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  1. Jag beklagar denna otroliga sorgen för Daniels familj och vänner. Vila i frid, Daniel! 💙💛
  2. Free G | 28y/o from sweden I have been on a break from this game for some months now. I'm a little bit rusty but that should change pretty quickly. Looking for a team that plays either in the Pro or Elite. I can also be on back-up if it's needed. Hit me up if you're interested 😊
  3. When everyone is motivated to play the playoff and suddenly changed there minds because of kicking a player that was going to far. That just backs up everything I've said to LA. That just clarify that you weren't motivated to play it in the first place. The majority of the team wanted to play the playoff and i made so they could do that and now they doesn't want to do that anymore. So for him making a A-captain give him the Captain and not let my play then would resolve it? That ruling is better then? No, I rather kick him then make that happen. I play goalie so even If I would bench myself we still have enough players to play but if they refuse to play then thats clearly isn't my fault. Didn't you say to @Kenu that "it's easier for a outsider to have opinion." Yeah, it sure is and still you say that he speaks your mind. Well, he doesn't since you changed your mind after the ruling.
  4. Dynamic is still looking for a defensive minded and solid RD for starting. We still haven’t find that special one who fits in the team. 😉 We would prefer if you were swedish but not a must, if you’re interested message me here or on PSN Balkan_Rocket
  5. Dynamic is looking for one more player to complete the roster. We are searching for a physical and solid RD. We are currently building up our chemistry together in the off-season until next ECL begins. For tryout: Contact me either here or PSN Balkan_Rocket
  6. We have nearly completed our roster! we are currently missing a solid goalie and two all-around backups. If you’re interested, message me!
  7. Dynamic is looking for one more RD (starter) to complete the roster.
  8. A new fresh 6vs6 club called Dynamic is looking for players in all position. It’s just me at the moment but my goal is to have a starting line-up ready until next ECL season.  Requirement: Microphone for communication Swedish preferably, but good English skills will do if needed Active; you have to be active to practice and to be able to play in the ECL. You have to be defensive minded also, since no games wins without a solid defence. The offence will take care of it self and like playing physically.   PM me on PSN - Balkan_Rocket - if you're interested to join!
  9. A new fresh club called Dynamic is looking for players in all position. Its just me at the moment, but my goal is to have a starting line-up ready and back-up until next ECL season. Requirement: Microphone for communication Swedish preferably, but good English skills will do if needed Active; you have to be active to practice and to be able to play in the ECL. You have to be defensive minded also, since no games wins without a solid defence. The offence will take care of it self and like playing physically. PM me on PSN - Balkan_Rocket - if you're interested to join!
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