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  1. New team for ECL (Neo) looking for players!! We are looking for C, D and G for upcoming tournaments. Long term would be superb to build up the team! Preferring finnish players. We can play at evenings after around 21pm because of our work. Also new players are welcomed, contact me here for tryouts ja sama suomeksi.
  2. Name: Vesijarven Pallo (new to ecl) Wants: backup pelaajia (tai joku kiva kaikille sopiva kierto) Other Info: Tällä hetkellä jokaiselle pelipaikalle löytyy pelaaja, mutta tarvitsemme 2 lisäpelaajaa, koska ECL niin määrää. Lisäksi meillä on jonkin verran vuorotyöläisiä, joten täydennystä tarvitaan. Olisi hyvä, jos pystyisit pelaamaan useampaa pelipaikkaa, jolloin rotaatioita voisi tehdä helpommin. Lisäksi varamokke olis kiva. yhteyttä meikämandoliiniin täällä @Jalde1976 tai PSN:ssä samalla ID:llä. niin sovitaan tryoutit.
  3. "This means in all simplicity, that future tournaments organized by SportsGamer.GG will be played on Gen 5 versions (PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S) of NHL 23, but we will be gauging interest for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One tournaments, and external partners can still choose to host PlayStation 4 or Xbox One tournaments at SportsGamer.GG. " This was said in the article "which version should i buy"
  4. New team Vesijarven pallo looking for Goalie and center for upcoming tournaments. This is a new team, so we win and lose games together and learn from mistakes. Requirements: - active player, can play several evenings in a week Don't be shy, DM me here or PSN,
  5. New team looking for finnish goalie for upcoming tournaments. Hit the dm and we talk more.
  6. Still looking for D and Goalie!
  7. Me and couple of buddies are building new team from scratch for the next upcoming ECL season. We are looking for finnish speaking team players age 30+ Positions: G, LD, RD or C and backups, of course. Contact me and we talk more.
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