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Yesterday EA SPORTS released the most wanted thing of the summer by releasing the NHL 20 Open Beta. As always, there had been a lot of talk and rumours around the web on whether it would come out or not, but it eventually did and the first impressions around the community - especially after having been presented with a list of improvements since the beta - have been cautiously positive. The tuning to the left trigger, the new animations to the goalies and the revamped shooting especially around the 6vs6 game mode has been mostly received well. But it's still early on and we've barely scratched the surface. This is of course a beta and a lot of improvements are still to be made. As one of the biggest NHL gaming sites in the world - not to mention the amazing talent and passion of our community members - we want to help out. So here's the deal: We want to hear what you guys think, so we can forward it to the producers and developers at EA SPORTS in a well structured and articulated way. We hope you take some time and write about your experiences (both the good and the bad) and possible issues and solutions that you have run into and hopefully this will help us all get the greatest NHL version yet! In the case of reporting bugs, we also hope that you include screenshots or short video clips to explain them better. Even if someone else already posted the same bug - it might be worth getting a 2nd or 3rd example of it and perhaps from another angle. Please note that the official EA Answers HQ forum is also live and taking feedback and that is the official way of providing feedback of the beta. You can find it by clicking this text. We here at NHLGamer want to discuss these things as a group and compile the feedback and bugs to the developers in an easy to chew form. You may write your feedback in any format you want, but we have included the below structure, edited from last years version. NHL Ones NHL THREES Drop-In (Arcade Threes) EASHL Drop-Ins (Please specify if it is in 3s/6s/both) EASHL Club 3s EASHL Club 6s AI skaters in World of Chel (specify mode + how many AI) AI goalies in World of Chel (specify mode) AI goalies in EASHL (specify if in 3s/6s) Customization: Player Classes + Traits/Specializations Customization: Gear (Casual + Pro gear + Gear Bags) Other World of Chel related feedback Online Vs. AI Skaters in Online Vs. AI Goalies in Online Vs. Skating Hitting (Collision Physics) Pokechecking Shooting Offensive Play (i.e. how did it feel to play offense? How easy was it? Was there a skill gap? Were there limitations?) Defensive Play (i.e. how did it feel to play defense? How easy was it? Was there a skill gap? Were there limitations?) Human Goalies in EASHL The new presentation and scoreboard (if you're having problems with it, let us know if you did the configuration properly when starting the beta for the first time) Other (anything not covered here) We would prefer your thoughts in English, as it will make the process quicker and make for a better discussion here in the community, as all can participate. However, we know there are those who can express themselves better in their maternal language, so for this purpose, we have made this topic discussable in some more languages in their specific topics: English (this news story) Finnish German Russian Swedish
Eilen EA SPORTS julkaisi kesän odotetuimman tapauksen eli NHL 20:n avoimen betan. Netissä oli ollut paljon arvelua siitä, tulisiko beta vai ei, mutta lopulta se saatiin ja vastaanotto on ollut varovaisen optimistista. Poikkeuksellisesti EA SPORTS julkaisi juuri betan kynnyksellä listan parannuksista, joita peliin on jo tehty kahdeksan viikkoa vanhan beta-version jälkeen. Kyse on tietenkin vasta betasta, joten ei liene yllätys, että useita parannuksia kaivataan vielä. Siinä me haluamme olla avuksi, sillä olemmehan yksi maailman suurimmista NHL-pelisivustoista, ja meidän yhteisömme pursuaa osaamista ja intohimoa. Niinpä haluaisimme teidän näkemyksiänne, jotka aiomme välittää EA SPORTSille selkeästi muotoiltuina. Toivomme, että jaatte meille betaan liittyvät kokemuksenne (niin hyvät kuin huonot) sekä mahdollisesti kohtaamanne ongelmat ja niihin toivomanne ratkaisut. Mikäli haluat raportoida bugeja, lähetäthän liitteenä kuvakaappauksia tai videoleikkeitä, joissa ongelma esiintyy selkeästi. Vaikka joku muu olisi jo ehtinyt raportoida saman bugin, voi olla erittäin hyödyllistä jos bugista saadaan lisätietoa tai lisää esimerkkejä ja videotodisteita. Palautetta betasta voi myös lähettää EA Answers HQ -palstalle, löydät sen seuraamalla tätä linkkiä. Me NHLGamerillä haluamme keskustella näistä asioista porukalla ja koota palautteen ja bugit pelin tekijöille mahdollisimman selkeässä ja hyvin artikuloidussa muodossa. Näin saamme tästä NHL:stä kenties kaikkien aikojen parhaan! Palautteen voi kirjoittaa haluamallaan tavalla, mutta alla on esimerkkejä aiheista, mitä voi käsitellä. NHL Ones NHL THREES -sparripelit EASHL-sparripelit (tarkenna, liittyykö palaute 3 vs 3:een/6 vs 6:een/molempiin) EASHL 3 vs 3 -kerhopelit EASHL 6 vs 6 -kerhopelit Tekoälyn ohjaamat kenttäpelaajat World of Chelissä (ilmoita pelimuoto + kuinka monta tekoälypelaajaa) Tekoälymaalivahdit World of Chelissä (ilmoita pelimuoto) Tekoälymaalivahdit EASHL:ssä (tarkenna, onko kyse 3 vs 3:sta vai 6 vs 6:sta) Muokkaus: pelaajatyypit + erityistaidot Muokkaus: varusteet (rento + ammattilainen + varustekassit) Muu palaute World of Chelistä Online Vs. Tekoälykenttäpelaajat Online Vs:ssä Tekoälymaalivahdit Online Vs:ssä Luistelu Taklaaminen (törmäysfysiikat) Mailapuolustus Laukominen Hyökkäyspelaaminen (miltä hyökkääminen tuntui? Kuinka helppoa se oli? Näkyivätkö pelaajien tasoerot? Oliko joitain rajoitteita?) Puolustuspelaaminen (miltä puolustaminen tuntui? Kuinka helppoa se oli? Näkyivätkö pelaajien tasoerot? Oliko joitain rajoitteita?) Ihmismaalivahdit EASHL:ssä Uusi presentaatio ja tulostaulu (mikäli sinulla on ongelmia uuden tulostaulun kanssa - olethan asettanut safe-zonet oikein kun käynnistit betan ensimmäistä kertaa?) Muu (kaikki, mitä ei vielä mainittu) Toivoisimme palautetta englanniksi, koska se nopeuttaa palautteen käsittelyä ja mahdollistaa koko yhteisömme osallistumisen keskusteluun. Tiedämme kuitenkin sen, että jotkut ilmaisevat itseään paremmin omalla äidinkielellään, ja niinpä palautteelle on omat ketjut muutamalla eri kielellä: englanti suomi (tämä viestiketju) saksa venäjä ruotsi
Gestern veröffentlichte EA SPORTS den heiligen Gral mit der Open Beta von NHL 20. Zuvor gab es bereits viele Spekulationen ob diese überhaupt erscheinen würde - doch nun ist sie hier, und das erste Feedback innerhalb der Community - speziell nachdem eine Liste mit Verbesserungen seit der Beta veröffentlich wurde - waren vorsichtig positiv. Das Bearbeiten von L2, die neuen Torhüter-Animationen und das neu gestaltete Schießen besonders im 6vs6 Modus wurde sehr wohlwollend aufgenommen. Allerdings dürfen wir nicht vergessen, dass es sich aus gutem Grund noch um eine Beta handelt, und noch viele Verbesserungen ins Haus stehen. Als eine der größten NHL Gaming-Webseiten - ganz zu schweigen vom enormen Talent in der Community und unserer Passion - liegt es auch an uns, den Entwicklern detailliertes Feedback zukommen zu lassen. Lasst uns also eure Meinung hören, die wir dann in gut strukturierter Weise an EA SPORTS weiterleiten werden. Je mehr Zeit ihr euch dabei nehmt um über eure Erfahrungen zu schreiben (gut und schlecht), desto mehr werden wir an der hoffentlich besten NHL-Version bislang mitwirken können! Selbst wenn ein Problem schon einmal genannt wurde, nennt es ruhig ein zweites und drittes Mal, dass man so viele Blickwinkel und Eindrücke wie möglich auf das Problem erhält. Wir weisen darauf hin, dass es ebenfalls das offizielle EA Answers HQ gibt und ihr dort den offiziellen Weg beschreiten könnt, euer Feedback zur Beta abzugeben. Benutzt ihn indem ihr auf diesen Text klickt. Wir hier von NHLGamer wollen die Dinge als Gruppe diskutieren und ein gebündeltes Feedback inklusive der Bugs erstellen, dass es die Entwickler leichter haben sie zu bearbeiten bzw. zu beheben. Ihr könnt euer Feedback schreiben wir ihr möchtet, aber anbei bieten wir euch eine gewisse Struktur, die ein wenig zum letzten Jahr bearbeitet worden ist. NHL Ones NHL THREES Drop-In (Arcade Threes) EASHL Drop-Ins (bitte in 3s/6s/beides unterscheiden) EASHL Club 3s EASHL Club 6s KI-Spieler in World of Chel (bitte in 3s/6s unterscheiden und angeben, wie viele KI-Spieler üblicherweise bei euch auf dem Eis sind) KI-Torhüter in World of Chel (bitte in 3s/6s unterscheiden) KI-Torhüter in EASHL (bitte in 3s/6s unterscheiden) Individualisierung: Spielerklassen + Fähigkeiten/Spezialisierungen Individualisierung: Ausrüstung (Casual-Ausrüstung + Pro-Ausrüstung + Ausrüstungstaschen) Weiteres Feedback bzgl. World of Chel Online Versus KI-Spieler in Online Versus KI-Torhüter in Online Versus Skating Bodychecks (Hitting Physik) Pokechecks Schüsse Offensivspiel (z.B. wie hat es sich angefühlt? Ist es einfach/schwer? Kann man sich durch sein Können abheben? Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten? Einschränkungen?) Defensivspiel (z.B. wie hat es sich angefühlt? Ist es einfach/schwer? Kann man sich durch sein Können abheben? Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten? Einschränkungen?) Menschliche Torhüter in EASHL Die neue Präsentation und die Spielstandsanzeige (falls ihr Probleme damit habt, lasst es uns wissen ob ihr die Konfiguration richtig gemacht habt als ihr das erste Mal die Beta gestartet habt) Weiteres Feedback (alles, was bisher nicht abgefragt wurde)
I går kom EA Sports ut med den mest efterlängtade saken av sommaren genom att publicera NHL 20 Open Beta. Det var mycket snack runt om webben ifall betan skulle publiceras eller inte, men som vanligt publicerades den och första intrycket har varit försiktigt positivt runt communityn. Precis innan releaset var det var en lång lista på förbättringar mellan betan och nuvarande situationen av spelet som lades ut av EA Sports. Detta gör det lite smått klurigt att säga hur det egentligen kommer att vara, men det är så klart en beta och det är inte oväntat att mycket kommer förbättras till den fullständiga versionen. Som en av de största NHL gaming sidorna i världen - för att inte glömma talangen och passionen bland våra medlemmar - vill vi hjälpa till. Vi vill veta vad ni tycker, så vi kan förmedla informationen till EA SPORTS producenter och utvecklare på ett strukturerat sätt. Vi vill ni tar tiden och skriver om era erfarenheter (både bra och dåliga), problem och möjligtvis sätt att lösa problemet så att vi förhoppningsvis kan hjälpa skapa det bästa NHL-spelet här tills! Om du rapporterar en bugg, hoppas vi att du också bifogar ett screenshot eller videoklipp för att visa problemet bättre. Fastän någon redan skulle ha rapporterat samma buggen du lidit av är det bra att få fler exempel på samma bugg - kanske du kan erbjuda en annan vinkel eller mer bevis på att det bör fixas. Det är möjligt att ge feedback på NHL 20 Betan på officiella EA Answers HQ forumet - du kan göra det genom att följa denna länk. Vi här på NHLGamer vill diskutera detta som en grupp och sätta ihop en väl strukturerad lista på åsikter och buggar för att skicka åt producenterna. Du kan presentera din feedback hur du vill, men nedanför har vi gett er exempel på frågor som kan diskuteras. NHL Ones NHL Threes Drop-In (Arcade formatet) EASHL Drop-Ins. (Specifiera gärna ifall det är 3or eller 6or) EASHL Klubb 3or EASHL Klubb 6or Botstyrda spelare i World of Chel (Specifiera spelläge + hur många botstyrda) Botstyrda målvakter i World of Chel (Specifiera spelläge) Botstyrda målvakter i EASHL (Specifiera 3or eller 6or) Redigera spelarklass + specialisering Redigera utrustning (Casual + Pro utrustning + hockeybag) Övrigt World of Chel feedback Online versus Botstyrda spelare i Versus Botstyrda målvakter i Versus Skridskoåkning Taklingar Pokechecks Skott Anfallspel (Hur känns det att spela anfallsspel? Hur enkelt var det? Fanns det skillgap? Finns det restriktioner?) Försvarsspel (Hur känns det att spela försvarsspel? Hur enkelt var det? Fanns det skillgap? Finns det restriktioner?) Människostyrda målvakter i EASHL Nya presentationen och resultattavlan (om du har problem med den, vänligen försäkra dig att du har justerat in safe zones då du startat betan) Övrigt Vi föredrar era tankar och bidrag på Engelska för att den gör processen för oss snabbare och möjliggör en diskussion som alla kan delta i. Samtidigt är vi också medvetna att det finns personer som är bättre på att uttrycka sig på sitt modersmål och av denna anledning har vi gjort det möjligt att även svara även på dessa språk: Engelska Finska Ryska Svenska (du är här) Tyska
The NHL 20 Open Beta is available for download now on PS4 and XB1! The download size for PS4 users will be 24.391GB. Whereas, users on the XB1 should expect to see the download only come to 22.98GB. While your download is in progress why not have a read through one of our most recent articles in which we went over what you should expect in the Beta, as well what changes did not make the final cut for it. Are you not able to play it yet? Do you have any questions about the beta? Please, feel free to ask in the comments below
Hey NHLGamers, Anyone keeping up with the NHL 20 news over the past few days and weeks no doubt has been subjected to the widespread speculation regarding whether or not there would be a beta, as well as when said beta would become available. As a response it appears, EA have announced that there will indeed be a beta, albeit with some fairly extreme caveats. Additionally, whilst the release date has not been officially confirmed just yet, it seems as though that it will in fact go live today sometime during the "evening", which timezone this evening is 'set' in is anyone's guess, but it certainly lines up with the idea that it will be playable from 15:00 EST (or 21:00 CEST) onwards. So, all we can say is keep your eyes peeled as the upcoming evening goes on! Anyway, probably most importantly I would like to take a minute and go over the caveats that I spoke of previously. EA have been rather uncharacteristically forthright about the upcoming beta, stating that “… we cut the beta build eight weeks prior to today, meaning that there are 8 additional weeks that you’re not going to see and feel in the beta. You’re playing an early, work-in progress version of the game. Some of our new gameplay features were not fully ready to be included in the beta build …”. In essence then, this beta, more than any before it, stands as more of a proof of concept than the ‘finished article’. Despite this disconnect between what we will be playing and where the game actually is at, EA have tried their best to assuage the problem by attempting to get the general feeling of the main three additions (Shooting overhaul, Explosive Transitions, & Goalie Intelligence) in the beta, at the potential cost of stability. Therefore, with the disclaimer that there will be some “inconsistencies”, players should expect to see the following improvements over NHL 19 in the NHL 20 Beta: As always, we will be setting up bug reporting threads that we will then compile and send to EA once the beta has concluded. Furthermore, these threads will be available in English, Finnish, Russian, & Swedish. In addition to this, the full (and especially extensive) post-beta changelog is as follows: Again, please note that the changes immediately above will NOT be visible in the beta. We will let you know the moment the beta is released. Edit: The beta is now available for download!
Hello everybody. As everybody by now has seen that some people are affected with error at EASHL club matches. There is a fix that so far has been pretty effective, not 100% but what I've seen it has dropped chance to error dramatically. You need to reboot your game after every match Every person I've played with this has helped a lot. Please spread the word so we can get more matches going on! I know this will not take all errors out but this works at a rate that is massive
Last week EA SPORTS released the most wanted thing of the summer by releasing the NHL19 Open Beta. There had been a lot of talk around the web on whether it would come out or not, but it eventually did and the first impressions around the community have been very positive. The new skating mechanics looks and feels amazing and the feedback especially around 6vs6 has been mostly very great. This is of course a beta and a lot of improvements are still to be made. As one of the biggest NHL gaming sites in the world - not to mention the amazing talent and passion of our community members - we want to help out. So here's the deal: We want to hear what you guys think, so we can forward it to EA SPORTS in a well structured and articulated way. We hope you take some time and write about your experiences (both the good and the bad) and possible issues and solutions that you have run into and hopefully this will help us all get the greatest NHL version yet! You may write your feedback in any format you want, but we have included the below structure, as presented by EA SPORTS NHL Community Manager Tyler Horsfall on Twitter. NHL Ones NHL THREES Drop-In (Arcade Threes) EASHL Drop-Ins (Please specify if it is in 3s/6s/both) EASHL Club 3s EASHL Club 6s AI skaters in World of Chel (specify mode + how many AI) AI goalies in World of Chel (specify mode) AI goalies in EASHL (specify if in 3s/6s) Customization: Player Classes + Traits/Specializations Customization: Gear (Casual + Pro gear + Gear Bags) Other World of Chel related feedback Online Vs. AI Skaters in Online Vs. AI Goalies in Online Vs. Skating Hitting (Collision Physics) Pokechecking Offensive Play (i.e. how did it feel to play defense? How easy was it? Was there a skill gap? Were there limitations?) Defensive Play (i.e. how did it feel to play defense? How easy was it? Was there a skill gap? Were there limitations?) Other (anything not covered here) Human Goalies in EASHL We would prefer your thoughts in English, as it will make the process quicker and make for a better discussion here in the community, as all can participate. However, we know there are those who can express themselves better in their maternal language, so for this purpose, we have made this topic discussable in some more languages in their specific topics: English (this news story) Finnish German Russian Swedish Thanks to @chavelski, @gzell60, @MAYZIIX and @Janikka for the help and translations!
Viime viikolla EA SPORTS julkaisi kesän odotetuimman tapauksen eli NHL 19:n avoimen betan. Netissä oli ollut paljon arvelua siitä, tulisiko beta vai ei, mutta lopulta se saatiin ja vastaanotto on ollut todella positiivinen. Uudistettu luistelu näyttää ja tuntuu mahtavalta, ja pelaajilta saatu palaute varsinkin 6 vs 6:sta on ollut lähes yksinomaan myönteistä. Kyse on tietenkin vasta betasta, ja monia parannuksia kaivataan vielä. Siinä me haluamme auttaa, sillä olemmehan yksi maailman suurimmista NHL-pelisivustoista, ja meidän yhteisömme pursuaa osaamista ja intohimoa. Niinpä haluaisimme teidän näkemyksiänne, jotka aiomme välittää EA SPORTSille selkeästi muotoiltuina. Toivomme, että jaatte meille betaan liittyvät kokemuksenne (niin hyvät kuin huonot) sekä mahdollisesti kohtaamanne ongelmat ja niihin toivomanne ratkaisut. Näin saamme tästä NHL:stä kenties kaikkien aikojen parhaan! Palautteen voi kirjoittaa haluamallaan tavalla, mutta alla on esimerkkejä aiheista, mitä voi käsitellä. Nämä on poimittu EA SPORTSin NHL Community Manager Tyler Horsfallin twiiteistä. NHL Ones NHL THREES -sparripelit EASHL-sparripelit (tarkenna, liittyykö palaute 3 vs 3:een/6 vs 6:een/molempiin) EASHL 3 vs 3 -kerhopelit EASHL 6 vs 6 -kerhopelit Tekoälyn ohjaamat kenttäpelaajat World of Chelissä (ilmoita pelimuoto + kuinka monta tekoälypelaajaa) Tekoälymaalivahdit World of Chelissä (ilmoita pelimuoto) Tekoälymaalivahdit EASHL:ssä (tarkenna, onko kyse 3 vs 3:sta vai 6 vs 6:sta) Muokkaus: pelaajatyypit + erityistaidot Muokkaus: varusteet (rento + ammattilainen + varustekassit) Muu palaute World of Chelistä Online Vs. Tekoälykenttäpelaajat Online Vs:ssä Tekoälymaalivahdit Online Vs:ssä Luistelu Taklaaminen (törmäysfysiikat) Mailapuolustus Hyökkäyspelaaminen (miltä hyökkääminen tuntui? Kuinka helppoa se oli? Näkyivätkö pelaajien tasoerot? Oliko joitain rajoitteita?) Puolustuspelaaminen (miltä puolustaminen tuntui? Kuinka helppoa se oli? Näkyivätkö pelaajien tasoerot? Oliko joitain rajoitteita?) Muu (kaikki, mitä ei vielä mainittu) Ihmismaalivahdit EASHL:ssä Toivoisimme palautetta englanniksi, koska se nopeuttaa palautteen käsittelyä ja mahdollistaa koko yhteisömme osallistumisen keskusteluun. Tiedämme kuitenkin sen, että jotkut ilmaisevat itseään paremmin omalla äidinkielellään, ja niinpä palautteelle on omat ketjut muutamalla eri kielellä: englanti suomi (tämä viestiketju) saksa venäjä ruotsi
Letzte Woche veröffentlichte EA SPORTS die mit Spannung erwartete Open Beta von NHL 19. Zuvor gab es bereits viele Spekulationen ob diese überhaupt erscheinen würde - doch nun ist sie hier, und das initiale Feedback aus der NHL Community fällt sehr positiv aus. Besonders die neue Skating-Mechanik und das Gameplay in 6 vs. 6 werden dabei oft erwähnt. Allerdings dürfen wir nicht vergessen, dass es sich aus gutem Grund noch um eine Beta handelt, und noch viele Verbesserungen ins Haus stehen. Als eine der größten NHL Gaming-Webseiten - ganz zu schweigen vom enormen Talent in der Community und unserer Passion - liegt es auch an uns, den Entwicklern detailliertes Feedback zukommen zu lassen. Lasst uns also eure Meinung hören, die wir dann in gut strukturierter Weise an EA SPORTS weiterleiten werden. Je mehr Zeit ihr euch dabei nehmt um über eure Erfahrungen zu schreiben (gut und schlecht), desto mehr werden wir an der hoffentlich besten NHL-Version bislang mitwirken können! Ihr könnt euer Feedback in jeder beliebigen Form abgeben, allerdings würden wir es bevorzugen, wenn ihr das von EA SPORTS NHL Community Manager Tyler Horsfall auf Twitter bereitgestellte Template verwendet. NHL Ones NHL THREES Drop-In (Arcade Threes) EASHL Drop-Ins (bitte in 3s/6s unterscheiden) EASHL Club 3s EASHL Club 6s KI-Spieler in World of Chel (bitte in 3s/6s unterscheiden und angeben, wie viele KI-Spieler üblicherweise bei euch auf dem Eis sind) KI-Torhüter in World of Chel (bitte in 3s/6s unterscheiden) KI-Torhüter in EASHL (bitte in 3s/6s unterscheiden) Individualisierung: Spielerklassen + Fähigkeiten/Spezialisierungen ndividualisierung: Ausrüstung (Casual-Ausrüstung + Pro-Ausrüstung + Ausrüstungstaschen) Weiteres Feedback bzgl. World of Chel Online Versus KI-Spieler in Online Versus KI-Torhüter in Online Versus Skating Bodychecks Pokechecks Offensivspiel (z.B. wie hat es sich angefühlt? Ist es einfach/schwer? Kann man sich durch sein Können abheben? Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten?) Defensivspiel (z.B. wie hat es sich angefühlt? Ist es einfach/schwer? Kann man sich durch sein Können abheben? Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten?) Weiteres Feedback (alles, was bisher nicht abgefragt wurde) Menschliche Torhüter in EASHL
Förra veckan kom EA Sports ut med den mest efterlängtade saken av sommaren genom att publicera NHL19 Open Beta. Det var mycket snack runt om webben ifall betan skulle publiceras eller inte, men smått oväntat publicerades den och första intrycket har varit väldigt positivt runt communityn. Nya skridskoåkningsmekaniken ser och känns fantastiskt och feedbacken speciellt kring 6vs6 har varit mestadels riktigt bra. Såklart är detta en beta och mycket förväntas förbättras till den fullständiga versionen. Som en av de största NHL gaming sidorna i världen - inte för att glömma talangen och passionen bland våra medlemmar - vill vi hjälpa till. Vi vill veta vad ni tycker, så vi kan förmedla informationen till EA SPORTS på ett strukturerat sätt. Vi vill ni tar tiden och skriver om era erfarenheter (både bra och dåliga), problem och möjligtvis sätt att lösa problemet så att vi förhoppningsvis kan hjälpa skapa det bästa NHL-spelet här tills! Du kan presentera din feedback hur du vill, men nedanför har vi gett er exempel på frågor som kan diskuteras. Frågorna är ursprungligen presenterade av EA SPORTS NHL Community Manager Tyler Horsfall på Twitter. NHL Ones NHL Threes Drop-In (Arcade formatet) EASHL Drop-Ins. (Specifiera gärna ifall det är 3or eller 6or) EASHL Klubb 3or EASHL Klubb 6or Botstyrda spelare i World of Chel (Specifiera spelläge + hur många botstyrda) Botstyrda målvakter i World of Chel (Specifiera spelläge) Botstyrda målvakter i EASHL (Specifiera 3or eller 6or) Redigera spelarklass + specialisering Redigera utrustning (Casual + Pro utrustning + hockeybag) Övrigt World of Chel feedback Online versus Botstyrda spelare i Versus Botstyrda målvakter i Versus Skridskoåkning Taklingar Pokechecks Anfallspel (Hur känns det att spela anfallsspel? Hur enkelt var det? Fanns det skillgap? Finns det restriktioner?) Försvarsspel (Hur känns det att spela försvarsspel? Hur enkelt var det? Fanns det skillgap? Finns det restriktioner?) Övrigt Människostyrda målvakter i EASHL Vi föredrar era tankar och bidrag på Engelska för att den gör processen för oss snabbare och möjliggör en diskussion som alla kan delta i. Samtidigt är vi också medvetna att det finns personer som är bättre på att uttrycka sig på sitt modersmål och av denna anledning har vi gjort det möjligt att även svara även på dessa språk: Engelska Finska Ryska Svenska (du är här) Tyska
UPDATE: The beta is now available for download on both PS4 and Xbox One! PS4 (EU): Xbox One: Hey NHLGamers! Out of nowhere, the NHL 19 Open Beta was just announced via the PlayStation Blog. And best of all: It is set to start today! Timing: The Open Beta takes place from July 26 to August 2. World of Chel: The following modes will be included in the NHL 19 Open Beta: NHL Ones NHL Threes Pro-Am EA SPORTS Hockey League The announcement also hints at a comeback of (partly) customizable player classes: Which of you guys will be hopping on NHL 19 beta ice tonight?! Let us know! @gzell60
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Hey NHL Gamers, It was a good run, but we all knew this day was coming: The NHL 18 Beta has ended and it's time to start waiting for the final product, releasing next month. Should you try accessing any of the modes of the beta, you will be met with the following screen: While waiting for the full version of the game, we would like to ask you to send us your thoughts on the beta - what did you like and what didn't you? We would also like to see your best video clips! Whether they are cool, incredible, funny, pointing out a bug in the game or just plain stupid - just share them with us! Here's our small example, recorded by @gzell60, showing off the exploitation of the L1/LB-button, which is especially effective around the boards, doesn't really slow you down when spamming, and doesn't result in penalties: By submitting our videos and feedback directly to EA SPORTS, we hope to help shape the game the way we - the community - want to see the game develop in the future. You can choose to discuss in the below thread, or post your thoughts and clips in the comments of this news story - both will be followed closely by our staff. So without further ado, submit your stuff in the comments section and let's get this thing going! On behalf of the NHLGamer staff,
This topic will be NHLGamer's official feedback/discussion topic for the NHL 18 Beta. Share us your thoughts on the Beta here; what is good, what is bad, what is working and what is not. Is the defensive skill stick working and how about those new dekes? Then I'm hearing that the goaltending is different somehow - sure looks like faster/smoother, what do our goalies think? And then there's this thing called "L1"... How about the fact that we're going to play with the same engine for another year before the Frostbite arrives to NHL gaming? If you have videos or pics about some new, weird or cool stuff, please share them here as well! Every opinion and thought will be much appreciated. Lets get the feedback rolling, peeps!
Hello! Thanks for being part of this community and being interested in the NHL 18 Beta. Please follow this simple template to request a code for the ä NHL18 Beta: Reminder: Codes for Playstation 4 will only work for EU PSN accounts.
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Hello NHL Gamers! Thanks to EA SPORTS and @gzell60 we've managed to secure a hefty amount of codes for the NHL18 Beta on PS4 and XB1. Codes for Playstation 4 are available only for European PSN accounts, codes for Xbox have no restricitions. Before going further, first we'd like to take care of our community members. In order to recieve a code, please visit this thread and use the provided template to complete your request: A quick reminder - we're streaming the NHL18 Beta almost every evening on our Twitch channel - OxtreeLAT //
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Hey NHL Gamers, Many of us were hoping for it, most of us were certainly speculating about it - scratch your head no more! EA SPORTS has confirmed that the NHL 18 Beta is in fact now open for everyone - no beta code necessary. Just jump into the Playstation or Xbox store and you should be able to locate the beta for download. Chances are, you've already been enjoying the beta for a week. In that case, just continue enjoying - no further action necessary! As you can see from the below image we snagged from their Instagram post, the beta will now end on the 8th of August. Without further ado, pick up those controllers and see you on the ice! On behalf of the NHLGamer staff,
Hey NHL Gamers, we hope you are enjoying the NHL 18 Beta to the fullest by now! If not, be sure to check out our Beta Code Giveaway below: As you probably know, a beta of a game is more than just a demo for the consumers. Sure, it can be used as a marketing tool to get people excited for a game and I believe in the case of the NHL series it doubles as a demo, but it also usually serves a bigger purpose, such as: Getting general feedback from the customers before the game release. Introducing the beta to a bigger amount of people will certainly bring out some technical issues that hasn't been noted before and it can then be fixed before putting the game on disc (or at the very latest in the form of a day one patch). Testing the online server capabilities. Collecting data about customer behavior within the game for multiple purposes. We here at NHLGamer are playing the NHL 18 beta at least as much as the next guy and are very passionate about discussing our findings as well. We created a discussion thread for this purpose and we will also be sharing our key points with EA SPORTS as well (we're also pretty sure they are lurking around the forums this time a year to read about what us gamers have to say ). So please, join us in the discussion and vote on our poll by going to this forum thread: EA is also looking for direct feedback from all us, in the form of "General discussion and feedback", "Technical issues" and "Bug reporting". You can read more and participate in their official discussion by following this link. That's all for now folks, I'll let you get back to your beta gaming! On behalf of the NHLGamer staff,
Hey NHL gamers, We hope you are already enjoying the NHL 18 Beta! Our staff is committed to streaming the beta almost non-stop, so why don't you stop by for a chat. Our first stream is already underway and the first host is @vSilenttio, who is playing with his team SIKA. He is talking to his team in Finnish, so someone please go and tell him "English please". Other confirmed hosts include @OxtreeLAT, @gzell60 and @Dominointi. Without further adieu, please jump in: On behalf of the NHLGamer staff,
Howdy, Gamers! We told you earlier this week that there was going to be one more cool thing released before the NHL 18 Beta kicks off next Tuesday and here it is! Well, at least we think it's cool. NHLGamer Presents: ECL Talk is our brand new podcast program for the official ECL news, trades and other things that are associated with NHL gaming. How does it work then, you might ask. Basically, it's about two passionate NHL gamers talking about what is going on around NHLGamer - and sometimes outside of it. We have two hosts: @The_Alpha_Furyan and I, @vSilenttio, and we might have some guests with us talking about stuff in the future. As we tell the latest news and other things that are going on, we're also giving our personal opinions on things. We would like to emphasize that the things we say are not official words of NHLGamer - we just tell our opinions as individual gamers. Anyways, give us a listen and find out yourself if it's your thing or not! If you enjoy it, be sure to subscribe to our channel and give the video a thumbs up! PS: We're working on improving the technical quality of the series in the future. Until next time, have a nice day!
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Hey NHL Gamers, during the NHL Awards and the Expansion Draft last night, EA SPORTS dropped the highly anticipated first news for NHL 18! And because we know you guys love polished, exclusive content, here is our full breakdown of everything we know so far. +++ 1. TRAILER +++ We recommend you take a look at the new official gameplay trailer first, as it will be one of the main sources for the remaining deep dive. Go check it out! NHLGamer thinks: "Likely one of the best EA SPORTS NHL trailers in recent history. 93 seconds packed with new moves, new game modes and lots of hype. Well done!" +++ 2. GAMEPLAY FEATURES+++ NHL 18 is all about creativity, that's why EA SPORTS added a lot of new deking mechanics for attackers to the game. Between-the-leg shots, one-handed dekes, back-handed toe-drags, heel drags, puck flips and and the ability to link moves together based on moment-to-moment decisions and reaction time allow you to show your skills like never before. For defenders, NHL 18 introduces an all-new Defensive Skill Stick with features like poke check targeting, extended pokes and controlled stick sweeps to cover zones and passing lanes to counter attack the best players on the planet. NHLGamer thinks: "All the new dekes and especially the new Defensive Skill Stick will step up the game to a whole different level. According to a lot of players, NHL 17 already offered the broadest and most advanced gameplay feature set of all EA SPORTS titles so far, and this is an addition that everyone has been asking and waiting for a long time. Thanks for listenting to your fans!" +++ 3. EA SPORTS NHL THREES +++ EA SPORTS NHL THREES delivers an all-new 3-on-3 hockey experience with bigger hits, faster action and more open-ice to create big plays, beautiful dangles and more goals. It is a mode inspired by fun, pick-up-and-play arcade sports games where you can play any way you want to, online or offline, co-op or competitive. EA SPORTS NHL THREES also features a complete single-play campaign that allows you to compete against different teams and leagues in a circuit-style tourney. Get ready to unlock objective-based rewards like new teammates, jerseys, logos and other surprises along the way! No offsides and no icing means anything goes and the fun does not slow down. Penalties even send you straight to center-ice for a penalty shot to score that crucial goal. In EA SPORTS NHL THREES, you determine the rules. Choose how many periods you play or what goal limit determines the winner. Gotta win by two? Your choice as well! The new EA SPORTS NHL THREES commentator will deliver more humor and fun to add to the unique energy and excitement of the fast 3-on-3 action. Brand new arenas, exclusive to the EA SPORTS NHL THREES will deliver more color, more special effects and completely unique on-ice designs that keep the games as fresh and exciting as the gameplay. EA SPORTS NHL THREES can be played online in Versus and Team Play mode to jump into 3-on-3 hockey on a team with your friends, facing three other players in a full six-player competitive online game. NHLGamer thinks: "Spectacular! EA SPORTS NHL THREES looks like an extremely well done remake of the original 3 on 3 NHL Arcade which was released on PS3 and Xbox 360 in 2009. Featuring a smaller rink, no offsides and no icing, this could turn out to be a go-to game mode for competitive players to fine tune their deking skills. May even be worth a #3on3ECL on it's own?" +++ 4. MORE FEATURES +++ The new Creative A.I. will now make use of all the creative deking and passing tools that human players do, which will allow for smarter plays up and down the ice. By using off-the-boards bank passing, lead passing and improved positioning, the AI will be able to create better breakout opportunities. And with the new Defensive Skill Stick, they will be your effective companion in the defensive zone. EA SPORTS Hockey League will now support full 3-on-3 matches, opening up the ice to get creative, pull off big plays, and showcasing true #skillhockey with all the new moves. The all-new Hockey Training Camp will help you become successful immediately by giving you the opportunity to watch real-life videos from hockey professionals that teach you the right moves for the right moments. Training sessions and challenges will make you a truly competitive player. A new Expansion Draft feature added to Franchise Mode allows you to create and draft a 32nd NHL team to shake up the league. Select the best players from across the league, or if you're playing as an existing franchise, protect your current team roster by setting your own Protected Player List. The hometown for your 32nd expansion team can be selected from cities all across North America and even in Europe - from Stockholm to Helsinki to Berlin to St. Petersburg. For the first time ever, you can now design your very own custom mascot in addition to the arena, the jerseys and the franchise logo. Vegas Golden Knights will be added to the game, including authentic rosters, uniforms, logo and the brand new T-Mobile Arena, seen in the video above. And if you need a helping hand or just want to show off your roster, you can now invite friends to join you in more modes, including Hockey Ultimate Team, Online Versus and EA SPORTS NHL THREES. NHLGamer thinks: "We are looking forward to the new Creative A.I., which will hopefully fix one of, if not the greatest weakness in NHL 17. The addition of 3-on-3 games to EA SPORTS Hockey League sounds interesting. We feel like it's another approach to get people more invested to the non-AI games found in full 6 vs. 6 matches so far, and it could potentially increase the user base in the long run. One thing we are not sure about: Aside of the THREES arenas, customization options and commentary - what else will be different compared to 3-on-3 EASHL?" +++ 5. COVER +++ This year's cover athlete is Connor McDavid of the Edmonton Oilers. NHLGamer thinks: "We were expecting a Vegas Golden Knights player to be honest. Nevertheless, Connor McDavid looks hot!" +++ 6. EDITIONS +++ Just like last year, NHL will come in three different editions: Regular Edition, Young Stars Edition, Young Stars Deluxe Edition. The Young Stars Deluxe Edition will release on September 12 worldwide (digital only), and include these bonuses: 3 days early access 40 Gold Plus Packs for Hockey Ultimate Team (2 per week for a total of 20 weeks) Connor McDavid Rookie HUT player object Connor McDavid adidas HUT jersey Connor McDavid EASHL celebration 1 Rookie HUT player object of your favourite NHL team Returning user bonus: If you owned NHL 15, NHL 16 or NHL 17, you will receive a special jersey for Hockey Ultimate Team resembling your previously owned titles. The Young Stars Deluxe Edition will be available at 99.99$/99.99€. Preorder via the NHL 16 or NHL 17 main menu to receive a 10% discount (90$/90€)! The Young Stars Edition will release on September 12 worldwide (digital only), and include these bonuses: 3 days early access 20 Gold Plus Packs for Hockey Ultimate Team (1 per week for a total of 20 weeks) Connor McDavid Rookie HUT player object Connor McDavid adidas HUT jersey Connor McDavid EASHL celebration 1 Rookie HUT player object of your favourite NHL team Returning user bonus: If you owned NHL 15, NHL 16 or NHL 17, you will receive a special jersey for Hockey Ultimate Team resembling your previously owned titles. The Young Stars Edition will be available at 79.99$/89.99€. The Regular Edition will release on September 15 worldwide (digital and retail), and include these bonuses: 5 Gold Plus Packs for Hockey Ultimate Team (1 per week for a total of 5 weeks) Returning user bonus: If you owned NHL 15, NHL 16 or NHL 17, you will receive a special jersey for Hockey Ultimate Team resembling your previously owned titles. The Regular Edition will be available at 59.99$/69.99€. NHLGamer thinks: "The simultaneous release in the US and in Europe is much appreciated! Unfortunately, if you are from Europe and opting for anything else than the Young Stars Deluxe Edition, you will have to pay a premium. The 10% discount on the fully packed edition on the other hand seems to be aimed at hardcore gamers, and offers good value for its price." +++ 8. BETA +++ The NHL 18 Beta will take place from July 25th to August 2nd and gives you the opportunity to take an exclusive look at the new gameplay, EA SPORTS Hockey League, EA SPORTS NHL THREES and Online Versus! To sign up, click here. NHLGamer thinks: "Everyone was looking forward to the beta, and we are happy EA SPORTS decided to continue it this year as well. We will see you on the ice on July 25th!" +++ 9. TRAILER BREAKDOWN: YER' WANT SOME GIFS? +++ At NHLGamer, we are always saving the best till last. Here's a collection of some of the new moves, features and other stuff: How do you like all of today's news? What do you think about #3on3ECL? Tell us in the comments below! @gzell60 for
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Hey NHL Gamers, We hope you are enjoying the NHL 17 Beta so far! Over the course of the last days we have been giving out dozens of codes for both PS4 and Xbox One. So many, in fact, that we hadn't had the time to jump into the game as much as we wanted to! We are very thankful for all the nice responses we received for getting you into the game, and we will of course continue to bring you lots of exciting stuff. The concept behind releasing a beta is of course to iron out any game breaking flaws, annoying bugs and get the community's thoughts on how we like the new features that are new to the franchise. This is accomplished by exposing the beta to as many of us hockey fans as possible. What we at want to do now is to get as much feedback from the community as possible and put together a list of the feedback to submit to the EA Sports NHL team in Vancouver. In this case, we don't want anyone to feel stuck behind a language barrier, so feel free to send in your feedback in English, Finnish, French, German or Swedish and we'll go ahead to translate all of your input and compile a list of all relevant issues and improvement ideas. Please use the comments below to voice your opinion and we will make sure you are being heard!
Exciting news NHL Gamers! We've got plenty of NHL 17 beta codes to give away to you guys and gals! We'd love for you to follow us on our social media channels: We will be live streaming on Twitch (feed below) and sharing codes on all of these platforms for the next couple of hours. Please join in and take part in the fun! We've been sharing some codes on Facebook before and here's a few to get things going again: PS4: - HNA8-88NG-PK2F - PDBC-CLN4-D45H - N4MK-KHNR-TJCT - 7T5C-4TNH-FMDQ -73HR-G3ND-Q4TR Xbox One: VXJ6G-CF73R-6V6VG-947DD-PQFMZ 43HJT-KF4Y7-2JHQJ-H37Q6-KRHYZ 4HTHM-PYXJY-X4JJR-QRT96-HJ6GZ JG6Y6-7GDWX-22TF9-9YYP9-GMGVZ HM3WQ-T4KWK-9XCHG-J6D42-636TZ Please let us know in the comments when you've used a code! Watch live video from NHLGamerTwitch on Hope to see you on the ice!
Exciting news NHL Gamers! The NHL 17 Beta codes have (at least partially) been sent out now and players around the world are downloading the beta as we speak! If you haven't received your code yet - despite applying for it - don't worry. It seems that those that are subscribing to the NHL Insider newsletter got it first. The rest will probably get it on Thursday the 28th, as announced earlier. We are currently waiting for the beta to download, but according to the information in the email, the modes featured in the beta are "Online Versus, EA SPORTS Hockey League, Creation Zone, and Hockey Ultimate Team™". Below is an image of what the email looks like for a PS4 user that gets a beta code. Good news - they are supplying you with two codes for your friends as well! If you didn't sign up on time for the beta (you could do it here, but it says it's closed for now), you should get in touch with your buddies and ask them if they can share a code with you. The beta size on the Xbox One is 17,93 GB and it's roughly the same on PS4. So let's all lace up those skates - I'll see you on the ice!
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