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Pairiii last won the day on March 10 2018

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  1. LW/C/RW both handedness looking for some nice Lite/Pro action. Contact here
  2. Free agent LW/C/RW former teams MUKIMIEHET and Evolution. Contact me here via PM. Edit. Found team, back to the roots
  3. Free Agent Played last season in mukimiehet and now looking for a new home(Pro/Elite). I can play LW/C/RW with left or right sided stick. Contact me here via pm.
  4. Ettan Lös
  5. Since taking muki is not that fun anymore and @Joonas Paatialapromised me new nhl from summer cup, im looking for a new pro/elite club to play in the next ECL. Previous teams in this version are MUKIMIEHET and Finnish Roosters. I can play LW/C/RW with left or right sided stick. Contact me here via pm.
  6. Sorry mate too much nudity on the footage Edit. Btw. Nice photo bombing of @Joonas Paatiala doing the magic to me with hes soft hands
  7. Well if you post a guys photo and declare him mentally disabled amongst other things, i wouldnt say that harsh
  8. C/RW looking for a club. Played last season in MUKIMIEHET. Contact me on PSN: Pair4You
  9. After a little break im looking for a new club. I can play LW/C/RW, played a couple of games over the years in Unknown, MUKIMIEHET, etc. Contact me via skype: pair4you or PSN: Pair4You
  10. To be straight i aint here to complain about my bans or anything. Im only writing this message to shed some light why my teammates Bomba, Valmuri and Jesse were raging here, since the boys cant do that with proper language. I dont know exactly what Jesse write to janbo but it was about those "false" accusiatons. Even though those accusiatons were "false", it seemed like half of old finnish PS3 community know about the punishments before these punishments were published. Coincidence right? From the same source i know that they were not going to ban whole team from the tournament at first, but since Jesse raised out these questions the whole team was banned. But for now since @MartindalexC demanded this, i would like to apologize for the whole community and especially my teammates. I wish good luck to all the teams for the rest of the games. Now i have time to drink some Koskenkorva so i will be fucking dangerous in the next NHL. See you in the next NHL! Sincerely Pair4You
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