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About Sebbanejad

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  1. Modo Hockey is looking for backup players (F and D) with atleast Core Experience. Mainly Swedish speakers We are gonna play upcoming season in Lite. Contact @Sebban or @MrXbox79 Discord: Sebbanjb or mrxbox79
  2. https://www.twitch.tv/modohockeyesport
  3. Free RD, LD, G for FCL I'm a RD (can play LD also but as lefthanded) Backup as goalie I have experience from Lite before and from official clubs like Modo and Luleå. https://sportsgamer.gg/players/4388#nhl PM here or Sebban#0827 on discord
  4. Favoritfemman looking for D for upcoming SCL. Preferably a scandinavian player since we speak Swedish
  5. Hi man! Welcome to the community. I would consider posting here instead for bigger exposure
  6. Do you need 2 players? Swedish duo in our mid 20's looking for a club that knows how to play the puck. Preferably Lite but a decent core team is also interesting! https://sportsgamer.gg/players/4388#nhl Can play everywhere but mainly RD/G https://sportsgamer.gg/players/10332#nhl Forward/Center Send me a DM here or on discord Sebban#0827
  7. Hi man, Welcome to us! I would advise you to get a Playstation if possible since the Xbox leagues are super small in terms of players and teams. Have a nice weekend! Sebban
  8. Free RD looking for Lite or a Coreclub with skill/ambitions (can also play goalie if needed) I have played with finnish United Front in Lite lately and Luleå before that. During the past years I have also been having my own team in Lite and Core. Does this sounds like I would fit into your team? Dont hesitate to send me a PM https://nhlgamer.com/players/4388 Happy new years! //Sebban
  9. Sebbanejad


    If you mean on NHLgamer you cant, that will be sorted automatically when there is a new tournament!
  10. Free D looking for pro/lite club (can also play goalie if needed) https://nhlgamer.com/players/4388
  11. Hi man, First get a playstation and after that contact Great British Lions a UK based team with only brits!
  12. Do you want a humble guy with the best passing procent you have ever seen? Sign this one! 😄
  13. Wondering if I should start a team in the next season of VFL...
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