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Hagerstrom_99 last won the day on December 29 2023

Hagerstrom_99 had the most liked content!

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  1. Screw it 😂 If anyone is in need of a last minute back-up player, hit me up!
  2. Free F for upcoming tournaments. Enjoy fast style of play and cycle game, usually looking for passes but have no problem finishing and driving to the net on my own. Would like to think that im a gamechanger in the offensive zone and I enjoy being there. I’m open to every offer, as long as it is headed into the right direction. previously from PRO. Hit me up here, PsN or Discord if interested in tryout.
  3. Free F for upcoming tournaments Looking for PRO team. https://sportsgamer.gg/players/4832#nhl
  4. Free F for upcoming ECL! Can play any forward but preferebly RW or LW. Looking for PRO team
  5. Free F (22 years old, Swedish, fluent in english and a few curse words in finnish). looking for team, either Pro/ pro qualifiers or Pro wilcard spot. Have Pro experience. Good puck carrier, with offensive skillset that is a good combination between scoring and setting up plays. I have moved a bit more towards being a Playmaker nowadays. I enjoy having the puck, I'm calm with it and can forsee the next play before receiving the puck initially. During the last couple of seasons I have been up and down with motivation to play, however. During the last two seasons I have gotten the charm back for it. I hope to make a impact on Pro level now and looking for a broad solution, i'm open to tryouts no matter the nationality or ethnicity of the club. Over my seasons I have a 2.83PPG, ranging from every Forward position and build. I'm recently coming from Rw, but I manage LW just as good. I have also played C, so i'm familiar with that position aswell. I do not want to play for a team who is only going for counter-attacks, as I do not see myself fitting in such environment for very long. Neither do I want to play for a team where there are 5 forwards. Appreciate a team with good communication and cycling playstyle where i'am allowed to remain to have composure with the puck. This is surely the last post i'll put up here atleast for the remainder of 22. So if anyone wants to try me out, hit me up. 🤜🤛
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