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Everything posted by Moneygunx

  1. Free G for FCL and next ECL. Pref 50/50, but starter is also possible. Contact here,discord or PSN Core/Lite. Also willing to try RD or RW at Max Core level, but need a lot of training, but im a fast learner 🤣 Discord: Moneygunx PSN: Moneygunx
  2. Capetown Kings looking for C to the next season! We are full finnish team so we prefer finnish players. You can be a xbox player if you have change to get party through psn app. Also we old as f**k (30v) so keep that in mind Contact here or psn Beeoo87 , Randomjanne , Sambleri
  3. Free G for FCL. 50/50 or backup Contact here 👍
  4. Capetown Kings looking for C or RW starter at least for FCL. Also looking for backup forward and defence who can play either side. Contact here @Moneygunx or @Beeoo or Discord: Moneygunx
  5. Im playing Telia connection and also got micro stuttering, but no packet loss.
  6. Free 50/50 or Backup goalie. (Evening shift once in two months). Pref Core, but lite isnt out of option. -Finnish -38y -long-term -Could also play RD If really necassary. (But need a lot of practise in that position) Contact here,PSN or discord 👍
  7. Wasp roster is ready for next season! Full Roster: @Jerppaz99 from RoKi Esports @TeemuUnderdawg from Boost HC @Henryzio from HC Palosaari @temguila85 from Warheads @Showeekka00 from Ismon Valinta @Moneygunx from HC Palosaari @tondeeee from Retirement @Julle89 from Lemmenvelhot @terrowristi from Warheads
  8. Still looking for backup or 50/50 goalie. Also looking one player who can play mainly LD.
  9. Still looking backup or 50/50 goalie and one backup player.
  10. Wasp is back 💪 We are looking one defender, one attacker and backup or 50/50 goalie. D & F players its good If you can play either side. Contact here or PSN (Moneygunx,Tondeeee) PS5 & Xbox S/X players.
  11. Free G for lite or higher. 50/50 pref, but also starting is fine. Contact here,Discord or psn. Discord: moneygunx#7774 PSN: moneygunx
  12. Free G for lite or higher. 50/50 pref, but also starting is fine. If i won't get goalie spot then i'm also ready to tryout RD/RW pref on Core division. Contact here,Discord or psn. Discord: moneygunx#7774 PSN: moneygunx
  13. Free G for lite or higher. 50/50 pref, but also starting is fine. If i won't get goalie spot then i'm also ready to tryout RD/RW pref on Core division. Contact here,Discord or psn. Discord: moneygunx#7774 PSN: moneygunx
  14. Here we go.. Free Goalie (36y) looking for longterm finnish club for next ecl and upcoming tournaments. Core or higher. Starter or 50/50. I could also try to play defender (rd) this year. Contact here or psn: moneygunx
  15. Here we go for last time 😂 Free G for this season. Core or higher 50/50 or starter role. Msg here or psn: Moneygunx
  16. Maybe.. Just maybe im too old for this sh.. 😂 But anyways.. Free Goalie (36y) looking for longterm finnish club for next ecl and upcoming tournaments. Core or higher Starter or 50/50(pref). I have been played Core, neo and Lite (one season).
  17. Free G for relax Cup. 50/50 or backup Contact here or Psn: Moneygunx Discord: Moneygunx#7774
  18. Wasp In: Auron88-- from Origins Out: Juha2002 to Pass the puck
  19. In: Auron88-- from origins https://nhlgamer.com/players/3625 Welcome mate!!! Out: Juha2002 to Pass The Puck Good luck on future
  20. Wasp are looking ONE backup player in upcoming ecl tournament. Mainly defender, but if you can play also Forward its a huge plus. We hope you are finnish player and at least20years old cause we are mostly +30years old guys Contact here or discord: Moneygunx#7774
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