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With the Summer Cup and the NHL19 Beta behind us, we begin to shift our full focus towards the upcoming ECL season and decided to put together an official list ranking the European teams based on ECL 6. The final order of the teams is determined by playoff wins, after which the regular season standings are considered. From now on the ECL ranking system will be updated regularly and you can find the updated list right here at NHLGamer.com. Without further ado, here are the ECL Ranking as of August 5th, 2018: 01. Carlsberg HC 02. Northern Ascendancy 03. Written In The Stars 04. Dynasty 05. Unlucky Boys 06. Sjukstugan 07. SJK eSports 08. Northern Stars 09. Evolution 10. Gotham Knights 11. Rusty Blades 12. Falun Coal Miners 13. Nordic Stars 14. Pata Hellalla 15. Kattiautomaatti 16. Silver Sword Griffins 17. Monarchs 18. FILADELPHIA 19. Almost Famous 20. White Trash 21. SIKA 22. Red Machine 23. Baltic Sea Eagles 24. Deadly Phantoms HC 25. Clowns On Ice 26. Alliance HT 27. Shameful Knights 28. Synergy Hockey 29. Arctic 30. Monte Carlo 31. Quality 32. Raging Monkeys 33. Speedy Bros Hockey 34. Tiki Talk 35. Free From Rodents 36. Bellizzi 37. OG Royals 38. Murohoki 39. Penalty Box 40. Banterfield Battalion 41. Old Farts 42. En Hund 43. Breakers Of The Bone 44. Nordic Nosebleed 45. JPTJ 46. The Beagle Boys 47. EV Duisburg 48. Cowabunga Hockey 49. Style 50. Sektion K 51. Ghetto Firebirds 52. Freddie Mercury Institute 53. Pohjoista Voimaa 54. MotherPuckers 55. Bare Knuckles Hockey 56. Bucketeers 57. Hippo Rangers 58. Etelan Vetelat 59. Korpens Finest 60. SGWEER United 61. Rukoilevat Hinkkaajat 62. Suomen Sonnit 63. HokiDogit 64. 5th Line Heroes 65. EaLogic 66. Elämäm Kiekko 67. Roistot 68. The Black Jacks 69. Finnish Hockey Legends 70. Soldiers of Odens 71. ICEBREAKERS EAGLES 72. Rusty Bulls 73. Kaksikymmentaseitseman 74. Club De Caballeros 75. DELIRIUM 76. Cancun Pirates 77. KulmalaHengaus 78. Slapshot Club Germany 79. Lucky Strike 80. Taidottomat Lupaukset 81. Sorvankylan Pastorit 82. Rising Phantoms HC 83. Last Kings 84. Saucer Hockey AB 85. Last Period 86. Nearbird Fighters 87. Finnish Prospects 88. Ice Phoenix 89. Mentula SKA 90. Squad Vilttiketju 91. Eratauko Hockey 92. Trinidad Tobago 93. Kouvola Screaming Eagles 94. Kaukosen Luistin 95. Sedinsisters 96. Prometheus 97. Unfinished Business 98. Olympic Athlete from RUS 99. Stayhard Stallions 100 . Pink Panthers HC 101 . Puck Panthers 102. Asserklubi 103. Kisumaa 104. Burns Beardy Bastards 105. Ice Aliens HC 106. HC Piranhas Indicates that a team was relegated at the end of ECL 6. Indicates that a team was promoted at the end of ECL 6. With about two months left until ECL 7 we are grateful to all of the 106 teams and their players for participating in ECL6 and strongly believe that our player base will continue to grow as we get closer to ECL 7. Enjoy the rest of August, everybody and we'll see you on the ice!26 points
12 points
To start off with I want to say the beta felt really good. Some things that could be changed though 1. Passes: For some reason it felt like the passes sometimes went to the opposite direction of where you wanted to pass. For example I tried to pass it forward but instead I passed it backwards to my defender. 2 Afkers: This problem has been in the game for a really long time, especially in HUT where ppl want their coins. EA needs to add some kind of timer that will kick you from the game if you are inactive for like 5 minutes. Add some kind of punishment to prevent ppl from going AFK. Less coins next game or a cooldown to que again for next game. 3. Hits: In general I like the fact that hits are good but it should not really be like this. I got hit and my player was not able to stand up again. 4. Saving lineups in Versus: You lose so much time fixing lines every time you want to play versus. Let´s say I played a very good opponent and after the game I wanna check his stats, if I check his stats I have to fix my lines again. I think you should be able to save lineups for every NHL team so you don´t have to do it all the time. Would save so much time.11 points
7 points
Worst NHL ever. Can't spam R1 anymore so basically I spent half of the game in the penalty box and watch those skill hockey boys doing fancy moves and scoring power play goals. Won't buy the game. Or at least won't play eashl. Customization was fun though.6 points
1. NHL Ones - Jonkun verran tuli pelailtua ja oli ihan virkistävä kokemus. Varsinkin päivityksen jälkeen homma pelitti paremmin kun ei tarvinnu keräillä romuja enään puolta minuuttia jäältä. 4. EASHL 3 vs 3 -kerhopelit - Ei mitään dramaattisia muutoksia, pelaajien sijoittuminen aloituksiin betassa tainnu muuttua viime versiosta jollen ihan vääräs ole? Jos jotain tarvis muuttaa niin ehkä ryntäämisistä pitäs tulla herkemmin pilkkua. 5. EASHL 6 vs 6 -kerhopelit - Juu tulihan noita pelattua, varmaan saman verran viikon aikana kun koko viime syksynä yhteensä. Omasta mielestä kertoo jo aikapaljon itse peleistä. 9. Pelaajatyypit + erityistaidot - Aika laidasta laitaan ukkoja tuli vastaan, ihan virkistävää nähdä välillä muitakin kun voimahyökkääjiä ja isoja mörköjä. Tykkäsin "uusista" erityistaidoista, vaikkakin betan loppua kohden monella oli suurinpiirtein samat boostit käytössä. 10. Varusteet - Ihan siistejä uusia kamoja. Pelkkää posii näistä lisäyksistä. 12. Online vs - Ei tullu pelattua. 15. Luistelu - Tuntu aluks oudolta mut siihen tottu nopeesti ja kokonaisuudessa tykkäsin tosi paljo luistelusta. Ehkä jos jotain tarvis muuttaa niin tankin ei pitäs kääntyä samallalailla kun pienen hiiren. 16. Taklaaminen - Omasta mielestä toimi ihanjees varsinkin päivityksen jälkeen kun laitataklauksista ja pahimmista ryntäämisistä tuli penaalia. Siitä en hirveesti tykänny et pikku-ukol pysty taklaan oikeestaan ketä vaan. 17. Mailapuolustus - Tästä en jaksa sen enempää avautua mut pakko sanoo että oli nättiä pelaa yvtä koko viikko. 18. Hyökkäyspelaaminen - Jos joku sanoo ettei täs betas pysty haastaan 1v1 niin en tiiä mis pilvilinnas on eläny viimesen vuoden. Mutta niin, noin kokonaisuudessaan hyökkääminen oli miellyttävää. Ei isompaa negaa mistään. 19. Puolustuspelaaminen - Omasta mielestä puolustamiseen tarvi enemmän taitoa kun aikasemmin, mikä erotti jyvät akanoista. Eipä siitä sen enempää. 21. Ihmismaalivahdit - Betan aikana huomattiin maalivahtien välillä isoja tasoeroja. Tiiän et tää asia jakaa mielipiteet joten en betan perusteella ala asiaa sen enempää avaamaan. Siinä pari kommenttia ja mielipidettä6 points
Falun Coal Miners looking for versatile forward ahead of ECL 7 [Elite] With the recent departure of "minokin-", FCM is now on the lookout for a high-level, versatile forward to join us ahead of ECL 7 Elite in October. If you can play all three forward positions, that's a huge plus. Regardless if you've played in Lite, Pro or Elite previously, send us a message and let us know why you should be the next player to join our roster! Nationality doesn't matter but a basic knowledge of English or Swedish is required. Please include myself and @LastMandalorian in your message ⛏️5 points
Feeling superhyped after the nhl19 beta Monarchs(elite) are looking to strenghten the squad on a few positions. We are currently looking for elite RW, LD and G. We are setting high goals this season and more class players are always welcome. Other than that this really is a fun group of guys to hang around with. A big opportunity to experience pajenc´s goalhorn tacterz´s constant talk about his favourite snack cheeseballs and much more. Feel welcome to message me, Pajenc32 or Edhoolm97 if you want a tryout. / zalaz5 points
NHL Ones: Nice arcade hockey. Great addition! NHL THREES Drop-In (Arcade Threes): Great way to bring this game mode more alive. It was quite forgotten game mode for me last year. Even though it was nice variety for so serious 6v6s, playing alone against one opponent and two AIs wasn't very tempting in the long-run. Now I might even play this around the year. EASHL Club 6s: It's pretty much just the way it should be. Deflections could be tuned down a bit, but other than that it seems to be the best 6v6 so far. Customization: Player Classes + Traits/Specializations: This is really balanced and a nice addition. I was pretty sceptic about the feature when I heard about it, as I was worried it would result into unbalanced and overpowered builds just like last-gen NHL games had, but this works really well. Customization: Gear (Casual + Pro gear + Gear Bags): Not something I would extremely pay attention to, but it's fun to have more equipment and more personalized characters in the game. Some of the equipment is pretty goofy, but that's fine. If there's something I'd hope EA would add, it would be editable goalie masks: possibility to edit the color of the helmet and the grill, edit the surface type/material (matte - glossy), and maybe add some logos etc. on the helmet (why not text as well, assuming it goes through profanity filter). I'm still waiting for a chance to wear matte black helmet Human Goalies in EASHL: Feels great! Finally the goalie feel responsive and doesn't get stuck into animations as much as it used to.4 points
Vähän meikän näkemyksiä EASHL:stä ja pelistä yleisesti, versuksen jätän välistä kun ei niin kiinnostanut betassa... Viime vuonna pystyi vielä Betan jälkeen pelaamaan änäriä melkein päivittäin, mutta tänä vuonna ei kyllä pysty. Niin paljon parempi jo pelkkä 19 Beta oli verrattuna tuohon 18 syöpätekeleeseen. Toivon, että itse 6v6 gameplayssa ei paljon mikään muutu. Poket, ohjurit, yms on aika hyvin tasapainossa. Itse en ole samaa mieltä siitä että ohjurit olisivat olleet liian hyviä tjsp. Aika hyvin ne oli puolustuksen aseilla pois otettavissa ja maalivahdillekin saa ohjureiden torjumista helpottavan erikoistaidon jos niin haluaa. Äxä huitominen oli vähän koomisen näköistä, siitä voisi laittaa herkemmin boksiin porukkaa. Maalivahdit näytti hyvin toteutetuilta, en allekirjoita Kommerin kommenttia siitä että kuka vaan voi olla Hasek. Sen kyllä myönnän että muutama kyseenalainen seivi tuli nähtyä, mutta sitä kait se on ollut joka änärissä. Sekä puolustuksessa, hyökkäyksessä, että maalivahdeissa oli havaittavissa selkeitä tasoeroja mikä johtuu vain EAn tekemistä hyvistä muutoksista. Toivottavasti skill cap säilyy koko vuoden. Pipolätkä ihan kiva ja Hockey Bageja oli tosi hauska availla, ketutti kun max. level oli vain 16. Uudet varusteet tosi fresh, yolo, etc. Kunhan ei käy paska säkä jatkuvasti varusteiden kanssa niin all good everything. Valikot vähän hassut, kerhokoppi tosi monen painalluksen päässä ja aina pitää mennä erikseen takas koppiin jos poistuu pelistä eikä venaa timeria loppuun. En tiiä mitä EA on ajatellut mutta vähän outoa. Ei tosiaan ole mitään isoja huolia murheita pelin suhteen. Lupaavin kiekkopeli tällä genillä evah niin pitää olla tyytyväinen. Hyvä tästä tulee, oikea vuosi isoille 6v6 turnauksille. Vai mitä, NHLGamer? Good job EA, gj.3 points
Agree. It feels great to be back in the net. I enjoyed so much this Beta 😍 Did not play that much versus, but club was so much better and funnier!3 points
5/5 tykkään. Pitää olla varovainen poken kanssa mutta kun sen tajuaa niin 5/5. Ne ketkä tökkivät jaloille niin voivat kokoverison ilmestyessä mennä harkka huoneeseen opettelemaan. Veskat ehkä vähän liian hyviä mutta se ei motivaatiota laske.3 points
They shouldnt be as effective as there is really nothing the goalie can do other than pray2 points
My own opinion about deflections when I'm playing a goalie: 1) I think the best way to stop deflections is sit in butterfly trying to be as close to the player who gets the deflection, but still sometimes the goalie pulls this wierd animation which leaves your five hole wide open even if you are holding butterfly. This usually leads to goal and I don't think you can do anythink about it. 2) If a slapshot or wrister is released at the point even if there is more defensive guys than attackers between the puck most of the times to puck shouldn't bounce to the net or attacking players. So let's say that the puck is more bouncy than ever 3) We've seen in this beta teams starting to use more "throwing shit to the net" tactic and it seems working. But for me in goal and I think most of the players thinks that it takes a little bit of skill out of the game and rip's moti. Sure it was nice addition but It is so op that everyone uses that instead of making better plays. Hope they will fix couple of things and this game will be so awesome🤤 EDIT: Maybe the game should bring some kind of addition that you can somehow in goal affect to save the deflection, because now it's only sitting in the net and hoping for best2 points
I like the game very much, the control of the player feels so smooth not only in versus but in EASHL as well. EASHL: L2 could be nerfed, as it is right now I can go from skating forward-backwards in 0.2 seconds and still maintain my speed. I really like that there are way more hits in the game since the nerf of the pokecheck, makes it more fun to watch and play. The poke checks still work but you have to be 100% sure you're in a good spot when you pull it off. The defensive skill stick seems to be better, and as the name says, it is rewarding if used correctly and not as a sledgehammer. Stick Lift (X) is way too strong right now, I can stick lift a defensive defenseman with my sniper five times without getting a pen. Goalies seem to be a in a good spot right now. Only tried standing in the net once but it felt really good. Lower the timer before the game starts after finding a match. OTHER: As Esdor said, one reason I don't play too much versus is because I have to change the lineup/strategy every time I play, it is time consuming and it would be great if you could save lineups/strategies for certain teams. Custom Shortcuts, for example to the Dressing Room in EASHL or to a challenge in HUT. The menus are slow and it would be great to save some more time. Can't wait for NHL 19 to be released on September 142 points
Hello everyone! I decided to get back on the ice after long break :) So im looking for new club in Elite/pro, my position is only RD I played two seasons in Elite and one season in pro. msg me here or PSN Veskku Ps. Im looking for club for NHL 19 not NHL 19 BETA2 points
Hey All, Thank you very much for all the effort you've put into your replies! We are now working on compiling your feedback and sending it forward to EA SPORTS. If you still want to get your feedback in, please submit it before 19:00 CEST. Thank you. Could you describe how you'd like the deflections to be nerfed?1 point
1 point
LD looking for a starting lineup role in a pro team. If interested message me here or psn: kim_20_00_1 point
The Visionaries is still looking for an active LD for ECL Pro. If you’re a C or LW there’s still time for a tryout too. Holla @ me here or on PSN if you became interested, we try to play some games every day.1 point
Ihan samalainen kuin 18 tulee ainoastaan jäähyi helpomin aivan liikaa ja kaikki vakio maalit tässäki ja hutissa toivoisin ainakin et otetaisiin kortin arvot vähän paremin huomioon et ei nyt sentään 89 korti jyrää esim 99 kortii eli jos luistelee niin kyl 89 kortin pitäis hävitä luistelu nopeudessa . oli kyl vähän pettymys1 point
1 point
To start with, I gotta say that this beta have been very good so far and I have enjoyed every second of it. There are som changes though that I would like to see. 1. I want there to be an permanent dressing room like in last game. When you quit a game or back out you shouldn't get back to the starting menu of chel. In my opinion you should still be in the dressing room. 2. After you have played a game it says "next game in 00:56" for example. I think you should remove the limited time you have after a game. After games I like to watch stats and also highlights. And highlights aren't even available to watch after the games anymore?? You need to bring that back. I think it would be cool if you could watch highlights and stats of the game even after you quit or close the application. 3. Add a practice arena where you and your club members can go into anytime and practice together or alone as a goalie or skater. If alone as a goalie there should be a bot that can help you out. 4. Fix the pokecheks a little bit but not much. A good poke shouldn't be avoided just because it might give you a penalty. Bad pokes though that goes through the skates should always be a penalty. Pokechecks through the net should be fixed. 5. The stick lift can be nerfed a little bit but not too much. 6. Sometimes when you skate towards another player and decides to go for the hit nothing happens and the skater can just keep on skating without even losing the control over the puck. In real life the player would lose control of the puck. The rest I want changed have already been mentioned up here. This game is going to be amazing!1 point
Skating is great and pokecheck is like it should be. Deflections should be nerfed, and intercepting passes should be changed a bit, as sometimes when you are facing the puck a pass might just go through your player, whereas when you are not facing the puck your player might still be able to intercept the pass, which should not be the case. This game has potential to be an amazing game with a couple of fixes imo.1 point
Kai tiesit että betoissa on aina noita yhteysongelmia? Eipä niitä enää näe kokoversiossa muutakuin sillon kun serverit on alhaalla tms.1 point
Dont care anything else than 6vs6 games n in this mode EA make good job, first if all developers never get anything else than shit in their Neck so i want say BIG THAnK U for those changes what they make on this version: - now it feels u can move like jagger not any cargo ship like before, it makes it fun to play - do not change poke check or l1 now u can use UR skill stick n handle the puck with stick - also different player builds with possible to peak them little bit how u like is BIG plus, so player feels he/she can make players attribute going with playstyle I realize its called nhl19beta for a reason but feels more like its nhl19alpha but anyway developers are going to right direction on gameplay n this feels much more compative than previous version, but servers are totally shitty no they are deep in hole Where sun never shines...well u get the point, if servers n connection problems can be solved this version will be best evööö... Your’s one n only true JOHTAJA1 point
1 point
Nordic Lightning are back and aiming for the top, where we belong. Currently looking for LW, LD, RD and G. Msg me here or on PSN JaromirSniper68 for interest.1 point
1 point
⛏️ Falun Coal Miners [FCM] - ECL Elite ⛏️ OUT: @minokin to Sektion K (ECL Pro) IN: To Be Announced... Full story on FCM Facebook 😔0 points
Customization: Player Classes + Traits/Specializations: + that you can change the size of your player AGAIN, like in old days. - that you can't go full mangaz with it, and play with a 170 enforcer or a 206 sniper, like you could "back in the days". Now you're forced to play with a sniper if you wants to be a midget, and DFD/enforcer if you wants to be a Hagrid. And that's.... rude! SIZE MATTERS, ramjah.0 points
0 points
Poke pitää korjata buildit jolla ei voi taklata (esim playmaker) on vähän alakynnessä tällä hetkellä kun poke ei toimi, myös se bugi kun voi kampittaa vastustajan kun sen tekemä harhautus on jo loppunut pitäisi korjata 🙈 Ja sitten omasta mielestä voisi vähän nostaa nhl 18 suuntaan että voi yksin dominoida edes jotenkin, Nykynen beta on lähinnä syöttely simulaattori, kyllähän oikeassakin lätkässä jotkut voi "dominoida" 1v1 tilanteissa ja laittaa montaakin pelaajaa nippuun.0 points
Ensimmäisenä tulee mieleen että ne yhteys ja serveriongelmat pitäisi saada minimiin. Toinen on tuo maalivahtipeli kun tietyt vedot menee järjestäen maaliin asti. Vois olla muutenkin molareilla näitä ihmepelastuksia niin kuin oikeastikin välillä aikamoisia venytyksiä tekevät. Mm 18 HUTssa ei hirveesti välii kuka siel tolppien välissä oli tai minkä arvoinen. Betan perusteella jää kauppaan peli. Pipolätkä kiva lisä mut ei uudet pelimuodot riitä jos muuten vajaavainen.0 points
20. Other: I don't know if this intends to stay the same, but this year the speed of getting from one match to the next is worse than last year because after each game you get kicked out of the dressing room completely (and that's even with no errors, desyncs, bugs, glitches, blue screens). Would like to see them copy from FIFA pro clubs and make it so you can search for your next match right after finishing a game. Also, a quick swap handedness button in the match room would be good for those of us that don't choose one specific position. Since this is being passed on to EA, here's a couple more small things: The animation when you pass to a guy who is close to the offside line and he skates in before the puck and gets called offside (in versus). Quick, instant and responsive menus like we haven't seen since last gen (when pressing "Advance/Back" or using the d-pad to move left/right/up/down) Forehand stick lift face-off sometimes doesn't work, puck stays on the dot even though you've won the faceoff. Drop-ins often got confusing when both teams' jackets/jerseys had similar colours. New drop-in select position system is an improvement, but there are many players that play weird positions like only RD and C. What I would suggest is just having the six position options there and you highlight which ones you prefer to play. In Ones I experienced a bug a few times where the overlay that shows the players' names and one stat (X goals, Y hits, Z wins, first game, etc) would stay there for the entire match. Skating backwards with the puck into the offensive zone should be an offside.sorry everybody looks like I dont know hockey rules Search for clubs with friends option was broken again. Player who got a penalty came out of the bench not the box after the PK was over. (Personal opinion) The player who controls the goalie should come on as the 6th player instead of a bot. Gameplay feels really good. At this point I don't really see what major thing they could add in next year that would greatly improve the game. *cough* GM connected *cough*0 points