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  1. After an intense and dramatic group stage, the top eight teams in SCL 6v6 have secured their spots in the playoffs. The competition was fierce, with every point proving crucial for teams aiming to advance. Spartan Family dominated, finishing at the top of the standings with an impressive 60 points, while the battle for the final playoff spots was razor-thin. Fladie Faxes clinched the last quarterfinal spot and are ready to challenge the favorites. Now, the knockout stage awaits, where four teams will fight to move closer to the ultimate goal – becoming the SCL champions. Here’s a breakdown of the quarterfinals and an analysis of which teams have the best chances of progressing. Group Stage Recap After 22 intense rounds, the SCL 6v6 group stage has come to an end, showcasing some outstanding performances. Spartan Family dominated the competition, going unbeaten and securing 60 points, making them the clear favorites heading into the playoffs. Carolus Icemen claimed second place, thanks to their strong defensive play and an impressive 26.83% power play success rate. Sunne IK Esport secured third place, boasting the highest-scoring offense in the league with 105 goals. The Solution finished fourth despite some inconsistent performances toward the end of the group stage. Nordic Nosebleed followed closely behind, largely due to their lethal power play efficiency of 29.03%. TROJANS, VBO STARS, and Fladie Faxes claimed the final playoff spots. Fladie Faxes finished strong, winning eight of their last ten games (8-2), giving them solid momentum heading into the quarterfinals. Prowlers narrowly missed the playoffs, finishing just one point behind Fladie Faxes. Their season was inconsistent, with crucial points lost late in the campaign. Surte Sisu HC battled hard but ended up in tenth place after a tough season where their defense struggled to hold up. Aberraticus Hockey also faced difficulties, particularly in their own zone, conceding the most goals in the league. Standout Individual Performances Individual performances have been key to many teams’ success in this year’s tournament. The scoring leaderboard is topped by @dippen04 from Spartan Family, who racked up an impressive 66 points (36 goals, 30 assists), making him one of the most dominant offensive players. Close behind is @forreberra from Sunne IK Esport with 64 points, and I-@Bror1326-I from Carolus Icemen, who registered 62 points and a league-best 40 goals. There have also been standout playmakers, such as @Nikuy from Spartan Family, who led the league with 43 assists, consistently setting up teammates for scoring opportunities. Another notable performer is @vPahlen from Sunne IK Esport, who despite playing fewer matches than some of his competitors, managed to tally 59 points. On the goaltending front, some players have truly excelled. @Tlindgren96 from Carolus Icemen has been a rock for his team, boasting a save percentage of 86.8% and a goals-against average of 1.9 per game. His closest rival is @benjamint737 from Sunne IK Esport, who has also been a crucial part of his team's success with an 86.0% save percentage. Special mention goes to @Axelsson therozz94 from Spartan Family, who lost only one game – and that in overtime – throughout the group stage, finishing with a strong 84.9% save percentage. Quarterfinals & Predictions Spartan Family vs Fladie Faxes Spartan Family has been a class apart all season. With the league’s top scorer, Dippen04, leading the way and therozz94 providing solid goaltending, they are overwhelming favorites. Fladie Faxes earned the final playoff spot and have shown strong defensive play, but their weak power play could prove costly. Predicted Outcome: 3-0 to Spartan Family Carolus Icemen vs VBO STARS Carolus Icemen have been consistently solid all season and boast the tournament’s best goalie in T_Lindgren96. Their power play has been razor-sharp, converting at 26.83% efficiency. VBO STARS have been inconsistent but can be dangerous when they find their rhythm. If Carolus Icemen maintain their usual level, they should win without major issues. Predicted Outcome: 3-1 to Carolus Icemen Sunne IK Esport vs TROJANS Sunne IK Esport has proven to be one of the most dangerous offensive teams in the league, scoring 105 goals in the regular season. TROJANS will need a rock-solid defense to withstand their attacks. The key question is whether TROJANS can contain Sunne’s fast-paced offense. A lot will depend on whether benjamint737 can step up in goal for Sunne. Predicted Outcome: 3-2 to Sunne IK Esport The Solution vs Nordic Nosebleed This looks set to be the most even quarterfinal series. The Solution boasts a stronger power play and a deeper offensive lineup, but Nordic Nosebleed counters that with the tournament’s best penalty kill and a physical, hard-hitting playing style. This could be a series that goes the full distance. Predicted Outcome: 3-2 to The Solution How to Follow the Playoffs The SCL 6v6 playoffs kick off with the quarterfinals from March 25-27, followed by the semifinals between March 30 and April 1. The bronze match and the grand final will take place on April 3. The final will be streamed live on SportsGames’ Twitch channel, featuring commentary by none other than Peter "@Jack Flack 65” Novara. Don’t miss the excitement as the SCL 6v6 champion is crowned!
  2. Efter ett intensivt och dramatiskt gruppspel har de åtta bästa lagen i SCL 6v6 säkrat sina platser i slutspelet. Serien bjöd på hård konkurrens där varje poäng var avgörande för lagens chanser att avancera. Spartan Family dominerade och toppade tabellen med en imponerande poängskörd på 60, medan kampen om de sista slutspelsplatserna var stenhård. Fladie Faxes knep den sista platsen i kvartsfinalerna och är redo att utmana favoriterna. Nu väntar utslagsmatcher där fyra lag ska ta sig vidare mot det stora målet – att bli SCL-mästare. Här är en genomgång av kvartsfinalerna och en analys av vilka som har störst chans att avancera. Gruppspelsöversikt Efter 22 intensiva omgångar har gruppspelet i SCL 6v6 nått sitt slut, och vi har fått se en rad imponerande prestationer. Spartan Family dominerade fullständigt och gick obesegrade genom serien med hela 60 poäng, vilket gör dem till favoriter inför slutspelet. Carolus Icemen knep andraplatsen med sin starka defensiv och ett imponerande powerplay på 26,83%. Sunne IK Esport tog tredjeplatsen och var det målgladaste laget i serien med hela 105 gjorda mål. The Solution knep fjärdeplatsen trots ett något ojämnt spel mot slutet av gruppspelet. Nordic Nosebleed följde strax efter, mycket tack vare sin farliga powerplay-effektivitet på 29,03%. TROJANS, VBO STARS och Fladie Faxes tog de sista platserna till slutspelet. Fladie Faxes kom starkt mot slutet med en 8-2-svit i sina sista tio matcher, vilket ger dem ett visst momentum inför kvartsfinalen. För Prowlers blev det en snöplig miss av slutspelsplatsen då de slutade en ynka poäng bakom Fladie Faxes. Laget hade en svajig säsong och tappade viktiga poäng i slutskedet. Surte Sisu HC kämpade tappert men fick nöja sig med en tiondeplats efter en tuff säsong där defensiven inte riktigt höll måttet. Aberraticus Hockey fick det också svårt, framför allt i egen zon där de släppte in flest mål av alla lag i serien. Individuella prestationer har varit avgörande för många lags framgångar i årets turnering. Poängligan toppas av @dippen04 från Spartan Family, som med imponerande 66 poäng (36 mål, 30 assist) varit en av de mest dominanta offensiva spelarna. Tätt bakom honom finner vi @forreberra från Sunne IK Esport med 64 poäng och I-@Bror1326-I, från Carolus Icemen som noterades för 62 poäng och hela 40 mål, vilket gör honom till gruppspelets främsta målskytt. Det har också funnits starka playmakers som @Nikuyfrån Spartan Family, som med 43 assist visat sin förmåga att sätta upp lagkamrater i lägen. En annan anmärkningsvärd spelare är @vPahlen från Sunne IK Esport, som trots färre matcher än flera av sina konkurrenter nådde hela 59 poäng. Även på målvaktssidan har vissa spelare utmärkt sig rejält. @Tlindgren96 från Carolus Icemen har varit en stabil sista utpost för sitt lag med en räddningsprocent på 86,81 % och ett insläppta mål-snitt på 1,9 per match. Närmast honom i statistiken är @benjamint737 från Sunne IK Esport, som med 86,08 % räddningar varit en viktig del av sitt lags framgång. Ett särskilt omnämnande förtjänar @Axelsson therozz94 från Spartan Family, som endast förlorade en match och den på övertid under hela gruppspelet och imponerade med en räddningsprocent på 84,98 %. Kvartsfinaler och förutsägelser Spartan Family vs Fladie Faxes Spartan Family har varit en klass för sig under hela grundserien. Med seriens poängkung Dippen04 i spetsen och ett stabilt målvaktsspel från therozz94 ser de ut att vara storfavoriter i denna serie. Fladie Faxes tog sig vidare på åttonde plats och har visat upp ett bra försvarsspel, men deras svaga powerplay kan bli kostsamt. Trolig utgång: 3-0 till Spartan Family Carolus Icemen vs VBO STARS Carolus Icemen har varit stabila genom hela säsongen och har turneringens bästa målvakt i T_Lindgren96. Deras powerplay har varit sylvasst med en effektivitet på 26,83 %. VBO STARS har haft en svajig formkurva men kan vara farliga när de får spelet att klaffa. Om Carolus Icemen spelar på sin normala nivå ska de dock vinna denna matchserie utan större bekymmer. Trolig utgång: 3-1 till Carolus Icemen Sunne IK Esport vs TROJANS Sunne IK Esport har visat att de har en av de mest fruktade offensiverna i ligan med hela 105 gjorda mål i grundserien. TROJANS måste ha ett stabilt försvar. Frågan är om TROJANS kan hantera Sunnes snabba anfallsspel. Mycket hänger på om benjamint737 i målet för Sunne kan hålla ihop spelet bakåt. Trolig utgång: 3-2 till Sunne IK Esport The Solution vs Nordic Nosebleed The Solution och Nordic Nosebleed ser ut att kunna bjuda på den jämnaste kvartsfinalserien. The Solution har ett vassare powerplay och en bredare offensiv, men Nordic Nosebleed har turneringens bästa boxplay och ett tungt fysiskt spel. Det här kan bli en serie som går hela vägen till en avgörande match. Trolig utgång: 3-2 till The Solution Så följer du slutspelet SCL 6v6-slutspelet inleds med kvartsfinalerna den 25-27 mars, följt av semifinalerna mellan den 30 mars och 1 april. Bronsmatchen och den stora finalen spelas den 3 april. Finalen kommer att sändas live på SportsGames Twitch-kanal, där den kommer att kommenteras av ingen mindre än Peter "@Jack Flack 65” Novara. Missa inte dramatiken när SCL 6v6-mästaren ska koras!
  3. Efter ett intensivt gruppspel är det nu dags för slutspelet i SCL 1v1. Under de senaste veckorna har spelarna kämpat om placeringarna, och nu återstår bara de åtta bästa som gör upp i ett klassiskt slutspelsträd. Kvartsfinalerna spelas i bäst av fem (Bo5) mellan den 25:e och 30:e mars, och det är upplagt för en rad spännande möten. Gruppspelets dominanter Högst upp i tabellen hittar vi O3_DAFA, som fullständigt dominerade gruppspelet med en imponerande svit på 15 vinster och endast en förlust. Med hela 82 gjorda mål och en poäng per match på 2,81 har han varit en klass för sig. Kan någon stoppa honom i slutspelet? Strax bakom honom hittar vi BuffaViana, som slutade på en stabil andraplats med 11 vinster och 35 poäng. Han har visat prov på en sylvass offensiv och gjorde flest mål i gruppspelet (105), vilket kan bli en avgörande faktor när han nu kliver in i kvartsfinalerna. På tredje och fjärde plats placerade sig Hellqvist23 och benjamint737, båda med över 50 gjorda mål och stabila prestationer genom turneringen. Hellqvist23 imponerade särskilt defensivt och släppte in färre mål än många av sina konkurrenter, medan benjamint737 förlitade sig på en jämn och stabil prestation genom hela gruppspelet. Längre ner på listan kämpade Twitch_wannika och Adooph sig vidare till slutspel, där de nu får en chans att överraska favoriterna. Båda spelarna har visat upp och ner-form. De två sista slutspelsplatserna gick till Lokterpengar och Handsken111, som nu får chansen att överraska i kvartsfinalerna. Kvartsfinalerna – vilka går vidare? Kvartsfinalerna kommer att bjuda på flera spännande möten, där de högst seedade spelarna får en tuff utmaning av dem som slåss från den nedre halvan. @DAFA_03 vs @handsken111 O3_DAFA går in som storfavorit efter att ha dominerat gruppspelet, men Handsken111 har visat sig vara en kämpe. Det blir en tuff uppgift för Handsken111, men i ett slutspel kan allt hända. Gruppspelsresultat Handsken111 - O3_DAFA 1-5 O3_DAFA - Handsken111 3-2 @BuffaViana vs @Roobinnilsson (Lokterpengar) BuffaViana har imponerat med sin offensiva styrka, men Lokterpengar har trots en svagare tabellplacering visat att han kan utmana starka motståndare. Om han lyckas stänga ner BuffaVianas anfallsspel kan denna matchserie bli mer jämn än förväntat Gruppspelsresultat Lokterpengar - BuffaViana 2-13 BuffaViana - Lokterpengar 7-6 @Hellqvist23 vs @Adooph Två spelare som haft sina toppar och dalar under gruppspelet. Hellqvist23 har haft en starkare helhet, men Adooph är en spelare som kan slå till när det gäller. Det här kan bli en av de jämnaste kvartsfinalerna. Gruppspelsresultat Adooph - Hellqvist23 2-4 Hellqvist23 - Adooph 4-2 @benjamint737 vs @Williamssk (Twitch_wannika) Med endast två poäng som skiljde dessa spelare i gruppspelet ser denna kvartsfinal ut att bli en av de mest oförutsägbara. Twitch_wannika har visat sig vara en taktiskt smart spelare, medan benjamint737 har styrkan att vända matcher. Gruppspelsresultat benjamint737 - Twitch_wannika 5-6 OT Twitch_wannika - benjamint737 2-4 Slutspelsschemat SCL 1v1-slutspelet spelas enligt följande: Kvartsfinaler: 25-30 mars (Bo5) Efter att kvartsfinalerna avgjorts väntar semifinaler och slutligen final, där vi kommer att få se vem som blir SCL 1v1-mästare. Med det jämna startfältet kan vi räkna med dramatiska matcher där små marginaler kommer att avgöra. Vilka spelare tar sig hela vägen? Snart får vi svaret!
  4. Med endast två speldagar kvar av SCL-gruppspelet börjar det verkligen hetta till. Lagen kämpar om de åtta slutspelsplatserna, och det är fortfarande mycket som kan hända i tabellen. Vi tar en närmare titt på hur lagen presterat, vilka spelare som stuckit ut och hur slutspelsracet ser ut. Täten i tabellen – dominanta insatser av Carolus Icemen och Spartan Family Längst upp i tabellen hittar vi Carolus Icemen, som imponerat stort med 16 segrar på 18 matcher. En stor anledning till lagets framgångar är deras offensiva trio bestående av I-@Bror1326-I, som leder poängligan med 51 poäng (34+17), @Willander97 (PaisleyJr) med 42 poäng (14+28) och @mj_slam med 34 poäng (9+25). På målvaktssidan har @Tlindgren96 varit en trygg sista utpost med en imponerande 86,7% i räddningsprocent och ett GAA på 1,94. Hack i häl har vi Spartan Family, som har färre matcher spelade men faktiskt ett bättre poängsnitt (2,75 P/G). Laget har varit ruskigt stabilt defensivt och släppt in minst antal mål av alla lag. Offensivt leds de av @dippen04 (22+12), @Nikuy (9+23) och @Toivo4936, som alla varit viktiga för att Spartan Family hållit sig i toppen. Målvakten therozz94 har varit en av ligans bästa, med en vinstprocent på nästan 93% och ett insläppt snitt på otroliga 1,50. Mellanskiktet – förstårkt slutspelskamp Bakom täten hittar vi lag som Nordic Nosebleed, The Solution och VBO Stars, som samtliga ser ut att vara på väg mot slutspel men fortfarande har matcher kvar att spela och kan riskera att bli omsprungna. Nordic Nosebleed har varit ett av de mest målfarliga lagen i serien och har fått stora insatser från @Jcarlton89 (10+20) och @Sayatu14 (12+13). Målvaktssidan har dock varit en utmaning, där @Jean-Claes har fått slita hårt och har en räddningsprocent på 78,21%. The Solution har hållit sig stabilt i topp 5 och har haft stor nytta av @Hellqvist23 (18+18) och @Disctrasan- (15+15), samtidigt som deras defensiv varit solid. På målvaktssidan har @saaggssy varit stabil med 83,71% i räddningsprocent. Kapten @Feffe Levi, som många tippade skulle vinna utvisningsligan, har också levt upp till sitt rykte med sina 24 utvisningsminuter – en fysisk spelstil som både gynnat och ibland satt laget i tuffa situationer. VBO Stars ligger precis på den säkra sidan och har gjort det tack vare starka prestationer av @Molander13 (23+12) och @Nilsson04_ (13+16). Lagets offensiv har varit svår att stoppa och de har ett av ligans bästa powerplay. Kampen om slutspelsstrecket – vilka kniper den sista platsen? Med åtta lag som går till slutspel ser kampen om den sista platsen ut att bli oerhört spännande. Just nu står det mellan Fladie Faxes, Prowlers och TROJANS, där alla tre kämpar för att säkra den åttonde och sista slutspelsplatsen. Sunne IK Esport förväntas klättra uppåt i tabellen tack vare sitt höga poängsnitt, men den stora frågan är om de hinner spela klart alla sina matcher i tid. För Prowlers har @RHannu (13+15) och @Lawner_ (11+7) varit nyckelspelare i offensiven, medan målvakten @Mrantonn kämpat hårt mellan stolparna. TROJANS, å sin sida, har en stark duo i @JaikenK-- (13+18) och @softa_tofta (18+11), som varit en pålitlig poängmotor. Fladie Faxes har också en stark offensiv med @Dan9105 (15+22) och @Jonsson03 (17+12), men deras ojämna form kan bli ett hinder i slutspurten. Slutspurtens dramatik lär bli en rysare, där varje poäng kan bli avgörande för vilka som lyckas ta sig till slutspelet. Lagen i botten – tuffa säsonger för vissa För Surte Sisu HC och Aberraticus Hockey har säsongen varit en stor utmaning. Surte Sisu har fått enstaka starka insatser av @SWE_KARLSSON16 (17+17), men har haft problem med att hålla tätt bakåt. Aberraticus Hockey har haft det tungt men kan glädjas åt att @Superboo (Henke_boo) (12+15) visat prov på individuellt skickligt spel. Slutspelet närmar sig – vilka går vidare? Med endast två speldagar kvar ser slutspelsracet ut att bli en nagelbitare. Carolus Icemen och Spartan Family ser redan klara ut för en plats i topp fyra, men bakom dem är det fortfarande mycket som kan hända. Sunne IK Esport förväntas klättra uppåt i tabellen tack vare sitt höga poängsnitt, men den stora frågan är om de hinner spela klart alla sina matcher i tid. Den sista slutspelsplatsen ser ut att bli en kamp mellan Fladie Faxes, Prowlers och TROJANS. Extra dramatik väntar i den sista omgången när Fladie Faxes och TROJANS ställs mot varandra i vad som kan bli en direkt avgörande match om en plats i slutspelet. Det är upplagt för en spännande avslutning på SCL:s gruppspel! Så spelas slutspelet Slutspelet avgörs i bäst av fem matcher (BO5) och inleds direkt efter gruppspelet: Kvartsfinaler: 25–27 mars Semifinaler: 30 mars – 1 april Bronsmatch & Final: 3 april Nu återstår det att se vilka åtta lag som tar sig vidare och gör upp om titeln i SCL 2025!
  5. ECL Elite Format: 1 Group - 16 Teams Team license required: Yes Player license required: Yes Gamedays: Mon, Wed & Thu Regular season starts: 7.4 Transfer deadline: 2.5 23:59 CET ⚠️ Regular season ends: 8.5 Playoffs (BO7) Quarterfinals Monday 26.5 - 20:00 CET | 4vs5 & 1vs8 | Games 1-2 Wednesday 28.5 - 20:00 CET | 3vs6 & 2vs7 | Games 1-2 Thursday 29.5 - 19:30 CET | 4vs5 & 1vs8 | Games 3-4 Sunday 1.6 - 19:30 CET | 3vs6 & 2vs7 | Games 3-4 Monday 2.6 - 19:30 CET | 4vs5 & 1vs8 | Games 5-7 Wednesday 4.6- 19:30 CET | 3vs6 & 2vs7 | Games 5-7 Semifinals Sunday 8.6 - 20:00 CET | 2vs3 & 1vs4 | Games 1-2 Monday 9.6 - 19:30 CET | 1vs4 | Games 3-7 Wednesday 11.6 - 18:30 CET | 2vs3 | Games 3-7 Finals Saturday 14.6 - TBC Relegation: Monday 2.6 Wednesday 5.6 Thursday 6.6 Note: Relegation days are flexible. ECL Pro Format: 2 Groups - 32 Teams Team license required: Yes Player license required: Yes Gamedays: Mon, Tue & Thu Regular season starts: 7.4 Transfer deadline: 2.5 23:59 CET ⚠️ Regular season ends: 8.5 Playoffs (BO7) Round of 16: Monday 26.5 Tuesday 27.5 Thursday 29.5 Quarterfinals: Monday 2.6 Tuesday 3.6 Thursday 5.6 Semifinals: Monday 9.6 Tuesday 10.6 Thursday 12.6 Finals: 16.6- 17.6* Promotion & Relegation games are to be played shortly after the season, however dates are flexible. * Dates are subject to change as broadcast productions are confirmed. ECL Lite Format: 4 Groups Team license required: Yes Player license required: Yes Gamedays: Tue, Wed & Sun Regular season starts: 7.4 Transfer deadline: 2.5 23:59 CET ⚠️ Regular season ends: 7.5 Playoffs (BO7) Round of 32: Monday 26.5 Tuesday 27.5 Wednesday 28.5 Round of 16: Sunday 1.6 Tuesday 3.6 Wednesday 4.6 Quarterfinals: Sunday 8.6 Tuesday 10.6 Wednesday 11.6 Semifinals: Sunday 15.6 Tuesday 17.6 Wednesday 18.6 Finals: 23.6- 24.6* * Dates are subject to change as broadcast productions are confirmed. ECL Core Format: Team license required: Yes Player license required: Yes Gamedays: Tue, Thu & Sun Regular season starts: 7.4 Transfer deadline: 2.5 23:59 CET ⚠️ Regular season ends: 8.5 Playoffs (BO7) Round of 32: Tuesday 27.5 Thursday 29.5 Sunday 1.6 Round of 16: Tuesday 3.6. Thursday 5.6. Sunday 8.6. Quarterfinals: Tuesday 10.6. Thursday 12.6. Sunday 15.6. Semifinals: Monday 16.6. Wednesday 18.6. Thursday 19.6. Finals: 25.6 - 26.6 * * Dates are subject to change as broadcast productions are confirmed. ECL Neo Format: Team license required: No Player license required: Yes (Neo Player License) Prize Pool: No Gamedays: Wed & Sun Regular season starts: 7.4 Transfer deadline: 2.5 23:59 CET ⚠️ Regular season ends: 4.5 Playoffs (BO5) Round of 32: Wednesday 28.5 Sunday 1.6 Round of 16: Wednesday 4.6 Sunday 8.6 Quarterfinals: Wednesday 11.6 Sunday 15.6 Semifinals: Wednesday 18.6 Wednesday 25.6 Finals: Sunday 29.6
  6. Med halva gruppspelet spelat börjar tabellen ta form, även om den fortfarande är ojämn med vissa lag som spelat fler matcher än andra. Toppen domineras av Carolus Icemen och Spartan Family, medan flera lag kämpar för att hålla sig kvar i topp åtta och säkra en slutspelsplats. Här är en genomgång av lagens prestationer så här långt. Tabelltoppens Järngrepp Carolus Icemen har varit nästintill ostoppbara med nio segrar på tio matcher. Med en imponerande målskillnad på +20 och en offensiv som leds av poängligaledaren I-@Bror1326-I (20+12), har de satt sig i en stark position inför slutspelet. Spartan Family är dock hack i häl och har visat sig svårslagna med en perfekt svit på åtta raka vinster och en stark defensiv (endast 16 insläppta mål), där målvakten @Axelsson therozz94 varit felfri med åtta raka vinster och en räddningsprocent på 84,47%. Bland poängtopparna syns även @Willander97 Paisleyjr (9+17) och @mj_slam (7+16) från Carolus Icemen, samt @dippen04 (15+8) från Spartan Family, som båda bidragit stort till lagens framgångar. Nordic Nosebleed har spelat fler matcher än de flesta andra lag och har samlat ihop 21 poäng på 12 matcher. Laget har haft en blandad form (5-3-2 senaste tio) och behöver vara mer effektiva i avsluten för att hänga med i toppstriden. Poängmässigt sticker @Jcarlton89 (7+16) och @Sayatu14 (10+11) ut, medan målvakten @Jean-Claes har gjort en stabil insats med flera viktiga räddningar och en räddningsprocent på 79,87%, trots att laget har släppt in en del mål. Mittenskiktet – Hårda Strider om Slutspelsplatserna VBO STARS och The Solution ligger båda på 20 poäng och har starka powerplay-statistik, vilket kan bli avgörande i de jämna matcherna framöver. VBO STARS kan dessutom luta sig mot @Molander13 , som gjort hela 20 mål på tio matcher, och @Nilsson04_ (10+14), medan målvakten @Larsson_500 har en stabil GAA på 2.4 och en räddningsprocent på 85,71%. The Solution har också sin starka duo i @Disctrasan- (11+12) och @TheDisneytime (8+12), medan målvakten @saaggssy varit en trygg sista utpost med 82,91% i räddningar. TROJANS har haft en mer ojämn resa med fyra vinster och fem förluster, men deras starka tekningseffektivitet (59,05%) och en skicklig playmaker i @JaikenK-- (9+16) kan hjälpa dem att stabilisera spelet. Trots detta har målvakten @Robin974 haft det tufft med en räddningsprocent på 75,81% och 3 insläppta mål per match. Prowlers och Tactics ligger precis på gränsen till slutspel, men behöver hitta jämnare spel om de vill hålla sig kvar i topp åtta. Tactics har haft en tuff period (2-5-1 senaste åtta) men kan ta sig tillbaka om de utnyttjar sitt powerplay bättre, där @LOSTinaFishbowl Pasq86uale (13+3) varit lagets vassaste målskytt. Prowlers har en något svagare offensiv med endast 16 gjorda mål på åtta matcher, men målvakten @Mrantonn har hållit laget med i matcherna med en räddningsprocent på 82,71%. Bottenlagen – Slutspelsdrömmen Håller på att Slockna Fladie Faxes, Aberraticus Hockey och Surte Sisu HC har haft det tufft, med endast fyra, tre respektive två inspelade poäng. Fladie Faxes har svårt att stänga ner defensivt och ligger på en svag penalty kill (46,67%), samtidigt som lagets bästa poängplockare @Dan9105 (7+9) inte fått mycket hjälp offensivt. Målvakten @Mesimaki94 har haft en kämpig säsong med en GAA på 3.67. Surte Sisu HC har förlorat sex raka och har den sämsta målskillnaden i ligan (-17), medan Aberraticus Hockeys @Joe NHL Gremlingswe har haft en tuff uppgift i målet, då laget släppt in många mål, men han har ändå hållit en respektabel räddningsprocent på 78,95% och gjort flera viktiga räddningar. Han kan knappast klandras för lagets svaga försvarsspel, och om försvaret tätas kan han bli en nyckelspelare i jakten på en vändning. En av de stora överraskningarna är dock att Sunne IK Esport, som inför säsongen var en av förhandsfavoriterna, ännu inte spelat en enda match. Lagets frånvaro har lämnat en lucka i tabellen och det återstår att se om och när de kliver in i turneringen för att leva upp till de höga förväntningarna. Slutsats – Slutspelsracet Blir Intensivt Med flera lag i en jämn kamp om de sista slutspelsplatserna och toppstriden fortfarande öppen ser vi fram emot en spännande avslutning på gruppspelet. Kan Spartan Family behålla sin perfekta svit? Kommer Carolus Icemen att fortsätta dominera? Och vilka lag lyckas knipa de sista slutspelsbiljetterna? De kommande matcherna blir avgörande.
  7. SCL 2025: Kaptenernas tankar om turneringen SCL 2025 är i full gång, och lagkaptenerna har delat sina tankar om målsättningar, favoriter och vilka spelare som kan avgöra turneringen. Här är en sammanställning av deras svar. Lagens målsättningar Lagens ambitioner varierar, men de flesta har siktet inställt på slutspel. Carolus Icemen, VBO Stars och Prowlers vill ta sig vidare och bygga lagkemi längs vägen. Nordic Nosebleed och The Solution går för segern, medan Flädie Faxes och Spartan Family fokuserar på utveckling. Favoriter att vinna SCL 2025 När kaptenerna fick välja sin favorit till titeln, såg fördelningen ut så här (baserat på svar från 9 av 12 lag): Sunne IK – 44% (4 av 9 röster), tack vare sin stabila defensiv och erfarenhet från tidigare turneringar. Nordic Nosebleed – 22% (2 av 9 röster), många ser dem som en toppkandidat baserat på deras offensiva kvalitet. Carolus Icemen – 11% (1 av 9 röster), lyfts fram som ett lag med stark offensiv och kapacitet att vinna. The Solution – 11% (1 av 9 röster), några lag ser deras sena värvningar som en potentiell game-changer. Osäkra/Utan favorit – 11% (1 av 9 röster). Vilket lag blir tuffast att möta? Flera lag pekar ut Sunne IK som det tuffaste laget att möta, med deras starka defensiv och förmåga att kontrollera spelet. Carolus Icemen och Nordic Nosebleed nämns också som svåra motståndare, medan vissa lag ser alla matcher som utmanande. Dark horse: Vilket lag kan överraska? The Solution får flest röster som en potentiell "dark horse" efter deras sena förstärkningar. Spartan Family och vissa individuella spelare pekas också ut som möjliga överraskningar. Spelare att hålla ögonen på Tuffast att möta: @forreberra (Sunne IK) – Stark offensivt och svår att försvara sig emot. @Svana_22 (Sunne IK) – Lyfts fram av flera som en av de farligaste anfallarna. @Cherry kicks (Nordic Nosebleed) – En defensiv gigant. Poängligavinnare: @Bror1326(Carolus Icemen) – Favorit enligt flera kaptener. @Svana_22 (Sunne IK) – Andrahandsvalet för många. @forreberra (Sunne IK) – Kan utmana med sin starka offensiv. Målvaktsligavinnare: @benjamint737 (Sunne IK) – Lyfts fram av flera lag som den bästa målvakten. @Tlindgren96 (Carolus Icemen) – Har också goda chanser att vinna. Mest utvisade spelare: @Feffe Levi – Får flest röster som spelaren som kan dra på sig flest utvisningar. @Liimp_92 och @Superboo (Henke_boo) nämns också som möjliga "tuffingar". Underskattade spelare: @Joe NHL (Gremlingswe) – Kan hamna högt i målvaktsligan enligt Carolus Icemen. @dippen04 och @Nikuy – Två spelare som kan överraska. Om du fick välja en spelare från ett annat lag – vem hade du tagit? @Svana_22 (Sunne IK) – Får flera röster tack vare sin skicklighet på många områden. @Bror1326 (Carolus Icemen) – Sticker ut som en av turneringens bästa spelare. Sammanfattning SCL 2025 ser ut att bli en av de mest konkurrenskraftiga upplagorna hittills. Sunne IK är favoriter, men Nordic Nosebleed, Carolus Icemen och The Solution är inte långt bakom. Med starka spelare i varje lag kan allt hända – och vi ser fram emot en spännande turnering! Vi avslutar med en uppdaterad bild av poäng- och målvaktsligan efter de inledande matcherna. @Molander13 @Willander97 @Nilsson04_ @mj_slam @Larsson @Axelsson @saaggssy Laguppställningen låses En viktig påminnelse är att laguppställningen låses söndag 9.3.2025 kl. 23:59. Efter detta klockslag kan inga nya spelare läggas till i lagen.
  8. Är Du Sveriges Nästa Mästare? Anmäl Dig till SCL 2025 Nu! Den konkurrenskraftiga NHL 25-säsongen är i full gång, och spänningen ökar i takt med att vi närmar oss de efterlängtade regionala mästerskapen. Vi är glada att kunna meddela att Swedish Championship League (SCL) är tillbaka för sin sjunde spännande säsong! Sedan starten 2019 har SCL varit den främsta arenan för Sveriges bästa eHockey-spelare – en plats där de skickligaste tävlar om nationell ära. Varje säsong har levererat intensiva matcher, oförglömliga ögonblick och legendariska mästare som skrivit in sina namn i svensk eHockey-historia. Genom åren har några av scenens främsta lag lyft den eftertraktade SCL-pokalen: 🏆 2019: Vesa Pompa HC 🏆 2020: Vesa Pompa HC 🏆 2021: Granit Gaming 🏆 2022: Manos 🏆 2023: Färjestad BK 🏆 2024: Vesa Pompa På 1v1-sidan har ett namn dominerat genom åren – Henrik ”@Eken45jr ” Eklund, som imponerande nog har tagit hem fyra titlar. Men förra säsongen förändrades allt när Elvis ”bystrom___” Byström tog hem mästerskapet. Den stora frågan är: Vem kommer att ta kronan i SCL 2025? I år bjuder vi in 6v6-lag att kämpa om mästartiteln i NHL 25 på PlayStation 5 och Xbox Series X/S, medan 1v1-tävlingen endast kommer att spelas på PlayStation 5 på grund av spelets begränsningar i crossplay. 🏆 Exklusiva priser! 6v6-mästarna – 6x Tre Kronor VIP-paket + 6x exemplar av NHL 26 vid lansering 1v1-mästaren – 1x Tre Kronor VIP-paket + 1x exemplar av NHL 26 vid lansering Utmärkande spelare – En spelare som har utmärkt sig och genomfört turneringen med bravur, oavsett om det är i 6v6 eller 1v1, kommer att belönas med Tre Kronor VIP-paketet. Extra pris – 1 exemplar av NHL 26 kommer att lottas ut till en SCL-spelare i samband med SCL-finalen. 💰 Det är helt gratis att delta! Inga anmälningsavgifter, inga licenser – bara spänning, rivalitet och chansen att bli Sveriges nästa eHockey-mästare! Anmäl dig nu, kliv ut på isen och bevisa att just du har vad som krävs för att bli Sveriges nästa eHockey-mästare! Nytt för i år: Inga X-Factors Den kommande säsongen introducerar en förändring som syftar till att omdefiniera den konkurrensmässiga eHockey-scenen. I en djärv satsning på att prioritera skicklighet och strategi har SCL beslutat att förbjuda användningen av alla X-Factors, både Guld och Silver. Detta beslut markerar en betydande förändring i spelet, då X-Factors länge har varit en avgörande faktor för lagdynamik och individuella prestationer. Genom att ta bort dessa förmågor strävar SCL efter att skapa en mer jämn och färdighetsbaserad miljö, där spelarnas skicklighet och strategi står i centrum. Denna regeländring förväntas ge en ny dimension till tävlingen och utmana spelarna att förlita sig på ren skicklighet, taktisk planering och anpassningsförmåga. Med den nya säsongen i antågande är förväntningarna höga på hur denna förändring kommer att påverka spelet och sätta deltagarnas verkliga skicklighet på prov. Vi tar gärna emot feedback om hur ni gillar att spela utan X-Factors under och efter säsongen. Schema ANMÄL DIG TILL 1v1 HÄR! Plattform: PlayStation 5 Spelläge: Online Versus Anmälan öppen: 7 - 1 mars Turneringens tidslinje: Gruppspel: 4 februari – 21 mars Slutspel – Omgång 1 (60): 25 – 26 mars Slutspel – Omgång 2 (32): 28 mars – 2 April Slutspel – Omgång 3 (16): 4 – 8 April Kvartsfinaler (8): 9 April Finaler (4): 11 April (Observera att schemat är preliminärt och kan justeras beroende på antalet deltagare.) Viktigt: För att delta i 1v1 måste du vara svensk medborgare. Läs 1v1 SCL-regelverket här ANMÄL DIG TILL 6v6 HÄR! Plattform: PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X/S Spelläge: World of Chel Anmälan öppen: 7 – 1 mars Turneringens tidslinje: Gruppspel: 3 – 20 mars Slutspel – Omgång 1: 23 – 24 mars Kvartsfinaler: 27 – 30 mars Semifinaler: 31 – 3 april Bronsmatch & Final: 6 – 7 april (Observera att schemat är preliminärt och kan justeras beroende på antalet deltagare.) 🚨 Viktigt att notera: Slutspelet kan komma att krocka med eventuellt ECL-kval. Se till att du och ditt lag är medvetna om detta vid planering av ert deltagande. Viktigt: Majoriteten av spelarna i varje lag måste vara svenska medborgare. Se regelverket för mer information. Läs 6v6 SCL-regelverket här Deltagarkrav SCL:s mål har alltid varit att stärka de regionala eHockey-communityn genom att skapa en turneringsstruktur som lyfter varje nationell liga och bygger stolthet kring den svenska scenen. I SCL 2025 gäller följande regler för utländska spelare i 6v6-turneringen: Alla lag måste alltid ha minst fyra svenska spelare på isen. Ett lag får ha max två icke-svenska spelare på isen om båda kommer från en "mindre community" (exempelvis Danmark, Norge, Lettland). Ett lag får ha max två icke-svenska spelare på isen om en kommer från en "större community" (Tyskland, Finland, Ryssland, Tjeckien, Slovakien) och den andra från en mindre community. Ett lag får inte ha två icke-svenska spelare på isen om båda kommer från en större community. (Se regelboken för en tydligare förklaring och en visuell representation av dessa regler.) Observera: 1v1-turneringen är endast öppen för svenska medborgare. Vi hoppas att ni är lika taggade som vi är på att kliva ut på isen och återigen tävla om det svenska mästerskapet! Förbered er på intensiva strider, heta rivaliteter och en oförglömlig eHockey-upplevelse. Oavsett om du är en erfaren veteran eller en stigande stjärna är detta din chans att bevisa dig på Sveriges största eHockey-scen. Som alltid kommer vi att sända de avgörande matcherna live med vårt professionella kommentatorsteam, som levererar all action, dramatik och spänning i takt med att säsongen utvecklas. Förvänta dig högoktaniga matcher, och nervkittlande ögonblick som håller fansen på helspänn. Så, vad väntar du på? Samla ditt lag, slipa dina färdigheter och anmäl dig nu för att ta chansen att bli en SCL-mästare! Vill du hjälpa till att växa SCL och vara en del av communityns fortsatta framgång? Stöd oss genom att sprida ordet och dela denna nyhet med dina vänner, lagkamrater och eHockey-fans. Ju större tävlingen blir, desto mer spännande blir matcherna! Om du har andra idéer på hur vi kan utveckla SCL, tveka inte att höra av dig. Vi ses på isen!
  9. Do You Have What It Takes to Be the Next Swedish Champion? Sign Up for SCL 2025 Today! Gamers, The NHL 25 competitive season is in full swing, and anticipation is building as we approach the highly awaited regional championships. We are excited to announce the return of the Swedish Championship League (SCL) for its seventh thrilling season! Since its inception in 2019, SCL has been the premier battleground for Sweden’s top eHockey players, offering a stage where the most skilled competitors go head-to-head for national glory. Every season, the league has delivered intense matchups, unforgettable moments, and legendary champions who have cemented their names in Swedish eHockey history. Throughout the years, some of the best teams in the scene have lifted the coveted SCL championship trophy: 🏆 2019: Vesa Pompa HC 🏆 2020: Vesa Pompa HC 🏆 2021: Granit Gaming 🏆 2022: Manos 🏆 2023: Färjestad BK 🏆 2024: Vesa Pompa On the 1v1 side, one name has been dominant throughout the years – Henrik @Eken45jr Eklund, who has impressively claimed four titles. However, last season saw a shift when Elvis" bystrom___" Byström captured the championship. The big question is: Who will take the crown in SCL 2025? This year, we are inviting 6v6 teams to battle it out in NHL 25 on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S, while the 1v1 competition will be exclusive to PlayStation 5 due to the game's restrictions in crossplay. 🏆 Exclusive Prizes! 💎 6v6 Champions – 6x the Swedish National Team game VIP Packages + 6x copies of NHL 26 at launch 💎 1v1 Champion – 1x the Swedish National Team game VIP Package + 1x copy of NHL 26 at launch 💎 Outstanding Player – One player who has distinguished themselves and completed the tournament with honor, whether in 6v6 or 1v1, will be rewarded with a the Swedish National Team game VIP Package. 💎 Extra Prize – 1 copy of NHL 26 will be raffled among SCL players during the SCL Final. 💰 Participation is completely free! No entry fees, no licenses – just excitement, rivalry, and the chance to become Sweden’s next eHockey champion! Sign up now, hit the ice, and prove that you have what it takes to be Sweden’s next eHockey champion! New for This Year: No X-Factors – A New Era for SCL Competition The upcoming season introduces a groundbreaking change aimed at redefining the competitive 6v6 eHockey scene. In a bold move to emphasize pure skill and strategy, SCL has decided to ban the use of all X-Factors, both Gold and Silver. This decision marks a significant shift in gameplay, as X-Factors have long played a crucial role in shaping team dynamics and individual performances. By removing these abilities, SCL aims to create a more balanced and skill-driven environment, where players must rely on raw talent and tactical planning. This rule change is based on community requests and is expected to bring a new dynamic to competition, challenging players to adapt and develop new strategies. We are very interested receiving feedback from the teams during and after the season. Schedule SIGN UP FOR 1v1 HERE! Platform: PlayStation 5 Game Mode: Online Versus Registration Open: February 7 - March 1 Tournament Timeline: Group Stage: March 4 – March 21 Playoffs Round 1 (60): March 25 – March 26 Playoffs Round 2 (32): March 28 – April 2 Playoffs Round 3 (16): April 4 – April 8 Quarterfinals (8): April 9 Finals (4): April 11 (Note: The schedule is preliminary and may be adjusted depending on the number of participants.) 🚨 Important: To participate in the 1v1 competition, you must be a Swedish citizen. Read the 1v1 SCL Rulebook here (Swedish) SIGN UP FOR 6v6 HERE! Platform: PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X/S Game Mode: World of Chel Registration Open: February 7 – March 1 Tournament Timeline: Group Stage: March 3 – March 20 Playoffs Round 1: March 23 – March 24 Quarterfinals: March 27 – March 30 Semifinals: March 31 – April 3 Bronze Match & Finals: April 6 – April 7 (Note: The schedule is preliminary and may be adjusted depending on the number of participants.) 🚨 Important Notice: The SCL playoffs may overlap with potential ECL qualifiers. Please ensure you and your team are aware of this when planning your participation. Important: The majority of the players in each team must be Swedish citizens. See the rulebook for more details. Read the 6v6 SCL Rulebook here (Swedish) Eligibility In the development of our regional leagues, the main objective has been creating a structure that allows all of the regional communities to shine, while strengthening each tournament’s own unique identity and sense of national pride. For SCL 2025, two non-Swedish players will be allowed per team on ice in a game – under very specific conditions. Here they are: Outside of the Swedish championship (SCL). The German (GCL), Finnish (eHSM), and Czech and Slovak (CSCL) communities will be defined as the “major communities” for the purposes of this text. Players hailing from nations that currently do not have a region-based championship to sign up for – one where they are allowed to play free of restrictions and are counted as the main target demographic – will be defined as “minor communities” for the purposes of this text. All teams must always feature a minimum of 4 Swedish players in their on-ice lineup Teams may feature a maximum of two non-Swedish players on ice if both players are from a minor community (for example: Danish, Norwegian, Latvian) Teams may feature a maximum of two non-Swedish players on ice if one player is from a major community (German, Finnish, Russian, Czech, Slovak) and the other player from a minor community Teams may NOT feature two non-Swedish players on ice if both those players are from a major community (German, Finnish, Russian, Czech, Slovak) Below you will find an image to help illustrate this rule clarification: 🚨 Important: The 1v1 competition is open only to Swedish citizens. We hope you are just as excited as we are to step onto the ice and compete for the Swedish Championship once again! Get ready for intense battles, heated rivalries, and an unforgettable eHockey experience. Whether you're a returning veteran or a rising star, this is your chance to prove yourself on Sweden’s biggest eHockey stage. As always, we will be broadcasting the decisive games live with our professional commentary team, bringing you all the action, drama, and excitement as the season unfolds. Expect high-energy matchups, expert analysis, and thrilling moments that will keep fans on the edge of their seats. So, what are you waiting for? Gather your teammates, sharpen your skills, and sign up now to take your shot at becoming an SCL champion! If you want to help grow the SCL and be part of the community’s continued success, you can support us by spreading the word and sharing this announcement with your fellow gamers, teammates, and eHockey fans. The bigger the competition, the more exciting the battles! If you have any other ideas on how to grow the SCL, please don't hesitate to get in touch. See you on the ice!
  10. ECL '25 Winter - Lite: The Final Showdown Between Sweden and Finland After weeks of intense competition, standout performances, and thrilling matchups, ECL '25 Winter Lite has reached its grand finale. Two of the most battle-tested teams remain, as Setelikerho and Sunne IK Esport prepare to face off in a championship clash between Finnish experience and Swedish structure. Setelikerho, a team filled with seasoned veterans, has once again proven their quality by eliminating top-seeded Project X in the semifinals. Now, they look to cap off their impressive run by securing the title against a well-organized and disciplined Sunne IK Esport squad. Meanwhile, Project X, the pre-tournament favorite, will battle Farmalaget, the surprising 16th seed, for the bronze medal. Both teams are eager to end their campaigns on a high note after tough semifinal losses. With Finnish skill and Swedish precision set to collide, the stage is set for a dramatic conclusion to the Winter Lite season. Will Setelikerho’s experience and offensive firepower lead them to victory, or will Sunne IK’s tactical approach and structured play secure the title? And in the fight for third place, can Project X bounce back, or will Farmalaget continue to defy expectations? All will be decided as ECL '25 Winter Lite reaches its thrilling climax! Setelikerho and Sunne IK Esport Set for Championship Clash Setelikerho (18) eliminated the top-seeded Project X (1) in a hard-fought 4-2 series victory, proving once again that they belong among the best. With a combination of experience, balanced play, and clutch goaltending from Jugi9 @Jugi9, Setelikerho outperformed the tournament favorites and secured their place in the Finals. Their disciplined approach and ability to rise to the occasion have brought them to the brink of the championship. On the other side, Sunne IK Esport (4) showcased their consistency and structure with a commanding 4-1 win over Farmalaget (16). The Swedish squad’s well-organized play, led by forreberra and standout goaltending from benjamint737 @benjamint737, proved too strong for their opponents. With their tactical approach and strong defensive core, Sunne IK heads into the Finals with momentum and confidence. These results set up a thrilling championship battle, pitting Setelikerho’s offensive firepower and experience against Sunne IK’s structured and disciplined play. Both teams have proven their strength throughout the tournament, and now only one can lift the ECL '25 Winter Lite trophy. Finals: Sunne IK Esport (4) vs. Setelikerho (18) Sweden vs. Finland Overview The Finals bring a thrilling matchup between two teams with contrasting paths to the championship. Sunne IK Esport enters the Finals as the steady, balanced Swedish powerhouse, while Setelikerho, the lowest seed to reach this stage, represents Finnish grit and determination. The clash is not only a battle for the ECL '25: Winter - Lite title but - as usual when these two countries are in play - also a representation of national pride between Finland and Sweden. Path to the Finals Sunne IK Esport (4) Sunne IK Esport (4) has demonstrated consistency and structure throughout the tournament, delivering strong performances in every round. They started their campaign with a solid 4-1 victory over Technical Disaster (29), followed by a well-executed 4-2 win against HC VADELMA (20) in Round 2. Their ability to control games and dictate the pace made them a tough opponent for any team. Building on their momentum, Sunne IK secured a dominant 4-1 victory over Seinajoki Noms (21) in the quarterfinals, showing their ability to shut down opponents efficiently. In the semifinals, they once again displayed their depth and discipline with a 4-1 win against Farmalaget (16), securing their place in the Finals. With a structured playstyle, strong defensive core, and reliable goaltending. Setelikerho (18) Setelikerho’s Path to the Finals has showcased their quality and experience throughout the tournament, earning their place in the Finals with a series of strong performances. Their journey began with a hard-fought 4-3 victory over Macho HC (15) in Round 1. In Round 2, they took down MoDo Hockey (5) with a convincing 4-2 win, demonstrating their ability to compete at the highest level. Continuing their strong form, Setelikerho secured a 4-2 victory over Kertoimia Vastaan (7) in the quarterfinals, handling the pressure with confidence. In the semifinals, they delivered another impressive 4-2 win against top-seeded Project X (1), proving their ability to overcome any opponent. With a combination of experience, depth, and disciplined play. Key Matchups Offense vs. Defense: Setelikerho’s high-octane offense, powered by tbnantti @tbnantti (59 points) and Timotei_97 @Timotei97 (53 points), will face their toughest challenge yet against Sunne IK’s disciplined defense, led by 03_DAFA @DAFA_03 and backstopped by benjamint737 @benjamint737. Goaltending Duel: Both goalies Jugi9 @Jugi9 for Setelikerho and benjamint737 @benjamint737 for Sunne IK have been exceptional. Their performances will likely determine the outcome of this series. Momentum vs. Consistency: Setelikerho thrives on energy and unpredictability, while Sunne IK relies on their structure and methodical approach. The team that imposes their style of play will have the upper hand. Key Players to Watch forreberra @forreberra (Sunne IK): With 36 points in 21 games, he is the centerpiece of Sunne IK’s attack and a player Setelikerho must contain. tbnantti @tbnantti (Setelikerho): The leading scorer of the tournament with 59 points, his ability to find the net under pressure makes him a constant threat. benjamint737 @benjamint737 (Sunne IK): His elite goaltending has been the foundation of Sunne IK’s success. He will need to be at his best to shut down Setelikerho’s dynamic offense. Jugi9 @Jugi9 (Setelikerho): The backbone of Setelikerho’s defense, his clutch saves and composure will be critical in this high-stakes series. Prediction: A Split Decision Among Experts With two experienced teams battling for the championship, opinions on the outcome are divided. Some believe Sunne IK Esport’s structured and disciplined gameplay will give them the edge in a tight series, while others see Setelikerho’s high-scoring offense and vast experience as the key to victory. Here’s how our experts predict the Finals will unfold: AI: 4-3 Sunne IK Vamoux: 4-2 Setelikerho hifk_fani: 4-0 Setelikerho Pensasmies: 4-3 Sunne IK Pekedipeks: 4-2 Setelikerho eSwahn: 4-2 Setelikerho With four out of six predictions favoring Setelikerho, the Finnish squad enters the Finals with strong backing. However, Sunne IK’s ability to control the pace and dictate the game’s tempo shouldn’t be underestimated. If the series goes the distance, their structured playstyle could prove decisive. Bronze Game: Project X (1) vs. Farmalaget (16) Overview The Bronze Game features two teams that came up short in the semifinals but still have much to fight for. Project X, the pre-tournament favorite, looks to salvage their campaign after their shocking loss to Setelikerho. Meanwhile, Farmalaget, who exceeded expectations as the 16th seed, hopes to cap their impressive run with a podium finish. Key Players to Watch Konsuk05 @Konsuk05(Project X): The tournament’s top scorer with 45 points will look to lead his team back to victory. sallee42 @Sallee42(Farmalaget): With a 1.55 GAA and an 88.03% save percentage, Farmalaget’s goaltender remains a crucial piece in their strategy. Prediction Project X’s depth and offensive firepower give them the edge, but Farmalaget’s resilience cannot be underestimated. Expect Project X to bounce back with a 4-2 win and claim third place. Don’t Miss the ECL '25: Winter - Lite Finals! The Finals will be broadcast live on Wednesday and Thursday, February 5-6, exclusively on twitch.tv/SportsGamerGG. Tune in to witness the drama, skill, and passion as the ECL Lite reaches its thrilling conclusion. Don’t miss out on the action—this is hockey esports at its finest!
  11. The Final Chapter: Bronze Battle and Championship Clash The playoff journey has brought us to its most exciting and decisive stage: the Bronze Series and the Grand Finals. After weeks of intense matchups, unexpected upsets, and stellar performances, the teams are ready to leave it all on the ice. Lutunilkat and Rusty X, two squads that have fought valiantly but fell just short in the semifinals, now face each other in the Bronze Series, with pride and a podium finish on the line. Meanwhile, the championship spotlight shines on the Silver Sword Griffins and KOST Wolves. The Griffins, as the top seed, have lived up to expectations with dominant performances and a clear path to the Finals. However, the Wolves have proven to be the playoff dark horse, showcasing resilience and determination as they knocked out higher-ranked opponents on their way to the final clash.   ECL '25: Winter - Core Finals: Silver Sword Griffins (1) vs. KOST Wolves (8)  Path to the Finals The Silver Sword Griffins entered the playoffs as the top seed, and they’ve lived up to their billing as the team to beat. Dominating every round, the Griffins displayed their prowess early with a commanding 4-2 win against EV Duisburg in the first round. They followed it up with a decisive 4-1 victory over Salaseura in the second round. In the quarterfinals, they dismantled HC Last Resort with another 4-1 series win, showing both offensive firepower and defensive discipline. In the semifinals, they faced Rusty X, a team riding high on momentum after knocking out Tikitaka. Despite Rusty X’s efforts, the Griffins' skill and depth proved too much, and they advanced to the finals with a 4-1 victory. On the other hand, the KOST Wolves have been the underdog story of the playoffs. Entering as the eighth seed, they’ve defied expectations at every turn. The Wolves started their journey with a strong 4-1 win over The Ghillie Gang. They then faced CapeTown Kings in the second round, where their tenacity and team cohesion shone in a 4-2 series triumph. In the quarterfinals, they stunned Turun Gasellit with a flawless 4-0 sweep, showcasing their ability to adapt and dominate against higher-ranked opponents. Their Semifinals matchup against Lutunilkat was their toughest test yet, but the Wolves prevailed in a hard-fought 4-2 series, punching their ticket to the finals. Key Players to Watch For the Silver Sword Griffins, LATMinx @ProMinx24 has been the heartbeat of the team. Leading the playoff scoring charts with 56 points in 21 games, LATMinx has delivered consistent performances in every round. Supported by martinssilins @martinssilins and Shmiha99 @Shmiha99 , the Griffins’ offensive trio is a nightmare for any defense. In net, gacorigavecit17 @gacorigavecit17 has been a rock, with a 82.3% save percentage and timely stops in crucial moments. The KOST Wolves, meanwhile, have relied heavily on their star forward MaroulCZE @MaroulCZE, who has amassed an impressive 65 points in 21 games. His ability to find the back of the net and set up teammates like freez_skillers77 @freez_skillers77 and TakableAxe5 @Jimmy21 makes him the Wolves’ biggest threat. Goalie Lazan31 @Lazan23 has been the unsung hero, making crucial saves and maintaining a 78.1% save percentage despite facing some of the league’s most potent offenses. Prediction This matchup pits the league’s most dominant team against its grittiest underdog. The Griffins have the experience, depth, and top-tier talent needed to control the game, while the Wolves bring momentum, belief, and a never-say-die attitude that has carried them through tough battles. The key to victory for the Wolves will be neutralizing LATMinx and capitalizing on counterattacks, while the Griffins must maintain their structured game and avoid underestimating the Wolves’ ability to turn the tide. While the Wolves have proven themselves as giant-slayers, the Griffins’ consistent dominance and playoff pedigree make them the favorites in this matchup. Expect a thrilling contest, but the Silver Sword Griffins seem poised to hoist the trophy at the end of this incredible playoff run. Final prediction: Silver Sword Griffins in 5 games.   Bronze Game: Lutunilkat (4) vs. Rusty X (15)  Path to the Bronze Game Lutunilkat's journey to the Bronze Game has been impressive, showcasing their offensive capabilities. However, their semifinal loss to KOST Wolves (2-4) highlighted areas of improvement in their defensive strategies. Rusty X, on the other hand, entered the playoffs as the 15th seed and shocked many with strong performances. Despite falling 1-4 to the top-seeded Silver Sword Griffins in the semifinals, they’ve proven to be a resilient team.   Key Players to Watch Lutunilkat: mikkihiiri- @mikkihiiri-- (61 points in 20 games) has been an unstoppable offensive force and will need to lead his team one last time. Rusty X: Hrustyler @Hrustyler (43 points in 21 games) will be the key to Rusty X’s offensive efforts, with his ability to create chances under pressure. Prediction This game will be an exciting battle of contrasting styles. Lutunilkat’s offensive firepower could give them the edge, but Rusty X’s knack for pulling off surprises might swing momentum. Expect a close match, with Lutunilkat edging out a victory to claim bronze.   The Final Chapter As the season reaches its dramatic conclusion, all eyes are on the championship clash between the Silver Sword Griffins and the KOST Wolves. Both teams have proven their mettle throughout the playoffs, and now, only one can rise to claim the title. Mark your calendars, as the bronze game and finals will be broadcast live on Sunday, February 2nd at 20:15 CET and Monday, February 3rd, at 20:45 CET. Tune in to witness the action unfold on twitch.tv/SportsGamerGG. 
  12. The ECL '25: Winter - Lite Playoffs have reached the thrilling semifinal stage, where only four teams remain. After an exciting quarterfinal round filled with surprises and dominant performances, the race for the Lite championship intensifies. The quarterfinals saw top-seeded Project X (1) continue their impressive run with a convincing 4-1 victory over Including Me (22). Sunne IK Esport (4) also impressed, dispatching Seinajoki Noms (21) by the same margin. The biggest upsets came from some lower seeds, as Setelikerho (18) triumphed over Kertoimia Vastaan (7) with a strong 4-2 series win, and Farmalaget (16) shocked Six Sticks Misfits (8), advancing with another 4-2 result. The semifinal matchups now feature Project X (1) taking on the underdog Setelikerho (18), while Sunne IK Esport (4) faces the red-hot Farmalaget (16). Both series promise thrilling battles as these teams fight for a place in the grand finals, set to take place on February 4th – 5th. In this article, we’ll break down the key matchups and what to expect as the ECL '25: Winter - Lite season reaches its crescendo. Semifinal Matchup:  Project X (1) vs. Setelikerho (18)  An All-Finnish Battle Path to the Semifinals: Project X has dominated every stage of the tournament, starting with a 4-0 sweep of Coup de Grace (32) in Round 1. They followed it up with a commanding 4-1 victory over Kolikot Esports (24) in Round 2 and dismantled Including Me (22) 4-1 in the quarterfinals. Their journey has been marked by clinical execution and consistent performances. Setelikerho started as the 18th seed but quickly showed they were more than capable. They edged out Macho HC (15) 4-3 in Round 1 and then shocked MoDo Hockey (5) with a 4-2 upset in Round 2. In the quarterfinals, they overcame Kertoimia Vastaan (7) with a convincing 4-2 win, solidifying their status as a dangerous underdog. Project X enters the semifinals as the undisputed top seed, having dominated every round so far. With a high-powered offense led by Konsuk05 @Konsuk05(39 points) and JesseL2002 @JesseL2002(37 points), their ability to control the puck and overwhelm opponents has been unmatched. Their defensive stability, anchored by the consistent play of Fin_torspo @Fin_torspo90 , ensures they rarely give their opponents opportunities to capitalize. Add to that the stellar goaltending from niebulaa @Niebula, who boasts a 2.08 GAA and an 82.99% save percentage, and you have a team firing on all cylinders. On the other side, Setelikerho has proven to be the dark horse of the tournament. Starting as the 18th seed, they’ve taken down higher-ranked opponents with their tenacity and balanced play. Their offense is driven by tbnantti @tbnantti (49 points) and Timotei_97 @Timotei97(46 points), who have been dynamic in creating scoring opportunities. Goaltender Jugi9 @Jugi9 has been their backbone, delivering an impressive 2.11 GAA and an 83.26% save percentage. Setelikerho’s resilience and discipline make them a dangerous opponent for the tournament favorites. This matchup features the clinical precision of Project X against the grit and determination of Setelikerho. While Project X is the clear favorite, Setelikerho has shown they thrive as underdogs, making this an intriguing battle. Key Players to Watch: Konsuk05  (Project X): With 39 points (22 goals, 17 assists) in 14 games, Konsku05 is the engine of Project X's offense, constantly creating scoring opportunities and finishing with precision. Timotei_97 (Setelikerho): Timotei has been a revelation for Setelikerho, with 46 points (19 goals, 27 assists) in 19 games. His ability to control the pace and find teammates makes him a critical player in this matchup. niebulaa (Project X): The goaltender for Project X has been stellar, with a 2.08 GAA and an 82.99% save percentage, providing the backbone of their defense. Jugi9 (Setelikerho): The Setelikerho goalie has been equally impressive, with a 2.11 GAA and an 83.26% save percentage. His ability to keep them in games has been vital to their Cinderella run. Prediction: While Setelikerho’s journey has been inspiring, Project X’s depth, firepower, and defensive consistency make them the favorites. Expect Project X to advance with a 4-2 series win.   Sunne IK Esport (4) vs. Farmalaget (16) An All-Swedish Showdown Path to the Semifinals: Sunne IK Esport opened their campaign with a convincing 4-1 win over Technical Disaster (29) in Round 1. They then defeated HC VADELMA (20) 4-2 in Round 2, showcasing their ability to handle adversity. In the quarterfinals, they continued their strong run with a 4-1 victory over Seinajoki Noms (21). Farmalaget, seeded 16th, has been the story of the tournament. After a 4-1 win over Wida (17) in Round 1, they shut out Ruuti (6) with a 4-0 sweep in Round 2. They maintained their momentum in the quarterfinals, taking down Six Sticks Misfits (8) 4-2. Sunne IK Esport has been a model of consistency throughout the tournament, utilizing their depth and strong defensive play to outlast their opponents. forreberra @forreberra leads the charge with 30 points, supported by Prolane @Prolane (28 points) and Svana_22 @Svana_22 (22 points). Their defense, led by 03_DAFA @DAFA_03, has been excellent at controlling the puck and limiting quality chances. Between the pipes, benjamint737 @benjamint737 has been a standout performer, boasting a 1.56 GAA and an 87.75% save percentage. Sunne IK Esport’s balanced approach and goaltending make them a formidable contender. Farmalaget, meanwhile, has ridden a wave of momentum to the semifinals, knocking out higher-seeded teams with their balanced attack and disciplined play. Disctrasan- @Disctrasan- (26 points) and Jarvinder_ @Jarvinder (24 points) have been the driving forces of their offense, while their defense has shown an ability to disrupt even the best offensive units. Their biggest strength lies in net, where sallee42 @Sallee42has been nothing short of spectacular, posting a 1.33 GAA and an 88.64% save percentage. Farmalaget’s ability to play a structured game and capitalize on their chances makes them a tough opponent. This matchup pits Sunne IK’s structure and goaltending against Farmalaget’s balance and momentum. Both teams have proven they can step up in critical moments, and this series could go the distance.   Key Players to Watch: forreberra (Sunne IK): With 30 points (17 goals, 13 assists) in 16 games, forreberra has been the driving force for Sunne IK, providing leadership and consistent offensive production. Disctrasan- (Farmalaget): The Farmalaget captain has 26 points (6 goals, 20 assists) and has been the anchor for their attack, combining vision with creativity. benjamint737 (Sunne IK): Sunne IK’s goaltender has been elite, with a 1.56 GAA and an 87.75% save percentage. His ability to make key saves has been crucial in their run. sallee42 (Farmalaget): With a 1.33 GAA and an 88.64% save percentage, sallee42 has been Farmalaget’s MVP, keeping opponents at bay with clutch performances. Prediction: This matchup is a battle of disciplined teams with outstanding goaltenders. While Farmalaget has the momentum, Sunne IK’s depth and balanced approach give them a slight edge. Sunne IK is predicted to win a close 4-3 series.   Looking Ahead to the Finals Both semifinals promise thrilling action as the teams battle for their spot in the finals, scheduled for February 4-5th. Will the top seeds, Project X and Sunne IK Esport, live up to expectations, or will the underdogs, Setelikerho and Farmalaget, continue their Cinderella runs? Only time will tell as the stage is set for two unforgettable matchups.
  13. The ECL '25: Winter - Core Playoffs are entering their most thrilling stage yet: the Semifinals. After an intense quarterfinal round, only four teams remain, each vying for a place in the finals. In the quarterfinals, Silver Sword Griffins (1) displayed their dominance with a commanding 4-1 victory over HC Last Resort, while Rusty X (15) continued their Cinderella run, beating Tikitaka (5) in an impressive 4-2 series. On the other side, Lutunilkat (4) shut out the underdog Karmadillos (20) with a decisive 4-0 victory, and KOST Wolves (8) triumphed over Turun Gasellit (11) in a  4-0 series. Now, the semifinals feature two intriguing matchups: the powerhouse Silver Sword Griffins take on the red-hot Rusty X, and the high-scoring Lutunilkat face the resilient KOST Wolves. Each series promises an exciting clash of styles, with spots in the championship on the line. In this article, we’ll break down both semifinal matchups, analyzing the key players, team strengths, and what to expect as the battle for the ECL '25 Winter Core title intensifies. Semifinal Matchups: Silver Sword Griffins (1) vs.Rusty X (15)  The first semifinal pits the top-seeded Silver Sword Griffins against the 15th-seeded Rusty X, a matchup between a dominant favorite and a team riding an underdog wave of momentum. Both teams have had impressive playoff runs but with very different paths to this stage. Silver Sword Griffins: The Powerhouse The Silver Sword Griffins have lived up to their billing as the top seed, dispatching opponents with ease throughout the playoffs. After defeating EV Duisburg (4-2) in Round 1, they steamrolled Salaseura (4-1) in Round 2 and followed it up with another 4-1 victory over HC Last Resort in the quarterfinals. Their strength lies in their depth and consistent performances across the roster. Key Players: LATMinx @ProMinx24: The playoffs’ standout player for the Griffins, LATMinx leads the team with 44 points (25 goals, 19 assists) in 16 games. His ability to score in key moments makes him the engine of their offense. martinssilins @martinssilins: With 35 points (18 goals, 17 assists), Martinsilins provides a potent secondary scoring threat. gacorigavecit17 @gacorigavecit17: In net, he has posted an 82.08% save percentage and 2.38 GAA, giving the team a reliable backstop. The Griffins are a team built on balanced play, leveraging their depth and offensive firepower to control games. Their ability to dominate possession and capitalize on scoring chances makes them the team to beat. Rusty X: The Cinderella Story Rusty X has defied expectations as the 15th seed, sweeping NAM3LESS (4-0) in Round 1, upsetting PANIC ON ICE (4-2) in Round 2, and knocking out Tikitaka (4-2) in the quarterfinals. Their run has been fueled by stellar goaltending and timely scoring. Key Players: Hrustyler @Hrustyler: With 30 points (10 goals, 20 assists), Hrustyler has been the offensive leader for Rusty X, delivering in clutch situations. ksilentt @Kirill Anikeev: Their standout goaltender has an impressive 85.22% save percentage and a 2.27 GAA, often single-handedly keeping Rusty X in games. Kasterly_ @-Tarr-  and Lordkomar91 @lordkomar91: These players provide additional offensive depth, combining for 45 points in the playoffs. Rusty X thrives on a combination of disciplined defense and opportunistic counterattacks. Their ability to frustrate opponents and convert limited chances has been the cornerstone of their Cinderella run. Keys to Victory Silver Sword Griffins: The Griffins must continue to dominate possession and lean on their offensive depth to overwhelm Rusty X’s defense. LATMinx and Martinsilins will need to stay consistent, while Geacorigavecti17 must stay sharp to counter Rusty X’s clutch scorers. Rusty X: Rusty X needs another stellar performance from Ksilentt in net to neutralize the Griffins’ high-powered offense. Hrustyler must maintain his scoring form, and the team must play mistake-free hockey to capitalize on any opportunities. Prediction: Silver Sword Griffins advance (4-2). Rusty X’s incredible run has been inspiring, but the Griffins’ depth, offensive firepower, and consistency make them favorites in this matchup. Rusty X may steal a game or two thanks to Ksilentt’s brilliance, but the Silver Sword Griffins’ overall quality should see them through to the finals. This series promises to be an exciting clash between the league’s top team and its most surprising contender, showcasing the best of what the ECL '25 Winter Core Playoffs have to offer.     Lutunilkat (4) vs. KOST Wolves (8)  The second semifinal features Lutunilkat, a powerhouse team ranked 4th, against the 8th-seeded KOST Wolves, a team thriving on offensive dominance and resilience. Both teams come into this clash riding high after dominant quarterfinal performances and strong playoff campaigns. Lutunilkat: Balanced and Consistent Lutunilkat has showcased their dominance throughout the playoffs with a perfect sweep of RAIDERS HC (4-0) in Round 1, followed by a 4-2 win over Pulp Odyssey and a commanding 4-0 shutout over Karmadillos in the quarterfinals. Their success is rooted in their balanced scoring, exceptional playmakers, and reliable goaltending. Key Players: mikkihiiri- @mikkihiiri--: With 49 points (23 goals, 26 assists) in 14 games, Mikkihiiri- is the offensive juggernaut of Lutunilkat. His ability to score and create plays will be pivotal. Pyssyh @Pyssyh: The team’s secondary threat has contributed an impressive 47 points (23 goals, 24 assists), providing depth to their scoring. Hiatala_ @Janne Hietala: Their goaltender has been rock-solid with an 83.07% save percentage and a 2.29 GAA, giving them a strong backbone in net. Lutunilkat’s balanced approach and ability to overwhelm opponents with both skill and discipline make them a formidable opponent.   KOST Wolves: High-Octane Offense The KOST Wolves have relied on their explosive offense to advance through the playoffs, with convincing victories over The Ghillie Gang (4-1), CapeTown Kings (4-2), and a stunning 4-0 sweep of Turun Gasellit in the quarterfinals. They’ve proven themselves capable of outscoring anyone. Key Players: MaroulCZE @MaroulCZE: Leading the team with 46 points (15 goals, 31 assists) in 15 games, MaroulCZE is the heart of KOST Wolves’ attack and one of the league’s top playmakers. freez_skillers77 @freez_skillers77: A secondary offensive powerhouse with 30 points (23 goals, 7 assists), he complements MaroulCZE perfectly. Lazan31 @Lazan23: Their goaltender has been ok with a 75.58% save percentage, but he probably needs to step up a notch which he has the capacity to do . KOST Wolves thrive on outscoring opponents with their relentless attack, but their defense must hold firm against Lutunilkat’s depth. Keys to Victory Lutunilkat: Lutunilkat must use their balanced attack to maintain puck possession and exploit any defensive vulnerabilities in KOST Wolves’ structure. Mikkihiiri- and Pyssyh need to keep delivering, while Hiatala must remain sharp to handle the Wolves’ offensive pressure. KOST Wolves: KOST Wolves need another dominant performance from their offense, especially MaroulCZE and Freez_skillers77, to crack Lutunilkat’s defense. Lazan31 must step up in net to counter Lutunilkat’s relentless scoring threats. Prediction: Lutunilkat advance (4-3). This series is poised to be a tight contest between Lutunilkat’s balance and the Wolves’ explosive offense. While KOST Wolves can outscore any team, Lutunilkat’s depth, discipline, and reliable goaltending give them the edge in what should be a thrilling seven-game series. This semifinal matchup highlights two contrasting styles and promises high-intensity action, with a spot in the finals on the line.   The Grand Finale Awaits The stage is set for an epic conclusion to the ECL '25: Winter - Core Playoffs. After weeks of intense battles, only two teams will advance to the finals, scheduled to take place on February 2nd and February 3rd.   
  14. scrappy adjective (DETERMINED) having a strong, determined character, and willing to argue or fight for what you want:
  15. Quarterfinals Set in ECL '25 Winter Lite After an exciting and unpredictable Round 2 in the ECL '25 Winter Lite division, the stage is set for the Quarterfinals. The competition has been fierce, with several underdog teams making their mark and showing they belong among the best. Top-seeded Project X and fourth-seeded Sunne IK Esport continue to showcase their dominance, but underdogs like Including Me (22) and Seinajoki Noms (21) have defied expectations and emerged as serious contenders. Let’s dive into the matchups and what to expect in this thrilling stage of the tournament! Quarterfinal Matchups:  Project X (1) vs.Including Me (22)  The quarterfinal clash between Project X, the tournament’s top seed, and Including Me, the underdog story of the playoffs, promises to be a battle of contrasting styles. Project X has dominated with their well-rounded and high-powered gameplay, while Including Me has relied on clutch performances and resilience to reach this stage. Project X: The Tournament Favorites Project X enters the quarterfinals as the team to beat. They swept Coup de Grace in the opening round and secured a commanding 4-1 victory over Kolikot Esports in Round 2. Their offensive strength lies in their dynamic trio of Konsuk05 @Konsuk05 (27 points), JesseL2002 @JesseL2002 (26 points), and Fin_torspo @Fin_torspo90 (20 points), who have been instrumental in their success. These players have consistently found ways to break down defenses and create high-quality scoring opportunities. Defensively, Project X remains solid, led by goaltender niebulaa @Niebula, who boasts a 2.29 goals-against average and an 82.8% save percentage. Their structured play and ability to control the pace of games make them a formidable opponent.   Key Strengths: Offensive depth: Project X can rely on multiple players to deliver points. Defensive stability: Their ability to neutralize opponents’ key players is a significant advantage. Including Me: The Resilient Underdogs Including Me has captured the spotlight with their surprising playoff run. They survived a tough series against Hopfensmoothie HC in Round 1 and then delivered a stunning 4-2 victory over Puck Over Glass in Round 2. Their offense is led by the sensational Lotiseva @Lotiseva, who has put up 36 points (17 goals, 18 assists) in 12 games. Supporting him are Miklu19 @Miklu19 (36 points) and Thounimeister @Thounimeister (29 points), who provide additional firepower. Defensively, Including Me has been less consistent, with goaltender vaajanen @pera_peraa posting a 78.26% save percentage and a 3.13 GAA. While their defense may not be as strong as Project X’s, their ability to capitalize on scoring opportunities has kept them alive in tough matchups. Key Strengths: Star power: Lotiseva has been one of the most dominant players in the playoffs. Offensive explosiveness: Their ability to score quickly can swing games in their favor. Keys to Victory Project X: Project X must stay disciplined and use their defensive structure to neutralize Lotiseva and the rest of Including Me’s attack. Offensively, they should rely on their balanced scoring and avoid unnecessary risks to maintain control of the series. Including Me: To have a chance, Including Me must continue to lean on Lotiseva’s offensive brilliance while tightening up their defensive game. They will need big performances from vaajanen in goal to contain Project X’s top forwards. Prediction: Project X advances (4-2). While Including Me’s offensive firepower is impressive, Project X’s depth, structure, and defensive reliability give them the edge. Expect Including Me to steal a game or two with Lotiseva's heroics, but Project X’s balanced approach should ultimately secure them a spot in the semifinals. This series will be a thrilling display of offense versus structure, with both teams bringing their unique strengths to the ice. It’s a matchup that promises excitement and high-scoring action.   Sunne IK Esport (4) vs. Seinajoki Noms (21)  This quarterfinal pits the high-powered Sunne IK Esport against the underdog Seinajoki Noms, a team that has already shocked the competition by making it this far. Both teams enter this matchup with momentum, but with vastly different paths to the quarterfinals. Sunne IK Esport: A Well-Rounded Powerhouse Sunne IK Esport has showcased their strength in all aspects of the game, advancing through the earlier rounds with dominant performances. Their top scorer, forreberra @forreberra, leads the way with 24 points (13 goals, 11 assists) in 11 games, displaying a combination of skill and composure that makes him one of the key players in this matchup. Prolane @Prolane, with 22 points, adds another scoring threat, while Svana_22 @Svana_22 brings balanced play and reliability with 17 points (6 goals, 11 assists). On the back end, Sunne IK’s defensive effort is anchored by their goaltender benjamint737 @benjamint737, who boasts an impressive 87.67% save percentage and a league-best 1.64 GAA. His consistency and ability to deliver shutouts have given Sunne IK a solid foundation to build on. Key Strengths: Offensive firepower: With multiple high-scoring players, Sunne IK can overwhelm opponents. Defensive reliability: Their disciplined structure and elite goaltending make them tough to break down. Seinajoki Noms: Grit and Determination Seinajoki Noms have embraced their underdog status, pulling off surprises in the first two rounds. Their leader Kujumi @Kujumi has been on fire with 30 points (19 goals, 11 assists) in 13 games, making him the focal point of their attack. Simbee434 @Simbee434 (26 points) and zteeli @zteeli (24 points) provide strong support, ensuring the Noms have multiple scoring options. Goaltender mralisalo @mralisalo has been solid between the pipes, posting an 82.14% save percentage and a 2.69 GAA. While not as dominant as Sunne IK’s benjamint737, mraisalo’s ability to make clutch saves has been instrumental in getting Seinajoki Noms this far. Key Strengths: Star power: Kujumi’s scoring ability can change the outcome of games in an instant. Resilience: Their ability to stay competitive against higher-seeded teams has been impressive. Keys to Victory Sunne IK Esport: Sunne IK must leverage their depth and structure to neutralize Kujumi and the Noms’ top scorers. If their defense stays disciplined and benjamint737 continues his stellar play, they should have the edge in this matchup. Seinajoki Noms: The Noms need to disrupt Sunne IK’s rhythm by capitalizing on turnovers and maintaining an aggressive forecheck. Kujumi and Simbee434 must lead the way offensively, and mraisalo will need to elevate his play to keep them competitive. Prediction: Sunne IK Esport advances (4-2). While Seinajoki Noms have proven themselves as a resilient underdog, Sunne IK’s depth, balanced attack, and elite goaltending make them the favorites. Expect the Noms to steal a game or two with clutch performances from Kujumi and mralisalo, but Sunne IK’s overall strength will likely carry them to the semifinals. This matchup highlights the classic clash of a dominant favorite versus a scrappy underdog, promising exciting moments and plenty of drama along the way.   Kertoimia Vastaan (7) vs. Setelikerho (18)  This quarterfinal battle sees Kertoimia Vastaan, the structured and disciplined 7th seed, take on the dark horse of the playoffs, Setelikerho, ranked 18th. Both teams have had strong showings in the postseason, and this series promises to be a clash of styles and strategies. Kertoimia Vastaan: Tactical Excellence Kertoimia Vastaan has earned their spot in the quarterfinals with a strong mix of offense and defense. They defeated DEG eSports 4-0 in Round 1 before overcoming HC Pustertal eSports 4-1 in a series in Round 2. Their balanced offense is led by Playmeikkeri @Playmeikkeri (20 points) and jorkkiiz @jorkkiiz (20 points), while Kasperi88 @Kasperi88 (14 points) provides additional scoring depth. In net, Masamone30 @Masamone30 has been stellar, posting an outstanding 88.89% save percentage and a league-best 1.64 GAA. His ability to make crucial saves has been instrumental to Kertoimia Vastaan’s success and could be the deciding factor in this matchup. Keys for Victory: Continue to rely on defensive structure and Masamone30’s goaltending. Leverage their depth scoring to keep Setelikerho’s defense on their heels. Setelikerho: Riding the Momentum Setelikerho has been one of the surprise teams of the playoffs, defeating Macho HC 4-3 in Round 1 and upsetting MoDo Hockey 4-2 in Round 2. Their success has been driven by their explosive offense, led by tbnantti @tbnantti (35 points), Kozeec @Kozeec (33 points), and Timotei_97 @Timotei97 (30 points). These three players have formed a formidable offensive core that has overwhelmed opponents throughout the postseason. Goaltender Jugi9 @Jugi9 has been solid, with a 2.15 GAA and an 84.36% save percentage, providing crucial support in tight games. Setelikerho’s ability to score in bunches makes them a dangerous opponent for any team, including the disciplined Kertoimia Vastaan. Keys for Victory: Exploit their high-powered offense to put pressure on Kertoimia Vastaan early. Ensure defensive consistency to counter Kertoimia’s structured attack. Keys to the Series Kertoimia Vastaan: Stay disciplined defensively and focus on limiting Setelikerho’s top scorers. Their ability to control the pace of the game will be key. Setelikerho: Use their offensive firepower to dictate play and force Kertoimia into a more open game, where Setelikerho thrives. Prediction: Setelikerho advances 4-3. While Kertoimia Vastaan’s defensive structure and elite goaltending will keep this series close, Setelikerho’s ability to score in bunches gives them the edge. Expect a thrilling series with plenty of offensive fireworks, culminating in a narrow victory for the underdog Setelikerho. This matchup is a classic battle of offense versus defense and promises to be one of the most exciting series of the quarterfinals.   Six Sticks Misfits (8) vs. Farmalaget (16) The final quarterfinal matchup features Six Sticks Misfits, the confident 8th seed, against Farmalaget, the dynamic underdogs seeded 16th. This series promises to showcase contrasting playstyles, as both teams have excelled in different areas during the playoffs. Six Sticks Misfits: A Cohesive Force Six Sticks Misfits have demonstrated why they deserve their spot in the quarterfinals. After dispatching VBO STARS in a tightly contested series and overcoming SSK Prospects, they are well-prepared for this next challenge. Their offense is led by Henkkaheinone @Henkkaheinone (26 points) and ROUHEEE @ROUHEEE (25 points), who have provided consistent production throughout the playoffs. Supporting them is Lamsa @Lamsa (22 points), whose all-around play adds depth to the Misfits’ attack. Defensively, goaltender Ranta83 @RaNtA has been outstanding, posting a 1.56 GAA and an 88.14% save percentage, providing the stability needed for their high-pressure offense to shine. Keys for Victory: Leverage their balanced offense to maintain pressure on Farmalaget’s defense. Continue to rely on Ranta83’s elite goaltending to secure tight games   Farmalaget: The Gritty Underdogs Farmalaget has embraced their role as underdogs, defeating Wida in a hard-fought series and taking down Ruuti with a commanding performance in Round 2. Their success has been driven by a well-rounded effort from their top players, including Disctrasan- @Disctrasan- (17 points) and Jarvinder @Jarvinder (16 points). These two have spearheaded the offense, with KetaKompis @KetaKompis (14 points) providing additional scoring support. In net, sallee42 @Sallee42 has been a revelation, posting a remarkable 0.89 GAA and a 92.31% save percentage, leading the playoffs in both categories. His ability to make clutch saves has been a game-changer for Farmalaget. Keys for Victory: Utilize their efficient goaltending to frustrate the Misfits’ attackers. Capitalize on scoring opportunities created by their top forwards. Keys to the Series Six Sticks Misfits: Stay aggressive offensively while maintaining composure against Farmalaget’s strong defense. Farmalaget: Continue to rely on sallee42’s elite goaltending while finding ways to exploit the Misfits’ defensive lapses. Prediction: Six Sticks Misfits advance 4-3. While Farmalaget’s goaltending gives them a significant edge, Six Sticks Misfits’ offensive depth and playoff experience will likely see them through in a thrilling seven-game series. This matchup promises to be a battle of attrition, with both teams bringing their best to the ice as they compete for a spot in the semifinals.   The semifinals begin soon after the conclusion of this round, so teams have no room for error. Every game, every play, and every decision will count. Buckle up—it’s going to be a fantastic finish to the Lite playoffs!   Follow the Playoff streams: Please post dates, times and links for streams in the comments of this news story and social media, to help everyone find your team streams.   Who do you think will win each series? Let us know in the comments!
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