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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/01/19 in all areas

  1. POGGERS (ECL Elite) is looking for all around Seppo Taalasmaa that might play or not. Last season we pretty much played with only 6 guys but would prefer having a slightly bigger roster. Also we are not looking anything specific so if you play more than one position you might be the guy! Feel free to PM me.
    15 points
  2. NHLGamer’s NACL League administration (LA) have been sent multiple cases over the past few days, with infractions to a multitude of rules. We have decided to make a change to the rulebook to reflect this influx of cases. Before that, however, we will outline each case and the subsequent decisions made. Important note for captains: At the very least, read about the rule change at the end of this post. Case 1: Player ECHAMPO from the team Cross Crease (PS4) accepted a fight prompt. Per rule 10.8 which states the following: “Players are not allowed to fight in NACL Elite & Pro. In the case of a fight, the player (or goalie) accepting the fight will be suspended for one (1) game… “ As stated by the rule above, the action of accepting a fight carries an automatic 1 game suspension and the intention behind the fight is of no interest / relevance. As such, we have decided to suspend ECHAMPO for 1 game. Cases 2 & 3: Forfeit wins concerning Rag Rats & Smell My Cup (PS4), as well as Cross Crease & Smell My Cup Smell My Cup have been disqualified from the tournament, as such under rule 14.9 all games involving said team will be removed from the standings & schedule, played or otherwise. “Disqualification “Disqualification” is when a team gets removed from the tournament. A disqualified team has all its games cancelled, played or un-played. … ” Case 4: Forfeit wins concerning Complex & Chaos Esports (XB1) Complex and Chaos Esports were scheduled to start playing at 22:30 ET on the 25th of March. Just 15minutes before the start time, Chaos Esports informed Complex they could not play and asked to reschedule. Complex declined and proceeded to message LA asking for forfeit wins. Under rule 9.2 it states the following: “9.2 Postponing Games Teams are allowed to postpone any of their games before 4:00 PM ES(D)T on the day the game is supposed to take place according to the schedule. To meet this deadline, it is sufficient to submit a message to all three of the opponent's captains via private messages on NHLGamer. … ” As Chaos Esports neglected to message anyone from Complex, we have decided to award Complex with forfeit victories in this matchup. Case 5: Forfeit wins concerning Quality Control & True North (XB1) Quality Control and True North were scheduled to start playing at 22:30 ET on the 27th of March. Upon messaging True North’s assistant captain, who responded 10 minutes after the scheduled start time, it was found that they would not be able to ice a team to play. As such, we have decided to award Quality Control with the two forfeit victories from this matchup. Case 6: Forfeit wins concerning Epicenter & Kangaroo Court (XB1) Epicenter and Kangaroo Court had made arrangements to start their matchup at 23:30 ET on the 25th of the March, unfortunately Kangaroo Court failed to show up at the scheduled time and as such, we will award both victories to Epicenter by way of forfeit wins. Case 7: Forfeit wins concerning Epicenter & Chicago Mafia (XB1) Epicenter and Chicago Mafia were scheduled to start playing at 22:30 ET on the 27th of March. Chicago Mafia did not show up to the default time, claiming that neither team decided on a specific date to play, however the GM of Epicenter never received a message regarding this. As such, Epicenter will be awarded the two forfeit wins from this matchup. Case 8: Forfeit wins concerning GT R & Chaos esports (XB1) GT R and Chaos Esports were scheduled to start playing at 21:30 ET on the 27th of March. Despite repeated attempts to contact Chaos’ captain by GT R, as well as messaging Chaos’ assistant captain, they received no response. Due to this, GT R will be awarded both forfeit victories. Additionally, it should be noted that Chaos Esports are now no longer able to forfeit any more games in this current season before facing disciplinary actions from LA. This is due to rule 7.2, in which it outlines that a team may only give out a max of four walkover wins over the course of a season before facing further consequences. “7.2 Forfeiting Games Teams are allowed to forfeit a maximum of 4 games in one tournament without further consequences. By forfeiting, the opposing team will be given a walkover win.” Case 9: Forfeit wins concerning GT R & Fox Squad (XB1) GT R & Fox Squad were scheduled to start playing at 22:30 ET on the 27th of March. Unfortunately, due to some issues regarding prior arrangements, Fox Squad was only able to start the 1st game at ~22:55 ET. After the first game was finished, Fox Squad then asked for the 2nd game to be rescheduled to another time. As this reschedule request was asked after the deadline outlined in rule 9.2 had passed, we have decided to award GT R with the forfeit win from the yet to be played game. ---- League Administration statement It is at this point that the LA would like to make a statement of sorts referencing the sudden influx of these types of cases laid out before you. For instance, (in particular reference to case 9) it should be said that whilst there is not specific rule stopping teams from playing potentially just one game of a matchup, such an arrangement should be made in advance. Additionally, if you know you might have issues getting to a game (e.g. games scheduled in beforehand), then it may be advisable to delay the start of the second game to make sure that you and your team are able to make it to the start time punctually. The point of this of course, is that you cannot make these types arrangements if you do not contact the other team’s captains in advance. As such, from this point onwards we will be making it mandatory for people to message the other team when concerned with trying to schedule a date. This is not us diminishing the value of the schedule, instead we are just requiring captains to be a bit more proactive, doing their best to work with the other team to find a suitable day for both, as opposed to just waiting in the DR and hoping the other team shows up with zero prior contact. Will it require more effort? Yes. However, the result is worth it. Note: Teams are required to contact the other team in advance, even if just to confirm the default date.
    13 points
  3. Free ld/rd, pro/elite 3shiftwork so cant play every night, and bup role is also good contact here or psn Anawaa 🍻
    12 points
  4. Hello guys, im recently a free agent looking for a new team, my preferred position is RD but wouldn't mind going RW again if was in the right team and needed me there, ECL elite Winner NHL 17. I like a good possession style team and a solid base, ECL Elite teams only. psn ID F-B-I__A-N-D-Y_
    8 points
  5. Logotype for Champions ECL/Pro 2019.
    7 points
  6. New video is coming out soon and here is small sneak peak of it!
    6 points
  7. Free forward here! I am active Looking for a competive PRO team. Hit me up here or on psn:lycki10
    5 points
  8. Free active finnish C, LD, RD Looking for mainly pro teams 💪 Psn: Nakkertoni
    4 points
  9. Guess who came back to the raccoons? yes my dear brother! Raccoon Rampage In: Kumisaapas22 from The Next Gen 🐾🐾
    4 points
  10. RD is looking for new team (april joke). I have played few games and couple of tournaments (Not april joke). Please contact for tryouts here or PSN
    4 points
  11. NHLGamers, After an incredibly eventful ECL 8, POGGERS are crowned the champions of ECL 8 Pro! The finals were extended due to the widely known issues with the game. As that got fixed, TIKI TALK and POGGERS battled it out for the title during the past week in a series, which ended 4-1 in favour of POGGERS. NHLGamer would like to congratulate our newly crowned champion on the title and a promotion to ECL 9 Elite. NHLGamer would also like to congratulate TIKI TALK, Gotham Knights and Checkmate for outstanding performances and an opportunity to qualify for ECL 9 Elite. The game by game results for the finals are as follows: Game 1: POGGERS - TIKI TALK 2:1 OT Game 2: TIKI TALK - POGGERS 1:2 Game 3: POGGERS - TIKI TALK 1:2 Game 4: TIKI TALK - POGGERS 1:2 Game 5: POGGERS - TIKI TALK 4:2 POGGERS championship roster: GOALTENDERS #41 V.Lehto @Janne Hietala DEFENSEMEN #5 J.Pappas @MrNaiMiZ #87 X.Ripe @Riipperi87 FORWARDS #9 V.Saarijärvi @Chafak #17 -.ENZA @ZPalffy #29 A.Laine @Wickedtah69 #38 -.UI JUMA @Yoloberg #83 S.Gonzales @Speedy104 #98 D.DelaVega @JaKurrii POGGERS road to the trophy: Regular season: 18-8-4 (5th in Group 1) Round 1: 4:1 vs. Raccoon Rampage Quarterfinals: 4:2 vs. Gotham Knights Semifinals: 4:1 vs. Checkmate Finals: 4:1 vs. TIKI TALK Once again on behalf of all of us, congratulations! Now that all divisions have finished playing, stay tuned for our season previews out soon. Your NHLGamer Editor, @jahajaha93
    3 points
  12. Free RD (c and rw goes too) looking team from competitive lite mainly finnish teams contact try-outs psn
    2 points
  13. D looking club to play. Prefer looking RD spot but can also play LD Lambu89
    2 points
  14. Пары первого раунда плей-офф: 1. Alliance HT - 16. Long Way 2. ALARUSSE - 15. SKA from Neva 3. Nearbird Fighters - 14. RED BEAVERS 4. HC ORBITA - 13. HC Dinamo 5. HC Virtuoso - 12. XK CEBER 6. Severstal - 11. RUSSIAN ROCKETS DTM 7. Rusty Bulls - 10. HC CORSAIR 8. Russian Lightning - 9. XK BATA Рамки первого раунда: Последний игровой день первого раунда 9.4.2019. В плей-офф команды вызывают на игры друг друга по очереди, первый вызывает тот кто выше закончил сезон в регулярке. Интервью с капитаном команды HC Virtuoso, @DeLuRe_09 Первый ваш турнир в нашем чемпионате и сразу же такой врыв в плей-офф, мало кто о вас знает, расскажи не много как команда собиралась и где играла? Да, мы новички в этой лиге (за исключением пары защитников, наших старых знакомых с платформы xBox). Костяк нападения у нас довольно старый, играем вместе уже 4 года. До Вашего турнира играли в лиге RLXO на платформе xBox, выигрывали два турнира, 3х3 и 6х6. Переходили сюда с опаской, знаем, что конкуренция на PS4 в режиме EASHL гораздо серьезнее чем на xBox. Переходили второпях, т.к. хотели успеть зарегистрироваться на 4 сезон RCL, начинали здесь одновременно доигрывая сезон на xBox. Некоторые ребята, зарегистрированные в команде даже не имели PS4. Но Слава богу все прошло гладко и мы успели, состав был сформирован грубо говоря день в день с началом турнира. Конечно хотелось немного вкатиться, присмотреться, но к сожалению времени не было и пришлось начинать вслепую. В общем справились и Слава богу сумели попасть в ПО. Вы единственные кто нас(Alliance HT) обыграл в чемпионате, да причем еще как, первый раз нас оставили с нулем на табло, поздравляю. Но вопрос в другом, после победы над нами вы проиграли таким командам как SKA from neva(1), ALARUSSE(2), HC CORSAIR(1), да это хорошие команды, но я не много разочаровался когда увидел результаты. Почему так случилось? (В скобках количество проигрышей) Спасибо! На Альянс мы настраивались, изучали команду, играли не в свою игру, т.е. многое пришлось поменять в стиле нашей игры, чтобы противостоять лидерам, это была принципиальная игра и ее мы играли основным составом. Что касается ребят, которым мы проиграли, то могу сказать, что это сильные, боеспособные команды, заметно, что не новички, которые могут дать и дают бой командам любого уровня. Конечно играть с ними было проще чем с Альянсом, но это хоккей, здесь все настроены на победу, кому-то везёт больше, у кого-то не летит в створ, так сложилось, мы проиграли, это все го лишь регулярка, здесь мы присматриваемся к сопернику, естественно, мы учли все свои ошибки и в ПО будем действовать более строго. Ну и конечно же небольшие проблемы с онлайном нашего состава вынудили нас сделать перестановки, что привело к такому результату. И последнее, в плей-офф играете с командой XK CEBER, в регулярке вы выиграли два раза. Будут ли в плей-офф какие то проблемы с ними? Да, думаю будут проблемы с соединением, это одна из двух команд в лиге, с которой у нас наблюдались проблемы с соединением, видимо из-за большого геопозиционного разброса игроков обеих команд. Но все же обе команды в одинаковых условиях, поэтому стоит с этим смириться и играть. Помимо официальных игр с Севером, мы играли товарищеские матчи, где терпели поражение. Поэтому нужно настраиваться на бой, будет не просто. Так же хочу пожелать мужикам (имею ввиду все команды) хорошего, боевого Плова, без нытья и выяснения отношений в капитанском чате. Разборки должны устраиваться и урегулироваться на льду ! Всем мира! С уважением, @MAYZIIX для NHLGamer.com
    1 point
  15. hi i am a Goalie looking for a team. i have been playing goalie since nhl 18 and have never played on the ice. i will keep your net empty psn: andreverk67
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. Lite team looking for players in every positions but especially defense. We are chill Finnish dudes who like to win but don't take the game too seriously. We are playing almost every day after 19.00 If you want to just come and play with us or if you are looking to join the club, message me on psn: Jooonasaurus
    1 point
  18. Rosvosektori is looking for goalie and defender. There are many options available for free agents, I will list here couple key points why you should consider us - We are Finnish adults and we do understand that players have other commitments in life - We play mostly between 20-24, during weekends we do tend to play much more - We do also have games between 17-20, but not that often - We are not top team currently but want to be there, sooner the better - We do talk about what went wrong, what could be done better next time, how to improve our general game play but every time in constructive manner - We want to keep this game fun - When we log in, we want to play with and for this team
    1 point
  19. Free D man for ECL , msg in psn if u are interest . Psn : Zege1990
    1 point
  20. Creating a thread where people can share ideas for what NHLgamer should do in the coming months after ECL 8. Share ideas and visions. I also wanna raise the question about the fact that ECL currently runs two major tournaments every year. What do you think about that? I do believe that two major ECL tournaments is to few, especially since we have 3 divisions. A new lite team that is formed today will at best be able to play in the elite division in the first season of NHL 2021. With the 3 division system I do believe that more ECL:s is crucial for the european scene. Then again, I'm not the one that has the organize all this so it's easy to complain. Anyways. Share your opinions
    1 point
  21. Logotype "Old Farts". (Redesign version)
    1 point
  22. ECL8 ends officially on 2nd of March 2019. If NHLGamer has decided to go the old way, the next ECL starts on mid-October so there would be about 225 days between ECL8 and ECL9. Pretty sure it's not like that this year but if it is, not smart. I understand two major tournaments in a year if the game is been played by hundred thousands of people. This scene is not there yet where you can just sit back and wait for the certain month to come, only because that's how it's been done before. But during NHL19, NHLGamer has taken some big steps so I'm waiting only positive stuff for this change too. I'd say it's possible to organize something smarter than one Summer Cup in that time period. Which has to be updated somehow by the way.
    1 point
  23. From the past IS CUP.
    1 point
  24. Murohoki's ECL 7 matches will be posted on
    1 point
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