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Everything posted by Tecena

  1. Free F/D/G for FCL & ECL https://sportsgamer.gg/players/4654 Contact me here or PSN
  2. Up I'm also intrested from back-up positions and I can play also as G if the team is competitive.
  3. Free F/D After an incredible journey with RoKi Esports, it's time to step down from being captain ❤ As much as I've loved leading the team as captain, I've realized that I don't have enough time anymore to fulfill my duties as captain. So now I'm looking for a new team and division doesn't matter if the team is right. It's all about finding the perfect fit. I've kept a decent break from NHL23 as I'm waiting for new version to come out. If there's chance to have tryouts in NHL23 version, no problem 👍 https://sportsgamer.gg/players/4654 Contact me here or PSN
  4. RoKi Esports Out: Egetelli (Neptune Hockey) Jjjamesi (FA) Henkkaheinone (Dark Wild) Mustawalkoinen (Dark Wild) Thank you and good luck for the future ❤️ In:✍️ Jercee_ (Offside Lions) Mittedo (Bad to the Bone) Danskuz- (Lemmenvelhot) Jerppaz99 (HC Palosaari) Welcome to the new guys! 🙌
  5. RoKi Esports It's time to get a few new players for the upcoming Ehockey Finnish Championship and also for the upcoming ECL. You can achieve starter position if you fit perfectly to our lineup. We hope that players from this tournament are committed to continue to play in ECL also as it is our main tournament to compete. We are looking for: 2 Forwards (LW, C or RW) 1 Defender (LD or RD) 1 Goalie We expect from you: - Activity - Good sense of humor - Competitive mindset - You're team-player - Mature behavior & manners - Availability to start trainings mostly at 19-20 CET I'll let you know more when you contact me here or PSN: Tecena
  6. "RoKi played an excellent regular season in a tough group with Six Sticks Misfits and Pirati Chomutov running away with the top two spots. They had" Did you miss the rest of the sentence? 🙊
  7. Wishes to add better content for the ECL Lite and Core divisions will be addressed by improving the quality of articles and coverage. We will be following all licensed divisions closely in our channels and sharing coverage on our social media. If you would like to contribute to creating content for these divisions, please contact @jahajaha93. Expected a little bit more, but it's still a progress I guess 🤷‍♂️
  8. 🔎 RoKi Esports 🔍 We are looking G for the upcoming season in LITE (as we decided to step down from spot in PRO) and for future tournaments as well We expect from you: - Activity - Good sense of humor - Competitive mindset - You're team-player - Mature behavior & manners I'll let you know more when you contact me here or PSN: Tecena
  9. For example, Lite has 64 teams and licences cost 12 800 € total and Lite still has only prize pool of 3 620 €. I also think that the prize pool don't even matter at this level for the most of the players (below pro). Elite teams pay 8 000€ and their prize pool is 13 000€. Sounds a little bit wrong, as Lite don't even have scheduled regular season games broadcasted as Elite has? What do we get more with this amount of money, as it surely ain't in the prize pool or directly serving our division. This frustration can be seen in many replies in this section and yet, this is your response and don't seem to get it, sportsgamer. I sure have started negotiating with RoKi about the payments but I still think that you got wrong strategy here, even if I wouldn't need to pay anything from my own pocket. It's understandable that there should be some payments for running the whole thing and that should be the player based license or team licenses are equal to the amount we are getting back. Some have stated that you can't have any hobby for free (hockey, football etc.) In those cases, you are paying directly to the factors that keep your hobby running. Referees get their payments, rents are fulfilled for the organizers and etc. But we do it even though there's no any prize pool as we know what we are getting and happy with that. We surely aren't paying with amateur leagues payments the costs of the Liiga or Mestis 🤭
  10. 🔎 RoKi Esports 🔍 We are looking LW for the upcoming tournaments We expect from you: - Activity - Good sense of humor - Competitive mindset - You're team-player - Mature behavior & manners Contact me here or PSN: Tecena Discord: Tecena#5713
  11. RoKi Esports Here's some latest transfers 💪 OUT: @Jobeyz @Jonetzky IN: @Herra Manaatti Ponmi @Mustawalkoinen @DaMan Akin_Penta @Oliverigood
  12. A little update 🔎 RoKi Esports 🔍 We are looking players for upcoming FCL and future tournaments. We need at least: - Defender (preferred pos. RD) - Forward (Preferred pos. C/RW) Optionally we are also interested in: - All-around player - Back-up (F/D) We expect from you: - Activity - Good sense of humor - Competitive mindset - You're team-player - Mature behavior & manners Contact me & @urkk1 here or PSN: Tecena Discord: Tecena#5713 PSN: Urkk1
  13. RoKi Esports It's time to shake things up after disappointing season. We didn't have as successful group stage as we were aiming for and got swept 4-0 against #1 seeded team in the playoffs. We are looking new players for every position to freshen up our team a little bit to get us to the next level. We value active & motivated players. We are looking mainly players who can play as a starter. We hope that you have LITE or PRO experience but it's not necessary, we consider every player as best as we can. You can always give us a more details about you in your 1st message 👌 Contact me here or PSN: Tecena
  14. Up Try-outs are still going on but we are patiently still looking options. Contact me here or at PSN: Tecena or at Discord: Tecena#5713 P.S There were many players interested earlier but we haven't been able to try everyone so far. If you haven't heard from me in a while, please contact me again if you're still interested.
  15. RoKi Esports NHL 22 is soon here and it's time to focus already for the another ECL season in Lite division. Our main roster hasn't changed from what it was at FCL, but it's necessary to get some new faces to the team as there are always some variables along the way. We are looking for Starter/Back-up Goalie. You can be experienced or rookie, it doesn't matter. We need you to be active and your performances at try-out & pre-season affects your playing time. There's also open spot for Right Wing as our current RW may not be able to play as much as we need. Priority for player which is looking to be a starter, but we are open for back-ups also. It's always a advantage if you can play other positions also. We are always aiming to get players to be part of our team as an long-time players and our success has been upward in every tournament. We hope that this trend continues and we can get our team to the next level and hopefully we could manage to get players which help us to achieve this level. Our former seasons so far: ECL 10, Lite, Did not reach playoffs (Basic Instinct before Roki Esports) ECL 11, Lite, Reached playoffs 1st round (Top 64) ECL 12, Lite, Reached playoffs 1st round (Top 32) FCL 2021, Reached playoffs 1st round (Top 64) Maybe trend continues and we are able to reach top 16 in the next ECL, we'll see Try-outs are starting when NHL 22 is officially released. Contact me here or at PSN: Tecena or at Discord: Tecena#5713
  16. RoKi Esports We are looking for (1) defender and preferably RD who could play also LD if needed. We are participating in FCL and your performances at games (fcl & training) and activity will affect your playing time. After FCL, there's possibility to also be part of our team at next ECL
  17. UP! P.S. It's also possible to get starter position, based on your performance and activity
  18. RoKi Esports is still looking for a back-up defender, it's good if you can play both sides and handness. Playing time guaranteed! Contact me PSN: Tecena
  19. RoKi Esports In: @Jobeyz - GIFU HOCKEY Out: Drippimehu93 - Free agent Thank you @Ihan pihalla Drippi for your services and good luck with the rest of your career ❤
  20. Roki Esports (Lite) is looking for a defender, a forward and a goalie for upcoming tournaments, ice time guaranteed. It’s a plus if you play multiple positions. Contact me here or psn: Tecena
  21. Basic Instinct IN: tampiot (Mustachios) egetelli_ (Fat Burritos) Lukedos410 (Suomen Dynamo) OUT: Vamoux (Orebro eHockey) Thunderace1977 (FA) xBulis- (Reign) JungledHd (FA) 💓
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