I can't remember exactly the context for the original making of the server; so I won't comment on why there was never a thread posted about it but that certainly seems odd.
I understand that, but you don't seem to appreciate the differences between these 'communities'. The reason the forums don't look "very active" is because people generally don't care about it. First of all there isn't much to discuss really, any important shit is posted by one of the admin team and is posted to an entirely different section of the site, so what are we left with at that point? Free agent posts? Well there's already a thread for that. What about free players for the day? Again, that is already in place on a companion group on PS4, something that has devolved into a bunch of "free"s which is hilarious to look at personally.
Plus you have to factor in the fact that Kenu has made it abundantly clear that he wants english to be default language of choice on the site (more often than not, other languages can be used ofc), something that in all honesty probably actively stifles people's enthusiasm to post threads. Feel free for people to criticise me on this as it's just me hypothesising why certain things are as they are.
Additionally for things like voice channels and such, I won't argue that there is a place for it but I think you don't appreciate how many people prefer to use psn chat (atleast from my experience) so while there is kind of a niche use for them, I would imagine the vast majority of players here would rather use psn chat than a pc / mobile based VOIP.
I think your comment about "hop in or stay scattered" is off the mark a little, if you want to see true activity look at the NHL gamer psn community, it looks like a feeding frenzy late in the day
Overall though, I'm more than willing to try and get discord up and running for this community, but I think you need to be aware that it will never get anywhere near full participation from people in the community (although I'd love to be proved wrong). Also the comment about scheduling, it's easy as piss right now, you just click on the team you're against, and their captain will be in full view, click on the link and you're in the PM screen with their details already filled in.
Edit: Fixed it so that new members can now post in the discord channel, dunno why it was set so they weren't able to.