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  1. Hello everyone, I can see that the subject seems very complex to resolve, since we will always find people for and against change, and life is generally like that... Now that that's been said and I've experienced “Ban them all” in regional tournaments, I have to say that I prefer this gameplay, which seems closer to my convictions in terms of gameplay. However, I did enjoy the gameplay on the previous ecl, which is why I'd only ask one thing of the tournament organizers, and that's to make a very quick decision about the future. Competitions come and go, and switching from one style of game to another in the space of a few days/weeks makes no sense to me, because the gameplay has nothing to do with it. Why did you decide to run the regional championships and the World Cup in the same format and not follow the same format for the ecl, when this competition is in the middle of the calendar? It makes no sense to me. I repeat, I'm neither against nor for a format, I'm just asking for a guideline.
  2. BanThemAll+1 Hello everyone, Considering that the SG World Cup will not be played with any Xfactors/traits, I think it would be a good idea for the next ecl to be played with the same rules, since the preparation time (for those in PO) will be almost nil between the two competitions and it will be difficult to switch from one style to another in such a short time.
  3. Free LD / C / RD for any regional tournament. Backup is fine
  4. Free C/ LD / RD for SCL. Minor community. Contact here or discord. https://sportsgamer.gg/players/3483
  5. Hexa eSports ✔️
  6. Free C/LD/RD for FCL/SCL/GCL. Backup is fine https://sportsgamer.gg/players/3483 contact here or discord tromi13#1367
  7. Free F/D for the next ECL. Contact here or Discord tromi13#1367 https://sportsgamer.gg/players/3483#nhl
  8. Free C/LD/RD for FCL https://sportsgamer.gg/players/3483#nhl
  9. Free C/LD/RD looking for a backup spot for next ecl since i cant play regularly. (Top lite-Pro only) https://sportsgamer.gg/players/3483#nhl If interested just HMU here, psn (tromi13) or discord tromi13#1367
  10. Free C/LD for fcl/scl. Im fine with a backup spot. https://sportsgamer.gg/players/3483#nhl HMU here or on Discord tromi13#1367 if interested
  11. Free C/LD for GCL. Backup is fine https://sportsgamer.gg/players/3483#nhl
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