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plaaplaa72 last won the day on December 26 2024

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  1. VP/OP etsii tositarkoituksella joukkuetta ens ECL Core-kaudelle. Pelailen 4-5 päivänä viikossa, noin 19-22 välillä, ECL pelipäivinä voi tehdä poikkeuksia. Yhteyttä täällä, PSN: Randypp tai Discord: .kartsa
  2. Maybe they also shouldn’t have lied and faked the conversations to staff. Also, it’s not difficult to be not racist.
  3. BanThemAll, and BanThemAll always and forever.
  4. Free F for Neo/Future Neo-level seasons. Can play D in emergencies, but i’m mainly looking to jump to forward role, so no main D role offers. 50/50 or backup is fine currently, as long as there is a chance for more playing time. Can play 5-7 days a week. Don’t care about how good you are, i just want to play and have fun. Contact here or on PSN: Randypp Ty and happy holidays
  5. Free G for FCL. Can play D as well if needed. Contact here or on PSN: Randypp
  6. D looking for team for ECL 10. Can play both sides, but consider myself better on the Left Side. Played last ECL in Eagle Town Hockey (Lite) Can play 3-5 times a week, and can make exceptions for ECL gamedays. Finnish teams are a priority. Contact here or on PSN: Randypp
  7. RD Looking for a Neo/Lite team. (Can play LD and C as well) Backup role is fine as well. Finnish teams only. PSN Randypp
  8. D looking for team. Backup position is fine. Can play both sides put prefer RD. psn: Randypp
  9. D looking for a team. I have more experince at RD, but cna play both sides if needed. Pass-first, defence-first playstyle, but know when to chip in offensively. I don't rage over criticism, and can take constructive feedback to improve my play. Backup role is fine as well. Finnish teams are a priority, but will listen to English-speaking teams as well. Contact here or PSN: Randypp
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