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English playmaker 🇬🇧 - looking for a club to join for the next NHL ecl season. 

LW, can play all other positions but if you want me at my best LW is my main position. 

core player, but happy to play neo if the team chemistry is right. Also would like to step up to ecl lite, so happy to be a backup LW and prove myself if there are any lite teams looking.


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Suomessa mennään kovaa vauhtia jo kohti kylmää ja pimeää talvea, se tarkoittaa sitä että änärin kusipäisin pelaaja Johtajan jälkeen etsii jälleen joukkuetta. Ikää 31v ja pelipaikka RW, mutta voidaan myös keskustella oikean pakin paikasta. 

Discordista tai pleikkarilta löytyy.

Edited by Elmageo
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Free G for upcoming tournaments searching for Lite - maybe pros if you think im fitting your team, have core/lite experience. Good to go as 1st goalie, i think i can handle it, but 2nd goalie is also great if you think your 1st goalie are better then me - ready to compete for that place with other goalie.

Searching for team with mindset to go pro or be top lite or are top lite and want to win and do everything to win and improve - have game knowledge and tactics to be able to play between lite teams . Dont want to go on sunday beer league team who doesnt care about win's and practise - just chilling in tournaments - have plenty of them already in my experience - not my style anymore. 

Win'ing for me is everything and i want to get wins as many as possible and hopefully win tournaments or be atleast solid every tournament playoff contender with my new team - so your team mindset to get the best results and grow as team and fight for championships need to fit this category. 

So hit me up, if you are searching for goalie who will do everything to get you that wins as many as possible and are willing and trying to improve every night and learn from mistakes.

discord - saaggsy

psn: Saagsy-


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