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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/30/17 in all areas

  1. When we start up our next series: "Arrogant children in the community who have no respect for others" - I guarantee you will be our first call! Peace and love
    16 points
  2. Lamsa who made it to the Summer Cup finals this summer and now leading his team who no one believed in to the ELITE playoffs in front of several top ranked teams. Mid-level players? Take a step down please Tuukka.R. Peace and love
    15 points
  3. Lamsa caught atleast me off-guard in summer cup as he proved to be a valuable asset to the team and played a major role in winning/losing us free nhl. And don't mind Ape I think the guy has shown countless times how he's the community's most ignorant and inconsiderate member.
    13 points
  4. Having suggestions or thoughts is one thing. Stumbling in to take away the spotlight of a certain player by putting them down with certain comments, and having the need to share your own negative thoughts about how much someone else deserves this instead, is another thing. And it’s pretty meh according to me. Prove yourself on the ice and feel good about yourself and your friends while doing so instead. Everything isn’t a contest, everything isn’t about boosting your own selfesteem over someone else. This is just straight up a really nice thing and article series made with the publishers own thoughts, with good intentions for the community and the players within. Let’s keep it like that.
    11 points
  5. I dont understand how youre taking doumi as an example. I believe hidden gem posts are more about players that are a bit unknown to others or underrated. Floor isnt unknown player for most, but lamsa can be for some still. Taking doumi as an example as hes known very well inside the community with his skill set, he shouldnt be in the hidden gem section for that reason. This is more like about players that are underrated compared to their level of skill in my opinion. You need to remember always that when these posts are made, they are made by the creators opinion, not the communitys.
    11 points
  6. Hey NHLGamers, Round 2 of the ECL Lite Playoffs is done! Now we are approaching the Quarter-Finals, and "the stakes are getting higher, you can feel it in your heart". While these lyrics fit perfectly, they not actually represent the author's or other staff members' taste in music. I'm more of a rock guy, and I hope all of the remaining 8 teams will rock the ice and take their chance to make it into ECL Pro for ECL 6. Remember: All ECL semi-finalists will be promoted to ECL Pro for next season! You guys are only 4 wins away from this accomplishment. Here are the pairings for the quarter-finals: Deadly Phantoms HC vs. Nordic Nosebleed Almost Famous vs. Squad Vilttiketju Raging Monkeys vs. EV Duisburg Red Machine vs. Face Wash Hockey Framework Teams mentioned on the left side have their home game first The quarter-finals are played in a best-of-7 series, meaning the first team to rack up 4 wins proceeds to the semi-finals The round starts today, and all games must be completed before December 6, 23:59 CET / December 7, 00:59 EET Good luck to everyone! @gzell60 for NHLGamer.com
    9 points
  7. xDoumi superstar and Lamsa mid-level:D interesting points of view.. or just really nasty drugs. Maybe you are up next one then;)
    9 points
  8. next hidden gem mikaasi cama..
    9 points
  9. NOS - APO Games 3-4 Tonight at 20 CET Stream here
    8 points
  10. You are of course allowed to have an opinion, we encourage it! Just as others are allowed to think that the manner in which you voice those opinions comes across as somewhat arrogant and condescending. Maybe you didn't mean to be disrespectful, maybe you are trying to save face here - to me it doesn't matter, what is done is done and it is what it is. I understand that you want your friend Doumi to be featured, I do too. He is a tremendous EASHL player, just like you are Ape. If I remember correctly, I believe the term "next superstar" that keeps getting thrown around about xDoumi actually came from one of the texts I wrote a few months ago. I could be wrong though, I just have a vague memory that I wrote something like that. I will leave you with this thought: When you came into this article and started talking down the people who are featured ("...players that the author feels haven't quite gotten their time to shine at NHLGamer or players that aren't getting full credit for the skill they bring to the table" - from the article) because you thought it would be fun, how did you think that was going to make you look? Or did you not care at all?
    7 points
  11. Pato is doing great work in here I think. At least I love reading these... I get this Hidden Gem idea, would be boring to read this kinda stuff about already known Gems. Or dunno, Ape is one of a kind and Torro only black NHL player? Would be fun to get these two for interview. Anyway. News, articles, podcasts... Everything is more than welcome! Cama, keep it coming.
    6 points
  12. #Gameday 20.00cet www.twitch.tv/NorthernStarsHockey Puantso - Penatski - Indi969 Nylanderi - Jtorro1234 ICappeI
    6 points
  13. when you have reached the top, only way you can go is down
    6 points
  14. Ape aka ecl champ steps down? Naaahh... Apes
    6 points
  15. Lamsa - Rusty Blades (RB) ECL Hidden Gems is a concept that was created by @The_Alpha_Furyan and @pnordetun (patovic). The idea evolved out of discussions concerning what type of content patovic himself would like to see more of at NHLGamer.com and what kind of texts he'd be most interested in writing. Hidden Gems, for the purposes of this feature, means players that the author feels haven't quite gotten their time to shine at NHLGamer or players that aren't getting full credit for the skill they bring to the table. This is the second edition in a six-part series that patovic has written so do enjoy the witty writing of "pato" and leave a comment with your thoughts on the piece. After the first edition of Hidden Gems, which was more of a "old school" type gem, we return with this second installment that is focused on a player that manages to be a veteran and a new addition to the community both at the same time. I am of course talking about good ol' @Lamsafrom Rusty Blades - a man so good on the offensive side of the puck that all of your team better be prepared to focus 110% when going up against Rusty Blades. The franchise itself has only participated in ECLs 3, 4 & 5 but wow (!) have they been taking some major steps in the right direction. After making their debut in ECL 3 to mixed reviews (IMDB rating: 6,1), they went back to the drawing board and decided to grind out some serious practice. And by "some", I mean a lot. I am not sure if any team played more EASHL games than Rusty between ECL 3 and 4 but they managed to do exactly what they set out to do - build a foundation for their style of play and learn how to play against (and defeat) the very best ECL teams. Under captain @Tanski87, Rusty have perfected the art of "brunk and dump hockey" mixed with some tic tac toe and have managed to make it the key to their success. In all this, Lamsa is the true catalyst: leading the way with all the different types of goals, assists and dirtyness only a true Kantor can bring. While being underrated on the defensive side of things - he describes himself as a defensive playmaker - Lamsa is most comfortable scoring points using his straight-forward style (the anti-skill hockey?) that has resulted in 155 goals and 101 assist in 112 games played. The fact that Lamsa is Rustys go-to guy in the scoring department get quite obvious when you consider the fact that in ECL 3 (Legacy) he scored 20 points more than anyone else on the RB squad. For next season, ECL 4 (Pro), he finished a full 33 points ahead of #2 and finally, in ECL 5 (Elite) he managed to repeat the feat once more by scoring 14 points more than his closest teammate. Now, Rusty has managed to build what many call the ultimate teamplay-focused team where every skater is a key cog in the machinery and they have certainly become one of the best at what they do, but when the chips are down and they need that one key play - Lamsa is most likely smack in the middle of it. Before ECL 5 I am sure many were curious how RB and Lamsa would hold up against Elite competition, but both of them certainly managed to put a sock in the mouth of their detractors. Rusty Blades by finishing 8th overall, making the playoffs and pushing Aapon Taikasauva to six games in their playoff series and Lamsa by scoring 25 goals and finishing tied for 9th in Goals amongst all Elite skaters. I think we can safely establish once and for all that, unlike the Dent Act and Roberts Rebellion, Lamsa is not built on a lie. Lamsa Fact Box [Player profile] Lauri Lämsä, Finland ECL All-Time Stats: 112GP, 155G, 101A, 256P, +33 Participated in ECL 3, 4 & 5 at NHLGamer: all three for Rusty Blades Favors the RW position in EASHL Part of Rusty Blades squad that got promoted from ECL Pro - ECL Elite after ECL 4 Runner-up and silver medalist for the 50 Shades of Blades in Summer Cup 2 Text by: @pnordetun Intro and editing by: @The_Alpha_Furyan Art by: @OxtreeLAT
    5 points
  16. Waiting for players like @Ikavalko, who really is a hidden gem.
    5 points
  17. Suggestion. Next time make story about new players who might be next superstars. Like Xdoumi etc. Now you're making storys about mid-level players. Sry for those who now thinks they are hidden gems. Peace and love.
    5 points
  18. @FlyerKungen Imagine how long the playoffs would take or how hard it would be to get the games played if everyone thinks like you? There would be eight teams in elite playoffs asking for more time because someone from their best possible lineup are on vacation, hangover, tired or cat has eaten someones playstation. And if your biggest argument is "this isn't competitive" there aren't any reasons to change anything based on that. NHL teams are playing their games too, even if somebody is injured and they can't use their best lineup. We need rules and scheludes, if it's too hard to follow them, don't participate. I'm tired of this new generation where minority thinks that everything should go like they want and how it's best for them, even if it harms the majority.
    5 points
  19. Very much agreed! I’ve played with him a couple of times, and he’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing! I haven’t really ever played with Lämsä, so I can’t say anything about being on the same side but the points do seem to keep coming. Nice work, I like reading these articles.
    4 points
  20. 4 points
  21. 4 points
  22. Oh god I should just ignore you.. I thought you said you were out and case is closed. I'm not trying to be jesus, I just said my opinion... Hope you can handle it
    4 points
  23. You know, there's an idea for another series, the best non-white players in the scene.
    3 points
  24. I think a week is more than enough to play 4-7 games. If you’re not able to field your best lineup, that’s on you I think.
    3 points
  25. You're a wolf in cheap clothing!
    2 points
  26. Hidden gem as forward: JOHTAJAVIRTANEN
    2 points
  27. Really no offending towards you xdoumi, I think you are both great players. Just didn't get Apes fantastic post
    2 points
  28. Is it a fps? I barely play those anymore .
    2 points
  29. 2 points
  30. The rule is there for a reason. If you have a really good player in your roster but he can only play once in a blue moon then is he really that 'good'? Since more often than not he can't play. Your job as a captain is to field the best possible lineup, not the best, as it has to be achievable. If you decide to take a chance and bring in 6 'main' players with 2 'fillers' then that's fine, but you absolutely cannot turn around to the admin team and ask for an extension because one guy was 'off'. The player minimum is there for a reason and if you end up being forced to play a playoff game because one of your main guys can't play, well then that's completely your fault for not acquiring good enough backup players. Ideally do WOs have a place in playoffs? No. Alas we don't live in a perfect idyllic world now do we? So such a thing will inevitably occur once in a while. Edit: Wait hold up, this doesn't feel right... I'm defending the admins? Who spiked my drink?
    2 points
  31. Free agent. I played about 3 years in MUKIMIEHET, but now it's time to move on and look for another team. We won ECL in NHL 16. Preferred positions G, RW and RD Looking for mostly finnish team but others can also ask Contact me PSN. Lagezickarno or here
    2 points
  32. NHLGamers, Here are the playoff pairings and framework for Round 2 of the ECL 5 playoffs for Pro & Elite: FRAMEWORK Each pairing, Elite or Pro, must be finished within 7 days from today, meaning last evening to play games is December 5th. Don't expect any extensions! All pairings are to be played in a best-of-7 series (teams on the left side below play home first) PRO PLAYOFFS After the cross-seeding of the first round between Group 1 and Group 2, we now return to our usual points per game seeding for the rest of the playoffs. Here is how last round ended: Gotham Knights vs. J P T J [2-1, final two games WO from J P T J due to no players available in the alloted time] SIKA vs. THE UNITED KNIGHTS [3-4] Inter Iceland vs. EN HUND [4-2] Lavetten vs. Pata Hellalla [2-4] Unlucky Boys HC vs. Alliance HT [4-2] Shameful Knights vs. Falun Coal Miners [1-4] Nordic Stars vs. White Trash [4-2] Baltic Sea Eagles vs. Evolution [3-4] This gives us the following pairings for Round 2 (new seeds based on points per game relative to each other in regular season): #1 Unlucky Boys HC vs. #8 THE UNITED KNIGHTS #2 Nordic Stars vs. #7 Falun Coal Miners #3 Gotham Knights vs. #6 Pata Hellalla #4 Inter Iceland vs. #5 Evolution ELITE PLAYOFFS For Elite, these were the results of Round 1. Aapon Taikasauva vs. Rusty Blades [4-2] Carlsberg HC vs. Northern Stars [3-4] SJK eSports vs. Northern Ascendancy [4-2] Written In The Stars vs. Dynasty [4-0] This gives us the following pairings for Round 2 (seeds remain unchanged = sorted by points per game in regular season): #1 Aapon Taikasauva vs. #7 Northern Stars #3 SJK eSports vs. #4 Written In The Stars Good luck to all teams and see you for Round 3! ECL Lite announcement regarding Round 3 will be out tomorrow. @The_Alpha_Furyan for NHLGamer.com
    1 point
  33. Hey ! LW / RW looking for new team. ECL stats : https://nhlgamer.com/player.php?playerID=1758 Speaks English and Swedish. Prefer a team with 18y+ that cycle in the offensive zone.
    1 point
  34. Team name: Nordic Nosebleed, NNb Looking for: Goalie Team info: NNb was established 2008 and has won the Swedish tournament that was played long before EHL and now ECL. We are now participating in ECL 5 lite and hoping for advancing to pro league. We need a Swedish goalie that can play a lot of EASHL 6vs6 games. contact me if you are interested. / GM Cherrykicks
    1 point
  35. DPH and EVD for pro! 🇩🇪 😎
    1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. I wrote my comment based on that statement because in my opinion that just sounds stupid. Bugimir is in miami right now and you don't want to play against us before he comes back to finland. Okay, maybe it's coincidence that you are writing something like that here just now.. Sorry, maybe I just made a stupid prejudice. And what comes about my face or instagram followers, it's not relevant at all. Anyway see you on the virtual ice and hopefully in nhlgamer cruise someday!
    1 point
  38. We understand that everyone wants to play with their best lineup. Tho it's not always possible and you have to work around it. The deadlines for each round are there for a reason - everyone has to follow the same set of rules and the same deadlines. There's no preferential treatment. OK, lets say we indefinitely extend the current round of the playoffs because of a single matchup where both teams couldn't ice their best lineups. Now what? Everyone's forced to wait? What will we do when another team approaches us regarding the same issue? What happens when in the following rounds teams actually can't play their games because of the previous delays (holidays are right around the corner)? What happens when we are forced to push back/cancel the next ECL/Summer Cup? We're open to all suggestions and will always try our hardest to help teams to overcome any potential issues. There are valid reasons for not being able to finish the series and if such cases arise we can possibly try to squeeze in an extension. That said, demanding an extension simply because one of your main players decides to go on a vacation and then the team doesn't want to play the series even though they have enough capable players is just ridiculous. Please respect other members of this community and their time.
    1 point
  39. Mystery is looking for few backup players, 1st line LD and goalies. We WILL participate in lite next season. 😉 If u are interested, contact me on psn: miguli36, or pm here
    1 point
  40. Banterfield Battalion (Pro) is looking for a few reinforcements for ECL 6: - LD (it’s definetly a plus if you can play RD too) - 1-2 FWDs (again big + if you can play multiple positions) Playing time in both club & ECL quaranteed! Last season was a tough one without our captain but we’ll bounce back next season. Interested? Contact @Heero and me here or Nuija98 and mikka249 on PSN
    1 point
  41. Free RD looking for a good and active team. I have a lot of experience of ECL and kissing girls. I won the hitting stats in PRO-div. ECL5, so I think Im a physical defender. Want to play with adults and get a heart attack with rageing people. Send me msg here. PS App is piece of shit.
    1 point
  42. God Tier is looking for center, defenders and goalie BIG + if u are unemployed, without social life or atleast live in parents basement.
    1 point
  43. Face Wash Hockey Is looking for RD to next ecl and normal eashl games. If youre interested, 18+ old and active feel free to pm here or psn lozt_amigo
    1 point
  44. Free agent - Looking for PRO team - Preferred positions LD/RD & RW - https://nhlgamer.com/player.php?playerID=795 Contact me PSN: pro-m99
    0 points
  45. I dont want to offend anyone. And no im not either disrespectful. Just wanted to point that youre hidden gem could be really hidden gems. Ofc now current gems can be little upset but its just my personal opinion. Sorry if my thought hurts like a hell.
    0 points
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