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  1. Yup, I did not mean to imply that Sony was at fault for the issue at hand. I was referring to the impression on various gaming forums (and friends who play on both consoles) that a lot of games, including NHL, has more latency issues and instances of hard crashes on PSN than on XBL. And this is why I keep gaming on Xbox. Even the current issue seems more common with PS4 players than us Xboners, could just be down to PS4 having more players than the X1 tho. Didn't mean to troll the other camp, sorry if you got that impression. EA is at fault almost every time they get flack for something
  2. Yup, the one and only. Say what you will of MS, but they've got networking sorted better than Sony.
  3. Indeed. I think no one is surprised to find out that EA completely misunderstood the issue that Frost discovered, and forwarded the tracert-data to the wrong bunch of people. So the resolution will be delayed until whenever. I'm so glad I'm not (nor my team) affected by this issue.
  4. My comments are based on chats with frost xi (who found the issue in the first place), and my own tracing of IPs with netduma's tech support. US problems come from data going to Ireland, which shouldn't happen of course, and our data takes a trip to the US every once in a while. The same server probably caused the earlier problem of the game changing regions by itself, for some reason the issue has become more severe with nextgen consoles.
  5. There are separate servers on East and West coast, but the ones we're blocking are the "half way stops" in Ireland. All data ends up in Redwood, Cali. There are two servers in Ireland, one is interfering with US players and the other one interferes with us Euros. US players block one and we the other. Those who don't suffer from any extra lag never end up on the bad server in Ireland, and don't have to block anything (like myself). If you can't block anything on your router, you can always contact your ISP and tell them to do it on their side of things. Or buy another router (cough Netduma cough)
  6. I heard that the real fix from EA is gonna take longer than anticipated, so blocking the ip is worth the effort if you suffer from captain lag. Just heard from two PS4 players who both benefited from the block.
  7. ...And an update. The servers, like you suspected, were reversed. Human error of course, from the US side. Apparently they were very tired at the time of sending the message Anyways, the IP to block is indeed
  8. is apparently the one for us Euros to block. I tried blocking the one us EASHL players all connect to in the US, and we couldn't connect to a single game. The signal goes through Ireland and ends up in Redwood Cali, obviously we don't play on the Cali server, as we would all have an extra half a second delay, every game, but the end server receives the game data, goals etc. There's one server in Ireland that causes data to "go bad", the good one should work better. All data goes through Ireland, and during peak traffic you might end up using the bad Irish server even if you block it. This is what I'm hearing from NA at least. Apparently the same server is causing all the mayhem. Did anyone try blocking last night? Any help?
  9. More info from ozzyng: Blocking that IP might/should help with input lag. If you try this please let me know if it works, the guy in NA is still talking with EA as we speak. More data, the quicker the issue gets solved.
  10. Msgd with Ozzyng who is involved with the 6s scene in NA, and EA has promised them a fix within a week now that they know what's happening. Euro fix should be in within two weeks, via a patch or a server side fix.
  11. There are three different servers in Cali that I've found, unfortunately my router encrypts the IPs even if I can block them. I asked Netduma support if they can tell me the IPs. I'll get back to you as soon as I hear from them.
  12. Been playing NHL titles since NHL95, on and off, but EASHL brought me back big time in 09. (GMC was nice too, and some people might know me from a league I ran on KonsoliFin for a couple of years). Kind of a casual EASHL player these days, playing with irl buddies and casual online friends, but I am slightly tempted to find a tournament team as well.
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