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  1. You tried to ban nothing - people went nuts. You tried to ban a few - people went nuts. You haven't tried to ban everything - try it, people might go nuts. There was a sauna-cup a while back where everything except elite edges was banned. No idea about the feedback but some of the players who participated in that tournament have suggested it so I can only assume it wasn't that bad. My opinion: Ban everything or nothing. If i had the power to decide, i would go with ban everything just to try it out.
  2. Örebro Hockey (elite) is looking for a backup or 50/50 goalie and a backup skater (defender or all-around player). DM here or on discord if interested.
  3. Still looking for a rotating defender, PM me (discord: eliekamel_#1329) or Terodee (discord: terodee#4380) if you are interested.
  4. Örebro Hockey is looking for starting C and rotating defender (preferably both sides but LD is prio), we play in elite so the skill or potential should match that level. PM me (discord: eliekamel_#1329) or Terodee (discord: terodee#4380) if you are interested.
  5. Awesome, omw
  6. This is just your (and a small group of people compared to how many players there is) opinion. @FINSeRe@Pontinho 70 "likes" is compared to 7-8 teams out of 300, the rest I'm assuming accepts the new structure and move on with their life. What i am trying to say is that we don't know if NG thinks this is a bad decision or not. We should respect them enough to give them time to analyze the feedback, discuss this and if necessary adjust next season. If you've ever been in a position where you have to make choices that affects thousands of people in a good or bad way, you know its not easy - at least they respect the feedback but they can't just change everything in a heartbeat cause a group of people think it's not 100% perfect. Sure, 5 out of 300 teams got a "free ticket" and i understand that sucks for the ones that didn't or the ones who didn't or has to qualify but this is e-sport, stuff like this is not rare. They shouldn't change anything now so let us respect their decision, be thankful that we have NG and just play the d*mn game. This is a never-ending discussion, at least until the season starts and everyone forgets about it.
  7. "Overwhelming feedback"? 10-15 players (mostly players from affected teams so the opinion is not very objective) is not agreeing out of what...close to 300 teams? I say no changes now and let NG figure this out in peace. I think people forget how much work they put in to make this work and i know they care about the feedback. Also, moving the teams to qualifiers creates a series of events so there will probably not be enough time to do that.
  8. Swedish G looking for a new team. Played in Pro last season and i play almost every night. PM here or PSN eliekamel_
  9. Goalie looking for a lite/pro team. PSN eliekamel_ Disc: eliekamel_#1329
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