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Everything posted by Virusact1ve

  1. Renascor (ECL PRO) We are looking for a starting RW. Contact me here or psn: Virusactive
  2. Free C for WECL 3 backup is fine Contact me here or psn- Virusactive
  3. Renascor In: @TuomoP83 @Winci @MAYZIIX OUT: @Valluxet to FA @Motov ? @Serg1vratar ? Thanks to the guys for the season and good luck in new teams! Welcome Winci and Tuomo😍
  4. Renascor (ECL PRO) We are looking for RW/LW to our starting lineup. We expect the player to have be active and motivated. We mostly play from sunday to thursday. Also we can speak on english in party. We also have a player who speak Finnish, so there shouldn't be any discomfort. If you want to be around positive guys, then contact me discord Virusactive#6944 or PSN Virusactive
  5. Renascor (ECL PRO) We are looking for LD and RW/LW to our starting lineup. We expect the player to have be active and motivated. We mostly play from sunday to thursday. Also we can speak on english in party. We also have a player who speak Finnish, so there shouldn't be any discomfort. If you want to be around positive guys, then contact me discord Virusactive#6944 or PSN Virusactive
  6. 😭😭😭😭
  7. 😍😍😍😍
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