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Vattuyy last won the day on March 26

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    yo Vattu
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  1. Parasite IN: @xAaro89x OUT: @NikkeDangles Welcome Aaro🔥🤝
  2. Gameplay without abilitys allows teams to play passive defence and just counter attack. Its so hard to score without abilities so we see more goals from forces and when u just throw puck to the net and hope. Yes its same for everyone but it helps worse teams to have better chance to win against better teams. So imo its more RNG and make gameplay unfair for better teams.
  3. Last ECL I dont remember games when i have seen team losing with lot more scoring chances. Games have been very fair and most of the time better team wins because this game is very rewarding when you get scoring chances. What if abilitys get banned? I think it will automaticly make this game more RNG and you can lose games with many more scoring chances than your opponent have. We will see more of those games where worse team will just park the bus in the front of the net and try to win by counter attacks. Atm that park the bus and counter attack meta just dont work because you are getting rewarded from good offensive plays with 1T CQ, etc. In competitive gaming you should get rewarded almost every time when creating scoring chance with a lot of room in net, without certain shooting abilities you still have to hope your shot goes in even if your team has done everything 100% right Why people would want to see more RNG gameplay? Just doesnt make sense to me.
  4. Everyone can join that discord channel and there is players from every division. https://discord.gg/jhghefFR
  5. Only Big tipper ban! Gameplay is good atm no need to change anything!
  6. I asked from 6s draft channel what people think about ability bans and here are results.
  7. Can we just enjoy when we finally have good 6s gameplay. Big tipper is only must ban ability and its already banned. There is no need to fix something what is already working.
  8. Top 5 Lw: Vilu, jerska, Tunkeilija, xAaro, puantso C Pena, Patzlaf, pikkari, niska, tbn Rw: ND, EKI, Ante, krike, indi Ld: Doumi, Frans, Make, Nassu, Sebbe Rd: Teemu, Ape, Jamal, Nikha, Edholmen G: Faze, Cappe, Kazzu, Finsere, teme
  9. @laitineen64@tombo_02 kiva liittyä sukuun😍
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