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  1. Hello when I read this post from @PlaymakerSJI thought at first he was joking that teams supposedly refused or criticism came up regarding the new server in Germany. but apparently not, which is why I would like to go into detail here. First of all, I've been playing since ECL 1, at a manageable level, which doesn't matter. Teams from Central, Western and Eastern Europe always had a sensitive night part when it came to the connection. In the ECL 9 this night part was the strongest with a new server in Sweden. When I talk about night part, the difference was that one team plays with a ping under 10 and the other with over 50. However, I do not remember that any criticism or statements such as those mentioned in the @PlaymakerSJpost came up. Much more was made fun of. I actually thought that E in ECL stands for European. And whether it will suit some Scandinavian teams or not, for the first time something like equal opportunities will emerge that will probably have a small home advantage for the teams. Therefore to all Scandinavian teams who think they are making such stupid statements: "Stop crying and stand like a fair competition like men!"
  2. Team name: HC Keta Lustik Team abbreviation: HKL Team captains: typolino79 (C), mcshugar (A) , much1979 (A) Team roster: typolino79 much1979 BlueCollarGamer OmitimusPrime Freakmund -> L Jeason99 mcshugar Jay_Gatsby20 theMaddias ->L SolidElli ->L EA SPORTS club overview: https://www.ea.com/de-de/games/nhl/nhl-20/pro-clubs/overview?clubId=280239&platform=ps4 GCL Division 1 Anfrage: Nein Team Logo:
  3. Name:HC Keta Lustik Wants: 1 x Starting Goalie other Info: We a new German Team with some Players that have also ECL Lite/pro experience. Now we Locking for a Starting Goalie. Tryout is possible tonight beginning at 20 cet. but remember we are a new Team and Not all is Working round. Also we have different Skill Levels in Team. For all other Players fell Free to Write me. We are Not the youngest Team. Have also old Guys like me (40 years) in Team. So if a Influenza ore Instastar that World be the wrong Party for you. in the GCL can be 2 Players on Ice out of Germany, Austria, SWitzerland
  4. Name:HC Keta Lustik Wants: 1 x Starting 6 Left Wing 1 x Allrounder ( Maybe also a Goalie) other Info: We a new German Team with some Players that have also ECL Lite/pro experience. Now we Locking for a Starting 6 Left Wing. And also for a Player that can F and D. Maybe a Goalie, we 2Guys there But One of them could be also a Forward. Tryout is possible tonight beginning at 20 cet. but remember we are a new Team and Not all is Working round. Also we have different Skill Levels in Team. It doesnt Make sence to come as ECL Elite Goalie and Left is After one Game because 6 Goals against him (3 of them on the Short pipe 🙂 For all other Players fell Free to Write me. We are Not the youngest Team. Have also old Guys like me (40 years) in Team. So if a Influenza ore Instastar that World be the wrong Party for you. in the GCL can be 2 Players on Ice out of Germany, Austria, SWitzerland
  5. Name:HC Keta Lustik Wants: 1 xGoalie, 1x Allrounder Other Info: The new German Team searching for the GCL 2 Players. LIke You see a starting Goalie und than a second Maybe with Allrounder skils. in the GCL can be 2 Players on Ice out of Germany, Austria, SWitzerland The new Team
  6. Free Agent Position: RW (C,RD) 4-5 times at evenin on Language: German, English PSN ID: typolino79 open for any Try Out
  7. Come on Black Jacks
  8. LosTypos

    TTH vs NC

    @daen Hab das Spiel zurückgesetzt, du kannst es jetzt neu eintragen.
  9. We removed the Game. Now you can take the right Game to Report your home match. @ahonaattori @GreatOne139
  10. LosTypos

    TGE vs FTH

    Habe das Spiel zurück gesetzt @GreatOne139
  11. LosTypos

    TGE vs FTH

    Wichtig ist das wenn man ein Ergebnis löscht das man im Anschluss noch die Teamstats und die Playerstats aktualisiert weil ansonsten diese doppelt drin sind ist mir aufgefallen @GreatOne139 @Hennisch
  12. LosTypos

    SGU vs PP

  13. There also Mistakes from the 7:0 Game with ppg . Please Note them also.
  14. No it was at Eishockeyarena
  15. So sieht es nämlich aus! Only for olympic final countries :-)
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