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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/20/19 in all areas

  1. The next and seventh guy up is the team’s substitute RW @JykkeL. Having played with numerous teams, Jykke has the most ECL experience in the group, starting all the way from season 3. A core guy and an original member Jykke brings that always so important veteran knowledge to the young team, usually with his relaxing way of reacting to different situations during games. As the eldest guy in the group Jykke is also the most mature and wisest. Jykke may throw a joke here and there, but other than that he doesn’t talk too much if unnecessary (except on Fridays), giving everyone on the team their own chance to play with peace and concentration. When trying to describe Jykke, you could say that he’s a consistent hard-working guy who literally lives in the dressing room, is at his best on 3v3 games as a goalie with a slight amount of alcohol running through his body, and is always down for some games. As a player, what do you want to bring to Raccoon Rampage? I want to spread positive energy and knowledge about healthy lifestyles. How long have you been playing EASHL for, and do you have any previous experience from ECL? I’ve been pucking the game for as far as a demented person can remember. I have experience from ECL in good and bad. What do you think are the team’s expectations for ECL in the future? I see a lot of growing potential in the group. Everything is possible if we hold on to the motivation and fun. What areas of your game would you like to develop in the future? I would like to learn how to spam the “X” and “R1” -buttons in a fitting rhythm. Most preferably in the same pace with the song “Tarkenee”. What do you think are the key factors that should lead Raccoon Rampage to the success? Our strong game and leadership. Also, the toe drags from our d-men should make some jaws drop. Who do you view as the rival team of Raccoon Rampage? Speedy Bros Hockey. Obviously. And finally, what is your normal weekend routine like? After a hard week of unemployment I open my recovery drink bottle on Friday. First I feed the youngest twins and then check out the homework of four elementary school children. After that I have a little virtual equipment maintenance session and in the evening I hold a four-hour free-skating session for muscle heating. On Saturday morning I go to a 10 km ski tour with every kid one by one. In the summer though you need to buy new skies every three weeks because of the asphalt wear. After skiing I go to the gym and buy HUT packs if some spare time. Then a few drop-in games in the evening. On Sundays I have a full day of yoga so that the mind is in right tune to take on the dressing room errors the whole evening… oh and then I wake up to a new restart on Monday. That's it for this time. Hope you liked this interview, and remember to tune in tomorrow when it's time to have the team's RW @zanechkin on our eight part of the "Ten Days of Raccoons". #FeelTheRampage
    8 points
  2. Rulebook Update We ask all players to familiarize themselves with the rules, especially the captains of the teams. Team captains must be aware of the entire ruleset, as it includes a lot of important guidance that stays relevant throughout the entire season. Regular players on the other hand should be aware of member registration requirements, etiquette, fair play and game rules. Latest update 13.1.2019: As a reminder, here's an overview of the adjustments compared to ECL 7: League Administration Rulings NHLGamers League Administration (LA) team was informed about two rule violations in the ECL Pro Match Murohoki against Gotham Knights. The following two violations have been observed: 1. Gotham Knights used a non-default goal post color. According to rule this is not allowed: “Goal posts must be the default red colour. This is due to colour blindness concerns where individuals would not be able to see the goal if it was a specific colour.” It is clearly visible from the Twitch clip that Gotham Knights played their home game with non-red goal posts. This is an infraction of the above mentioned rule, as another colour than the default red is used. Gotham Knights need to change the goal post color immediately for upcoming games. For now LA has decided to issue a warning to Gotham Knights, a repeated violation may result in point loss. 2. Goalie left the crease intentionally and interfered a skater from the opposing team. According to rule 9.2.2 this is not allowed. "In reference to 9.1 (specifically “Do not exploit game mechanics or bugs to put your opponent at a disadvantage.”), goalies are not allowed to leave their crease in an attempt to interfere with a skater from the opposing team.” Rules prohibit the goalie to leave their crease to interfere skaters of the opponent. The Twitch clip shows that Gotham Knights goalie Kefleri intentionally prevents Murohoki’s skater to be the first guy touching the puck. LA has decided to hand a two game suspension to the player. Kefleri will be suspended from Gotham Knights next scheduled matches against Nordic Stars. In case the player will be playing those games, the two game suspension will be taken over to the next two games and the games against the Nordic Stars will be ruled as wins for Nordic Stars irrespective of the actual result. The Penalty has been carried out 14.1.2019 games against Nordic Stars. ----- NHLGamers League Administration (LA) team was informed about rule violation in the ECL Elite Match Written In The Stars against HC Wildcard. The following violations have been observed: 1. Goalie left the crease intentionally and interfered a skater from the opposing team. According to rule 9.2.2 this is not allowed. "In reference to 9.1 (specifically “Do not exploit game mechanics or bugs to put your opponent at a disadvantage.”), goalies are not allowed to leave their crease in an attempt to interfere with a skater from the opposing team.” Rules prohibit the goalie to leave their crease to interfere skaters of the opponent. The Twitch clip shows that HC Wildcard's goalie sumskoy26 intentionally prevents Written In The Stars skater to be the first guy touching the puck. LA has decided to hand a two game suspension to the player. Sumskoy26 will be suspended from HC Wildcard next scheduled matches against Almost Famous (LA consider behind fallen games as next). In case the player will be playing those games, the two game suspension will be taken over to the next two games and the games against the Almost Famous will be ruled as wins for Almost Famous irrespective of the actual result. Due to the sumskoy26's transfer, LA considers that the penalty has been carried out, because he was not in the HC Wildcard's roster following four games. - League Administration
    5 points
  3. It's time for the interview of our right-side defenseman @Lazzio, who is with no doubt one of the most dedicated guy in the group. Having good relations with the team’s management, Lazzio was given a job to be the more trustworthy defenseman in the team at its establishment. The funny but humble dude soon fit right in and became just that already in his first ECL Pro season. What best describes the relationship between Lazzio and Raccoon Rampage is the fact that Lazzio takes the team very seriously. Lazzio often views the team almost as his other family and is ready to sacrifice everything for the team. In game Lazzio plays with a big heart and has a passion to it, or at least some kind of passion as he stated that: “I don't have many strengths but my ability to hold on to the controller after dozens of alcoholic beverages and my slow reflexes are few of them. Sometimes I get a cramp on my hand and make a good play because of it but that happens as often as Canucks win the Stanley Cup.” All in all, Lazzio has the reputation of being every goalie’s best friend, doing his job with poise, and working as a mascot at the sixth-grade boys badminton tournaments. As a player, what do you want to bring to Raccoon Rampage? I want to bring a smile and good mood to everyone’s face and keep our bottom clean. How long have you been playing EASHL for, and do you have any previous experience from ECL? I have played EASHL for about 5 years, but it looks like I started yesterday. What is ECL? Is it something you can eat? I like strawberries. What do you think are the team’s expectations for ECL in the future? I believe that Raccoons will conquer the whole galaxy easy peasy lemon squeezy. What areas of your game would you like to develop in the future? I would like to be better at keeping my head up because it's really rough to collect your belongings all around the ice. What do you think are the key factors that should lead Raccoon Rampage to the success? The kind of “never give up” attitude and flashing out the teeth of the Raccoons at the right moments. Who do you view as the rival team of Raccoon Rampage? Speedy Bros Hockey. “Angry raccoon sounds.” And finally, you have the team mascot “Kärkikynä-Keijo” and tortoise at your home. How well do they get along together? Raccoons do not really adapt to living with other animals. Toe Drag Keijo always knocks his hockey stick to the side of the terrarium and tells “Pepe” who is the chief. In winter, even traditional outdoor hockey games usually end when both partners drop the gloves. On the other hand, dining is peaceful most of the times when the tortoise eats his cucumbers while Keijo is emptying some drinks. That’s it for this time. Hope you liked this interview, and remember to tune in tomorrow when it’s time to have the team’s RW @JykkeL on our seventh part of the “Ten Days Of Raccoons”. #FeelTheRampage
    4 points
  4. The Everblades IN: Xx_anddrej_xX from Club Savage OUT: Johtava to Kaukosen Luistin
    3 points
  5. We are halfway through the Ten Days of Raccoons series, as it’s time for the interview of our LW @jorma2001. An original member and the only left winger in the team, Jorma has been one of the key contributors and core players for the Raccoons. Born in Lapland, the "soon to be an adult" guy has found himself a great place to be productive at consistent rates that have made him a crucial player for the team. Jorma’s strengths come from his great vision and game literacy, which make him a strong player on both ends of the ice. Jorma is especially known for his competitiveness. He has the fear of losing no matter if it was the most important game of his life, or a Friday night laugher. You could almost argue that Jorma is playing the game like reading a paper. He doesn’t assume to have any kind of advantage to his opponents and reacts to situations critically, taking nothing with certainty. Jorma always wants to take things in a precise manner, but maybe that’s what makes him so successful. Overall Jorma has the kind of skeptic personality you either love or hate, and if there’s any upside to it, you can always get to the right competitive playing mood with him... or at least when he's not gasping up frustratingly to his mic like a madman losing his CR in EASHL... (huoh huoh). As a player, what do you want to bring to Raccoon Rampage? I hope I can bring great puck-playing skills, scoring power and the Oulu City dialect to the team obviously. How long have you been playing EASHL for, and do you have any previous experience from ECL? I began to play EASHL back in NHL 14, where I mostly played drop-in games. I found some friends from there to play with and maintained my EASHL skills regularly. After a few years of playing I got an invite to play in ECL 5, where I became a key player for my team in, before moving to Raccoon Rampage for ECL 7 and so on. What do you think are the team’s expectations for ECL in the future? Getting a promotion to ECL Elite would be the next big goal for our team. What areas of your game would you like to develop in the future? I try to be more consistent while minimizing my bad days. What do you think are the key factors that should lead Raccoon Rampage to the success? I'm sure we can get to our goal when we're all focused on playing the "own game". Who do you view as the rival team of Raccoon Rampage? I can’t really name a one but it’s always great to play against your former teammates’ new teams. And finally, as we all know you're a very competitive HUT player, what are your thoughts on current HUT? I have not played a ranked game in HUT since the first of the October, so I can’t answer to that question. Aaaand finally, why do you think Oulu is the capital of Lapland? Oulu isn’t the capital of Lapland and isn’t even a part of it. That’s it for this time. Hope you liked this interview, and remember to tune in tomorrow when it’s time to have the team’s RD @Lazzio on our sixth part of the “Ten Days Of Raccoons”. #FeelTheRampage
    3 points
  6. Jykkel true hiddem gem
    2 points
  7. Yeah I can join others with this. Game seems much more fluent and players lose the puck when they should. Only thing I would change now is the stick lift. Yesterday I was clearly behind a player on a breakaway and managed to lift his stick without a penalty. Soon it would become that sticklift spam when players realize its the best choice.
    2 points
  8. First time in a long time i'm able to skate, pass and hit properly. Same seems to be the case for my teammates. Start of ECL8 Lite has been horrendous for us, getting beat by everyone. After tuner change we have won pro teams and even kept numbers respectable against Fila. Atleast for us difference is huge with this tuner change.😁
    2 points
  9. it's absolutely nice to play this game now...more fast and clean...love it😘💪🏼
    1 point
  10. Wow, played a couple of hours of 6v6 yesterday and had plenty more fun than I have had in the previous months. It's actually possible to forecheck again and the game feels way more fluent and responsive somehow. My player actually executed the actions I wanted him to. 😂 If EA could just remove the stick dropping and nerf the stick lifts the game would be so enjoyable. IMO.
    1 point
  11. To me the most noticeable change was incidental puck contact. The puck was bouncing around everywhere all the time. I'm not saying it''s a bad thing, just a major difference. I was spamming stick-lifts everywhere and actually managed to get one hooking penalty. Sure, it has its downsides, but positives also. One doesn't need to just stand on a passing lane and hope EA's Random Number Generator rolls for a pass interception, but instead it's possible to play more active defense and lift the stick of the player about to receive the pass. I like that. Checking felt harder to me as well. Whether it has more to do with checking or skating mechanics, I don't know. Loose puck dekes are difficult to pull off with a player that has relatively low deking attributes. This is from the beta-to-release (Day 0) patch notes: Poke Checking Fixed cases where poke checks were tripping a player after getting puck first Fixes to accuracy of poke checks on stationary/slow moving loose pucks Fixed a case where players were not being tripped after consecutive pokes Various additional poke check targeting fixes There were changes to the pokes in the tuners too, though: September 1, 2018 – Tuner 1.00 Updates from Beta to Final Tuning for tripping based around positioning, player speed and collision September 19th @ 2am PST - Tuner 1.01 Poke checks now need to get a slightly larger piece of the player to cause them to trip Increase to pokecheck accuracy when poking to ideal angles
    1 point
  12. Beta tuner or the latest tuner? Beta wins 6-0. At least we need betas skating imo.
    1 point
  13. 6vs6 was totally different no laggy at all. Skating and game play felt very smooth and reactive... i dont know why, but it sure was fun to play. You can use X a lot without worrying of possible penalties, at least when you area close to opponent. I am not sure yet how will this effect, but i am sure it is not just a bad thing. What was checking like? I think i didnt have many attempts last night, but it seemed a bit harder? If i remember it right it was efficient check in beta.
    1 point
  14. Beast Hockey are proud to sign: IN: lozt_amigo from Free Agents
    1 point
  15. If you're a member of the NHLGamer community, you've played against Rusty Blades. I considered writing "chances are" at first, but really - if you've been around the community for more than a few months you will have come across Rusty Blades in the matchup screen. Since the teams inception sometime before ECL 3, RB has been known - among other things - for its high level of activity. Annually at the top of the EASHL 6v6 leaderboards for games played, the Blades gradually started to climb those same leaderboards in the "Win" column as well. Practice makes perfect, they say, and it is my firm belief that no team - North American or European - played more games of EASHL 6v6 than Rusty Blades between their debut season in ECL 3 (18-25-3) and their next season; ECL 4 Pro. That season, they surprised many in the community by finishing third in their conference behind eventual Elite promotees Sjukstugan and Carlsberg HC. By also earning their promotion to Elite that season, RB proved that they were for real and that they were here to stay. Throughout their six-season run, the team has been led by the same man; @Tanski87 . For those of you who don't know Tanski, he's the hard-hitting, fast-passing #13 RD (and occasional C) you quickly learn to hate if you try to skate up the left wing against RB. A builder by trade, Tanski took his passion for constructing things and applied it to the construction of what eventually became a 6v6 EASHL team. Tanski87 aggressively barking orders as he skates up the ice, with a terrified MartindalexC looking on. With him for the duration of RB's ECL journey, Tanski has had his two lieutenants @Lamsa and @Supreex. Both known today to be top players at their respective positions RW and G, back when they started out they were just a group of guys trying to have fun by playing some EASHL. "Well, I have always believed that there should be no drama in a team", says Tanski as he returns from one of his customary smoke breaks between EASHL games. On this particular night - a few days before the start of ECL 8 - a disconnected matchup has paved the way for a longer break, allowing Tanski to answer some of my questions. "We have had success in this and I do believe we have made everyone feel comfortable playing in Rusty. Much of that is due to Lamsa and Supreex." I ask the RB captain to tell me a bit more about his two longest-tenured players. "Lamsa I have actually known each other since 7th grade in school. So my friendship with him reaches deeper than just this game we are playing together. As a player, Lamsa loves to score those goals. And he does have some unreal talent to score. It seems like he has no space and then boom - it's a goal." Long-time friends Lamsa and Tanski "comparing sticks" "He is also a fun guy in voice chat while playing. I do believe everyone who has played with him can agree with that." What about the man selected by all four Rusty Blade players interviewed so far to be the teams MVP? "Well, when talking about Supreex it would be foolish not to mention his skills as a goalie. One of the best, if not the best in this game. It seems like many agree with this. He was actually recruited from a Finnish gaming forum without having any 6v6 experience beforehand. He learned really quickly as he was not happy allowing goals." A man who does not like to allow goals. "Also, Supreex is a really competitive guy who hates to lose. Hates it. He has that in common with me. But his passion for the game is unmatched. I still vividly remember the ECL4 playoffs. We had just lost game 7 in overtime and Supi said that he would be out at least a week... but there he was the next day between the pipes of the Rusty net. That's passion, that's Supreex and that's Rusty Blades." At once, we are joined by a third player. With a voice deeper than the mariana trench, Lamsa announces his arrival. "Hello", he gravels. I ask the high-scoring RW some questions about previous seasons and his expectations for ECL 8. By utilizing a surprisingly effective mix of English, Finnish and profanity - with some translation help from his captain - Lamsa digs into the questions. The time spent playing EASHL has given Lamsa plenty of grey hairs. "Last season was quite a disappointment. The expectations were big after quite a good eSM tournament. Start of last season was really awkward for us. We didn't play as good as a team as we were able to and it kinda destroyed our chances that season. My own game was slow to get going and felt like a ride on a rollercoaster. Sometimes it felt like it was my first time on the ice and everything was new and difficult. What about this season? "I hope we can play a good season without too many bad phases. Expectations are high and I believe that we will be a playoff team. Even with so many roster changes? "Yeah. The changes have felt good. And big changes they are. I, of course, miss my old teammates but this new Rusty has been lots of fun to play with." Tanski chimes in. "I had a really good time with the old Rusty roster. Great guys and great times. But I am really thrilled about this new roster and change. And also really motivated off and on the ice. Only negative is that with this really short offseason we are still getting to really know each others on the ice. But still I have positive vibes." Just like @Foppatofflan and @MartindalexC, Lamsa is asked which ECL defenders he considers difficult to play against. After mentioning @DieCutterMC, @jtorro1233, @vatalisti, @Janzuh and @FakiiR1 he admits he's probably leaving a lot of skilled defenders out. "I'm really bad at remembering names, I can barely even remember the names of my own teammates." ***** Suddenly, the rest of the team is back. It is time to return to the EASHL grind - the same grind that has turned Rusty Blades and its longest-tenured members Tanski87, Lamsa and Supreex into forces to be reckoned with in the ECL community. The same grind that gives the trio hope that the sixth chapter in the Book of Rusty Blades will be the most successful one yet.
    1 point
  16. Before ECL 8 began, I knew we would see a different Rusty Blades for ECL 8. Long-time members left to spread their wings on other teams, while others left for the army. I knew I had a desire to get Rusty to the level where we can truly compete against the best. Not just be the underdog who is able to steal some "surprise" victories. So we set out to find new players. We found some in The_Alpha_Furyan and pentsaa, but we were still looking for that (or those) difference maker(s) at the forward position. As we tried out different players we looked past just the individual skill of the players, because all of the players who came to play were skilled. It is a big factor sure, but we also wanted the "right" players for the team. Team players who never give up. I think we have now found the last two missing pieces of our puzzle. Rusty Blades are proud to announce @MartindalexC and @Foppatofflan will be joining our roster. With a combined point total of 425 throughout the last four ECL Elite seasons, this duo is the NHLGamer community equivalent of Nathan MacKinnon and Mikko Rantanen... except instead of a Finn and a Canadian, this pairing hails from Sweden and England. They will be true difference-makers as we aim to make the playoffs for the second time in RB team history. Our roster is now complete and reads like this: G Supreex @Supreex D Tanski87 @Tanski87 ktewjh @Janikka The_Alpha_Furyan @The_Alpha_Furyan F Lamsa @Lamsa MartindalexC @MartindalexC Foppatofflan @Foppatofflan pentsaa @pentsaa Migo_Boo (Army) @Migo_boo Thank you for @The_Alpha_Furyan with hisxaid in this post.
    1 point
  17. Our sophomore season in ECL Elite did not go as planned. We did not reach the playoffs this season, as some might have hoped and some not that much. There is no any individual to blame, as a team we did not win the right games. Our strenght has pretty much always been team defence. This season we we're not at our best on it. In the other hand our offensive production saw an improvement. For example our very own @Lamsa was thirth in goals scored, tied with Written In The Stars forward @Joukki. @Supreex did all that was possible to do on the net. @koojiikoojii was as good 2-way center as always. Kinnune was also as solid as expected abd Epelis did his job at lw. We just did not perform well enough in the right games. Now it is time to move on and set our sights to fall and ECL7. ECL6 is still going on with playoffs just started and we have already made(suprisingly) little adjustment to our team. Here is our updated logo: And first roster move is Wuorio out. He is one of the founding members of Rusty Blades that was formed right after ECL1. So I must thank him for a long and hard work. Afterall majority of our roster were not familiar with 6v6 playing when we started. No drama in the departure of Wuorio. He just felt that he needed some fresh winds to find his NHL motivation again. Good luck for you on your future paths. And yeah we also have made a new signing. Yeah, we! This player have played with me in the past years ago in We Kings. He is good at both sides as a D. He is truly a veteran player and really nice guy too. We welcome you @Janikka to Rusty Blades!
    1 point
  18. Dynamic - LITE out: Knickedikk in: tgbwest from spartans
    0 points
  19. Farminaattori (Lite team, Group A 10-0-0, 1st place right now) is looking for a starting D-man to play in this ECL8! Our team has started a season very well but we are going through a little changes in our roster. So now we need a defenseman. Our only goal is going for the gold and get the spot to PRO for ECL9. If you are competetive and want to give your all to your team please contact us NOW and ask for tryouts! Conact here on PM : KukaKaatoiJutin or Kettu97
    0 points
  20. The Next Gen In: Kaneyh from Almost Famous Out: Hazard-laser to Nordic Stars
    0 points
  21. Old Farts: In: ktewjh from Rusty Blades Out: RovaniemenHasek to Savo bears
    0 points
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