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  1. 10€ price increase on player license just so we could play 4v4 . *chef’s kiss*
  2. Neo is for players who don’t want to pay participation fee .
  3. For all the Lite/Core guys next year when you watch yanks come over to play in World Finals at least you can get some sense of accomplishment knowing you paid for those flights and 5* hotels.
  4. No one expects this to operate for free , we just want to know reasoning for such a steap increase. You have to understand that 80% of this community won’t see any changes what so ever and the excuses we have heard so far are “bollocks” for a average non Elite ,Pro player. You know something is wrong when they start charging total beginners (Neo ) for let’s be honest joining the community . If servers are struggling with influx of new players over the years then I agree this will definitely cleanse them not even talking about new “subscribers “ , pardon community members
  5. And i want to know how 40€ will change our experience in Core ? Imagine asking someone to be a backup goalie for few games .and pay all these licenses. You buy players licence and then you pay Team licence . They are seperate . Players licence for all the broadcasting , hosting and few articles a month covering Elite . Team licences for prize pool , broadcasting , hosting and few articles a month covering Elite . For some people it does make sense believe it or not .
  6. Wait till someone takes out calculator for Lite and Core , that is where it gets really interesting
  7. No
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