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Everything posted by Ylijumala96

  1. Free lw for upcoming tournaments contact me here or psn: revitty-stiga
  2. NELOS KENTTÄ OUT: @Quicksqopz-> FREE AGENT @xImmone-> FREE AGENT @Spastinen-> FREE AGENT @devilfish333-> BLACK HURRICANES IN: @eswelho6 ->(PSN:WELHOUU61)FROM DARK WILD @Liimatainenn ->FROM NORTH SAWO LIONS @makkeeh -> FROM FREE AGENT
  3. Nelos kentta in: @Ylijumala96(C) @Fin_black485(A) @Quicksqopz(A) @jjamboj @Top-Sukka @RamboViking88 @xImmone @Tptk00 @Henrik Impilä (Spastinen)
  4. Free for upcoming tournaments core/lite I play leftwing but can also play rightwing I preferred the Finnish team Contact me here or psn: ylijumala96
  5. Free lw for upcoming tournaments contact me here or psn: ylijumala96
  6. Up. Hartsport united is still looking for a solid starting goalie
  7. Update for this we are now looking for 2 solid goalies
  8. Hartsport United is a new Finnish club. We are looking for players who are motivated and wants to develop them self as a player. Team has all ready players who has experience from Ecl and are willing to help with this project. Team is meant to be a long term project. Our goals are play a good season in Ecl Core and after that advance to a higher levels if possible. At the moment we’re looking for C, two goalies and defensive player. And because this is a new team, if u feel u are totally left or right wing it isn’t a problem. Just take a contact and we gonna make it happen. Psn: ylijumala96
  9. Skyfall is looking for 2 aktive players for the upcoming tournament (core) positions are c and rd for now we are a finnish team so looking for finnish players
  10. free g looking for ecl team lite https://nhlgamer.com/players/4833
  11. free g for ecl psn:ylijumala96 https://nhlgamer.com/players/4833
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