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Keuschemisch last won the day on August 18 2024

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  1. ECL '25: Winter Elite | Matchday 11 | The Black Jacks vs. Heimo | Highlights ♠️
  2. ECL '25: Winter Elite | Matchday 10 | The Black Jacks vs. Mythix | Highlights ♠️
  3. ECL '25: Winter Elite | Matchday 9 | The Black Jacks vs. Voittamaton | Highlights ♠️
  4. ECL '25: Winter Elite | Matchday 8 | The Black Jacks vs. EXEN | Highlights ♠️
  5. ECL '25: Winter Elite | Matchday 6 | The Black Jacks vs. Tohtorit | Highlights ♠️ ECL '25: Winter Elite | Matchday 7 | The Black Jacks vs. Falun Coal Miners | Highlights ♠️
  6. ECL '25: Winter Elite | Matchday 5 | The Black Jacks vs. Renascor | Highlights ♠️
  7. ECL '25: Winter Elite | Matchday 4 | The Black Jacks vs. TIKI TALK | Highlights ♠️
  8. ECL '25: Winter Elite | Matchday 3 | The Black Jacks vs. Polski Boys | Highlights ♠️
  9. ECL '25: Winter Elite | Matchday 2 | The Black Jacks vs. Parasite | Highlights ♠️
  10. ECL '25: Winter Elite | Matchday 1 | The Black Jacks vs. GOONS | Highlights ♠️
  11. ♠️ The Black Jacks ECL '25: Winter Elite Trailer ♠️
  12. Absolutely agree on this one. I think if certain abilities need to be banned it is Big Tipper. Truculence does not seem to be as strong as in the previous games. Can't say too much about Unstoppable Force, also because of the "Meta Builds" which rarely include that ability. Also want to bring one more idea to the table which has been stated several times by a few players during the last couple of years: That each Playertype can only be used once per team. That would also bring some kind of variety to the Gameplay experience.
  13. Any possibility to get the rulebook in English or at least summarize the most important rules in English? 😅
  14. Add: Hooking penalties are - despite the animation that a player is being hooked - not given At the same time Hooking/Slashing penalties are - despite no animation at all - given While doing the Michigan you can get tripped and slashed without any penalty given Win/Loss Record in HUT (before the Grudge Match animation and in the menu) is not correct
  15. are we playing the same game? 😅
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