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  1. Free Rw for upcoming tournaments top lite or pro teams speak English
  2. Free c,rw for upcoming tournaments top lite or pro teams Ready to be a reserve player I speak English contact me here or psn for tryouts psn : Titan2215
  3. Rw is looking for a top lite or a pro team. Back up would also be good Please contact me on PSN: Titan2215 Discord: Titan2215#7963
  4. Free rw for upcoming ecl. backup is also good Lite/pro hit me up on discord Titan2215#7963 or here on gamer. I speak English , 21 years old , I play every day I can also play c/lw
  5. Hello everyone. I'm 20 years old. I'm from Russia looking for a new home for the next ECL season. I play every day at any time. I speak English fluently. Ready for tryout Pro / top Lite position F in priority RW write to me at Psn: Titan2215
  6. Hello everyone, the Titan HC team is looking for RD for constant play in RCL and ECL (lite) training every day from 20:30 Moscow time there are players who speak English everyone who is looking for a new home welcome write me to psn Titan2215
  7. Hello everyone, I’m looking for a team in Pro for the next season, I play every day at any time, I play in the rw / lw position if anyone is interested write me a psn Titan2215 thanks https://nhlgamer.com/players/4631
  8. Free G RW Active every day I am the captain of the Russian team is ready to help in the tournament Psn - Titan2215
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