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  1. Goalie found! Still searching for a 50/50 RD/RW
  2. Three Stars (Upcoming ECL Lite) A new team from Latvia 🇱🇻, just created and already have some good experience in the squad. However, we are currently short a couple of players. Our home server will be North or North-East (also depends on the opponent). Our main rule is to stay active and passionate, and avoid raging. We aim to support each other and grow into a better team together. Languages - English, Latvian or Russian Looking for 50/50 winger 50/50 defender PM here or on discord - jurajlv
  3. Free C for next ECL. (Lite+) Will play from Xbox. Available 4 times a week. PM here, or discord - snipencelly
  4. Free C for FCL, can be a backup also. dc: snipencelly#8888
  5. Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 🥳
  6. Really interested to attend this one. What exactly is "usage of sleeping area", how does it work?
  7. This guy is absolutely legend on and off the virtual ice. One big love Leonz Draizatls! ❤️
  8. Big W for Xbox teams, but I feel a bit sad that Xbox can't play with PS on same team..
  9. GGs to Finland, better team won this time! Cya next time :)
  10. Congratulations to Reality Check! What a hell of the series it was! Real finals for sure. Big props to commentators, I rewatched all our games and commentating was really on professional level. Thanks NHLGamer for another great season (debut season for me hehe) and see you next time!
  11. I don't wanna be that guy, but feels like you could try to write more than 2 sentences about each of pairs. For example, Reality Check have played Lulea two times already in the regular season and even though Lulea finished worse than Reality they managed to take 1 game from them, and actually out-shot and were more time in the offensive zone than Reality in both of their meetings in the regular season. Also, if that is correct on NHLGamer, Lulea came-back from 1:3 vs Unwanted, which definetely gives them more confidence going into semi-finals round. I am really sorry for being that guy, but feels like this could be write in more details for readers to be waaay more interesting to read.
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