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ADETIKKI last won the day on March 10 2022

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  1. Free C for GCL (FIN). Contact -> psn: Dillynger https://sportsgamer.gg/players/623#nhl
  2. Hello I am looking for Elite team for the next season. I can play LW or C. Psn: Dillynger
  3. Hello! I am looking for a team to play with in FCL. And even for the next ECL? Maybe. I play LW or even C if you are crazy enough to put me there. Only PRO/ELITE team. PSN: Dillynger
  4. LW/C looking for Elite spot. Other roles are also possible (LD and RW) but I dont have as much games there. Merry christmas and happy new year! Contact PSN: Dillynger
  5. Hey Im clean 23 years old boy from Finland. Im looking for second lineup/warmup spot from top pro or any elite team. I can play C/RW/LW. Old teams: Ullas Pojkar VASTAANOTTOKESKUS Me Naiset Supremacy Bugiparatiisi HT Written In The Stars Symphony If you are interested send the messages to my PSN: Dillynger
  6. I havent read all the earlier arguments but first thing what came to my mind is that doesnt everything cost money in some way? Like you pay for the console, screen, game, network, controller, forntnite skins and dances etc etc you know exactly what I meen just by thinking about anything you have done in your life. For example if you think about your other hobbies you find out that even jogging costs and I am not gonna explain why. BUT you are not ready for paying for competive NHL league? And all those things that OTHER people do for you and in this chase have done it for years. And then you say that I dont care about EASHL stats. Only ECL. But Im not ready for paying that. In other perspective you want this ”using others passion for my benefit” continue. Do you want everything to be free? So are you ready to pay for this value? That other people makes the site and all the arrangements for YOU? And for the same prize you can get pizza and energydrink but is it Pizzanight or practice for ECL what you need that pizza and energydrink for? Because of the people that has made this League you want to play this game? Isnt it? Would you keep playing as passionate this game if there wouldnt be ECL? Would you listen as much Spotify with the free version? And yeayea its not complitely the same thing but I hope you get the point. Maybe the discussion is about having more motivation from moneyprizes but do you even need that to pay?
  7. Hello! Im gonna continue playing NHL and Im looking for Elite top 8 team. I play C/RW. Thank you!
  8. I want to say my thanks to my Captain and best friend @FlyerKungen . Its seems easy to hate him here because of his way to talk about things in public but to me he has always been such a wonderful person and hard working captain. You guys here can keep hating and rising your name here by talking negative words about us, but... To me this NHL competing is just loving the game and challenge what opponents gives on the road. Like Niki Lauda said in movie called Rush: ''Wise man gets more from his enemies than a fool from his friends.'' And that being said I want to give all my love and respect to the greatest enemies in this game (as teams SJK and GRR) and (as players @Dominointi and @Penatski). Even though this thing happend, both of you have earned my respect and admiration for winning the cup. So keep working, keep improving see you in the next season.
  9. Joukki would be just "okay" if he wouldnt suck Odens Extreme White Cold Dry -snus. In my case I didnt even remember the controllers . In NHL 14 only thing what I knew well how to do was throwing the puck over the board and getting the goalie out of the net and back. But for some reason game always started to loop like cd u know. And every game ended that way. Maybe It wasnt good idea to buy that game from my neighbor. But he is always selling me something for example his knife especially if I touch his Mercedez. He says that it would look good in my stomach. But I dont want to eat his knife. Im not stupid. Buuut back to the business. Now when I suck Odens I remember those controllers easily. I dont even have to look at the controller anymore when I play. And I could say that Im at level "nobody". And there comes also other goods with it... WOMEN! I get THAT a lot! (bi***slap). Because I have courage to talk to ladies. So my advice is that play versus and sometimes go to practice room.
  10. PSN: ADETIKKI Im 19 years old dude from Finland. I have played NHL and EASHL since NHL 14 but I started to play 6vs6 games in this version. Im C but I can play RW and LW too. I play in Written In The Stars. I dont have very big interest to be one of the captains but Im online everyday.
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