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layout last won the day on March 17 2022

layout had the most liked content!


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  1. RCTIC is looking for a Defender Contact @yrjoo (psn/discord)
  2. RCTIC (PRO) Time to get back from the summer vacation. Due to some players not having PS5/ not intending to get one in the foreseeable future, we need some fresh blood We are looking for RW, LD, RD & G - at this point our intention is to continue with a Finnish lineup Main requirements: PS5, motivation, commitment to play at least 4 evenings per week Our current lineup: yrjoo, limbe65, layout (backup hopefully) If you are interested, contact me here edit. we found what we were looking for - thank you all for interest
  3. RCTIC Out: @hulkamaania (zeukki_) Zeukki has decided to pursue new opportunities. As one of the original Genesis players you will be truly missed. From the very beginning to the last minutes, you have done nothing but supported the team and been ready to help when needed. I admire you both as a player and as a human. You would have deserved much more than what we were able to provide. I am confident that you will succeed wherever you end up. Thank you for the past couple of years and good luck! 💙
  4. RCTIC (PRO) Looking for one skater who can play at least RD & RW Some ice time guaranteed and if you are better than me (shouldn't be that difficult), starting RD spot is up for grabs Contact me here (pm)
  5. RCTIC is still looking for LD (or RD)
  6. RCTIC Out: @meicci Thank you for everything and happy retirement! 💙
  7. RCTIC is looking for LD
  8. RCTIC OUT: @Vaporik 💙 One of Genesis' original members and our beloved alternate captain has decided to pursue other opportunities. Thank you for the past 1,5+ years and all the best for the future! 💙
  9. RCTIC is looking for G 🔥
  10. Still looking! RD also an option if we find the right person.
  11. RCTIC is looking for LD PM here or PSN
  12. RCTIC Out: @Mameluck88 Mame has decided to retire from competitive ehockey and focus on less important things in life 🤔 Thank you for the last 1,5 years and all the best for the future! It was a pleasure 💙
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