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  1. NHLGamers, To all the teams joining on their first ECL adventure through the Neo and Lite Divisions, thank you. More and more of you are entering the competitions organized by NHLGamer and your enthusiasm is heartwarming. Here we are going to provide a guide for those of you new here and who may need a little help. First and foremost, your best advisor is the Rulebook (Updated ECL 11 Rulebook to be released 17th of November), which brings together all of the useful information. Each captain (and their alternates) are warmly advised to read it. If you have any questions, the NHLGamer's Staff is at your disposal, and the forum can also help you find answers to your questions. 1- How to enter my team into our assigned division? You don't have to, it's the NHLGamer Staff who does it. In the case that your logo has not been assigned to your team yet, a little patience, it will come. In the case of you wanting to add a new logo or change your existing one, please send a new logo to our support team (.PNG, minimum 500x500) for it to be assigned. Once your team has been assigned to its division, you will then be able to invite your players to join via the home page of our site and your personal tab. If one of your players does not appear in the list of free agency, a probable cause is that they have not yet created their account, instruct them to do so. As such, it is advisable to give your player a name identical to that of your avatar on NHL 21. Once everyone has joined you can appoint yourself as captain and appoint your alternates (if not already correct). 2- Your role as captain and alternate As captain and alternates, you are the representatives of your team towards your opponents and towards the NHLGamer community, so bear your assigned role with pride and act accordingly. You are in charge of organizing matches and monitoring the calendar. You are also responsible for your players' compliance with the rules, in particular the ethics and code of conduct towards members of the community. 3- How to contact the support or your opponents? For any need to reschedule a game, you are required to refer to the rulebook which specifies all the conditions, and above all, you are first required to contact your opponents. It is strongly recommended not only to contact the opposing captain but also their two alternates. It is possible by clicking the Message all captains button on the opponent's team page. You can also contact our support in case of a question, any statistical problem or a disagreement with an opponent, by using the support tab. 4- Your match has been interrupted, what to do? The first thing to remember is that quitting a game is formally prohibited and that it can lead to disciplinary action, up to and including exclusion from the league. In the case of a game that does not come to an end because of a disconnection, here again, the rulebook gives precise instructions. In short, you must first record the stats of the match before you leave (preferably by taking a few pictures), then contact the opposite team. A new match must be restarted to bring the game to a conclusion. Note: in case of a serious network issue, you are allowed to quit the game during the first minute of play, keep in mind that communicating any problems to your opponent is mandatory. 5- How to report a match on the site? You will need to take photos of the individual and collective stats as well as the three stars of the game. The API tool (available through the captain's account tab on the home page) will allow you to report the games. As an agreement, the winning team captain reports his game. The API tool is a great help and does almost everything on its own, you will only need to add the goals and penalties as well as the three stars of the game and some elements. If the API does not work you will have to go through the so-called old tool, which isn't more complicated but a bit longer of a process. Again the Rulebook is a valuable tool. We advise you to take some pictures of every game played even if it is not your turn to report it, just in case your opponent would have forgotten or if any problems arise. As a conclusion, we thank you again for joining our competition. This was only a scratch of the surface and we - as well as the members of our community - are at your disposal for any questions. Do your best, have fun and remember that, even if everyone takes this very seriously, it's just a game. Get ready for the faceoff!
  2. Hey NHLGamers, We have plenty of seasons starting, with IS Cup 3, RCL, ECL and GCL starting up in the coming days, so it's a good time to refresh your knowledge about game reporting! Due to the new World of Chel dressing room mechanic, the EA API doesn't yet contain the stats nor results for private game sessions, so at least for the start of the season, the captains will have to do slightly more manual work. Reporting games isn't difficult at all, but please have a look at the below for a good reminder before the season start in an attempt to clear any misunderstandings. 1) As a captain, you can see the TEAM TOOLS menu. To report a match, simply click ADD MATCH. 2) Next, pick the game you are reporting - remember, by default, the home team reports the team stats. It's good to have screenshots off all stats just in case, though. Click Add stats to add the team stats (for individual stats, see #5) 3) It's time to add the team stats. Quite simple, but pay attention to filling out all of the fields correctly. Note that it asks for amount of penalties, not penalty minutes! When you're happy with it, click Submit. 4) This is a re-cap screen. Please double-check that everything is correct. If you need to fix something, just click back. 5) Here's the part that the teams fill out individually. If you were the home team and reported the team stats, you'll be taken to this screen automatically. If your opponent reported the team stats, see #6 for how to get to this screen. You get the penalty and goal times from the Box Score menu in the game. Do not use the Action Tracker times, as they are reversed. 6) If you're the away team and your opponent reported the team stats, you'll see Add individual stats as an option in the reporting tool. So there you have it. Be patient and everything will go smoothly. Just be sure to take pictures of all of the stats before exiting the game and use the times from the Box Score and not the Action Tracker and you'll be good. Questions? What if the game disconnects? At the time of a disconnect, both teams need to take down all of the stats (take screenshots or photos). After the rest of the game has been played out, stats for both relevant portions of the games need to be merged, to report the whole game on NHLGamer.com. This whole procedure can be repeated multiple times, in case players drop out more than once during one scheduled game. What if the game is reported incorrectly? Contact support Anything else? Ask us in the comments!
  3. Hey guys, Please post any games that you need help with in the Support section. Double-submit? Wrong goal scorer? Missing penalties? Whatever it is, please add as much info as possible and a link to the game. From now on, please submit your reporting errors here: https://nhlgamer.com/community/support/
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