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On 11.12.2021 at 21.53, Ihan pihalla kirjoitti:

Etsitään uutta joukkuetta seuraavaan ECL:ään. Pelipaikkoina RW/RD.

Muutama sana meikäläisestä. Oon 28v ja peleillä melkeinpä joka ilta klo 20-21 alkaen, viimeiset kolme kautta pelannut litessä. Lättyjen lisäksi saattaa välillä läppäkin lentää. Pelaan logolle rinnassa, en nimelle selässä. Aina.

Joukkueelta odotan:


-mielellään täysi-ikäisiä pelikavereita

-sarjatasona Core/lite (toki kiinnostaisi myös kokeilla riittääkö rahkeet pro-tasolle)

Tulen mielelläni tryouteille. Yhteydenotot psn: xDrippii


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Free back up or rotation player! 

I mainly look for winger spot but can manage ld and C also. Don't need to get ton of games but some would be nice! Have played few seasons in ecl in starting roles but dont have the time for it right now. 

Core would be ideal, neo in good team. Lite might be possible in the right role. Looking for team that play "seriously" but with good spirits. I'm 29 yo so it would be nice if team members would be + 20. Finnish chat is + but can survive in english also. 

Ready for tryouts, contact here or psn krapulantti 

Cheers ! 

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Posted (edited)

Hello and good afternoon! I'm 25+ years old, looking for a team in NEO. I'm pretty busy, so back-up role is perfectly fine. Might manage a rotation role if schedules match.

I would say that I'm at my best being C, but I can practice as well.

If you have an open spot or need a filler, hit me up on ps4! Preferably Finnish teams. Unfortunately don't have a microphone at the moment. 

PSN: Loinen-

Edited by Loinen-
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Posted (edited)
On 10/18/2021 at 3:17 PM, MrMikkiL said:

RW looking for team!

Only one season behind in ECL with friends team. Now looking something more serious for next ECL season, highly motivated to improve in-game, only missing team and environment where can continue my development. In FCL trained with Otukset Esports and played couple games with them.

Interested playing in Lite, Core can be option if there is not good positions available in Lite for next season. Main criterion for a team is that it is motivated to train and build chemistry between players. I find also team spirit very important aspect for my next team.

If any questions, hit me up here or in psn :)

See you in the ice!


After surprising events occurred looking still a team for the next season.

Edited by MrMikkiL
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Free RD/RW looking for a team. 

I've played most of my career as a forward but last 6 months been playing rd and I feel that at this moment I'm better on that position.

I can contribute on ice to both ends but I'm at my best in saunaillat.

I can play 3-4 nights a week so starting role would be ideal but I can play as a back up too.

Contact me here or discord Bro_Killer_#9011

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Posted (edited)

Free LW/LD(C/RW) For ecl 22 winter lite/core 

50/50 role is fine with me and prefer Lw first but LD goes also very well.

Prefer finnish teams 

Contact me here or on Psn: Quciksqopz




Edited by Quicksqopz
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Etsin joukkuetta tulevaan ecl:llään. Kokemusta 6vs6 peleistä vuodesta 2009 lähtien. Olen pelannut lähes kaikilla tasoilla.

pelipaikka: OP, VP tai C

Lite, Core, Neo

psn: malcom330

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