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Everything posted by Psych0

  1. UnderRated looking for backup G och backup D. we gonna play PRO
  2. UnderRated looking for starting LD and backup LW. top lite/pro level
  3. UnderRated looking for D`s, contact me.
  4. High Ratio looking for D’s and F’s for upcoming season in ECL . You need to have lite/pro experience. PM me
  5. Free rw (rd if team its right) lite/PRO . Money it’s not a issue 💰
  6. On Friday, the SportsGamer community received sad news. One of our players and valued members had passed away far too soon. The always so happy, funny and kind Wille @airwizzard (AiRaThLeTe) Mattsson aka Ville Valo # 9 has unfortunately passed. The Swedish community honored him by playing with Ville Valo # 9 on our back on Friday. Our thoughts and prayers are with his friends and family in these tough times. SWEEASHL has started a fundraiser on Facebook for a burial flower and a fundraiser has been started for the Swedish heart and lung fund in the name of AiRaThLeTe, all raised funds will go towards their research to prevent similar deaths in the future. Donations to the heart and lung fund can be made here. Donations for a burial flower can be made here. Rest in peace Wille #9 💔 «In the memory You live You are always there In memory we see You Just as You were «
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