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Everything posted by Beeoo

  1. Free lw for fcl. Psn: Beeoo87 https://sportsgamer.gg/players/699
  2. Still looking.
  3. Still looking for backup D and F.
  4. Capetown Kings looking for backup D and F. We are looking for finnish players. Messages psn: Beeoo87
  5. Still searching backup D. Capetown Kings are ready to rumble.
  6. Capetown Kings looking for backup defence men. Also we need goalie who can be 50/50 or backup. Contact to: Psn: Beeoo87, Randomjanne or Moneygunx
  7. Still looking for C.
  8. Still looking for C and ld/rd.
  9. Capetown Kings are looking for first line ld and starter g. Psn: Beeoo87
  10. Still looking for a couple players.
  11. CapeTown Kings still searching starter goalie. Come on goalies!
  12. Still searching 😊
  13. Capetown Kings search starter goalie and backup allrounder player. We are Finnish based team. As you see from our team name, we are representing South-Africa!.. Because why not? We are active and motivated team. Our goal is to take part ECL tournaments (Lite) as soon as possible. Our principles are: good tight defence is our style to play 😁 We dont care who is the opponent. We play everygame till the end. We play only 6's. We dont play any 3's or with CPU. We have a great atmosphere and we want to keep it that way. Try out takes atleast 1 week because its important how you fit in our team. If you are solid g or allrounder player contact me Beeoo87 (PSN) https://www.ea.com/fi-fi/games/nhl/nhl-20/pro-clubs/overview?clubId=336487&platform=ps4
  14. Tarpion pallo looking for C, RW and LD. Contact me PSN: Beeoo87
  15. Free active lw/rw. Right handed. Age 30. I speak finnish and english. I dont care what ecl division to play. Ask me for try out and i do my best. Psn: Bonq1987
  16. Last kings will be really good and will suprise everyone if they get better goalie. Nobody hasnt heard of Whiterabbit but he can be the best player in that division.
  17. Looking for active ECL club, position lw. Age 30. Psn: Bonq1987 Language: Finnish and English
  18. Looking for active ECL club, position lw. Age 30. Psn: Bonq1987 Language: Finnish and English
  19. Looking for active ECL club, position lw. Age 30. Psn: Bonq1987 Language: Finnish and English
  20. Looking for solid active club, playing lw. Age 30. I want to be a part of team who join in next ecl. Psn: Bonq1987 Language: Finnish and English
  21. My opinnion is that lets make divisions. DIV 1 has 16 teams.. They play 4 times against each others in regular season. best 6 teams goes to straight to playoffs. 7,8,9,10 plays pittyplayoffs 7vs10 and 8vs9. Best of two serie. Winners goes to playoffs too.. So there will be 8 teams in playoffs. Playoffs: best of seven game serie. Division 1 worst ranked team will relegate automatically. And the second worst will play against div.2 second best team. Division.2 Has also 16 teams and same season and playoffs system like DIV.1 Winner will promote automatically. And the second play against div.1 second worst ranked team game seven playoff serie. Winner will play next season in div.1.The worst 3 ranked teams has to play relegation group game to stay in div.2. Division 3 can have a 4 groups same much teams like last ECL. Every group best ranked 8 teams goes to playoffs. so its 32 teams same playoff system like the last season in ECL. Finalist goest to promoting group games.. and the semifinalist losers play against each others "bronze game", and the bronze game winner goes also the promoting group games. So the div.3 best three ranked and div.2 three worst ranked teams will play own season. They play two times against each others and the group best 3 ranked teams will play next season in div.2. Only problem is that div.1 and div.2 regular seasons has to last longer than div.3 because div.3 teams has much more. So the season will end same time each divisions. So they can play relegate/promoting match before divisions start a new season with the promoting/relegation teams. It would be also nice that team will get marked on their website what they have won each season. Like "Champion of division 3, 2014", Champion of division 2,2015", Relegated division 1, 2016"..etc. Its just my opinnion
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