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Everything posted by JesseL2002

  1. Project X looking for 50/50 G for upcoming tournaments. Contact me psn or dc: JesseL2002
  2. Project X Looking for a starting C and G with 50/50 role for upcoming tournaments.
  3. Free F for ecl, div doesn't matter. Contact here, psn or dc.
  4. Up. Back-up pakki ja hyökkääjä, sekä mokke vielä etsinnässä!
  5. Project X etsii starter ld/rd/g ja back-up pelaajia. Coreen tarkoitus lähteä kikkaileen! Yhteydenotot: psn/täällä/dc: JesseL2002 täällä: fin_torspo
  6. Free LW, RW, (C) looking for a team Contact dc: JesseL2002 #4891 or psn.
  7. Project X / ECL PRO We are looking for 2 players to our team now, when we finished our season in Lite. We need one D(LD or RD) and G. We looking for finnish speaking players. It would be good if you had at least pro experience, but it is not necessarily mandatory. Contact PS JesseL2002 or dc: JesseL2002 #4891. We starting playing next week so trying find right players to right positions so fast as it is possible because we want start practice upcoming tournaments as fast as possible.
  8. Project X IN: @tkantola @TuomoP83 @JesseL2002(A) @Jugi9 @Ruissi1 Out: @Sakickin_ @Sportage14 @Nagneigel @Tzon93 @NikooqG
  9. Free LW/C for upcoming tournaments Elite( I also listen pro offers) Dm here or psn and let's talk more
  10. Free C/LW/(RW) looking for pro team. Can play 5-6 times on week😊. Ready for try-outs! What I looking for: • My last two seasons went in Lite/Project x because I wouldn't play so hard because my military service. That's why we did Project X with @Fin_torspo90. I wish the team good future, we had fun and victorious moments!! Before my last 2 seasons in Lite I played Frosty Kiekko-Vantaa in pro. However, Now its time to take next step my career because I have time grind and I am so excited about this. •Team, which have comptetitive mindset with humor. • Team with good attitude and desire to develop for better and succeed. Feel free to contact me! PSN: JesseL2002 🇫🇮
  11. Project X (lite) Looking for one dman and one all-rounder player. We play almost every day. Contact psn: JesseL2002 or fin_torspo.
  12. Free RD/LD for FCL & upcoming tournaments. Looking for Pro team. backup role is ok. I can play also LW/C/RW. Ready for try-outs😁 Gamer profile: https://nhlgamer.com/players/3248 Contact me here or psn: JesseL2002
  13. Project X (lite)is looking for F and D. Contact on psn: fin_torspo
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