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kibenibe last won the day on November 23

kibenibe had the most liked content!

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  1. Free c/rw. Backup is fine, i just want to play some hockey.
  2. Free c/rw for core/lite/pro. I am pretty active so starter role would be nice. Contact here, on discord or psn for tryouts.
  3. Free c/rw looking for a finnish club for ecl. Division doesnt really matter, but last two seasons i played at top lite level.
  4. Free (backup) c/rw. Backup for ecl is fine but would like to play regular games at least 2-3 times a week.
  5. C/rw looking for a preferably finnish team. Got experience from elite, pro, lite and core. Contact here or on psn.
  6. Looking for a team for future tournaments. Mostly played center but could try maybe rw. Last season i played at top lite level so around there would be nice.
  7. Free agent looking for a team. Mostly played as center but could learn a new position.
  8. C/rw looking for a finnish club. Got experience from elite, pro and lite.
  9. C/rw looking for a finnish club. I have experience from elite but have not played much recently so lower divisions are fine. Backup spot is a possibility as well.
  10. C/rw looking for a club. Got elite experience but division doesnt matter if the team is competitive. Contact here or on psn for tryouts.
  11. Free c/rw. I have experience from elite and pro but have not played much in the last year or so.
  12. Give me a tryout, i have elite experience and all that good shit.
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