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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/21/17 in all areas

  1. As a spiritual spin-off to the infamous one-off podcast "Kusipäisyyden korneri" by Teemu "Johtaja" Ylösmäki and Oskari "OODAP" Koivuniemi, I give you the much tamer "Asiallisuuden korneri" where Johtaja and I discuss team dynamics, the dilemmas faced by GMs, and what goes into making a team work together. The conversation was off-the-cuff and not as in-depth as I originally intended. Still, we drew from experience playing EHL/ECL and figured we'd have something meaningful to say. Failing that, at least we got to listen to our own voices. As Johtaja pointed out to me after the recording session, it does feel more like an interview, with me asking the questions and Johtaja answering them, than a conversation between two active participants. Johtaja is the one who, for most of his time playing EASHL, has been running his own teams. Therefore, it felt natural to me that I step back and convey his perspective from all those years of managing a team. That's not to say I shouldn't have been more active, though. Just like Kusipäisyyden korneri, this is entirely in Finnish. However, if for some reason there is demand, I will subtitle it in English before uploading the podcast to YouTube. Asiallisuuden korneri is in no way intended to compete with ECL Talk, the official podcast by NHL Gamer. We're in a different language, and we didn't really veer into their territory with our topic. You're doing well, Alpha and Silenttio, and we appreciate your effort. I started this thread already to forewarn the community of the imminent release of Asiallisuuden korneri and to find out whether I should make those subtitles. I've completed the most painstaking part of the editing, so it's possible that I'll upload the finished podcast later today.
    7 points
  2. So you think that carlsberg hc should have been placed in lite last season ?
    6 points
  3. I don't see a point in placing obviously stacked in lite only to destroy the teams, as it goes completely against the idea of the divisions in the first place. I know the staff underlined the desire for a certain type of longevity with teams, but I see that as merely limiting the competitiveness of the game. However, in order for this type of system to be possible, there has to be a specific way to rate teams and their level. There are various different ways to do that, but the simplest way would be to assign personal ratings to players and when a certain threshold is reached when the player ratings are added up, the team is granted access to Pro if there is room. Say, playing x games in elite the previous season grants a player y rating. On top of that, if he's a forward and finishes in the, say, top-20 in points, he gets z points on top of that. Have rules like this for every position, where the player ratings are in black and white, something tangible to judge a team's ability objectively. This is obviously just a rough example to give you an idea of how a team rating could be achieved through personal performance. I do understand that some players in lite would actually relish the challenge of facing excellent teams in the lowest tier, so their voices should obviously be heard as well.
    5 points
  4. Afternoon Gamers, In the last few months NHLGamer.com has seen an incredible growth. Not only when it comes to our membership totals on the webpage (about to hit 2500 at the time of writing this) but also when it comes to the ways in which you, our members, choose to interact with us. Our social media channels has grown exponentially and the level of overall commentary and discussion across all platforms is the highest its ever been. As we stand on the verge of new and exciting projects that could potentially propel the NHLGamer brand even higher, it is important to remember where we came from. That, coupled with our desire to introduce our many new members to what it is we actually do around here, led to the creation of an article titled: What is the ECL? Well, the ECL (or European Championship League) is, quite simply, the biggest and most competitive EASHL championship on the European continent. It has long been the "flagship" project for NHLGamer.com and continues to be one of its highest priorities as the project moves forward. All games in the ECL are always played 6v6 (= 6 human-controlled skaters on both sides, including the goaltender) in the EASHL game mode on EA SPORTS' latest iteration of the NHL franchise. When the ECL first saw the light of day almost two years ago (2015) it did so with a healthy amount of hype. The European EASHL community, having previously been divided between Xbox and Playstation, had all decided to come together on one platform (it ended up being the PS4) in anticipation of the championship. Thus it came to be that the ECL, right from the very start, hosted the most competitive enviroment anyone had ever seen... and from there it grew. While the number of teams who competed in ECL's 1, 2 & 3 stayed relatively even, around 50, and the summer tournament hosted on NHLGamer (Summer Cup; previously a part of the ECL but now edited to be its own franchise) was a success - we still felt like there were more European teams and players out there who either hadn't discovered us yet or hadn't gotten around to signing up. With a game-changing innovation introduced ahead of ECL 4, we were about to be proven right... Divisions The idea behind creating separate, skill-based divisions had been rattling around the NHLGamer community ever since before the first ECL, but it wasn't until after ECL 3 that a formal concept was announced. The community was then given a chance to present their feedback and suggestions for improvements before the Staff announced the final version. When faced with the opportunity to play an entire season against teams of an even skill level, the number of sign-ups soared. The ECL went from having about 60 sign-ups with 45-50 teams finishing the season, to having 80 sign-ups with 78 finishing the season - a 97.5% completion rate. We attribute this success partly to the divisions evening out the competition amongst teams, but also to the enhanced structure a system like this offers. ECL Elite always houses 16 teams, meaning the regular season is always 30 games long. ECL Pro always houses 32 teams, meaning two "conferences" of 16 teams and a regular season 30 games long. ECL Lite is flexible so that we can always accommodate however many new teams choose to sign up. ECL 5 Our next ECL season starts in the middle of October while sign-ups will start as early as September. We expect to once again beat our sign-up records to host the biggest championship yet. Can you afford to miss out on the experience? Keep an eye out for more information, news and hype concerning ECL 5 (including when sign-ups open) in our social media channels; Facebook (NHLGamer) Twitter (NHLGamerCOM) YouTube (NHLGamer Official) Instagram (NHLGamerOfficial) Twitch (NHLGamerTwitch) See you on the ice! @The_Alpha_Furyan for NHLGamer.com
    4 points
  5. Howdyhou gamers! Here is Speedy Bros Hockey and still going strong. The roster has been altered a bit, but the aspiration is straight up. We don't know what is the division where they throw us, but what so ever -we will play there. We are blended with experience and rookies. Stats is not major priority, but the roles are. We want to lift up new players to the ECL-world, but you better be careful -they are not green horns with the game, no no no. After all our defense is experienced. Ampuhaukka78 (C), tzon93 (A) and Malcom330 (A) * Ampuhaukka78 (RD) * EemilK02 (F) * Johtaja699 (C / RW) * JykkeL (F) * markuss7777 (LD) * Mir02k1 (LW) * Ojamoska (F) * Pettersson12 (G) * Raikku560 (G) * riihimaenharski (C / LW / LD) * tzon93 (F) Our mascot is "Tirsku" and it is same dude as Eemil
    3 points
  6. Which also is great because one of the main arguments for divisions in the first place was to avoid the whole new teams getting stomped thing.
    3 points
  7. So based on the poll, people are voting for scenarios like this to happen: Elite team disbands -> Players form new team with majority from elite -> Get placed in lite and absolutely destroy teams down there -> GG everyone
    3 points
  8. We expect to have more than a handful of spots in Pro to fill and we would like to hear your opinion on the following matter: Should a new team be allowed to apply for ECL Pro? (New team can, for example, mean a newly formed team of Elite players) Yes = Some Lite teams are promoted and the rest of the spots are filled with applications from newly formed teams (based on merit). No = All new teams, regardless of circumstance, start in Lite. The vote is anonymous, but of course feel free to discuss the subject. The vote is intended to be a guiding light in our journey towards making the right decision, but we don't want to give false promises. While the vote will give voice to the community, it isn't a decisive "either/or" type of vote.
    2 points
  9. I think the rule that new started clubs begin in LITE is fair to all. I mean would admins have a jury sitting and go name by name of new started clubs? For real... If people decides to jump a ELite/PRO club starting a new they should end up in LITE. Thats my opinion.
    2 points
  10. Excellent idea Goals scored without any assists should give a few extra bonus points IMO
    1 point
  11. The franchise model - It’s been called the greatest business model ever invented. yes - put all new teams (with old elite/pro players) in LITE, who cares if some Lite teams get's destroyed tournament after tournament. The only things that matters is that we care about this franchise model. And, there is so many tournaments every year, so every one who has a good run will ofc get the chance to play in the highest division without waiting 2-3 games... And it must feel so good as a Lite team to get the chance to play against so many "elite-players" tournament after tournament, just for the practice. We all need to fight for this franchise idea, don't forget that! or let the best compete with the best if there is room. I mean, Carlsberg in Lite last season? they could have won elite with that team.
    1 point
  12. I'll be leaving the subtitles out, at least for now. I realized it was going to be more work than I thought. Johtaja's mind can be a bit tricky to translate. It's certainly doable and I might well return to add subtitles at some point, but I'm currently running on a lack of sleep and I'd need to actually focus on the translating. I do want to be inclusive and would love to let everyone who's willing to listen in on what we're saying in the podcast. I actually suggested to Johtaja that we record in English, but it's like he posted in this thread: the true Johtaja will only come out in his native language, and I wish to invite people to really experience the man whom I consider one of the most distinct personas in the community. I personally wouldn't mind doing something like this in English sometime, so we'll see.
    1 point
  13. My English is so rusty... i understand almost perfectly but my writing n specially speaking on English is far from Good.... if We would have make It on English my part of this shit would be maybe 30% when It is 100% in Finnish , i apoligize but hope those 1 or two foreign who want lissen us would satisfied for subtitles at least for now, maybe in future if i practise again some English It would be possible, guess have start play wow again n raid then i was pretty Good spoken also in English but when u do not speak It years It all get so rusty n u forget lot of words as u see now when i have wrote this😒
    1 point
  14. Subtitles are comin as i speak by great all mighty Janikka
    1 point
  15. Nice! I would love if you guys made it available in English for us who don't speak finish in the community... I think it's great that you guys do this but if it's possible in future you should try to speak English only... If we as a community wants to grow in numbers we need to use a language that everyone understands.
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. Name: Tanski87 - Eino Pahkasanta #13 Stick: Left Age: 29 Position: RD/C Tanski started his EASHL career at 09 when the game mode was introduced in EA's NHL series. Raging Hockey Bears was the first team with most active being Tanskanen(Tanski87), Lamsa, xTommiRx, JanRei and Temmi79. But soon team merged to play with Ganiye, DaSats, Hemppamies and Ale_012 and that team was named Finnish Ice Breakers. FiB never played too seriously, but was a regular name among top-10 of EASHL teams. After few years team was not active anymore and they merged in to We Kings to play with Hbnzo, Vbnzo, Jopeelo, EpiWins, Johtaja and Janikka. Tanskanen(Tanski87) was pretty much the only one that remained active from old Finnish ice Breakers and there was couple years of good and fun hockey with We Kings. After PS4 came the team We Kings was no more. Tanski decided to keep out of EASHL and NHL until ECL1 when he decided to play with his old D-pair from Woodhands HC's first steps as a 6vs6 team. Rankaisija "The Bunisher" signed Tanski when he called out to be a free agent. ECL1 did not go well for The Old Farts. Season ended in regular season. There was a felling around that Old Farts would not continue. And that did happen as yrjoo formed Fat Cats and Tanski formed Rusty Blades. Wuorio was one of the players that joined to Rusty Blades from Old Farts. Some other forming members we're Bobby4Orr_Fin and Lamsa aka Dirty Kantor. Team was full of players that had no experience of 6vs6 or EASHL at all. Team has gone some major changes under Tanski's control. Roster is small, active, competitive but most important is that atmosphere is great. Tanski87 and his team mates are thrilled and waiting for NHL18 and ECL5. How did you find EASHL? Tanski87: Heard about the upcoming mode before NHL09 was released. I was really thrilled about the idea of every player controlled by a real person. I can still feel the same anxious wait before realease of the new version. Why Rusty Blades? Tanski87: It felt like a right time to form a new team. A fresh start. Your main goals for NHL18? Tanski87: To play some great hockey as a team. To be as good as we can be. And I promise that it will be better than has been seen by far. Lots of eSports these days. Why NHL-series from all of the alternatives? Tanski87: For me this is the only choice. I love hockey. Your role-model from real hockey? Why? Tanski87: I dont know about that. As a defender I would have to say prime-time Chris Pronger. Hard hitting play with abilityt to be offensive threat also.
    1 point
  18. I will personally make sure that SIKA wont play single game in Elite before we deserve it in Pro. But thanks for the confirmation!
    1 point
  19. Confirmed: Rusty Blades and SIKA -> Elite
    1 point
  20. Nice gays... guys i mean
    0 points
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