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  1. We have players who support the idea that there’s some fees, players who pay whatever it cost and players who want to play only for free. The jump from free to +50€ was just too big at once and its a huge risk that ECL is going to shrink, a lot. Most or some of us play just for fun and ECL is "just" supplemental, not the goal. I'm curious what sportsgamer has thought about backup players. Why anyone wants to join in a team for backup role and pay for that, no one. So other active players have to pay also the backup players fees, otherwise the roster stays short. These comments about kenus Ferrari and how much sportsgamer is making money for all this is lame. You cannot calculate “fees minus prize pool money equals profit”, how about taxes, servers, website updates, stream staff and contents, game schedule / problem solving, marketing, staff, management etc.. But still, I don’t support the idea for these big fees especially if the prize pool money is what SP is heading to, because it will shrink our communitie and teams / player’s amount. In my opinion, I support the idea for some kind of players licenses (max.20€) and prize pool money is voluntary. Pro and Elite fees and licenses are different story.
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