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EU Clubs looking for players - PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S


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UnderRated letar efter nya spelare inför NHL 25 och kommande turneringar.

Får vi rätt spelare och får laget att fungera så är tanken att vi ska försökta satsa på att nå pro direkt. Vi letar efter en spelskicklig center som inte bara försvarar bra men också kan bidra i offensiven med bra passningstempo.

En kylig målvakt som är bra på att läsa av spelet och inte stressar och blir alldeles för nervös när matcherna verkligen börjar gälla och spela roll.

En puck flyttande back på höger eller vänster sidan som är bekväm med att hantera pucken och har ett bra lugn som sätter defensiven som prio 1 och att offensiven kommer sen när det finns läge.

En vänsterforward som kan spela som en prickskytt men som även har öga för att lägga bra pass när det behövs eftersom vi försöker kontrollera puck så mycket som möjligt.

Känner du att detta är du, så tveka inte på att höra av dig till mig eller Forsberg.

Min discord är andre2248

Forsbergs discord är epsych0


English 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

UnderRated is looking for new players for NHL 25 and upcoming tournaments.

If we get the right players and make the team work, the idea is that we should try to invest in reaching pro straight away. We are looking for a skilled center who not only defends well but can also contribute in the offensive with good passing pace.

A calm goalkeeper who is good at reading the game and doesn't stress and gets way too nervous when the games really start to count and matter.

A puck moving back on the right or left side who is comfortable handling the puck and has a good composure who puts the defense as priority 1 and that the offense comes later when there is an opportunity.


A left forward who can play as a sniper but also has an eye to make good passes when needed as we try to control the puck as much as possible.


If you feel that this is you, don't hesitate to contact me or Forsberg. 

My discord is andre2248 

Forsberg's discord is epsych0


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On 9.9.2024 at 17.13, Mikse94 kirjoitti:

Ruuti (Lite) is looking for a left-handed back-up forward. If you can play both grips, that of course is a plus. Games would be mainly as a Rw.

We aim to participate in Pro qualifiers, let's see where it takes us.

Contact here or on Psn (Mikse94)




Also 50/50 divided game time possible.

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Refuse Too Loose Pro qualifyers


Looking for Starter G


We want to play with fast speed and lots of shots. Good aiming in the passes and know when u should pass or shoot is the key in our team. We are a finnish team that Requires core or lite experience for tryout 


Psn Sonnysprofil for Tryout 


We playing everyday 



Edited by sonny
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Black Sharks 🦈

NHL 25 is coming soon, we will close our squad planning shortly with the release. If you are still looking for a new team, then this is interesting for you 👇🏽

- D
- LW/C

What we are looking for:
- Experience ECL Lite
- Reliability
- team player 
- Ambition 
- Loyalty 
- Headset (speaking English)

What we offer:
- GCL / ECL Lite
- Adult squad 25-55 years
- Good atmosphere within the team, no room for egoists
- long-term cooperation, main part of the team has known each other for a long time
- A healthy will to win, ambition to achieve something

If you are interested, please contact me for a tryout 🙂

Discord / PSN: saschayeahh_98


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Wildcats Esport 2 are recruiting G


We are Wildcats Esport 2, a European team (French English & German players)


What we are looking for :  G

- Ambition

- Loyalty

- Headset (speaking English is needed /French Appreciated)

- Team spirit

What we offer:

- ECL Preseason 100% (our G is not available).

- ECL NEO or CORE 50/50

- ITHL 50/50

- Adult squad 25-45 years

- PS & Xbox Squad (discord vocal)
- Good atmosphere within the team, no room for egoists

- long-term cooperation, main part of the team has known each other for a long time

- Wildcats is a 45 players Group to play every day (wildcats 1 & 2 & friends)

- Core level ambition


If you are interested, please contact me for a try-out


Discord : Moc73

PSN : Realmoc73



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