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Found 3 results

  1. ECL Lite joukkue HC Finlandia etsii pelaajia. Meillä on illalla peli HC Red Devilsia vastaan klo. 21. Meillä ei ole varsinaista maalivahtia ja kenttäpelaajavahvistuksia kaivataan myös eli pari vahvistusta tekisi todella hyvää. Toivomme että olisit aktiivinen pelaaja (pelaat useampana iltana viikossa) ja plussaa jos pystyt pelaamaan useampaa paikkaa. Kieli mieluiten suomi mutta englanti käy myös. Olemme mukavaa porukkaa ja emme ota hommaa liian tosissaan - tärkeintä on pitää hauskaa. Laita viestiä pikaisesti Psn FederalSasman niin pääset mukaan pelailemaan.
  2. Hey Ladies and Gents, So here's the deal. I get on NHL18 a couple times a week but it's never set in stone. Thursday evenings (est) however I'm almost always on. Essentially Thursday evenings are a guaranteed game night for me. I've been playing a little of everything but been hoping to recruit some people to play some real online division EASHL games, see if we mesh, then build a club. Here's what I'm looking for, NHL18 PSN Players Availability: Thursdays - Eastern Time Zone APX 8pm to ... or your locations equivalent time zone You would not be locked to anything. Do what you wish other days, I just ask that Thursdays be team night. Hockey knowledge a must! I really don't care about stats or if you're new. I'm looking for real life hockey knowledge with an open mind to try new ways/styles of playing. All positions, except RD. I prefer to play RD. So LW, C, RW, LD & G. Microphone. Ideal but not necessary if the team meshes and the player plays Play for fun! Over time, I think it would be fitting to have two Captains. One for Offense and one for Defense. The captains would be responsible for learning/implementing new real life hockey plays and methods if/when needed. Who am I to ask for this.. no-one really. Just a guy who loves playing EASHL. Would rather play club games then drop in's and don't have the time to devote to an online League. It would be fun to play consistently with the same people and maybe, with some practice, win some games. So if you're available Thursdays, meet the above requirements, message me and I'll add you. We'll play and assuming we don't hate each other then welcome to the Thursday Night Club. If things don't work out, no strings attached and no worries. PSN: AlkatrazSic81 reference Thursday Night Club when adding me please
  3. This is a small breakdown for what different ways there is for teams communicate using mics and text. I'm going to go through here different programs and apps, and try to list different Pros and Cons. Note that this is plainly my opinion and people have their own preferences. All of the programs support smartphone Voice chat too. What is VOIP? A:VOIP is plainly put a term for every internet call and talk over internet type things. Skype Skype is product of Microsoft. You can download it for free for older versions of Windows and for smartphones. It doubles as an messaging app and as a VOIP through Skype calls. Pros: Free Can create groups Often preinstalled on lot of computers and Smartphones Cons: You have to first invite people as friends before you can communicate No group admins Sound quality and connection quality varies alot Teamspeak and Mumble Teamspeak 3 and Mumble are basically same product from 2 different developers. There are some minor differenses but nothing massive. These 2 are most used VOIP programs within PC players. Pros: Client is free for PC Good sound and connection qualities Server adminstration is easy and has lot of options Password protection options Cons: Servers are pay2use unless you don't have your own server. Sizeable servers (over 25) people can cost Server configuration can be hard for people that don't have necessary knowledge Teamspeak smartphone app isn't free Discord One of newer comers to VOIP field. Finnish-american development product to overthrow teamspeak and skype. Pros: Servers and client free Lot of options to customize your channel Administration easy and role rights easy to configure Has web app, PC program and smartphone app You can either Direct Message to certain people if they are your friend on discord or have setted that strangers can DM them Twitch sync available Person highlighting with @-symbol Cons: Unknown for lot of people still Curse has same features but is more polished Curse Curse is today to-go software of streamers at the moment. It also has less-known guild friendly aspect for channels. Curse is basically better version of Discord in my opinion. Pros and Cons are pretty much the same as on Discord. I've used this more than Discord and for Voice quality on either phone or PC is excellent. Playstation Network - Parties Playstation's own VOIP solution. Works by inviting people on your created party or if it is public your PSN friends can join. Pros: You just need your console and compatible headset. You get headphone+mic set with your console when you bought it (included in the package) Simple click to join Cons: Party limit 8 people If you need team text message for more people you have to have group founded No phone iteration for Voice More unstable than others XBox Live Haven't used it. As far as I believe and have heard is basically pretty same as PSN's As said above, my favorite is Curse of these. The overall chances with it are same or better than other programs need. But this is just my opinion. There are many more available but these are biggest ones and most common Please feel free comment, ask questions or add
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