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egetelli_ last won the day on November 7 2024

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  1. One last call! Still looking for a backup spot. Contact here, or psn: egetelli_
  2. Free F/D Been away for a while acting like an adult. Time to get back to "videopelihiki". Studies and work will take a lot of my time, so I'm only available as a backup. https://sportsgamer.gg/players/4771
  3. "Never gonna buy NHL again!" - And here we are... 😅 Free F. Studies and work take a lot of my time, so backup is the only option for me. DM or egetelli_ PSN. https://sportsgamer.gg/players/4771
  4. After two and half years in Lapland with RoKi Esports(thank you guys and best of luck!), it's time for a change. Looking for a team for upcoming tournaments. Backup might also be an option in some cases. Usually played as a LW, but C/RW is also OK for me. PSN: egetelli_ Discord: egetelli_#6668 or pm here!
  5. Up up! To be clear, as a 33-year-old, backup role is just fine also... 😉🤦‍♂️
  6. Looking for a new team for next ECL due to our current team inactivity. I can play both sides on offence, prefering LW. I'm looking for starter role, but backup role might be good as well if the offer is too good to refuse. Contact me here or PSN: egetelli_ https://nhlgamer.com/players/4771
  7. Finnish LW is looking for a new team and challenge for next ECL season(s). I'm over my 30's already, so I wouldn't mind if you have some "experience" on your team as well. It doesn't matter that much in the end, but still... Been playing mostly HUT/Versus, but now have been focusing more on EASHL. Stats(not too good to be honest...) can be found below. https://nhlgamer.com/players/4771 DM here or on console(Send friend req - psn: egetelli_
  8. Finnish LW is looking for a new team and challenge for next ECL season(s). I'm over my 30's already, so I wouldn't mind if you have some "experience" on your team as well. It doesn't matter that much in the end, but still... Been playing mostly HUT/Versus, but now have been focusing more on EASHL. Stats(not too good to be honest...) can be found below. https://nhlgamer.com/players/4771 DM here or on console(Send friend req - psn: egetelli_).
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