. Can we get an explanation why the formation during a defensive zone faceoff was changed midseason in NHL 19, that the defender is ahead of the winger? It was still the case in the Beta. Is that fixed? Why was it there in the first place? Will there be soon some chances of creating some own faceoff buildups for some variation? 5. Are you able to give us some insights why sometimes a brutal hit with 500 foot fullspeed skating ahead into the boards results in nothing or a 2 minute penalty, while the player fly 2 miles away and sometimes a small bump into the boards results in a major penalty and the opponent player is hurt but doesn't even flinch? 6. I guess the dressing room is fixed so you can actually see straight away who you matched and not like the 5-10 seconds freeze? I mean this should be a no brainer but since the dressing room fiasco in NHL 19 it's worth a question. 7. EDIT: Is it possible to add a kind of logic where it's not goaltending interference when the goalie is the active guy on the contact by performing kamikaze outside the blue crease? 8. Some stuff was already mentioned: Spectator mode, unlimited/three pauses inside challenge games, rejoining a disconnected game?
    2 points
  7. Jou. Free ultimate backup left or right. Nonni amikset, ultimaattinen koppipelaaja tarjolla porukan täytteeks. Ei tietenkåän tarvi roolia ecl:s mut vetää keijojen puuttees ihan mitä vaa paikkaa kadehtittaval tasol. Hyvä urpo whatsapis ja muutenkin miellyttävä torsti. Psn: Saippua
    1 point
  8. 1. more of a suggestion than a question but please let us manually choose which server to connect to when matchmaking. 2. what determines if a high sticking penalty is 2 or 4 minutes? 3. could we get a precise description of what every player stat (off. awareness, discipline, etc.) does? 4. to quote tanski, goalie pull 6th player controlled by human. When, and why not now? 5. occasionally the idea that you should go to the bench to recharge your energy gets brought up. What does the dev team think of this concept? bonus question: what do devs think of the state of stick lift right now? at times the game looks more like star wars than hockey
    1 point
  9. Free LW/RW! Looking for an elite or a pro team. My previous team was TIKI TALK. I'm able to play almost every night. Act quickly and ask for tryouts! https://nhlgamer.com/player.php?playerID=2534
    1 point
  10. Q1. Players have asked about training room availibility in eashl mode for years. In 6vs6 mode it would be really good if you could train specific plays with your teammates. The common idea is coded into free practice mode. Why can't there be a selection to choose your eashl player for it and invite friends to it (or it to have same kind of dressing room as in for team division matches?) Why hasn't this been brought to the game yet? Q2. Also we have asked for the GM connected mode where you could have fun with your friends in GM mode. Years have passed from the first request of the game mode and the GM connected is still absent. Addition because of @Mannheimer1938 pointed it out Q3 2. Was it 4 or 5 years ago that the community wants to have the goalie as a 6 manually played player on the ice if he leaves for the extra player? Why it's not implemented, what's the problem and when do you think it's not completely impossible to fulfill this "dream"? Nowdays in 6v6 games it seems pointless to pull the goalie on incoming penalty or in the end if you are looking for the game tying goal because the AI players do not have any sense on playing on top level 6v6. They usually give a poor pass or shoot the puck in a position that won't go in a million years. --> Teams usually don't take goalies out in such situations. If the 6th player was a human player (goalie --> on ice player) there would be so many more possibilities in these situations and teams would actually use the option to pull the goalie like in real hockey. If you are thinking about the class of the player that comes to the ice: - Have each goalie have it as personal preset with class selection or like perk selection (goalie pull class --> Select one of your builds or select) - Have it standard preset for everyone. Teams are usually searching for goal scoring ability in these situations. This could also go with perk selection (Possible options: Goal scorer, playmaker, powerforward) - Or just have it as the goalie will always come as one class. For example the build that the current sixth player (AI) has
    1 point
  11. Since the game is moving more to esports will spectator mode, unlimited pauses to challenge mode and possibility to reconnect to a game implemented in near future?
    1 point
  12. Is there a problem with setting up new teams? should we do something about the twist that is when "experienced" players set up new Teams? Should there be more focus on "organization" thinking at the pro and elite levels? i don't think the team that comes new to the scene has a problem starting at lite level. could we limit the formation of new pro-level gangs through license fees? "Professional license" for pro and elite teams which is paid once ? And everytime if u make new team u need start to lite i think That is important . i dont know how ”license payments” will work but i think NHL Gamer need money to give us to more ”professional vr hockey ” happenings in future . I love seeing several teams in this scene that have been around for years. that's where we need to take this scene: towards "more professional" gaming i think 3 division is good maybe 4 if needed but we need do something to players who allways rebuild teams
    1 point
  13. Let's not get silly here. Wasn't this like the whole point of my previous post? Basically there is no fool proof way to determine in which division each team should begin. Therefore it'd be great not to have too many divisions as it can be a real route of suffering for those who are new but good, or have developed a lot during the off-season. This could work. I think we should also increase the amount of teams being relegated to Lite and promoted to Pro, no matter if we extend the Pro division or not. This way we wouldn't have Pro level teams being stuck in Lite because there are too many of them competing against each other. Especially by extending Pro to 48 we could even do something as radical as promoting and relegating 12 teams in a season, which is 1/4 of the division, just like 4/16 in Elite. You could have 1 or 2 teams with least points being relegated automatically, then let the rest play a 7 game series for the promotion/relegation. That way we would know for sure who belongs to Pro and who doesn't. This way we could also throw all the new teams into Lite (if we want to implement a rule like that) and they would get promoted for sure after their first season if they are top-Pro/Elite -caliber.
    1 point
  14. No offense, but the fact is that Elite wouldn't be elite if there would be like 24 or 32 teams. Same thing with Pro. Right now the most of our teams in this scene are Pro/Lite teams, not Elite so it would make zero sense to grow Elite only because there's more lower level teams these days. And if someone bases their opinion on a day dream where every lower level team would magically be Elite/High pro - then you can keep on day dreaming. And this is not me being a dick, just saying how it is as someone needs to say it out loud (with KingofApes). Haven't changed anything? Um, the value of first three divisions would obviously grow and the match schedule would be partly the same for the top three divisions. Elite 16, Pro 32, Lite 32, The Rest XX (the hungry, the ugly and the dads). This system would be as competitive as it ever could be for top80 teams which is about the same amount of teams NHLGamer had in it's first division season (ECL4). How's that no progress? I get that some people would like to have every possible team in the higher level but at that point the whole reason of having divisions would pretty much disappear.
    1 point
  15. This is it - the organizing. And to answer your real question; there should be time for that! I know that the people who run this shit (Kenu & friends) are not doing this for big money or anything like that, but NHL19 was pretty succesful what it comes to possibility to play competitive hockey in NHLGamer. However, we haven't seen any ECL hockey since March and that fucking sucks. For me this has always been a problem: the last big tourney of an NHL game ends around March, and the next major level tournament starts six months later in late October, and then we have six months (with breaks included) to play those two tournaments. This is not KHL. If there's never going to be three ECL's which some people want here - we should keep these two current main leagues far away from each other. What I'm saying is that if we start the first ECL in October, the next ECL after that should definitely start in the next March - not end there. Like, how about if we keep those blahblah (Spring League.. never again pls) and these native (FCL, SCL) tourneys between these two major tourneys, or/and during the summer. Spring League -> Summer League and if/when the Summer Cup has to be there too, keep that shit shorter instead of important leagues. For me atleast it would be cool as hell to start and end the NHL gaming year with ECL. Also maybe that's how the gamers would stay more motivated during the long year. For an example, even though your team do shit in the first ECL and then in the native tourney you do little bit better but still fail, you still have the third shot in the Spring time ECL. Oops, little offtopic but I got nothing better to do so whatever...
    1 point
  16. In my opinion saying that it takes too long for new teams to get to Elite from, say the new "Semi-Pro", is a weak argument. Why should we give new teams to do so much less work to earn a spot with the best? We should put some value on those teams who have been together for long periods of time and working their asses off to get there. If you want to start a new team, you should not get everything on a golden platter. I would be okay if I'd form a new team, to start from the lowest division of the possible 4. And for individuals, everyone should recognize the hard work there too. If you got the skills and the eye for the game, good teams and good captains will notice. Just work your butt off to get a spot for a tryout and show what you got. Somebody said earlier in the thread: " Nothing worth having comes easy". Look at HAVU, Flyerkungen has bust his balls off to make that dream come true, it did not come in a matter of couple of months. And I am pretty sure that last year when Eki won it all, he put in the work there.
    1 point
  17. Butterfly Effect 🦋 We are looking for Goalie upcoming ECL & other tournaments. Maybe starting goalie, maybe second. It’s up to you. Contact me here or PSN 🌚
    0 points
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