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svetidaje last won the day on April 12 2024

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  1. Finally Janikka got his justice, now he can go to sleep at night without having to think about those who doubted him! "Never give up when you know you are right. Believe in yourself and you will reach your full potential" #JusticeForJani
  2. SSK ESPORTS current roster: @Jonte05_Jonte05_ @broken rice Brokenrice2000 @Janikka Janikka- @Zupancic_King424 Zuppe_29 @l-gpzx-l Jojjep- @RubitussRubituss_ @pakjiz Pakjiz @Stigi Stigisenko
  3. Imo banning all traits makes the most sense for a serious league. Because as it has been now couple of years they "tweak" traits in big updates and it changes the gameplay alot. Which for me is a big vulnerability for the league, because what if you decide to not ban some traits now that become very OP mid season? Do you really want to change rules mid season? Ofc the gameplay can change a lot even without the traits but thats in the hands of EA. Looking at it from another angle might be how entertaining it is for viewers and getting new players to the scene. If u aim to get hardcore icehockey nerds to start playing this then you want the game to be as realistic as possible. But with ice hockey being a very small sport compared to the other big teamgames. Maybe you should aim to make it look as fun and exciting as possible for the general viewer and in that case ban no traits at all. For me it makes no sense to ban just one trait or a few. Because it might change anyway mid season and then when people see its possible to ban a trait we gonna need to have this discussion again.
  4. SSK ESPORTS (PRO) Looking for starting RD and Center. Also looking for backups. Contect me here or on discord if you are interested in a tryout.
  5. Södertälje SK ELITE QUALIFIER Looking for a starting forward. We are looking for long term players, who are ready to put in the hours to grind. I would say playstyle and hunger are more important than previous experience, but be honest to us and yourself if you are ready to play on at least a high pro level. Contact me in whatever way fits you the best, and we will discuss tryouts.
  6. Södertälje SK ECL PRO (Elite Qualifier with Lekstugans spot) Still looking for a starting LD and a 50/50 G for next season. We are looking for long term players and who are ready to put in the hours to grind. I would say playstyle and hunger are more important than previous experience, but be honest to us and yourself if you are ready to play on at least a high pro level. Contact me in whatever way fits you the best, and we will discuss tryouts.
  7. Södertälje SK (SCL and ECL pro) Still looking for a starting LW to complete our roster. We want a player who is hungry and willing to put in the hours that are needed to go far into the pro playoffs. Finnish or swedish. Contact me here or discord: .sveti.
  8. Södertälje SK (SCL and ECL pro) IN: @Daniel Asplund Dasplund_ @Philip Deemus PHDeemus @Pontinho xClaughton- Varmt välkomna till laget grabbar, nu kör vi! OUT: @pakjiz ❤️ @Zupancic_King424 @MAYZIIX @PSchibra Thanks for everything guys and we wish you all the best!
  9. I would love to join Janikkas defending school.
  10. Södertälje SK (PRO) Looking for one forward and one defender. All positions except Gs are interesting right now so if you got the time and hunger do not hesitate to reach out to me. Mainly looking for swedish or finnish players. Previous experience is not the most important as long as you want to put in the time and effort to perform as good as possible. And with no offense intended, we are looking to build a team for the PRO playoffs, so if you don't think you belong there. There is no need to apply. If you want fast answers contact me on discord. Otherwise you can write here or on PSN aswell. / sveti
  11. SSK ESPORTS IN: @MAYZIIX @Zupancic_King424 @Sorsa103 @Jungledonk @PSchibra WELCOME TO THE TEAM BOYS!
  12. SSK ESPORTS (pro qualifier) We will start our tryouts as soon as the new game is released. Mainly looking for Swedish and Finnish players Looking for a starting LW. To fit in our team you should be a team first kind of guy, who thinks both ends of the ice is equally important. But as a winger, of course you should always want to score goals and be hungry to win games. Looking for a G, to start off the season as 50/50 until we can decide who is the hottest one to finish the season with. We would love to have a goalie that works together and talk a lot with our other goalie. Who takes the competition the right way, a real team guy that is looking to develop individually and take the team to the next level. Also looking for backups at all positions, no ECL time will be guaranteed but probably a lot of practice normal evenings. Contact me here, at discord or at psn.
  13. SSK ESPORTS New roster: Sveti- @svetidaje (C) David_ovic @HambergD (A) pakjiz @pakjiz (A) amadee21 @amadee21 kussan82 @Kussan82 minokin @minokin strumpan87 @Strumpan87 TBA TBA TBA
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