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  1. 🚨ℹ️ Helo✌️ Tomorrow is the last day you can register your team on CSCL Relax Cup 5 - the largest tournament on the Central European Server. We would also like to warn all Captains / GM of Clubs to fill in the manage roster of at least 8 players by 01.03.2022. Team that does not meet the deadline will not be part of the group draw. Thank you
  2. Hey NHLGamers! The sun is coming up and the Summer Cup 3 is about to start soon. Here is our service post that provides all the necessary details for all captains and regular players to be ready for today's Live Draft and the league start. THE DRAFT The Live Draft will take place today, Saturday 9th of June, on NHLGamer Twitch at 16 CEST / 17 EEST and we will be streaming for approximately 5-6 hours in an effort to draft all of the ~400 players, meaning the draft procedure will be finished by 22 CEST / 23 CEST. This will require all of the captains to make their selection in 30-45 seconds per turn. @Kenu will be functioning as our lead host during that time, joined in the studio by @Erkki (I_Eki_I) to keep all viewers up to date on all draft developments. We will also have a few topics to discuss, and are happy to answer any questions that come up in the chat! To all captains: We have sent out a private message to all of you, asking to confirm your presence for today's draft. It is crucial all of you are able to attend - otherwise we need to find backup captains on short notice! You have also been sent a message with more information about the player list and options to get connected tomorrow. Don't miss it! The draft order was decided in the draft lottery, which we broadcasted on Friday evening. The draft will be a so-called snake draft, meaning that if you get the first pick in round 1, you will have the last pick in round 2. If you had the last pick in round 1, you'll have the first pick in round 2 - and so on. You can see the draft order below: USEFUL LINKS FOR FOLLOWING THE DRAFT We will do our best to entertain you and keep you up to date on our stream. However, if you're a captain, or simply enjoy browsing through lists, you might find these useful. Full list of everyone who signed up for Summer Cup 3 (static) Same as above, but only including players that are undrafted (dynamic) See the draft picks here (dynamic) Updated list of available players in draft (dynamic) Static means that the information will not be updating, while dynamic means that these pages will update (requires a browser refresh) according to what happens in the draft DO YOU WISH TO BE A CAPTAIN? As you may have noticed, there are a couple captain spots open. If you're interested, please send a message to @jahajaha93 and @Kenu as soon as possible. We will need to fill up the spots to ensure an enjoyable Summer cup for everyone. THE RULES The ruleset for this year's Summer Cup is finished and available below. It is everyone's obligation to be aware of all the details mentioned in all of the sections to ensure a smooth league progress during the next few weeks! All in all, the rules are based on ECL 6 (which worked out very well) mixed with a couple of Summer Cup specific aspects: LEAGUE FORMAT Summer Cup 3 will be carried out in 4 groups with 10 teams each. This means, each team will have to play a total of 9 opponents (=18 games) during the regular season. The first 8 teams out of each group will go to the playoffs, meaning we'll see 32 out of 40 teams in the playoffs. The league kicks off on Monday the 11th of June and the regular season will be finished in 3 weeks. The playoffs will be best-of-three, meaning it takes two wins to progress. However, the finals will be best-of-five. Regular season: 11.6.-30.6. Playoffs round 1: 2.7.-4.7. Playoffs round 2: 5.7.-9.7. Quarter Finals: 11.7.-14.7. Semi Finals: 16.7.-19.7. Finals: 22.7. That's all you need to know for now. Make sure to tune in for today's Live Draft!
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