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Everything posted by HmkMcDavid

  1. Perjantai-iltojen pelätyin porukka etsii kilpapeleihin puolustajaa sekä hyökkääjää. Tykkäät pelailla n. klo 20-22 aikoihin (arkisin), viikonloppuna mukista löytyy toisinaan muutakin kuin Noccoa, osaat liikuttaa hahmoasi ylös sekä alas kentällä, sivuille liikkumisesta toki plussaa. Sarjataso Lite. Vapaamuotoinen ilmoittautuminen tryoutille suoraan GM postilaatikkoon osoitteessa psn/discord tonijei Pelejä on 3-5 iltana viikossa, osallistumispakkoa toki joka ilta ei ole, GM myöntää vapaita samalla tavalla kuin laukoo, eli löysin rantein.
  2. Free LW or C looking for a team playing ECL, Core/Lite/Pro. Can do LD also if the team needs something closer to Cale Makar than Lasse Kukkonen, not too close to Makar though. Can play basically every evening from 20CET (19 FI time) onwards, willing to play 3-5 times per week. Like rather winning than losing but too old (30+) to get too agitated when the team loses a game or two. Contacts via PSN or Discord please PSN: unmd Discord: unmd#7016 Ja sama suomeksi.
  3. Wertsun Lokit is still hunting for one back up all-rounder. Playtime guaranteed. HMU via psn: unmd
  4. Still searching for an skater, prefer to find LD. Same as before, we hope to find long term adult player, who brings competitive, yet positive mindset to the ice.
  5. Wertsun Lokit is in search of an goalie and forward, one of each. Looking for adult, long term players with positive mindset. If interested HMU in PSN: unmd
  6. Free Finnish C or LW (right shooting) looking for a club that plays in upcoming ECL. Prefer long term, Finnish teams that play around 19-22 CET. Contacts here or via psn: unmd
  7. Team United Ryminae is looking for 1 or 2 backup players. Preferred positions C, G & LD. Current roster consists of 8 players. Due the changing activity level with some players we need to extend our roster. Team plays actively club games 5-6 times nights per week. With good enough skill level ice time in upcoming ECL (lite) is guaranteed And of course even more games in clubs. pm here or psn: unmd
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