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I also like the leaderboards in HUT. In each mode (Rivals, Wildcard and Squad Battles) there are separate leaderboards as you all know. That is great for me because it saves time updating Excel stats which I did previously. Now the records are there in a game - not just the overall record which has always been there but this new which records separately each mode. Big 👍 to EA for that.
I have played so far only HUT about 30 games including Rivals, Squad Battles and mostly Wildcard-mode. I was very interested on trying that new mode whether it meets my expectations - and it did. Very interesting mode but I must say I expected initially full three period games. But on the other hand one of it´s ideas I guess is that you can play many short games and gain rewards in short period time. That is in a way good. Better mode than HUT Rush was which has been removed. In Rivals I think the format should be similar than that in EA Sports FC. Placement games should be removed and the format should be based on winning streaks. With that good players will progress fast to upper divisions although all will begin from lower divisions at first. But it is good that Rivals is added to that new XP progression system which I think is great. Gameplay is smooth and what impressed me the quality of AI games. I think there is major improvement in AI and now it is fun also to play against it. In previous versions I think that was not the case. I have not encountered any bugs except when I scored in Rivals the replay showed the previous goal by the opponent. But in general I liked the game and did not use all the 10 hour trial so I bought the Deluxe Edition and continued playing without time limit. I must say it has been in some previous years that game has felt good at first but not so good in few months. Hopefully this feeling on game remains whole year. Message to EA: keep this level at least - don´t adjust too much on gameplay. The game feels fun to play now.
NHL 25 Raw Gameplay: Check Out Our Exclusive Captured Footage!
JakePlay77 commented on Kenu's record in EA Sports NHL
Thanks for this @Kenu ! Looks promising. Can´t wait to try myself soon on 10 hour trial. Since NHL 25 World Championships were cancelled I was wondering if there will be anything that replaces that for me. Looks like Wildcard-mode can be that but it remains to be seen how it feels to play it. But in overall HUT certainly looks fresh this year. -
That was great breakdown by KenuFHR and Sopuli04 on NHL 25 trailer and some new features of the game. Personally thinking that those are interesting but it has been in previous years similar thing. I mean, there has been some great looking improvements that have not worked when the game has been released and community has trashed them totally. But I think points to EA that they are genuinely attempting to make the game fresh. Personally though, I think the gameplay is important but so is the content. I would more revamp the content than the gameplay. The best gameplay is useless if there is limited content. That is the case in eFootball which has way better gameplay than FIFA/EA Sports FC but limited good content. UFL which is on the progess of development (and should be released in December) has similar thing. Great gameplay but no content. As for NHL I would bring Competitive Seasons back in HUT and revamp the Rivals similar to that of EA Sports FC UT Rivals. Also Champs format similar to UT in EA Sports FC. In World of Chel I would minimise all those game modes and focus on 6vs6 club games and in addition only 6vs6 drop-in but way less all casual modes. In 6vs6 club games I would change Club Finals to Champs-like tournament. In divisions the teams are gaining points to qualify to Champs which is for one week only. The teams can use their collectible in any weekend they like just like in Champs in 1vs1. But looking forward in EA Play 10 hour trial to try new game. I expect that soon because the game is released in Oct 4th and Deluxe Edition early access is September 27th. So the trial will be before that as it has been in previous years.
Onnistunut turnaus eilen. Viisi osallistui ja pelasimme yksikertaisen sarjan. Sarjan voittaja pääsi suoraan finaaliin. 2-5 sijoittuneet pelasivat kerrasta poikki puolivälierät ja niiden voittajat pelasivat paikasta finaaliin. Mukavaa pelaamista hyvässä hengessä. Kaikki paikallaolleet olivat tyytyväisiä turnaukseen ja toivoivat jatkoa niiden järjestämiseen tuolla samassa paikassa. Enemmän osallistujia tosin toivottavasti jatkossa.
Ilmoittautuneita on jo kuulemma useampia kun eilen kysyin. Jonkunlainen turnaus saadaan kasaan. Useampiakin saa vielä osallistua ja kuulemma viimehetkelläkin ennen turnauksen alkuakin pääsee mukaan ellei 40 osallistujan raja ole rikkoutunut mitä en usko että tulee tapahtumaan. Turnaukseen käytettävä aika on sivujen mukaan klo 16-22 välillä joten sekin rajoittaa sitä montako mukaan otetaan. Lisäksi kun pelit pelataan offlinessa samalla konsolilla niin muut joutuvat odottelemaan. Varmaan nykyisellä osallistujamäärällä (jos kaikki tulevat paikalle) pelataan yksinkertainen sarja ja pudotuspelit. Mikäli maksimimäärä osallistuisi niin varmaankin pudotuspelit pelataan suoraan koska aika ei ehkä riittäisi sarjamuotoiseen 6 tunnissa ja yhdellä konsolilla. Mutta iltapäivällä sen näkee millainen turnaus tulossa.
En voittanut. Hävisin otteluvoitoin 1-4.
Toivottavasti on ok mainostaa liveturnausta täällä. Sunnuntaina 16.6 on liveturnaus Super Bario-nimisessä pelibaarissa Helsingissä. Ilmoittautuminen täällä: https://superbario.com/tournaments Jos ei ole ok mainostaa niin tämän voi ylläpito poistaa/poistan itse mutta tiedoksi tuo jos on porukkaa jotka pääsevät paikalle tuolloin. Itse ilmoittauduin ja toivottavasti ei käy kuin kerran Arkade Barin turnauksessa jonne oli minun lisäkseni ilmoittautunut vain yksi. Turnaus kuitenkin tuolloin pelattiin paras seitsemästä sarjana.
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We Want Your Feedback - Take the SportsGamer Community Survey
JakePlay77 commented on Kenu's record in SportsGamer
I took the survey. I usually take various surveys of the games I play or these platforms like Sportsgamer. That´s chance to make difference rather than complain somewhere else. -
Thanks for the reply @Kenu !!! I thought that is the reason. It is the pity that there is no crossplay in online versus. On the other hand, I think these 1vs1 tournament could be played using HUT. NHL 24 World Championship which is soon to be starting will be played using HUT. I also think that most people participating competitions in NHL 1vs1 (just like in EA Sports FC or eFootball etc. with Dream Team mode) have reasonable teams already so HUT can also be game mode used it tournaments in my opinion. There can also be restrictions in player card to be used if needed like max. OVR 85 or max. rated cards or something like that. But I am sure crossplay will be implemented in online versus in future. But it is not too big problem for not able to participate since I will begin my NHL 24 World Championship campaign next week like all the others participating in it.
There is registration open for this: https://sportsgamer.gg/leijonat In that description of the tournament it says it is for both platforms PS5 and Xbox Series S/X but in registration there is only for PS5. So is that only for PS5? And in rules there is only PS5 mentioned. So is Xbox Series S/X on that tournament? And I am meaning for 1vs1. There is crossplay in 4vs4 so there is Xbox possible but in terms of 1vs1 in online versus if Xbox is on there should be two separate tournaments. As far as I know there is no crossplay in online versus - only HUT 1vs1. Edit: My mistake, it says there in description that 1vs1 is only for PS5 and 4vs4 is for both. So all clear now.
Eetumikael02 started following JakePlay77
The ECL & World Finals goes Assembly Winter 2023!
JakePlay77 commented on OGjahajaha's record in SportsGamer
Thanks!! 👍 -
The ECL & World Finals goes Assembly Winter 2023!
JakePlay77 commented on OGjahajaha's record in SportsGamer
Did not notice the instructions where and how you can buy tickets to Assembly with discount. The form is about travel and accomodiation. Link to Assembly there is but I mean how can you get discount? Using some code? Your user ID? Or how? Tickets you can always buy from Assembly but how do you prove your rights to the discount?