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The Untold Story of a General Manager Trying to Make It


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Thumbs up to the post. Specially the last part of it. It never cost anything for being nice to other people. I always try to be nice and polite to other people. No matter if it in this community, social media or real life. We are all just people here, skills in a simple video games does not determine that. 

I hope you get it working, as it seems you really are trying your very best. 👍

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43 minuuttia sitten, Tanski87 kirjoitti:

Thumbs up to the post. Specially the last part of it. It never cost anything for being nice to other people. I always try to be nice and polite to other people. No matter if it in this community, social media or real life. We are all just people here, skills in a simple video games does not determine that. 

I hope you get it working, as it seems you really are trying your very best. 👍

Thank you @Tanski87! You have always treated people here with respect and kindness and I wish you and the rest of RB all the best in the future. 

Edited by chavelski
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  • Administrators

This is certainly one of the best, if not the best and most truthful post I have read on our forums. You certainly hit the nail with many points about how it can be hard to join a new community, how the people you play with make the biggest difference and how important it is for the established community to welcome new members with open arms and make people feel welcome. "Treat other people like you want to be treated" is a cliché, but I couldn't agree with it more.

You also describe the everyday life of playing what is "just a game" quite perfectly. Not everyone takes it as seriously (and that's also perfectly fine), but for those of us who do, I'm sure resonate with your story above.

Thank you for this post and the value you bring to this community.

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1 hour ago, Jnmxxx said:

When ever i feel frustraded with my own play, my team mates or what ever, i feel like little break helps. Take a week off and dont force it, chill with your gf and try not to think NHL. Dont over think stuff. After all, this is just an video game.

You forgot your rum Jimi! That’s the major key why it was so fun playing summer cup with me :ph34r:

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Great read - you've got a gift for storytelling! If I might be bold enough to offer some advice, try and be as patient as you can. It'll take time to get to the level of play it sounds like you want to be on, there is no way around that. Trust that your teammates want to win and improve just as much as you do and one day you'll find yourself in the very place you are aiming for.

Thanks for the kind words as well. Excited to keep following the journey of this "GM trying to make it"! :) 

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4 hours ago, chavelski said:

I'm laying in my bed, girlfriend snoring,

No one can prepare you for snoring girilfriends, it comes like a swift wind. However, take comfort in knowing that you're not alone in this. My deepest condolences to you and your family <3

Great post man, i second @The_Alpha_Furyan with the storytelling part!

Im sure you're going to end up being a proud GM of a team eventually. It's clearly a passion of yours :)  #Squadgoals

Edited by cHIIMEERa
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33 minuuttia sitten, The_Alpha_Furyan kirjoitti:

 If I might be bold enough to offer some advice, try and be as patient as you can. It'll take time to get to the level of play it sounds like you want to be on, there is no way around that. Trust that your teammates want to win and improve just as much as you do and one day you'll find yourself in the very place you are aiming for.

This. 👍 

And not getting upset for bad nights. Everyone has them, even the very best teams. No matter how bad you feel as nothing works out, try to keep yourself calm and cheer up the morale. 

I have pretty hot temperament, and I do hate losing. Hate it. And im always tired. Three little kids does the trick. 😁 It would be easy to burst out frustration when things just dont go like you want them to. Still, you just keep yourself calm as possible and öet your frustration go and boost the morale of others. I cant always do this, but I try. 😁

Most important is to get a squad that you and others enjoy to play with, even at the bad nights. 

This is just yada yada yada, but I like this subject. 😉

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  • Editor-in-Chief

Great post. 

Something I'm sure many of us players agree on is that the GM/captain gets way too little credit. Trying to scramble together a lineup of 6 guys with different schedules is hard enough, but then you have to match the schedules with your opponent on top of that. I'm surely not envious of that assignment. Not only scheduling, but trying to keep all the guys happy and finding the proper roles for everyone is a huge hassle as well.

What I wanted to say is hats off to all GMs/Captains. This league wouldn't work without the 98 capable captains (and their assistants).

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Yeah great post! Finding/building good home is not easy. These feelings are well known for many who are building or trying to find a new team. There is so many things you have to make match.

My personal rank of things to consider building new team

1. Matching Schedules

2. Matching goals( what everyone wants from game )

3. Matching on ice chemistry

4. Matching personal chemistry

5. Skills

These are the things that i value. It`s allmost impossible to find six dudes who click in all these things and even if all clicks u need hell of a lot of work, trust and considereration to keep everyone happy and returning to play...

And tip to all not captains playing the game: Even that captain seems like a rock, asking every day for games and cheers everyone up, in time it may start to feel like a one way street :) ... U can all individually show some enthusiasm and ask for games and such... 

And cheer up @chavelski u will find missing puzzles to your allready good roster. And greetings to all Pro/elite dudes who avoid Lite like canser and just laugh at it... There are good games in Lite! Ok, there are few teams just having fun and playing around but there were many great Lite teams this year and im sure next year is going to be even tougher. Many Lite teams would have kicked some Pro teams in Play-off series im sure of it... Or maybe thats exactly what some pro dudes are scared of and thats why avoiding it... losing to some Lite noobs...

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It's hard to be a GM. I've spent  countless hours on drop in trying to find new players and with alot of patience and luck I managed to get Free From Rodents started and introduced to EHL back in the days.

Getting a mix of experienced players and new players that you can teach to play as you want often is a great way to get the team going and in the same time giving some new guys the opportunity to get in to the community.

Time is the key to success.

With time and luck you can find players like @Casper

Keeping them in your team though can prove to be difficult😉

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Great post @chavelski:)

I understand your thoughts and feelings pretty well. When we (Norpee, Zejiro86, seaberg86 and me, joined by Normark a month later) started Drunken Rebels back in 2011 we encountered similar "problems". Trying to get better players to our team. Heck even trying to sign up for EHL only to get turned down with "didnt think you guys were serious". Got told a lot during the first year how much we sucked (actually same guys keep telling us 7 years later we still suck).

We disbanded once during the first year and finally merged with Nephenzy and Smutto and later changing name to Synergy. 

My advice is one you already seem to comprehend. Turn down any player you wont feel fit the group. Doing this might not win you titles but you will last longer and have more fun with the game. But yeah Its always a struggle to be GM and keep everybody happy.

Good luck!

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