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On 6.2.2025 at 23.04, NikkeDangles kirjoitti:

Ban truculence, big tipper, uf, no contest. Then we have the most competitive game we can have. 

Gameplay without traits aint it :D


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14 minuuttia sitten, Pensasmies kirjoitti:

I totally agree with @Miguli36, there is tons we could learn from lower divisions and their opinions are really valuable. Pretty much every team in Elite except for a few try to mimic the same style of play which is just straight up boring. From what I have read here most people are just looking for bans that serve their playstyle, thus that alone eliminates the idea of a vote. Is it really what’s best for the competetive aspect of the game or is it just people trying to get an advantage that serves their playstyle? 

Sorry i dont speak london but.. Ootko oikeesti tota mieltä? Parhaat on parhaita ihan sama mikä on meta/sallittua, ymmärrän ajatuksesi taustalla mut ei se toimi noin. 

Peli on kaikille sama ja kaikki saa/voi pelata samalla tavalla.

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Nyt sitten heitetää pikku ajatus ketju tähän hommaan, tuntuu menevän niin laukalle nää jutut tänne. Perustellaanpa nyt tätä keissiä. Elite on sportsgamerin lippulaiva tuote aivan selkeästi, sen näkee lähetyksien määrästä ja panostuksesta finaaleihin (assyt). Elite ukkojen päämäärä näissä (muutamaa sankaria lukuunottamatta) on aina ottaa kaikki irti joka änäristä pelillisesti. Kyse ei ole siitä että halutaan pelitapa etua tai muusta salaliitosta vaan yksinkertaisesti siitä että saadaan näyttävä kokonaisuus tonne geimerin lähetyksiin. Ei kukaan jaksa katsoa 0-0 nyhjäämistä vaan annetaan tilaa taidolle siellä. Paljon maaleja striimipeleille olisi gamerille parasta tuotetta switchiin. 

Gameplay ilman mitään traittejä ois aivan järkyttävä ratkasu. Niiden arvo tässä pelissä on niin suuri että koko homma menis ihan uusiksi. Pelien maali määrät tippuisi aivan selkeästi, ja se ei palvele ketään. Tosi kiva katella maalin pelejä. Jes! 

Mitä noihin bänneihin tulee, niin big tipper on aivan ehdoton. Se rikkoo peliä niin paljon jos viivasta voi sokea seppokin paiskata kiekkoa maalille ja kalevi ohjaa hattu tempun maalin edestä. Kukaan ei siitä nauti.

Trucu bänniä olen itse pitkään lobannut mutta jostain syystä porukka haluaa joka toiseen vaihtoon 2-3 jacob troubamaista tappotaklausta. Harva näkee tässä mitään ongelmaa. Kumma juttu. Taklaukset ja isot pommit kuuluvat lätkään mutta aika harvoin änäri pelissäkään niitä nähdään lukuisia. Toisaalta trucu on huonomman pelaajan paras kaveri. Taklaus nappi pohjassa on kiva luistella vastustajaapäin. 

Tällä hetkellä muiden traittejen bännääminen ei ole mitenkään ajankohtaista. Jos liteen tai muuhun halutaan kaikki kieltää niin siitä vaan. Rahaa on maksettu niin tottakai peliä voi muokata vaikkei varsinaista syytä olisikaan. Siinä kohtaan mennään kyllä ajatuksissa mielenkiintoiselle polulle kun lite tai neo määrää miten elitessä pelataan. 
Onhan se hauska ajatus kieltämättä että perheen isä tapani tulee sanelemaan euroopan mestaruutta havittelevalle esim nikkedanglesille että sinä et muuten siellä elitessä closua käytä. Huom yhtään väheksymättä toisen oikeutta mielipiteeseen. 
Tiedän että tämä postaus nyt jonkun mielen pahoitti ja lauantai alkoi nyt huonosti, mutta kuitenki oli pakko ottaa kantaa kun keskustelu tuntuu menevän niin oudoille raiteille taas kerran. 

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Posted (edited)
37 minuuttia sitten, Lxndstrom kirjoitti:

If you see players like nikke, vattu etc. Speaking about bans and you think that they want that because it serves their playstyle you are just delusional because they are always best not matter what traits are available…

Should have been more clear, there are definetly players who are genuine and want the game to improve. Im just not sure anyone knows the best way to go about it. I think SG needs to make a decision based on these conversations, which is why we need to include EVERYONE and then we live with it.

25 minuuttia sitten, Pikkarii kirjoitti:

Sorry i dont speak london but.. Ootko oikeesti tota mieltä? Parhaat on parhaita ihan sama mikä on meta/sallittua, ymmärrän ajatuksesi taustalla mut ei se toimi noin. 

Peli on kaikille sama ja kaikki saa/voi pelata samalla tavalla.

Parhaat on parhaita ehdottomasti joka tapauksessa ja se on tullut jo pitkällä ajanjaksolla  varmaan selväksi kaikille. Mun mielestä vaan esim Eliteä on vaikeeta käsitellä kokonaisuutena, mä väitän että Prosta 70% vois pelata helposti monessa bottom elite jengissä ja taso on melko tasasta niinkun karsinnoissa nähtiin. Eli olisko se tilanne oikeesti se että jos parhaat vaan sais päättää, niin sitten muutamien jengien pelaajat päättäis? Koska mun mielestä ainakaan mulla ei oo yhtään korkeempaa panosta keskusteluun kun kellään Pro pelaajalla, vaan koska pelaan Elitessä. Ja siksi mun mielestä kaikkien panos tässä keskustelussa on yhtä tärkeää, ja äänestys on ylipäätään vaan huono idea. SG pitää tehdä päätös mahd nopeesti ja sit me eletään sen kanssa.

Edited by Pensasmies
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Posted (edited)

I have little to no interest in actually engaging in this shouting match involving some copy&paste answers and some really well put together arguments, but I’ll just drop this extremely constructive piece here:

Seems to me like some people are talking about how more goals = more entertainment = don’t ban scoring abilities but ban trucu. But oh wait, don’t actually ban stick em up because then we can’t poke check = defend = there will be a lot less goals than without it.

Hm, how about that? Food for thought 🤔

Also on another note, I thought we as a society were kinda done with this uncritical american idolization some decades ago.

If you want change, justify your point of view in a proper way. The language never has to be perfect, but if your message lacks substance & consistency….

To reiterate and put it simply in other words:

”NA does it, why don’t we” is not a standalone argument for anything. Substitute NA with whoever and my point remains.

To quote an old idiom, if your friend jumped off a cliff, would you too?


Have fun fighting, boys.

Edited by Mikka
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Posted (edited)
21 minuuttia sitten, Pensasmies kirjoitti:

Should have been more clear, there are definetly players who are genuine and want the game to improve. Im just not sure anyone knows the best way to go about it. I think SG needs to make a decision based on these conversations, which is why we need to include EVERYONE and then we live with it.

Parhaat on parhaita ehdottomasti joka tapauksessa ja se on tullut jo pitkällä ajanjaksolla  varmaan selväksi kaikille. Mun mielestä vaan esim Eliteä on vaikeeta käsitellä kokonaisuutena, mä väitän että Prosta 70% vois pelata helposti monessa bottom elite jengissä ja taso on melko tasasta niinkun karsinnoissa nähtiin. Eli olisko se tilanne oikeesti se että jos parhaat vaan sais päättää, niin sitten muutamien jengien pelaajat päättäis? Koska mun mielestä ainakaan mulla ei oo yhtään korkeempaa panosta keskusteluun kun kellään Pro pelaajalla, vaan koska pelaan Elitessä. Ja siksi mun mielestä kaikkien panos tässä keskustelussa on yhtä tärkeää, ja äänestys on ylipäätään vaan huono idea. SG pitää tehdä päätös mahd nopeesti ja sit me eletään sen kanssa.

Im not sure are you trolling or not

Just make a poll for each division. Why SG should make the decision since players are actually paying to play in ELITE, just give players what they want.

Edited by xDoumi
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Siis nyt mä en enää ees pysty tähä

toine sankari tulee sanoo että äänestys on huono juttu ja toine sankari ottaa jonku koko yhteiskunnan mukaa keskusteluun😅😅😂😂

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Posted (edited)

I’m not sure why there is a need to change anything when almost no one is complaining at the moment🤔 of course tipper has to stay banned and trucu and stick ’em up divide opinions and I think it could be either way for those. But banning all traits would take away the variety of scoring goals and making great plays unrewarding😅 But at the end of the day I think the most fair way would be to organize a vote for each division where every team would have 1 vote, then the games could be played the way the majority agrees.

Edited by Sokkelo__
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Posted (edited)

Actually @KingOfApes_message kinda changed my mind and made me realize I mostly had a problem with the tone of the conversation. Well put arguments, thanks Ape!

36 minuuttia sitten, Sokkelo__ kirjoitti:

I’m not sure why there is a need to change anything when almost no one is complaining at the moment🤔 of course tipper has to stay banned and trucu and stick ’em up divide opinions and I think it could be either way for those. But banning all traits would take away the variety of scoring goals and making great plays unrewarding😅 But at the end of the day I think the most fair way would be to organize a vote for each division where every team would have 1 vote, then the games could be played the way the majority agrees.

Actually agree with this, and starting to lean towards the vote since the stance atleast in Elite seems to be clear and I dont know any better than any of you do. My point was that the meta of the game won’t change if we don’t want it to change, and frankly the game is getting repetetive atleast in my humble opinion, and from what I have seen players are quitting the game quite often even on the highest level and I wonder if it is because the game is getting boring.

On another note, has a vote like that been done before? I remember people demanding a vote at the start of this game, which they didn’t do. I made a poll on the draft server then, and the verdict was pretty clear. (Under)IMG_8079.thumb.jpeg.a393b1933fb948604e4226caa11616ec.jpeg

Edited by Pensasmies
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10 minutes ago, Pensasmies said:

Actually @KingOfApes_message kinda changed my mind and made me realize I mostly had a problem with the tone of the conversation. Well put arguments, thanks Ape!

Actually agree with this, and starting to lean towards the vote since the stance atleast in Elite seems to be clear and I dont know any better than any of you do. My point was that the meta of the game won’t change if we don’t want it to change, and frankly the game is getting repetetive atleast in my humble opinion, and from what I have seen players are quitting the game quite often even on the highest level and I wonder if it is because the game is getting boring.

On another note, has a vote like that been done before? I remember people demanding a vote at the start of this game, which they didn’t do. I made a poll on the draft server then, and the verdict was pretty clear. (Under)IMG_8079.thumb.jpeg.a393b1933fb948604e4226caa11616ec.jpeg

There's been some polls historically, but looks like some of the results are hidden atm.


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Tycker man inte som toppspelare så är man bakom flötet tydligen, rimligt ändå🙃


Poängen blir ju mer och mer tydlig när topp elite försvarar stick em up i denna diskussionen

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Posted (edited)

I'll also add this.

Elite broadcast viewership seems to hover around 90-150 viewers or so every time I happen to open Twitch. That's basically nothing, and I'd wager most of the people watching are either current or aspiring Elite players.

We can listen to the top players and make the game play how they want it to, so that it's the most enjoyable for them to play and watch. But if someone thinks the viewers will automatically follow... Just take a moment to reflect on the overall state and health of this great game made by our beloved friend EA Sports.

Growing the viewership has to come from outside the Elite bubble, so don't y'all think listening to those people as well would be appropriate? Also, from what I've gathered, seems like a huge chunk of players below the Elite level see those players as arrogant and full of themselves.

Take a moment to reflect on that as well. What do you think you are doing about that appearance in this thread for example? Try to look at it from the outside, if you read these messages and didn't know yourselves and your peers at all, what would your perception of them be like? Would it make you want to watch them play this state of the art video game product?

If you actually explain your viewpoints in a calm manner, maybe the authority of being a top player with tons of hours put in the game will do you something. Not explaining anything, just saying "we're the best so we know the best + we don't actually care what bans you peasants down there play with, just don't come here affecting our experience". Does that help with one of the main points that shows up here, growing the scene and making Elite viewership skyrocket? Does that make these lower level players, prime target customers for watching you play, want to share their opinions on things? How do you reach these people if you aren't willing to listen to them, just straight up attacking their persona and skill level?

Edited by Mikka
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Posted (edited)

I think this 3 trucu uforce tipper is no brainer to ban, but the biggest question is are we baning gold one timer and gold close quarters, i think this too is too op, but when you get used to that you can catch it (gold one timer) but with close quarters gold you cant catch it, its always beat goalie, but both onetimer and close quarter silver give some boost but not so deadly. so i think we need ban only gold one timer and close quarter, silvers can stay.

i think if game get 5:6 goals is not realistic, but its what happens now, every shot goes in, everything goes in. easy shot, somehow goes in, sometimes even covered fully shortside goes in, its just bulshit - thats close quarters golden. every golden one timer in lower divisions then lite goes in every time, because goalies cant time this one timer in time, and its realy small time to adjust, and its freezes them. 

Other decision pros and elites can use everything what they want, but lower divisions need to get rid of golden onetimer and close quarters, because its too hard to play, even smallest mistake gonna let your team lose 6:1 in first period. Noone till lite even knows how properly play d, what spots to cover and so on, so its easy to trigger golden one timer and close quarter to beat hard this teams who is not so good in their division.


Edited by saaggssy

It doesnt make any sense to build up any kind of vote pools atm when votes are mostly based for everyones own opinions, not facts. When im reading people answers here it makes me feel that way. 

I could say as a Dman like lets ban golden 1T because its giving like too many free goals to opponents because its just so broken but imo its my or my teammates own fault if we are letting those guys make those shots/goals. If opponent is able to score those goals, its like bad defence. 

Same with truculence. Yeah personally i love to be able to make big hits in this game, even when im forced to use speedster build because of meta. And like i wrote earlier, there is a way to counter that silver trucu hit with counter hit so imo its not like broken thing, its much more like maybe skill issue thing if you are not using that counter option which everyone can learn and use

Posted (edited)
27 minuuttia sitten, Saviinainen kirjoitti:

I could say as a Dman like lets ban golden 1T because its giving like too many free goals to opponents because its just so broken but imo its my or my teammates own fault if we are letting those guys make those shots/goals. If opponent is able to score those goals, its like bad defence. 

I totally agree with this. Unlike with big tipper for example, there are many things you can do to prevent opponent from scoring with 1t and if you ban 1t, defence does not worry about that which will lead to more passive defence. 


27 minuuttia sitten, Saviinainen kirjoitti:

It doesnt make any sense to build up any kind of vote pools atm when votes are mostly based for everyones own opinions, not facts.

But with this I have to disagree, isn’t it the whole point of voting that everyone can give their opinions, not facts. If voting was based on facts, there would have to be 100-0 result every time because no one could vote agaist the facts :D

Edited by Sokkelo__
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Posted (edited)

In game is built in one timer boost if you time it right, so boosting boost with more boost is kinda crazy , and then on top of that put on gold one timer, its just rocket shot, where you see in nhl this kinda shot when shot come of winning face of 1s and one timer goal, like golie didnt even had time to move. its happens lot of times this year . its more like arcade now. sometimes games seems like boxing match, who gonna score more one timers. About breakaways you can save maybe 80% of that, close quarters will beat you no matter what. on top of that this year ea realy forget to fix goalies so its even dedlier to save something, like bfy slide and bfy still broken, and lot of times goalies just come out of post for no reason, sometimes you want to drop bfy on post he slides to middle and so on - realy i am afraid to bfy this game, because its sometimes just slides in middle of net and get me out of position. i think i am realy good at one timers this year, but even when i am in position, you can see replay, somehow it goes in, like over my glove, or i dont know what happening, because i reached everything should be fine,because we know one timers not like snipe realy good precise shot too beat you. one time i was fully over on golden one timer, and it went in - trough my body? its just bulshit.

To be more competive in games, you should give goalies at least chance to save something, if game freezes you its like cheating.

Edited by saaggssy
34 minuuttia sitten, Sokkelo__ kirjoitti:

I totally agree with this. Unlike with big tipper for example, there are many things you can do to prevent opponent from scoring with 1t and if you ban 1t, defence does not worry about that which will lead to more passive defence. 


But with this I have to disagree, isn’t it the whole point of voting that everyone can give their opinions, not facts. If voting was based on facts, there would have to be 100-0 result every time because no one could vote agaist the facts :D

So you mean like lets make a poll and let people to vote x-factors/traits what they mainly just hate personally, like for a not real reason/issue. It makes no sense to me. And these are just my own opinions and feelings.

I would like to hear from these guys who are against example truculence, what is the real issue with that? I dont wanna hear like it makes me lose lot of stamina and my guy is taking so long to get up after hit because with that counter hit you are able to avoid those both if you really want. And ongoing ECL season i didnt noticed any kind of game breaking things with trucu example. Goons used that like a lot but still they are not playing in finals atm. These guys who are speaking here against trucu are mainly playing in these top teams and if we are looking standings, it seems to me like trucu didnt affected their success this season at all, example parasite is once again in the finals even trucu was allowed

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Am 6.2.2025 um 23:04 schrieb NikkeDangles:

Ban truculence, big tipper, uf, no contest. Then we have the most competitive game we can have. 

Gameplay without traits aint it :D

+1 🫵


naurettavaa ja säälittävää jos elitepojat(ja tytöt) saa päättää kaiken,
"jOo KuUnELkAa MiTä  ToI SaNoO jA oLkaA HiLjAa! EuRoOPaN PaRaS PelaAjA KuN PuHuU nIiN MuuT On HiljaA!"
tommone nuoleskelu ei oo mistään kotosin

60%lla elitepelaajista kusinoussu päähä ja esittää ny jotaki mcgregorii gamerissa....
ja samaan aikaa nää huutelee N pommeja(esim drafteilla) ja haukkuu "alasarjan" pelaajia paskaks..

koko touhu menossa alaspäi täällä.. ei voi muuta sanoo ku nauraa...

6 minuuttia sitten, Saviinainen kirjoitti:

So you mean like lets make a poll and let people to vote x-factors/traits what they mainly just hate personally, like for a not real reason/issue. It makes no sense to me. And these are just my own opinions and feelings.

I would like to hear from these guys who are against example truculence, what is the real issue with that? I dont wanna hear like it makes me lose lot of stamina and my guy is taking so long to get up after hit because with that counter hit you are able to avoid those both if you really want. And ongoing ECL season i didnt noticed any kind of game breaking things with trucu example. Goons used that like a lot but still they are not playing in finals atm. These guys who are speaking here against trucu are mainly playing in these top teams and if we are looking standings, it seems to me like trucu didnt affected their success this season at all, example parasite is once again in the finals even trucu was allowed

I mean that when each team has only 1 vote they have to discuss what is their mutual opinion, not just what everyone likes/dislikes. Also (I of course do not have real data) I think most of teams that would vote would base their vote on the overall picture of playing/watching the game, not just ”I can’t get past defender using trucu, lets ban trucu”😅 And when it comes to me, I don’t mind trucu eventhough I get hit with it. 

Overall, I don’t see banning/allowing trucu being a game breaker one way or the other. But when it comes to some traits like 1t allowing teams to score elsewhere than right in fron of the net I’d love to see that not being banned in order to keep variation in scoring. But that is just my opinion of how I see the thing :)

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19 minuuttia sitten, NaurettavaSkene kirjoitti:

naurettavaa ja säälittävää jos elitepojat(ja tytöt) saa päättää kaiken,
"jOo KuUnELkAa MiTä  ToI SaNoO jA oLkaA HiLjAa! EuRoOPaN PaRaS PelaAjA KuN PuHuU nIiN MuuT On HiljaA!"
tommone nuoleskelu ei oo mistään kotosin

60%lla elitepelaajista kusinoussu päähä ja esittää ny jotaki mcgregorii gamerissa....
ja samaan aikaa nää huutelee N pommeja(esim drafteilla) ja haukkuu "alasarjan" pelaajia paskaks..

koko touhu menossa alaspäi täällä.. ei voi muuta sanoo ku nauraa...

iso respect et sanoit omal nimel tän tänne💪🏻


tätä just tarkotin :DD ja tässä yks esimerkki
jos "omalla nimellä" sanois jotaki VÄÄRÄÄ, nii het tulloo paskaaniskaa :D
valoja ny tauluu

2 minuuttia sitten, Allupekkaz kirjoitti:

iso respect et sanoit omal nimel tän tänne💪🏻



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